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The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

A dressed-up lie when exposed and stripped to bare facts will reveal the naked truth.

Ann Landeers


The views expressed by DON PITCAIRN are his and his alone personal opinions.




February 03, 2025

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Blackie Spit, Protect It

The estuary and meadows at Blackie spit are a very sensitive environmental area that is part of the Pacific Flyway for millions of birds and waterfowl. While Crescent Beach is a marine park, much of Blackie Spit is off-limits to people and pets. Most of this area is fenced off and signed with the point only to be accessed using the designated trail or from along the shoreline. The reason for this is the nearby grassy meadows are an important feeding and nesting site for migratory birds. 

Unfortunately with our rising population fueled mainly by immigration, there are now crowds of people coming to Crescent Beach who are either ignoring or can't read the signs to stay out of the environmentally sensitive areas. I have personally witnessed large wedding parties coming to the natural areas of Blackie Spit to take photographs. Often you will see big families descending into the area for picnics and barbecues, dragging coolers, tents and carts through the meadows meant for wildlife. The birders are not much better with some trampling through the fields and mudflats looking for an opportunity to photograph a rare species.

Last summer the CBC did an expose on the issues affecting Blackie Spit and how the hordes of people were destroying this wildlife area. Surrey responded at that time by increasing bylaw enforcement and ensuring people stayed out of the meadows, mudflats and estuary. Unfortunately, these bylaw officers can only be on site so often and enforcement is sporadic at best. They seem to be more focused on educating the public than enforcing the rules and actually fining people for their behavior. It is unknown if anyone was actually ticketed for using Blackie Spit as a campground, playground or photo studio, even though there are plenty of signs with park rules. 

Corry Kriticos photo

Last weekend White Rock resident photographer Corry Kriticos was at Blackie Spit and noticed several recent changes there.  As usual this time of year the potholes in the parking lot have been filled and graded. New steel rod fence posts with looped ends have also been positioned along the gravel path heading to the point. I have seen these used before and they usually hold ropes as a temporary measure to help guide people along. I checked the City of Surrey website for news about new fencing including the listing for Blackie Spit Park and found nothing. An email to my contacts at the Parks Department was not returned in time for deadline. Sorry to say but if they expect a rope fence to keep people out of the natural areas, they are dreaming. 

Much of the shoreline along the Mud Bay trail from Surrey to Delta is fenced off to keep people and their pets from harassing wildlife along the shoreline. In Tsawwassen, Metro Vancouver uses wire fencing and blackberries to keep folks and dogs out of much of the Boundary Bay Regional park, along with plenty of signage I should add. If Surrey really wants to protect Blackie Spit and the creatures that rely on it, then they should fence it off properly to keep the public at bay. Also, instead of kid gloves, they need to have their bylaw officers start handing out tickets. The BNSF Railway issues $500 tickets to every person caught walking on their tracks or corridor. I bet a $300 fine for anyone found in the protected wildlife area at Blackie Spit would change people's behavior real quick.

Here is the link to the CBC article on Blackie Spit from last summer. Something tells me this will be the opening story in what is sure to be a long and sordid saga.  Unless Blackie Spit is going to be properly protected, Surrey might as well extend the existing parking lot all the way to the point as the meadows are currently being stomped into the gravel.

Naturally Yours

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Monday January 20, 2025

A Bump in the Road

We pay a lot of property tax to live in south Surrey and especially White Rock.  If you search what your money pays for, the The City of Surrey website will return the following list of services:  public safety and city infrastructure; road maintenance and waste collection; parks and recreation facilities; and. emergency and fire services (the underlining that you see was put in by myself for emphasis).  Most of us realize this but I think it is time to ask the cities of Surrey and White Rock to actually be accountable for the services they pledge to provide.  In this TNT I take both of them to task for the absolutely abysmal condition of some of the roads in the Semi-Pen.

This is not the first TNT on this topic as I earlier spewed venom on the City of Surrey for the dangerous and deplorable condition of 20 Ave. between 152 St. and 156 St. that featured an absence of road lines, road markings, and a road surface that I would not even want to drive a 4X4 on.  After that TNT got posted, I received emails from the Engineering Dept promising prompt repairs that were done immediately including overtime hours needed to correct all of the deficiencies and safety issues.  Unfortunately this is not the only stretch of roadway in the Semi-Pen that I avoid like the plague because it is too rough for my work truck and trailer to drive on.

I have to admit that I do not travel on all of the roads in south Surrey and White Rock but I have a big list of the ones that I know are some of the worst in the region.  Sorry to say, but the award for the roughest road has to go to the City of White Rock for the wretched stretch of Prospect Lane between Foster Ave. and Johnston Road.  It features crumbling asphalt, deep sinkholes, plus multiple pave-overs from excavations that make this short stretch of roadway one to avoid.  How the City of White Rock can allow this road to remain in its current state is a mystery.  It could be that since it is considered a "lane" it is not worth maintaining as an actual street.  To drive down this road is to risk front end damage, a blown shock and a tooth filling falling out.  

With only five square miles of area, White Rock only has so many roads to maintain.  The City of Surrey has 122 square miles to look after and with south Surrey being so far from Surrey City Hall, I wonder if we are forgotten when it comes to roadway repairs.  Case in point, while 20 Ave. east of 152  St. was finally paved and painted so it is driveable, the same cannot be said for the intersection at 152 St. that was dug up and never given a final coating of asphalt to smooth the bumps and voids.  This is a major intersection and it seems as if the resurfacing of this area was somehow missed when the roadway construction finally wrapped up.  Hopefully this TNT helps to refreshen their memory and have the Engineers go "Oh yeah, I forgot about that"

I could go on ad nauseum but in order to shorten this TNT and save time, I will simply list the roads that I travel on that are a hacked up, patched over mess of sink holes and producing manhole covers that shake my truck, rattle my bones and have even damaged equipment in my trailer while driving below the speed limit.  

28 Ave. between 144 St and 148 St.  I'm not sure if it is subsurface sinkage from the Sunnyside Acres Park, but this roadway is worse that a graveled Forest Service Road in winter.

20 Ave from Dogwood Park at 138 St. to 128 St.  Both sides of this road have been cut and patched so much it looks like a quilt and there is no way to avoid the bumps and ruts in either direction.

16 Ave from 136 St. to Ocean Park Road.  Much of this roadway was dug up and patched for a major sewer upgrade but it was never repaved.  Driving westbound is a symphony of bumps and potholes that give your spine and sphincter a workout.

25 Ave. at 124 St.  This corner was recently dug up for site servicing and the patchwork was something they would be proud of in Nepal.  It is also missing road lines and markings, making lane selection a contact sport.  

I'm sure these are only a few of the roads in White Rock and South Surrey that need resurfacing after either repairs or years of neglect.  Anyone wanting to dig into the roadway to attach services should be charged a repaving fee that could be used to rehabilitate roadways that have been dug up and patched.  The City of Surrey also needs to review The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCD) for the proper mounting of speed hump signage.  Speed humps have white triangles painted on them plus a orange warning sign installed on either side of the road.  In my neighbourhood there are seven speed humps where warning is not posted, with only a speed hump sign at the beginning and end of the roadway, a distance of six blocks.  Many of these speed humps in elementary school zones are also not marked, creating a hazard where children and pedestrians should be expected.

If you know of a terribly rough roadway in the Semi-Pen, please send your concerns to the editor at so I can add them to this list that will be forwarded to the Surrey and White Rock Engineering Departments.  If they do not respond to service requests to repair these roadways, then notifying the Mayors and Councillors will usually yield results.  After all, city infrastructure and road maintenance are core services that your tax dollars are paying for.  If this is not happening, then somebody needs to be held accountable and either get the job done, or be replaced by someone else who can actually perform the task that they have been hired for.  This goes for City Hall staff plus the elected officials who all have a job to do.  

Naturally yours,


I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.





TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Jan. 13, 2025

Spot the Dinofish

Besides the nice weather, clean air and wonderful people, the main reason why we chose to live in the Semiahmoo Peninsula was to be close to the beach.  Unlike most people who only visit the shoreline on nice warm sunny days, I believe that any day can be a beach day, even during stormy or inclement weather.  In the winter, when we do get sunshine we head to the beach with a Silvacool tarp that blocks the wind but also reflects the sun's rays plus that shining off the water.  It might be hard to believe but today we spent four hours basking in the sunshine with temperatures between 20 and 24 Celsius.  It's always fun to see the look on people's faces as they walk by wearing parkas, toques and gloves while we are sitting in our lawn chairs getting a pre-holiday tan in January.  

As it got close to sunset we packed up our gear and made the way towards Crescent Beach.  Walking along the rocks near the high tide mark, I literally stumbled upon a very bizarre looking fish.  Nothing about it was normal, in fact it looked like it had possibly been put together with parts of many different sea creatures.  It had two very large eyes on the top side of its almost rat shaped head that included a meaty appendage on what would best be described as its forehead.  The pectoral fins plus rear fins were extremely large for the size of the body, making me wonder if it was some form of flying fish.  Instead of a conventional fish tail, the back end of this beast tapered off almost like what you would see in a ray.  This creature did not have scales either but had a brown skin with hues of gold and spots of silver with a bluish hue.  Whatever it was, I knew it was strange, something I'd never seen and it looked almost prehistoric.  After snapping a few photos, I bagged and tagged my find and took it home for more inspection.

It took a while of internet sleuthing before I discovered that the fish I had found was none other than the spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei).  It is from the family of fish named "Chimaeras" for the beast from Greek mythology that is made up from parts of many species.  The common name comes from the beautiful spots that run in rows down its sides and the rodent looking head and mouth, with the latin name translating to "water rabbit."  This creature is not a bony fish but is instead related to skates, rays and sharks that are cartilaginous fishes.  If the spotted ratfish looks prehistoric, there is a good reason for this as scientists have determined rays and sharks separated from other similar species 400 million years ago.  To put this in perspective, dinosaurs began to roam the earth some 240 million years ago.  The oldest Chimaera fossil specimen is a skull carbon dated to 280 million years ago.  The spotted ratfish may look odd but it has stood the test of time and has survived when many other species have long since vanished.  While some people may call the ratfish ugly, there is a certain beauty to this prehistoric fish.

The spotted ratfish possesses some rather unique attributes that sets it apart from anything else swimming off the coast of B.C.  They have specialized pores in their heads that can detect electrical fields of other creatures, even in low light or reduced visibility. Its massive eyes allow it to see in near darkness with them usually foraging for prey at night.  With strong grinding teeth and high jaw strength, ratfish are able to crunch through crabs, sea urchins, snails, clams, shrimp and crustaceans.  You would not want to step on one as they have a spine on their dorsal fin connected to a venom gland to ward off predators like Humboldt squid, sharks and seals.  Spotted ratfish move through the water using their undulating pectoral fins much like a ray, with their tail providing balance and direction.  Female ratfish reproduce by laying single eggs in leathery cases that are known as mermaid's purses, which sink to the ocean floor for a 9-12 month gestation period.  The strange fleshy protrusion on the head of the male ratfish is known as a frontal tenaculum and instead of acting as a lure, it is specially designed to attach to a female's dorsal fin during mating.

Having never seen a spotted ratfish I assumed that they were rare or possibly endangered but this is not the case.  They range from Alaska in the north down to the Baja California peninsula in Mexico in depths from murky shallows to 1,000 metres deep.  Although it is difficult to measure, it's believed that these rat fish live an average of 18 years.  There has been commercial fishing of this species targeting it for its high quality liver oil used to lubricate machinery and guns during WW2.  It is not currently being commercially targeted but it is often harvested as a bycatch by groundfish trawlers.  In B.C. the annual catch of spotted ratfish averages over 500 tonnes, making it the fourth highest accidentally caught species in the trawling fishery.   Due to their slow growth, long time till sexual maturity, low reproductive rates and breeding grouping, the spotted ratfish may be vulnerable to high depletion.  Unfortunately, with a lack of scientific knowledge on the spotted ratfish's age, growth, reproduction rates and mortality, it is unclear what impact bycatch fishing is having on their overall population.

For more detailed information on the only Chimaera living off the coast of B.C., check out the following websites.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.





Don Pitcairn

Monday January 06, 2025


Traffic Light Fright

Over years of writing this TNT column, I have built up a list of friends and accomplices who help to alert me to news stories that are happening in our community.  Sometimes this is very close to home with my wife Sheryl keeping her eyes and ears open to incidents, accidents and ambulances on the streets of South Surrey and White Rock.  On Friday I was at work while she was driving uptown when she saw a rather strange occurrence that quickly escalated into an incredibly dangerous situation.  Since this happened at the busiest intersection between White Rock and South Surrey I thought I should detail it here considering the risk it posed to both drivers and pedestrians.

At approximately 1:24 p.m. on Friday the traffic control lights at the corner of 16 Ave. and 152 St. (North Bluff & Johnston in White Rock) malfunctioned.  They were operating normally then suddenly started flashing green for 16 Ave. and flashing red for 152 St.  For a moment drivers stopped unsure of what to do and then with a green light, traffic started moving in the east west direction on 16 Ave.  The problem was that drivers on 152 St., seeing the flashing red light, thought that for reasons unknown the lights were flashing all four ways.  One car turned right off 152 St. and was almost hit on the driver's door, while another car turned left in the other direction, almost getting t-boned.  With the symphony of horns drivers quickly figured out that something was terribly amiss and they started using caution and common sense to navigate this busy intersection.  Shortly after this, the lights went back to their normal function and traffic began to flow normally once again.

Sheryl had a front seat to this action and the near carnage and immediately phoned me to report what she had seen.  Realizing the danger to the public and unsure of if this situation would happen again, I immediately contacted the police to report it.  I called 911 and asked for the White Rock RCMP since I figured they would likely respond quicker should the traffic lights go into the mode usually used for demand pedestrian lights.  After that, my next step was to call News 1130 and report this dangerous incident to their News Room so they could immediately get it out on their traffic reports.  With this intersection bordering White Rock and South Surrey, I then decided that the Surrey Engineering Dept. needed to be alerted to the danger, especially since I already had their number in my phone contacts.   For future reference it is 604-591-4152.

This is the number you can call to report broken traffic lights but in this situation I described the problem and asked to be transferred to their Traffic Management Centre.  Most people are unaware that the City of Surrey has cameras on over 500 intersections throughout the city that are used to monitor traffic flow, allowing them to change traffic light control timings for greater mobility.  All of this is controlled at the Traffic Management Centre (TMC) located in the basement of City Hall.  At the TMC a team of engineers and technologists use artificial intelligence along with automated alerts from traffic signals and sensors throughout Surrey  to control traffic flow.  This system is recorded and I knew that the staff at the TMC would be able to look at the recorded images, check out the signals from the traffic lights and quickly diagnose the problem.  It only took them a minute to verify what my wife had seen happen to the traffic lights at the corner and dispatch electrical crews to check out the problem.

With that done, I quickly cobbled a safety report together and splashed it across several of the South Surrey and White Rock community Facebook pages, trying to alert people to what had happened.  I did this because there was no way of knowing when or if this traffic light malfunction would happen again.  Later on while reading through the comments, I found out that the same thing had recently happened to nearby traffic lights further down 16 Ave. with the lady wondering then if she had lost her mind.  Whatever is causing this problem, another person later reported seeing Cobra Electric trucks at the traffic control monitor boxes for the controlled intersections on 152 St. from 16th Ave. to 20 Ave.  It may have been possible that this issue was affecting the traffic lights through this entire corridor.  If this was the case it is a miracle there was not a rash of crashes as drivers, unaware of what was happening, entered the intersections when it was unsafe to do so.

So here is a little driver's-ed refresher course on what to do at intersections where the lights are not behaving normally.  Many traffic lights now have battery backup, but during a power outage if you encounter a traffic light that is out, you must stop and use the 4-way stop procedure.  It blows my mind how many drivers barrel straight through intersections when the lights are blacked out.  A flashing green light here in B.C. is normally used to indicate a pedestrian demand light.  Drivers are to use caution when seeing a flashing green because pedestrians might be in the area and are expected to approach in a manner that they’re ready to stop.  A flashing red traffic light means drivers have to come to a full stop and proceed only when it is safe to do so.   A flashing yellow traffic light warns you to slow down, be especially careful and proceed with caution.  It never fails to amaze me how many people are completely ignorant of these simple rules that govern traffic lights.  If you arrive at a traffic light and something looks odd or strange, it is best to exercise extreme caution, knowing that many drivers will simply roar through oblivious to the danger.

Here is a link to Surrey's Traffic Management Centre and the Traffic Data Hub that gives near life video feed of intersections throughout Surrey.  If you click on the intersection and then click again on the small picture, it will expand and fill your computer screen for easy viewing.  For those people living in Crescent Beach, there are now cameras that show if the two entrances to this sea-side hamlet are open or possibly blocked by a train.  Good to know!

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.



December 29, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


TNT Year In Review 2024

To help celebrate the end of 2024, here is the The Naked Truth Year in Review that is a quick reference guide to stories you may have missed, wish to share, or simply want to read again.  Once you have found a TNT column of interest, note the date and simply scroll down into the archives below to find it.  This listing runs backwards from December to January as you go deeper into the TNT archives.

Dec. 23, Christmas Gift List 2024:  One of the favourite TNT's of the year, this column gives out fun gifts we'd like to see under the tree for the movers and shakers of the Semi-Pen.  It's certainly a great way to find out who's been naughty or nice.

Dec. 15, The Buzz on Air Bee-n-Bee:  A sweet little story about the BCB honey farm on KGB at Hwy. 99, their award winning honey, a new coffee shop opening and the geodesic domes now being sold there.

Dec. 9, See Legend of a Sea Legion:  A historical look at the original White Rock #8 Legion and how it was originally housed over the water next to the White Rock Pier, with a look at how the San Clemente pier still has a bar and restaurant.

Dec. 02 - Vetting Your Vet:  A cautionary tale on how your choice of vet may impact the health and life of your pet after our dog Juliette succumbed to the common infection Pyometra after being misdiagnosed by three different veterinarians.

Nov. 24, It's a Roundabout Time:  An informative piece on the new roundabout that Surrey will be building in 2025 at the corner of Crescent Park plus a look at the dangers associated with Crescent Road that are still causing frequent crashes.

Nov. 17, Stuck in a Rut:  The discovery of a buck rub near Crescent Park leads to this TNT about the local deer population, the fall mating season plus warnings about how deer can be dangerous to your vehicle, pets and person.

Nov. 10, Lest we Forget:  Everything you wanted to know about Remembrance Day celebrations in White Rock and South Surrey with information about the Legions, Cenotaphs and the local veterans section at Sunnyside Cemetery.

Nov. 4, Cornering the Market:  The history of a long-standing corner store in Crescent Heights is detailed along with plans to renovate this building into a new child-care facility, with a similar story about the long-vacant Surrey Tourism building.

Oct. 28, L'eggo My Listeria:  A cautionary tale about the dangers of listeria bacteria in waffles and pancakes after a friend and his family got seriously ill from eating these products before they were recalled by Health Canada.

Oct. 21, Battleground Surrey:  A detailed analysis of B.C. election results in the 10 ridings throughout Surrey and White Rock that saw many of these ridings flip from the B.C. NDP to the upstart B.C. Conservatives.

Oct. 15, Crash Course on Crescent Road:  Yet another examination of the causes of the most recent car crash on Crescent Road that took out power to the neighbourhood, demolished a park bench at Elgin Hall and closed the road for hours.

Oct. 8, Going Postal in White Rock:  Casual conversations with local posties revealed that the local Canada Post Depot was closed after a mysterious white powder leaked from a parcel leading to a hazmat incident.

Oct. 1, Stairways to Heaven:  This TNT alerted residents to the 1001 Steps being closed for renovations in the upcoming winter, the Christopherson Steps sinking, plus the number of steps (234 & 190) at these respective staircases.

Sept. 23, Dangers at Dogwood:  A visit to Dogwood off-leash park in Surrey revealed a litany of dangers from sticking gates, open electrical outlets and the fact the two driveway entrances are too narrow to allow for two-way traffic.

Sept. 16, Music to my Ears:  A look at local music festivals including the Concert at the Pier in White Rock, the Salmon Sessions at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club in south Surrey and the Barnside Harvest Festival at Patterson Park in Ladner.

Sept. 10, Surrey Charters a New Course:  Surrey Council votes to move forward with a proposed Surrey Charter that will provide the City with additional powers, responsibilities and exemptions, similar to what Vancouver has had since 1953.

Sept. 3, Beach Bites:  Everything you never wanted to know about rashes and sores from swimmer's itch and sand fleas, including how to avoid these pests plus what to do if you find out you have got these at our local beaches.

Aug. 26, Cutting the Cord:  A look at the invasive Cordgrass (aka spartina), how it alters and destroys the natural environment, where it is being found, how it is being controlled and what you can do to help.

Aug. 19, Support Salmon Sessions:  The music festival supporting the Little Campbell Hatchery at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club is showcased including the lineup of artists that is headlined by White Rock's native son Daniel Wesley.

Aug. 13, The White Rock Air Show:  The "middle of Boundary Bay" appears to be from Ocean Park to White Rock as Nav Canada suddenly starts directing commercial jets to fly over the Semiahmoo Peninsula yet again.

Aug. 6, White Rock Sun closed for summer holidays.

July 29, A New Church in Town:  Weekend traffic jams on 176 St. lead to this TNT on Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), theie large religious complex near 32 Ave and the arrival of enlightened teacher Baba Gurinder Singh from India.

July 20, Hell on Wings:  A natural look at one of the fastest birds in the SemiPen, the Merlin also known as a pigeon hawk that preys on other birds in this region and is easily identifiable by its high pitched "kik-kik-kik-kik" call.

July 15, Closure is not an Option:  A deadly crash at the Serpentine river corner on Highway 99 leads to a crash investigation by yours truly that is done without closing all of the northbound lanes like the ICARS and RCMP did for 12 hours.

July 8, Spear Grass Stabbing Dogs:  The dangers to dogs from foxtail barley or spear grass are examined with a quick trip to local dog parks revealing that Blackie Spit and Dogwood park off-leash areas are infested with the noxious plant.

July 1, Modern Lawn Know How:  With chafer beetles eating lawns and racoons plus crows ripping grass apart to reach them, this TNT shows how you can have a beautiful green low-maintenance lawn by following these tips from a pro.

June 25, Stop, Full Stop:  After watching people's lack of driving skills and ignorance of traffic laws, I dedicate this TNT to simple rules of the road that will keep people safe, including how to proceed when encountering a 4-way Stop sign.

June 25, Welcome to Juneuary:  A freak storm pounds the Semi-Pen with rain and hail, turning local neighbourhoods into a winter wonderland while once again flooding the parking lots along Marine Drive in White Rock.

June 18, White Rock Sun closed with the Editor on vacay.

June 10, Brother Can You Spare $16 Million?:  The installation of a digital donation box at the White Rock pier leads to this column on pier damage, restoration and eventual reconstruction of the remainder of this structure last rebuilt in 1972.

June 3, Dog Days at Peace Arch:  This column focuses on vaccine requirements changing at the border with the US CDC now worried about rabies in dogs, along with an increase in human smuggling at Peace Arch Park and the BNSF Railway. 

May 27, Locke-d in a Battle:  The police transition in Surrey looks closer to being a done deal when the City of Surrey loses their court case to stop the Public Safety Minister from mandating the changeover from RCMP to SPS.

May 20, Legions of Followers:  Everything you ever wanted to know about the Crescent Beach #8 Legion including how a recent change in their liquor licence now means that you don't have to be a member and everyone is welcome.

May 13, Life's a Beach:  A trip to Crescent Rock beach turns into a TNT with grey whale sightings, bizarre sea foam, undercover fisheries officers and northern lights all part of the fun of living in the Semiahmoo peninsula.

May 6, The Best Things in Life are Free:  Changes to parking rules and limits at Crescent Beach leave me wondering how long it will be till the City of Surrey institutes pay parking like all along White Rock beach.

April 29, Bad Engineering Kills People:  Yet another semi-truck roll-over at the intersection of Hwy. 91 and Hwy. 99 lead to this TNT on the design problems in this area that will continue to cause crashes and traffic chaos.

April 22, Make Every Day Earth Day:  With this TNT falling on Earth Day, I decided to focus on steps you can take for a greener planet, information on Surrey's Earth Day celebration plus environmental organizations you can join.

April 15, Residential, Not Racetrack:   A look at the move to reduce residential road speed limits to 30 km\h has me looking at this concept, Surrey's idea to drop the limit to 40 km/h plus ICBC crash data for the Semi-Pen.

April 8, Naked Cash Grab:  Coast Capital finds itself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons with its election of directors sounding more like what would happen in a communist dictatorship along with an 82% increase in their salary cap.

April 2, 101 Steps, 1001 Steps, 10,001 Steps, 100,000 Steps:  After the PAN wrongly identifies a local bluff staircase on their front page, I look to end the confusion about the 1001 Steps at 15 A Ave. and the Christopherson Steps at 24 Ave.

March 25, Men in Black at Pink Palace:  In police scenario training gone bad, men dressed in dark clothing are seen carrying AR-15s across the parking lot of the Pink Palace hotel, prompting a flurry of 911 calls about "man with a gun."

March 18, The Word For the Day is "Beddian":  As I approach my Beddian birthday, an informative piece on Robert C. Beddia and how his untimely death as a NY City firefighter became enshrined as a once in a lifetime birthday.

March 11, Fish School at SFGC:  An informative article on the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club and the Little Campbell Hatchery, with details about their fish release programs, elementary school tours and army of loyal volunteers.

March 4, Feb 26, 19 & 12:  No TNTs due to an extended sabbatical by the White Rock Sun Editor.

Feb. 5, A Hump in the Road:  Surrey's annoying habit of not following traffic control guidelines is put in the crosshairs with speed humps throughout the city not being properly signed like in the rest of the Lower Mainland.

Jan. 29, Ivan knows a Villian:  Ivan Scott, the man behind Keep The RCMP in Surrey and Surrey Talk Radio takes over my TNT for a guest column in the White Rock Sun, giving me Sunday night off for a change. 

Jan. 22, Pump and Dump:  Some sleuthing around the shores of Boundary Bay leads me to a City of Delta pump house where water contaminated with petroleum products, likely diesel fuel from the BNSF Railway crash, is being put into the ocean. 

Jan. 15, A short Walk on a Long Pier:  This TNT reveals the dangers associated with leaving the 1,570 foot long White Rock pier open to the public during storms instead of closing it when high winds and waves are expected.

Jan. 9, Drone-ing For Oil:  In this must-read TNT I reveal the extent of the diesel fuel contamination and environmental damage from a BNSF Railway crash along Hwy. 91 in Delta, with a heads-up and help from John Easton at HiPics Drone Services.

Jan. 2, TNT Year in Review 2023:  Dates, titles and a short explanation of each TNT topic. .


TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Christmas Gift List 2024

If there's one thing I love about Christmas it's the annual traditions and in the White Rock Sun this holiday TNT is always special.  Here's the list of naughty and nice gifts we hope Santa left under the tree for the movers, shakers and decision makers from the Semiahmoo peninsula, listed alphabetically so as to not offend anyone.

Diana Barkley, Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club President - Funding for a brand new state-of-the-art fish hatchery placed high above the Little Campbell river flood plain.  As a stocking stuffer, Club membership hitting 1,000 members in 2025, which currently sits at over 700 people.

Brent Chapman, MLA Surrey South - A loaf of bread he can break with any Jews, Muslims, Palestinians, indigenous peoples, mass-shooting survivors, or anyone else he has offended while asking for their forgiveness.  For a stocking stuffer a MAGA hat.

Dave Chesney, WR Councillor - For the editor of the WR Sun and veteran WR Councillor, a jar of his favourite Holy Smoke Coffee Holiday Blend coffee beans.  As a stocking stuffer, the title of "Your Worship" after the next civic election.

Kerry Lynne Findlay, South Surrey-White Rock M.P. - For the first woman in the Conservative Party to hold the office of Chief Opposition Whip, a black leather dominatrix outfit plus bull whip and gag ball to use on her husband MLA Brent Chapman.

Trevor Halford, South Surrey-White Rock MLA - For the Shadow Minister for Transportation, a season's pass to the B.C. Ferries for when he travels to Victoria after jumping ship from the B.C. Liberals to the B.C. Conservatives. As a stocking stuffer, a reversible jacket.

Norm Lipinski, Chief Constable, Surrey Police Service - For Surrey's top cop now that the SPS have taken over from the RCMP, a copy of every Kevin Bacon movie ever made (over 30!).  As a stocking stuffer, the Super Troopers comedy trilogy.

Brenda Locke, Mayor of Surrey - For this perpetual early riser, a jar of Holy Smoke Holiday Blend coffee beans to help her rise and shine, plus the board game Surreyopoly to play with her grandkids.  For a stocking stuffer, a return to the Chair of the Surrey Police Board.

Suzanne Smith, Clean Air Alliance White Rock - For the head of the group that is still fighting the proposed bio-fuel plant on SFN land, a case of Febreze.  For a stocking stuffer several cans of "Perri Air" from the movie Spaceballs.

Eleanor Sturko, MLA Surrey Cloverdale: For this openly gay Conservative, the newest more inclusive version of a pride flag to wrap herself in.  As a stocking stuffer, a 45 rpm record of Brenda Lee's song "I'm Sorry" to give to ex-VPD Board member Comfort Sakoma-Fadugba.

Towley, social media star:  In a TNT first, it's not a person but a thing.  The iconic blue beach towel that was stuck atop a pole near the White Rock pier, which finally blew down after many storms gets a good cleaning from Time 2 Dry Clean plus some Snuggle fabric softener.

Harley Xwopoton, Chief of Semiahmoo First Nation - For the hardest working man in the Semiahmoo peninsula, an appointment with Dr. Neil Pollock.  For stocking stuffers a pamphlet from planned parenthood and a Brave Man reusable condom.  . 

Merry Christmas everybody and have a happy New Year!

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


The views and opinions expressed by DON PITCAIRN are his and his alone personal opinions.

A dressed up lie when exposed and stripped to the bare facts will reveal the naked truth.

Ann Landers



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Dec. 15, 2024

The Buzz on Air Bee-n-Bee

There is a rather interesting farm based business in south Surrey that always seems to catch my eye.  It is the BCB Honey Farm located at 4121 King George Blvd on the NW corner of Highway 99.  It's hard to ignore, for on both sides of its big green barn are the words HONEY FOR SALE painted in large letters on either end.  There is a rather cute wooden building that has a drive thru, which is used for on farm sales of the various honey products that BCB produces.  What makes BCB honey so unique is that they use a cold-extraction method for removing the honey from the comb, allowing it to retain its full vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, pollen, propolis and royal jelly.  Most commercialized honey is pasteurized and filtered to keep it liquid and extend its shelf life.  In order to pass through a filter the honey is heated to make it more viscous, which destroys all of the enzymes, nutrients and vitamins that it naturally possesses.  You can taste the difference in BCB raw honey that has won several coveted gold medals in international honey tasting and quality competitions.  It is one of my go-to places for a great locally produced gift that everyone will love receiving.

The processing and packaging of their honey is only part of the operations performed by BCB Honey Farm.  Starting with 50 hives in 2005, they now operate a full-scale pollination service for farms across B.C. that rely on bees to cross-pollinate flowers that is essential for 30% of the world's crops.  They now utilize over 1,000 hives that grow to around 60,000 bees by the summer, meaning their bees-nest business involves 60 million bees.  These hives are constantly moved from farm to farm to pollinate crops that have different flowering times or onto areas with wildflowers or clover when a desired colour, quality and taste of natural honey is required.  These commercial hives are stored outdoors during the winter and due to varroa mite disease and cold weather, they often lose 20-40% of their bees.  Usually the Lower Mainland is the preferred overwintering area for hives from many areas and I had a friend in Fort Langley's Glen Valley who stored bee hives on her property from a company in Alberta who trucked them to her farm.  The unusually cold winters we have experienced the last few years in the Lower Mainland have devastated many hives where the bees literally froze to death from arctic outflow winds.

Recently the gravelled storage area outside of the BCB Honey Farm has been a literal beehive of activity with some very interesting changes happening.  The first additions were two geodesic domes, featuring hexagon panels like those in a honeycomb.  One of these is made of clear plastic, while the larger one has smoked plastic to filter the sun's rays.  Next to this sits what I originally thought was a sculpture with hexagonal panels packed like a honeycomb in the shape of a flower.  When I stopped by for a visit I realized that this interesting monument is actually a very unique solar panel array.  The lady running the honey store showed me where they had recently renovated to double the size of the building and added several large patio spaces.  The goal for 2025 is to add a coffee shop to the honey store with the building being powered by the sun.  The geodesic domes are for people to sit in, with the clear one for cold, windy or cloudy days, and the darkened dome suitable for when it is warm and sunny.  Looking up at the dome from the inside, the array of hexagon frames make it appear that you are actually inside a beehive.

As interesting as all of this was, it was the arrival of two very futuristic looking white geodesic domes that were recently erected that really attracted my attention.  You might have seen them driving northbound on Highway 99 just past King George Blvd.  These units with a large clear front window look very futuristic and would be right at home in a science fiction movie.  Manufactured in Turkey, these domes are the modern equivalent of a yurt, allowing people to use them for "dome globe glamping."  They are available in 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 metres in diameter with interior heights from 9 to 16.5 metres.  The larger units have their own kitchenette, bathroom with a loft on top and living space in front of the clear plastic window.  They can be fitted with a wood stove or heat pump for heating and cooling.  These units are known as Noniva domes and possess the following attributes that were listed in their catalogue.

Energy Efficient:  Geodesic structural domes are highly energy efficient due to their unique shape, which allows for better air circulation and natural lighting.  They require less energy for heating and cooling.

Cost-Effective:  Geodesic structural domes are often more cost-effective than traditional buildings due to their quick assembly and low maintenance costs.  They also require less construction materials and labor, reducing overall construction costs.

Eco-Friendly:  Geodesic structural domes are eco-friendly as they require fewer resources to build and have a smaller environmental footprint than traditional buildings.  They can also incorporate sustainable features like solar panels and rainwater collection systems.

These Noniva domes are very unique and are being erected in many natural settings where they can be used for temporary rentals.  There are even resorts that have been built with these geodesic domes instead of a conventional hotel room, each featuring their own swimming pool, patio area and hot tub.  The closest Noniva dome I could find on Airb&b was in Sechelt that featured two domes, a sauna and hot tub in a natural setting with beachfront access.  No surprise it was listed as a guest favourite with extremely high reviews and a price tag of $340 a night per dome unit.  A little further from home but with no ferry ride needed, "The Lodge on Harrison Lake" Geodome is perched over water and must be seen to be believed.  It has a perfect 5.0 star review to go along with its price tag of over $500 a night. These amazing glamping domes can be found across the Pacific Northwest, mostly in rural settings with water views.  It is interesting that BCB Honey Farms is branching out into the glamping dome business, but I guess as long as it involves six sided hexagons like a honeycomb, it makes perfect sense.

Here are some web addresses and listings for more information.

Airbnb listing:  Geodesic "barn" dome with spa on beautiful farm - Sechelt, B.C.

Airbnb listing:  "The Lodge on Harrison Lake" Geodome - Harrison Lake, B.C.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the semiahmoo People.



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Dec. 9, 2024

See Legend of a Sea Legion

I've always been a bit of a history buff and from time to time will visit museums and archives to learn a thing or two about the past.  Of course, much of this can now be done in front of a computer in the comfort of home.  I'm a member of the Crescent Beach Legion and know plenty about its history but have never set foot in the White Rock Legion at 2290 152 St., mainly because the parking lot is usually full (always a good sign).  Well that changed this weekend when I dropped in to visit a friend and meet some of the regulars at Branch #8 .  While there I made the discovery that the White Rock Legion previously had a much more unique location in our community than at the top of the hill in South Surrey.  Imagine if you will, having a Legion complete with a dance floor over the water of Semiahmoo Bay next to the White Rock pier!

After World War 1 had ended in 1918, servicemen returning to the community were looking for a gathering place where heroes of the war could be honoured and remembered.  In 1919 a local contractor died in a work accident while erecting a building near the beginning of the White Rock pier.  Veterans purchased the uncompleted building plus construction materials and with volunteer labour along with money and materials donated by the public, they built the first Legion hall in the Semiahmoo Peninsula.  There is a well publicized historical photo from 1929 of this building with a banner proclaiming the following:  You are invited to come to the Unveiling of the Memorial tablet and the dedication of this hall Sunday Juy 7th at 4 p.m.  The tablet was a large section of stone carved with the names of four White Rock men Charles Severn, J.W. Robertson, John Wicks and David Wix who were killed in the war.  Amazingly over 500 visitors and residents attended the opening and dedication.  

This building unfortunately did not last long for on Aug. 27, 1935 disaster struck with fire ravaging the building.  A story in the Semiahmoo Sun reads as follows after minor editing.  Fire Razes Legion Hall at White Rock.  Fire destroyed the Canadian Legion hall, an adjacent store and the White Rock's Swimming club headquarters at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday.  Damage, estimated at $10,000, is covered by insurance.  The pier, to which the store and hall are connected, suffered considerable damage, but was saved from complete destruction by Blaine fire department which was called.  Belief is that the fire was caused by the explosion of a gas stove that happened 15 minutes after a large crowd had dispersed following presentation of prizes to White Rock swimming gala competitors.  An impromptu bucket parade was formed when the local fire brigade ran out of chemicals.

San Clemente pier

The White Rock Legion was rebuilt but eventually it was decided to relocate it to a new building far from the waterfront and away from the train tracks.  When the Legion moved out, its bar and dancefloor were converted into the Dolphin restaurant that was in that location for several decades until it too was destroyed by fire in 1970 after it had been closed in the late 1960s for leaking sewage into the bay.  If you ever want to experience what it might have been like to eat at the Dolphin back in the day, simply go to the San Clemente Pier in California and visit the Fisherman's Restaurant and Bar.  This little town really is the sister city of White Rock with a train track including passenger trains located right next to the beach.  I must note that at 1,295 feet long, the San Clemente Pier is just under 250 feet shorter than "Canada's Longest Pier" in the City By The Sea.  My eternal thanks to former White Rock Councillor Larry Robinson who told me to go visit this town whose slogan is "Spanish Village By The Sea."

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.

Monday December 02, 2024

The Naked Truth

Vetting Your Vet


WARNING:  This TNT contains pet medical information and procedures that some people may find disturbing.

To anyone in the Semi-Pen who has a dog for a pet, this TNT is required reading if you want to avoid illness with your best friend, their possible death from malpractice and huge unnecessary veterinarian bills.  We have been living with a sick puppy for almost two months who almost died, was nearly put down three times, and who is still fighting for her life while we hope for a miraculous recovery.  The worst part is that with proper diagnosis, treatment and care, none of this should have ever happened.

My wife Sheryl and I have two lovely little dogs named Julie and Bisley who are Pekingese- Pomeranian-Spaniel crosses that I like to call "designer mutts."  Julie is the eldest of the two at 15 years old and Bisley is her 10 year old son who we could not part with because he is so damn cute.  In all the years we have had them, the only vet bills were for Bisley getting fixed and for Julie having a tooth removed.  We realize with advancing age that it was likely they would run into health issues and eventually die.  What we did not expect was Julie getting sick and a parade of veterinarians providing such poor animal husbandry that it almost killed her from neglect.

This nightmare all started in late September when Julie had her latest heat and started to lose her appetite.  We had never gotten her spade since a veterinarian we talked to ten years ago said it was not necessary.  What he did not tell us was that female dogs will continue to have their heats every six months forever, unlike women who eventually exhaust their egg supply and enter menopause.  Part of the other information he did not share with us is that as they age, female dogs are vulnerable to pyometra, an infection of the womb that can lead to blood poisoning, kidney failure, peritonitis and eventual death. If like us, you have never heard of this common disease, check out this link for all the disturbing details.

We had noticed in early fall that Julie was not eating her full meals and was losing weight.  We associated this with getting older and possibly having teeth issues.  To address this we cut down on her kibble and gave her more canned food, hoping to improve her appetite.  In the first week of October we went to a South Surrey veterinary clinic concerned that her weight had dropped from 22 to 17.5 pounds.  After giving them Julie's medical history, they did a quick physical examination and suggested giving her even more canned food to increase her weight.  While they said they could do blood and urine analysis, they told us they did not believe it would show anything.   Because of their recommendation and Julie's history of being a fussy eater, we did not have this testing done.  Considering her rapid weight loss, age and not being spade, this was a grave mistake.

We continued with trying to fatten Julie up and changed her diet in the second week of November over to raw food that she had previously devoured.   Shortly after that she stopped eating and had a rather nasty bowel movement that was hard and very uncomfortable.  Alarmed at this we took her to a vet in Newton that my wife had previously used with a previous pet.  While Julie was experiencing odour and discharge from her vagina along with the lack of appetite, the vet simply prescribed an antibiotic and told Sheryl to keep her area clean with warm compresses.  We resorted to giving Julie cooked chicken and other foods that we would normally eat just to try and get anything into her.  Finally on Sunday morning, Nov. 24th, she refused to get up out of bed and extremely concerned with her health, we took her to an emergency animal clinic.

On the day before, Sheryl had reached out to a family friend Emily who manages the Bone & Biscuit store in Cloverdale.  She is a pet nutritionist and previously had worked as a veterinarian assistant.  On giving her the details about Julie's medical condition over the phone, Emily immediately felt that she was suffering from pyometra, which was the first time we had ever heard of it.  Amazingly, when we showed up at the emergency clinic on Sunday, telling the vet we believed it was pyometra, they examined her and did not come to that conclusion.  They told us they would do everything in their power to save her life and gave us a quote that totaled close to $8,000.  We did have them do a blood and urine sample that went out for lab analysis.  Without a positive diagnosis and while considering to put her down, we took Julie home with both pain and anti-nausea medication. 

On the Sunday night we received a phone call from the emergency vet clinic about the results of the blood and urine lab work, which were also emailed to us.  We were told it showed kidney disease, a bladder infection and possible underlying cancer.  With this in mind, we figured we would put her on the various medications, force feed her with a gravy baster and consider doggie MAID.  On Monday I went so far as to dig a large hole in our back yard as Julie's final resting place so that I would not have to do it in the dark during the work week.  Julie did perk up a bit from the meds so we decided to delay her departure for another day.  The same thing happened on Tuesday and I talked to my sister about the Langley farm veterinarian she had used for years.  Figuring we had nothing to lose, and planning to have her put down, Julie was taken to Albatross Veterinary Services in Langley on Wednesday.

The veterinarian was given Julie's medical history along with a chronicle order of events with the three different vet clinics she had been seen at over the past two months.  They immediately agreed that it looked to be pyometra, performed a simple vaginal swab and confirmed the presence of swarms of bacteria under a compound microscope at no charge.  They then took an x-ray to confirm the diagnosis that showed many abnormalities with Julie's reproductive system.  After a frank discussion about whether to proceed with treatment or simply end her life, we decided to go ahead with ovariohysterectomy (spay) surgery, which was scheduled for later that evening.  Besides a seriously infected womb, one of her ovaries was the size of a mandarin orange when it normally should be the size of a grape.  We picked up our loving little dog the next day and have been attempting to nurse her back to health ever since. 

Julie is still not out of the woods and the antibiotics are tough on her belly and cause nausea.  We are giving her the best of care but realize she was literally knocking on death's door for days.  The worst part about this entire situation is that it was completely unnecessary.  Any of the three initial veterinarians should have easily recognized the symptoms Julie was experiencing that we described in detail.  If she was properly diagnosed in early October, much of this medical saga could have been avoided.  Instead our dog was left to rot internally, get sick as a dog (if you pardon the pun), and almost get put down three times.  We have said good-bye to her so often that the thought of her dying barely hurts any more.  We are not veterinarians and we rely on these dog doctors to be competent and knowledgeable about animal diseases.  In this case, their non-treatment caused our sweet family dog to be tortured almost to death.  

If you are looking for a competent vet, save money and heartache by visiting the caring folks at Albatross Veterinary Services, 45 216 St. in Langley.

If you believe your animal has not received competent and ethical veterinary care, you can file a complaint with the College of veterinarians of B.C. at:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.




TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Monday November 24, 2024

It's a Roundabout Time

I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out You spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound of In and out the valley

Lyrics to the song "Roundabout" by the band Yes from their studio album "Fragile" released in 1971.

The City of Surrey plans to build a roundabout at the intersection of Crescent Road and 128 Street to increase traffic flow and improve safety at this corner that gets jammed with vehicles during the summer months.  I've known about this project for several years since one of the property owners who also happens to run a surveying company is a long-time client of mine.  It can be a very dangerous intersection in its current all-way stop procedure design due to drivers who do not come to a complete stop, fail to yield, or simply jump the cue and ignore the safety of other people on the road.  My last accident was actually at this intersection, resulting from a driver who hit the gas and roared onto Crescent Road cutting off other drivers and causing carnage that I was caught up in.

Here is the information about this long needed road improvement project taken from the website on its Capital Construction Program section.  

Crescent Road and 128 Street Roundabout

Project Description

The City plans to replace the all-way stop at the intersection of Crescent Road and 128 Street with a roundabout that will help improve traffic movement in the area. This intersection has seen considerable growth in traffic volumes in recent years causing line-ups and traffic delays, especially during the peak summer season.

Summary of Improvements

Improvements will consist of the following:

  • A roundabout to reduce congestion and keep traffic moving 

  • Sidewalks leading to the intersection and transit stops for safer pedestrian access

  • Landscaping in the roundabout island

About Roundabouts

  • Roundabouts help reduce conflicts between vehicles and virtually eliminate the most severe crash types – right-angled and left-turn collisions. Slow speeds are required when entering traffic circles, which reduces the frequency and severity of crashes that may occur.

  • Roundabouts reduce the distance and time pedestrians need to cross, while also enhancing safety.

Project Timing

Project construction is anticipated to start in early 2025 subject to Council approval. Dates will be shared as they become available.

Project Design

To see images that show the aerial view and cross section of the conceptual design for the intersection please go to the following link:

Let's hope this is the start of many long awaited upgrades to the 128 St. corridor from Crescent Park to Ocean Park.  While there are traffic control lights at 24 Ave. and 20 Ave., both Crescent Road and 16 Ave. only have stop signs for all directions.  Unfortunately these red and white octagons are generally ignored by almost everyone with full stopping rarely ever seen.  I've sat at the Sakuya Japanese restaurant next to the Ocean Park Community Hall at 9 o'clock on a Friday night and watched vehicles fly through this intersection without barely slowing down.  This of course puts other drivers and especially pedestrians at extreme risk.  Only two weeks ago I was proceeding through this intersection when a vehicle on my left failed to stop, did not yield to the right, entered the intersection and attempted to turn left in front of my F350 work truck.  A long blast of the horn made them jam on the brakes and I had to drive around the car after yelling some free driving lessons that I won't repeat here.  This corner needs a traffic control light due to the amount of vehicles and large pedestrian presence at the Ocean Park mall area.

As I have detailed in many of my TNT columns over the years, including a recent installment titled "Crash Course on Crescent Road" posted Oct. 15, Crescent Road is the neighbourhood racetrack that has been the scene of countless high-speed crashes and at least five deaths that I am aware of.  In case you missed it and so that you don't have to scroll down into the archives to find it, here are the road improvements I suggested in that column.  "The Elgin S Curve on Crescent Road needs speed humps at either end and also in the middle of the straightaway to slow down racing vehicles.  The T intersection of Elgin Road and Crescent Road at the ESSO station needs a damn stop sign, not just a yield sign for people turning right.  For much of Crescent Road traffic calming solutions should be utilized including median islands with landscaping to separate and slow traffic, plus chicanes that could be used in the middle of the current straightaways.  Traffic circles should also be installed at 140 St., 136 St., 132 St. and at the four-way stop at 128 St. at the corner of Crescent Park where a roundabout is currently in the planning stages." 

I'm not an Engineer but I understand traffic safety all too well along with road construction techniques used to combat speed and stupidity.  My sister was a Planner at Surrey City Hall for over 30 years and believes that all of these road improvement suggestions I have made are valid.  Other than a solid double yellow line and paved shoulders installed years ago, Crescent Road is not much different from when it was first installed over 100 years ago.  With all of the development in the Semi-pen and the speeds that most modern cars are capable of doing, it is time for the Surrey Engineering Dept. to start looking at concrete (and asphalt) solutions to this problem.  It was only because of a hydro pole that the car crash in October did not destroy the front of the historic Elgin Community Hall that sits at the beginning of the 30 km/h zone at the ESSO gas station.  If nothing is done, I expect an out-of-control vehicle will fail to negotiate this corner and crash into the gas pumps that are only protected by a small curb.  I recommended to Surrey years ago that large concrete no-posts be installed in this area for protection but this suggestion was rebuffed as not necessary.  Time will tell who was right.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



TNT The Naked Truth

Monday November 17, 2024

Don Pitcairn

Stuck in a Rut

I was recently on a property near Crescent Park getting it prepped for the winter and cleaning up the many leaves that had fallen from the tall cottonwoods, alders and big leaf maple trees.  I know this yard often gets visited by deer because the owners have taken extreme measures to protect their substantial vegetable gardens.  These have been staked and protected with deer netting to a height of seven feet high.  They also have a series of scarecrow sprinklers that are motion activated as we learned earlier in the year while getting sprayed by streams of cold water.  While we have never seen deer in the yard during the day, the owners have sent me pictures of deer walking across the lawns in the early morning.

Working behind their garage I noticed several game trails leading to a glen in the undeveloped one acre property next door.  Since it has recently been put up for sale, I decided to go for a stroll through the grounds before it gets bulldozed and developed.  Some of the land had obviously been cleared years ago and in this area a thicket of small alder saplings was growing.  The interesting thing about alder trees is their orange coloured wood that shows up brightly when it is cut or damaged.  Many of these young trees in the vacant one acre lot were battle scarred with much of the bark rubbed off on their lower trucks.  From my time spent hunting, I immediately recognized that I had stumbled upon a substantial buck rub.

This is something you can expect to find during the rut from Nov. to late Dec. when it is mating season for deer.  The decreasing daylight triggers a psychological change in male deer delivering more testosterone into their bloodstream that reduces the blood supply to their antlers.  This causes the velvet covering to dry and peel off the bone hard antlers and the deer will rub them on trees to peel this dead tissue off by rubbing them on trees.  These rub areas also serve as a spot where bucks can help to strengthen their necks in preparation for dominance fights against other male deer.  They also act as signposts to alert other deer to the presence of a dominant buck as they deposit scent from their forehead and facial glands onto the shredded trees.

Picture of deer in peninsula backyard

Anywhere in the Semiahmoo peninsula with greenspace, ravines, bluffs and parks are areas where deer will be present.  Sunnyside Acres park is home to a small herd of black tailed deer that roam into surrounding neighbourhoods.  The area along the Nicomekl river is a major thoroughfare with the area under the bridge on both Hwy. 99 and the KGB being used as a wildlife corridor.  There are deer on the Semiahmoo FN lands, they've been seen feeding on the Hump hillside and have even been spotted trotting along the shoreline at Crescent Rock beach.  If you follow the community Facebook pages for South Surrey and White Rock there are constant postings about people seeing deer in their yards, alongside roads, or sadly laying dead in a ditch after being struck by vehicles.

The rut breeding season for deer is currently in full swing with these animals being much more mobile during the breeding season.  This is especially true around dawn and dusk and with low light comes greater danger to getting into an accident with deer on the road.  Just as you should slow down in wet weather, when you see the yellow and black jumping deer warning signs, please decrease your speed and pay attention.  This is especially important in areas along parks and greenspaces where deer can suddenly jump out of the woods into the roadway with no warning.  All of Crescent Road, around Sunnyside Park and areas near South Surrey Athletic Park are places where deer can regularly be expected to be seen.  By the end of December when mating season ends and leaves are off the trees, the threat of deer being hit on our streets should greatly decrease.

While deer may look cute and relatively tame, keep in mind that they are wild animals and may respond aggressively to your presence with little warning.  The bucks have very sharp and dangerous antlers which can cause grievous bodily injury when they charge.  The hooves of both male and female deer are very sharp and hard and can be used to bludgeon both people and pets.  If you are out walking or running with your dog and encounter deer, it is best to turn around and find yourself a different route.  A lady in Kelowna recently was attacked after encountering a buck and two doe deer that ended up with her legs being gored and her being thrown ragdoll through the air.  There have been plenty of media stories about deer attacking people in B.C., usually when they are out walking dogs.  Keep all of this deer information in mind and stay safe this fall. 

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


TNT The Naked Truth

November 10, 2024

Lest We Forget

My weekly TNTs are usually posted in the White Rock Sun every Monday morning and on Tuesday mornings when there is a long weekend.  I believe this TNT is the first one ever posted on a Sunday morning with the reason being that Remembrance Day this year falls on a Monday.  Since the topic for this column is the Remembrance Day celebrations in our region, I did not see the point in posting it on Monday only hours before the various ceremonies were to begin.  I'm hoping that by posting the information about cenotaphs, celebrations and Legions in the Semi-Pen that people will have time to make their plans and join with their fellow patriotic Canadians in marking this special occasion.

White Rock Remembrance Day Parade

The City of White Rock will be supporting White Rock Legion Branch 8 in a Remembrance Day Parade and Ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2024 to honour the sacrifices made by Canadian war veterans. The Remembrance Day Parade starts at 10:40 a.m. at Roper Avenue near Johnson Road and continues down Johnston Road to Pacific Avenue, concluding at the Cenotaph in front of White Rock City Hall.  Immediately after, the Remembrance Day Ceremony and laying of wreaths will take place at 11 a.m. at the Cenotaph at White Rock City Hall (15322 Buena Vista Ave) .

White Rock Legion Branch #008, 2290 152nd Street, Surrey

White Rock Legion 008 members will be helping to organize and run the parade and ceremony at the White Rock Cenotaph during the morning. The Legion will open at 12 noon with MacKarino's kitchen open from noon to 6:30 p.m.  They have a day of live entertainment planned from 2 - 7 p.m. (closes at 8 p.m.) featuring Twice Shy, The Jitterbug dancers, Johnathon Hicks as Buddy Holly, Colleen Dee as Brenda Lee and Cheek to Cheek.  You do not need to be a Legion member to attend, it is now open to the public.  Keep in mind that the Royal Canadian Legion's purpose and mission is to serve veterans (including those currently serving in the military, First Responders) and their families, to promote remembrance and to serve our community and country.  

Crescent Beach Legion Branch #240, 2643 128 St., Surrey

Having their own Cenotaph located on the Legion property allows the Crescent Beach Legion to hold a Remembrance Day ceremony with laying of wreaths just outside their doors.  The ceremony starts at 10:45 a.m. but please be advised to get there early as this event is very well attended with parking and space at a premium.  Afterwards, you are invited to come into the Legion for refreshments with the canteen serving meat pies for lunch.  Live entertainment is planned for the day starting at 2 p.m.

Sunnyside Cemetery Cenotaph, 14850 28 Ave., Surrey

This City of Surrey owned cemetery had an old cenotaph built in 1955 that was replaced in 2021.  The Memorial Garden consists of three open arches constructed of aluminum and granite with an interpretation of the monument in both English and French.  What makes this Cenotaph so special is the number of veterans graves around it that are adorned with small Canadian flags and poppies for Remembrance Day.  While no official ceremonies are planned, this quiet location always attracts a loyal following who like to pay their respects in person to those who sacrificed so much.

It was recently announced that the Royal Canadian Legion has joined forces with to help market their poppy and Remembrance Day products.  Simply type "Royal Canadian Legion Poppy" on their search bar and you will see the available merchandise.  Besides the regular poppy with a pin, you can find LED poppy lights, poppy umbrellas, pins, magnets and scarfs.  You can also buy merchandise directly from the Legion off their Poppy Store website at  There are far too many products to consider listing them all here but it is a great site to shop at.  My favourite are the Lest We Forget lawn signs, poppy magnets and the poppy mittens that remind me of those from the 2010 Canada Olympics.  It is interesting to note that you can now purchase black centres for the poppies that have a stud and backing, doing away with the straight pin.

The Surrey website has information about other Remembrance Day celebrations across the city at this link:

Visit the Canadian Legion website to find out more about other Remembrance Day ceremonies at:

I'd like to close this special Remembrance Day inspired TNT with the following poem by Canadian John McCrae.


In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

    That mark our place; and in the sky

    The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

        In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

    The torch; be yours to hold it high.

    If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

        In Flanders fields.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


TNT The Naked Truth

November 04, 2024 

Cornering The Market

Growing up in Sunshine Hills in North Delta years ago, there were not many houses, lots of bush, and plenty of farms.  At that time Nordel Shopping Centre was the nearest retail space with Scottsdale, Surrey Place and Guildford likely not yet on the planning table.  The one oasis in the midst of this rural wasteland was the tiny one level corner store called Steven's Market at the SW corner of Scott Road and Peck Road (120 St. and 64 Ave.).  Mr. Stevens ran this store carrying a wide assortment of products that most people living in the neighbourhood would require on a weekly basis without heading to Nordel or Richmond.  To give you an example of the times, a Double Bubble gun pack was one cent, while you could get two Mojos for a penny.  We also had Popeye Candy Cigarettes with a red tip and black licorice pipes (still available) plus you could pick up real cigarettes for your parents, even though mine never smoked.

When I moved to Crescent Heights over 20 years ago one of the strange novelties in the neighbourhood was the presence of a nearby corner store.  No, not a Macs or 7-11 on a busy thoroughfare but a house with a storefront on the quiet corner of 25 Ave. and 128 Street.  For 25 years it was run by Keith and Joanna Ro who purchased the property when they moved to Canada from South Korea.  Some of the nicest people you have ever met, they worked together in the store 365 days a year before retiring in early 2022, much to the chagrin of the people in the neighbourhood who supported them.  It turns out that the building had been used as a corner store for 60 to 70 years, so it was a sad day when the old Coca-Cola sign was finally taken down and the windows papered over.  It has been sitting vacant for 2.5 years now and folks here were always wondering when the developer's bulldozer would be coming for it. 

I'm not the only one in the house with an eye for news and my wife Sheryl scooped me on the sign that suddenly appeared on the old corner store last week heralding that the bulldozers had been held at bay.  A bright yellow and blue sign with the sun rising over the mountains proclaimed "New ChildCare BC spaces coming soon."  Of course this was a government sign featuring both the BC and Canadian governments along with the "Stronger BC for Everyone" slogan.  The new business will be the Smilestones Learning Society with the site featuring room for 60 children.  While sleuthing the internet for more information I came across a Surrey planning report that details how this building will be converted into a four classroom daycare and learning centre.  I must admit, after pouring over the design plans I'm quite impressed, especially with the layout of the outdoor play areas.  You can check it out in detail for yourself online on the website at the following link:

It's funny how things work (Law of Attraction, what you think about - you bring about) but this old building sitting vacant for so long got me thinking about the vacant Tourism Surrey building in Hazelmere and what was happening to it.  In case you are not aware, it is a modern looking wood beam and glass building located at 730 176 St., just south of the Campbell River Store (speaking of corner stores).  Well it turns out we had a job out in Hazelmere on Friday and we needed fuel so it seemed like a good place to stop for lunch.  Meandering over onto the property with sandwich in hand, it looked to be a film set for a Twilight Zone movie.  While some of the grass had been mowed, the shrubs were overgrown, the beds were choked with weeds and leaves were blowing everywhere.  The lights were still on with the decor looking the same as when it had closed five years ago.  There were still banners on the wall proclaiming Golf Surrey, Arts Surrey and Sports Surrey, along with the not so clever miss spelled motto "u just have to be here."

A quick internet search of "730 176 St. Tourism Surrey" immediately led me to a Colliers Canada retail for lease ad.  It read as follows:

Opportunity to secure a standalone 2,950 SF commercial building with highway exposure near the intersection of 176 Street (Pacific Hwy) and 8th Avenue in South Surrey, BC. The building is fully finished with multiple open plan rooms, 3 washrooms, a staff kitchen and private offices. The property is well suited for childcare uses (subject to municipal approvals) and offers two points of access and egress, an abundance of parking, and multiple signage placement options. This is your rare opportunity to establish a commercial childcare centre that’s well positioned for success within the rapidly growing Douglas neighbourhood of South Surrey.  

No mention of the monthly lease rate that Colliers is looking for but with the size of the property and parking lot plus the beautiful building, it would not be cheap.  Looking at other comparable lease rates for commercial properties in the area, $10,000 a month would not be out of the ballpark.

It is bizarre to me that this commercial building has stood vacant for so long with the owners likely losing out on half a million dollars.  With the lack of child care spaces in this province you might think that with it being marketed in this way, the property would have been leased long ago.  My guess is that anyone thinking of putting children into this environment might notice the constant parade of noisy big rig trucks heading two and from the Pacific Border Truck Crossing.  Nice space but wrong place, as the motto goes.  Looking at all of the parking spots including long areas built for buses or trucks, my crew and I surmised that a trucking, delivery or logistics company might be a better fit.  A craft brewery could also work out with plenty of high traffic roads around it and lots of high density residential neighbourhoods nearby.  If Surrey ever decides to get with the high times, a cannabis dispensary might be a logical choice for people crossing the border heading into Canada without their regular bag of weed.  Yes Martha, marijuana is still illegal at the US Federal border while being perfectly legit in many states and all of Canada.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.






October 28, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

L'eggo My Listeria

A buddy of mine went shopping with his wife and son last Sunday, stopping at the No Frills grocery store in Cloverdale to buy their groceries.  They saw that the No Name blueberry waffles, the ones in the plain yellow boxes, were on sale for $2.50 each so they bought a few of the packages.  Later that afternoon they had a couple of them as a snack and found out that their child, who is a year and a half old, loved eating them.  On the holiday Monday, they ate these waffles again for breakfast and by the time they joined their extended family for Thanksgiving dinnerware they were already feeling ill with what they thought was the start of a cold or possibly the flu.  On Tuesday morning they had waffles again for breakfast again and continued to get sicker with cold sweats, stomach cramps and a variety of body functions that Pepto Bismol, Imodium and Gravol are generally used to combat. 

It was only after calling in sick for work on Tuesday that my friend learned there had been a North America wide recall of TreeHouse Food waffles manufactured in Illinois and Ontario.  They announced a widespread voluntary recall of their waffles on Oct. 18 over a possible risk of Listeria monocytogenes contamination that was first detected in routine testing at their Canadian plant.  These are sold in over 600 stores in the US and Canada with many outlets having their own unique store branded packaging. These include Compliments, Duncan, Gordon's Choice, Great Value, No Name and Western Family. To understand how widespread these waffes are you have to check out the following links with the first one listing the names of the products and the second showing images of the various packaging.  There are so many that I didn't bother to try to count them all.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has listed a recall and safety list of their own for those waffles sold in this country that you can find on the Health Canada website at the following listing.  Please take a minute to visit their website, check the list and possibly clean out your freezer:

Here is the CFIA's list of what you should do and the description of Listeria contamination along with the health risks associated with it.

  • If you think you became sick from consuming a recalled product, contact your healthcare provider

  • Check to see if you have any recalled products

  • Do not consume, serve, use, sell, or distribute recalled products

  • Recalled products should be thrown out or returned to the location where they were purchased

Food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes may not look or smell spoiled but can still make you sick. Symptoms can include vomiting, nausea, persistent fever, muscle aches, severe headache and neck stiffness. Pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are particularly at risk. Although infected pregnant women may experience only mild, flu-like symptoms, the infection can lead to premature delivery, infection of the newborn or even stillbirth. In severe cases of illness, people may die.

Since the initial recall of TreeHouse Foods products, the warning has now expanded to include pancakes produced by the same company and distributed under the same brand names.  While I did use part of the familiar Kellogs advertising line "Leggo my Eggo" in the title for this tainted waffle TNT, they are produced at a plant in Rossville Tennessee where this problem has not recently surfaced.  That being said, they did have a recall back in 2016 involving whole wheat Eggo waffles that involved the same Listeria contamination, showing how easy it is for this bacterium to become established in food production facilities.  Earlier this month there were recalls for soy plant based beverages with Listeria including Silk and Great Value that sickened 20 in Canada with 3 confirmed deaths.  Beef jelly tongue has also been recalled this month in Ontario because of Listeria contamination.  Fortunately, it appears that nobody has gotten sick from eating it, at least not from a foodborne bacterial illness.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




October 21, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Battleground Surrey

As anticipated, the big city of Surrey played a decisive role in the outcome of the 2024 B.C. Election.  Heading into this election the New Democratic Party under leader David Eby had their MLA's in charge of seven of the nine Surrey ridings, with the Conservative Party holding only two seats.  Trevor Halford in Surrey-White Rock and Eleanor Sturko in Surrey-South had both joined the Conservatives after originally winning their seats as provincial Liberals in 2001 before that party re-branded as the United party.  With riding boundary changes and the new riding of Surrey-Serpentine River, there were 10 ridings in total up for grabs.  With the contentious Surrey police transition plan, afford ability and housing issues, the ever increasing carbon tax, legalized drug use and crime concerns, plus SOGI discontent, the NDP were facing public backlash and a demand for change in Victoria. 

From the very first results, it was apparent that the NDP were in trouble in Surrey, with many of the Conservative candidates in the lead.  As more polls were reported, the gap closed quickly and it became a neck and neck race between the two main B.C. political parties.  Long into the night the numbers continued to change with the final result seeing the B.C. NDP leading in 46 ridings, the BC. Conservatives in 45 and the B.C.Greens in 2, leaving all parties short of the majority number of 47 ridings.  In Surrey, the upstart Conservatives took seven of the ridings leaving the NDP holding on to only three ridings.  There are 49,000 ballots still remaining to be counted next weekend including mail-in ballots received after advance voting was closed and out-of-district ballots that need to be certified.  Of the five ridings in B.C. that were too close to call, two are in Surrey, with Surrey-Guildford sitting at 102 vote differential and Surrey-City Centre at a 96 vote differential.

Here are the current results to date for the 10 Surrey and White Rock ridings:

Surrey-White Rock

Conservative incumbent Trevor Halford appears to have been elected in the riding that he won by a mere 255 votes in 2020 as a Liberal candidate.  He received 14,257 ballots or 52.5% of the votes over the NDP's Darryl Walker, the former Mayor of White Rock, who received 12,260 votes or 45% per cent of the total. Libertarian candidate Damyn Tassie got 646 votes to date.

Surrey South

Conservative Brent Chapman looks to have easily won Surrey South with 12,465 votes or 59 per cent of the ballot, even after being dogged by the media over negative social media comments he made years ago.   The NDP's Haroon Ghaffar received 8,623 votes, which was 41% of the ballots.  With his confirmation as the Surrey South MLA, Brent will join his wife MP Kerri Lynn-Findlay as the proverbial political powerhouse couple in the Semi-Pen.


In a hard-fought battle focused on drugs and crime Conservative Bryan Tepper, who is a retired RCMP officer, got 8,527 votes or 50% of the total ballots.  He beat out NDP incumbent Jimmy Sims who had held the riding since 2017 and captured a respectable 8,175 votes or 48% of the ballot.  In third place was Freedom Party of B.C Paramjit Rai who got 397 votes or 2% of the ballots.


Conservative Elanor Sturko, who was previously the Surrey-South MLA for B.C. United, looks to have won this riding with 10,004 votes or 49% of the ballot She beat out incumbent NDP MLA Mike Starchuk who got 9,330 votes or 46% of the ballots cast. Green contender Pat McCutcheon captured 1,041 votes, while Freedom Party of B.C.’s Judy Meilleur finished a distant third at 149 votes.


Former Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner running under the Conservative banner appears to have been victorious taking 9,550 votes or almost 50% of the ballots cast.  She beat out the decorated former RCMP officer Baltej Dhillon who had 9,034 votes or 47% of the total.  Independent candidate and former teacher Jim McMurtry received 542 votes or less than 2% of the vote. This riding includes portions of Surrey-Cloverdale, Surrey-Panorama, and Surrey-Fleetwood that the NDP all won in 2020.


Jessie Sunner, a human rights and labour lawyer, held the long-time NDP riding of Surrey-Newton with 7,632 votes or 51% of the ballots.  She beat out the Conservative candidate and Radio Punjab host Tegjot Bal who received 6,506 votes or 43.3% of the total. Freedom Party of B.C. candidate Amrit Birring got 365 votes, not affiliated Japreet Lehal received 337 votes and independent Joginder Singh Randhawa got 186 votes.


Surrey-Guildford was a nail biter with newcomer Conservative Honveer Singh Randhawa finishing first with 8,671 votes or 47.1%.  She has apparently beat out incumbent NDP Garry Begg, a retired RCMP officer who received 8,569 votes or 46.6% of the ballots.  With only 102 votes separating them, this result may change or be eligible for a judicial review.  Green Party candidate Manjeet Singh Sahota got 791 votes or 4.3% ahead of Independent Kabir Qurban with 365 votes or 2%.


Long-time NDP incumbent Jagrup Brar appears to have won this riding again, taking 9,574 votes or 48% of the ballot.  First time Conservative Avtar Gill received a respectable 8,988 votes or 45% of the ballot.  Green candidate Tim Binnema got 1,286 votes or 6% of the total ballots cast in this three-way race. 

Surrey City Centre

It was a very close race in Surrey City Centre with the lead shifting back and forth throughout the evening.  When counting stopped NDP Amna Shah, a community advocate, had secured 6,439 votes or 46.2%  of the ballots.  She beat out Conservative Zeeshan Wahla, a professional engineer, with 6,343 votes or 45.6% of the ballots.  With only 96 votes currently separating them this result may change or be eligible for a judicial review.  Also running were B.C. Green candidate Colin Boyd with 845 votes or 6.1% plus independent Saeed Naguib at 155 votes and Ryan Abbott of the Communist party at 143 votes.


Conservative Mandeep Dhaliwal, a local businessman, won the new riding of Surrey-North with 7,729 votes or 51% of the ballots.  The NDP's candidate Rachna Singh received 6,467 votes or 43% of the total despite her having previously been elected twice in Surrey-Green Timbers.  The new riding of Surrey-North consists of portions of both the Surrey-Whalley and Surrey-Green Timber ridings.

To all of the people who threw their hat in the ring to run for office, their campaign staffers and many volunteers, I'd like to thank you for taking the time and putting your energy into being part of our democratic system of governance.  It serves as a report card to those in power, a chance to send a message that 'we the people' are not happy, or the opportunity to give them the bum's rush out the door.  As someone who has run for office twice and with many friends across the political spectrum, my hat is off to you.  Next up will be the 45th Canadian federal election that will take place on or before October 20, 2025.  My bet is it will likely be in less than a year's time.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

October 15, 2024

Crash Course on Crescent Road

On Friday, October 5th at 4:30 a.m. a speeding car heading east on Crescent Road lost control in the curve at 142A St. where the historic Elgin Community Hall sits.  The vehicle left the roadway where it first smashed into a stop sign, knocking it down and tearing its heavy concrete base out of the ground.  Next it hit a hydro pole with such force that it cut it completely in two while not stopping.  Immediately after that it ploughed into a concrete brick patio area tearing a large hole in the ground and sending an iron park bench flying.  The car was seriously damaged with pieces of it littering the area and the shattered hydro pole reportedly fell across Crescent Road blocking traffic.  Amazingly, a Surrey RCMP media release later that day revealed the driver was not injured in this crash. The power was disrupted and it took crews until 3:30 in the afternoon to finally turn it back on after the broken pole was replaced.  

This accident, if you want to call it that, happened at a relatively gentle curve in the road well past the sign warning of a 30 km/h speed zone ahead, which begins at the Elgin Hall parking lot.  The sweeping S curve is designated a low speed zone because of the old ESSO gas station situated on the corner of Elgin Road and Crescent Road.  Just beyond that at the apex of a sharp curve in the road is a pedestrian crossing for the Semiahmoo Trail that has flashing yellow lights activated by those crossing the street.  For traffic headed west from the King George Blvd., the 30 km/h zone starts just before 144 St at Elgin Creek.  The Surrey Engineering Department is aware of the speeding in this dangerous area but will not put speed bumps or speed humps on an arterial road.  The RCMP have conducted numerous daytime speed traps in the slow zone with plenty of tickets given out and some vehicles towed away for excessive speed at 40 km/h over the limit.

The 30 km/h signs in this area do little or nothing to slow people down who treat it like a Formula 1 racing track.  The small traffic island in the middle of Crescent Road at 144 St. has had its yellow and black striped hazard signs mowed down countless times.  I once had a 10 tonne moving truck come around this corner so fast that I thought it was going to roll over in front of me before the driver got it back down on all four wheels.  There is a split rail fence that Surrey installed along the sidewalk in this area, presumably to keep pedestrians safe, that has already been run into by out of control cars three or four times.  Amazingly nobody has been killed at the pedestrian crossing but this is likely because people look and wait for speeding cars to roar past them.  The Elgin ESSO is only protected by a small curb and Surrey did not want to put large concrete no-post barriers in at this area as they were afraid a vehicle might launch over them at high speed before crashing into the gas pumps.  Throw in the lack of a stop sign at the Elgin Road and Crescent Road interchange (it's yield only, if you can believe that) and you have a recipe for disaster.

The rest of Crescent Road all the way to Crescent Beach is really not much safer than the Elgin stretch.  It is 4.5 kms of twisting windy roadway that has changed little since it was first put in following along the Nicomekl river well over 100 years ago.  As the cars and speed have increased, the dotted line passing zones were replaced with a double solid line and bike lanes painted on the shoulders.  There have been curve ahead 40 km/h speed warning signs installed, large chevron curve signs posted at the sharpest curve uphill from Chantrell Creek and hazard markers placed on power poles, courtesy of Surrey after emails from me to their Traffic Safety manager.  Still, even with these changes there continues to be a constant parade of crashes on Crescent Road, most happening at nighttime involving high speed.  I almost had a head-on crash with a car that came fully into my lane near 128 St., my wife was passed by a speeding Chevelle that crashed into some trees at the next corner and I have been at countless crash scenes including the one that killed Tony Blackburn on Valentines Day 15 years ago.

The City of Surrey needs to look at addressing the problem of speeding and crashes on Crescent Road.  While the Engineering Dept. have informed me they do not want speed humps on arterial roads, they don't mind putting them at elementary schools, even though these are only 30 kmh from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on school days.  The Sunrise Ridge Elementary School on 60 Ave. in Cloverdale has speed humps and this is a four lane arterial road so why not on Crescent Road in the 30 km/h zone?  The Elgin S Curve on Crescent Road needs speed humps at either end and also in the middle of the straightaway to slow down racing vehicles.  The T intersection of Elgin Road and Crescent Road at the ESSO station needs a damn stop sign, not just a yield sign for people turning right.  For much of Crescent Road traffic calming solutions should be utilized including median islands with landscaping to separate and slow traffic, plus chicanes that could be used in the middle of the current straightaways.  Traffic circles should also be installed at 140 St., 136 St., 132 St. and at the four-way stop at 128 St. at the corner of Crescent Park where a roundabout is currently in the planning stages. 

Until these changes can all be instituted, high-speed late night crashes will continue to plague this century old roadway.  It would be nice to see the Surrey police or RCMP do traffic control in this corridor, with the entrance to Elgin Heritage Park being a logical spot to check for street racers.  Unfortunately a recent posting on a South Surrey Facebook page revealed that a request for RCMP speed traps at night on Crescent Road resulted in the person being told that the police traffic division only works from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.  I'd love to find out just how bad the issue of street racing on Crescent Road at night really is or the high speeds that are involved in Ocean Park on 128 St. and 16 Ave. that many neighbours have voiced concerns about.  With all of the high-powered luxury sedans, exotic sports cars and super fast Teslas in south Surrey, it should not come as a surprise that Crescent Road has become a nocturnal racetrack with only a bunch of hydro poles to slow people down.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


October 08, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Going Postal in White Rock

I've always had a personal affiliation with posties, likely because they work outdoors in nature at a physically demanding job that gets performed regardless of the weather.  In my weekly travels with Green Team Gardening we usually meet the same posties week after week because our schedules overlap and often we chat about the weather, how our work days are going and anything Canada Post related.  On Fridays we work in the South Surrey and White Rock region and usually cross paths with two or three of the same letter carriers.  What I learned from them last week was that there was a reason that many people in the Semiahmoo peninsula did not get their mail on Thursday.

The problem started at the Canada Post White Rock Letter Carrier Depot at the NW corner of 24 Ave. and King George Blvd just behind the Wild Birds Unlimited store.  White loading mail and packages for their daily deliveries, one of the letter carriers noticed a fine white powder leaking from a parcel that was being shipped.  In these days of dangerous drugs like fentanyl, cocaine and MDMA plus other white powder poisons such as ricin, strychnine and arsenic, the release of any unknown white powder immediately shuts down the work site with the Fire Department being called out to deal with the situation.  Due to the possibility of toxic chemicals or illegal drugs being involved, it is treated as a hazmat incident.  

The spilled powder has to be carefully collected and then forwarded to a laboratory for identification before any decontamination procedures can proceed.  This of course takes plenty of time and the Letter Carrier Depot was closed from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. for the analysis to be done and clean up procedures to be determined and completed.  In this case, it was nothing sinister and none of the Canada Post employees were ever in danger.  It turns out that somebody, for reasons unknown, decided to mail powdered laundry detergent without taking care to ensure that the container was secured and the packaging would not leak.  Unfortunately this resulted in most of the mail in South Surrey and White Rock not getting delivered that day and firefighters being tied up over spilled soap.

Both of the letter carriers I talked to told me stories of how Canada Post has become the largest shipper of marijuana and other drugs across Canada.  With the legalization and regulation of the marijuana industry, many stores and producers now use the mail to send their products to people across Canada.  I was told that the delivery vans often smell like marijuana to the point that the employee would not dare to try and cross the American border after work.  The largest delivery that I was told about was a 50 pound shipment that was packaged in bags that did not block the odors from escaping.  For recreational cannabis the max amount is 30 grams or just over an ounce.  For medical cannabis users, the amount is up to 30 times the daily usage amount of the patient.  Interestingly, you can ship as many marijuana plants and seeds as you want across Canada, except to Manitoba and Quebec.

Where Canada Post's involvement in illegal drug distribution really gets murky is with people sending a variety of hard drugs through the mail.  Unlike at the border, mail delivery across Canada is not x-rayed and opened for inspection.  One of the letter carriers told me of a package that opened up in transit because it was packaged in a flimsy box that was barely sealed with poor quality tape.  When it got crushed by other parcels, pills started rolling out of the seams.  In this case the pills were quickly identified as fake Oxycontin pills and they were collected by the police for further investigation.  I was also told that letter carriers often deliver packages to houses in development areas where it is obvious nobody lives.  It does not take long for these packages to disappear from the mail boxes they have been left at, creating a way for a drug drop to be completed with a low risk of anyone ever being arrested. 

So if for whatever reason you want to mail flour, icing sugar, talcum powder or starch, please ensure that it is unopened, wrapped in a sealed plastic bag, then put into a sturdy cardboard box and well sealed with layers of packing tape over the opening plus seams.  For marijuana, you can purchase a variety of containers that do not allow odours to escape so that not even the letter carrier will know that they are delivering weed door to door.  It might also be helpful to read the guidelines that Canada Post has online about mailing weed (  Letter carriers do not want to be involved in the illegal drug business that has killed over 14,000 B.C. residents since the toxic drug crisis was declared a public health emergency.  They wish dealers and gangsters would find a different way to peddle their poison.

Naturally yours;

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Oct. 1, 2024

Stairways to Heaven

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to Heaven

When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed With a word she can get what she came for

Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to Heaven

Lyrics to "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, 1973.

A call to the Surrey Parks Dept several weeks ago confirmed information I had received that the 1001 Steps staircase at the west end of 15A Ave. in Ocean Park would be closed this winter for repairs.  Last Tuesday the following news release was issued with information about these repairs, the contract that had been awarded and the anticipated closure time for this iconic pathway leading down to Crescent Rock beach.  Funny but there was no mention of the nude friendly shore below which unfortunately is par for the course with the City of Surrey where "equity, diversity and inclusion" are empty buzz words that have never been extended to naturists who regularly visit this secluded shore.

Surrey, BC – During the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, Surrey City Council approved a $724,500 contract for Calta Construction Inc. to remove and replace the iconic 1001 Steps stair system in Ocean Park. The 1001 Steps are an integral part of the South Surrey landscape, serving as a crucial recreational feature for residents and visitors alike. The pathway and steps offer amazing ocean views, with opportunities for viewing harbour seals and other wildlife.

“This renovation will not only enhance the safety and accessibility of the 1001 Steps but will also preserve this beloved community landmark for future generations to enjoy,” said Mayor Brenda Locke. “We are committed to investing in our parks and recreation infrastructure to improve the quality of life for residents in Surrey, with $1.7B in approved capital projects over five years.”

Originally built in the late 1980’s, the 1001 Steps structure has now reached the end of its life cycle. The project will include the removal and disposition of the existing stair/landing structure and the construction of a new stair system including new foundations. The City anticipates the project to start late October of 2024 with completion scheduled for the end of March 2025.  The funding for this project is available in the 2024 Parks, Recreation & Culture Capital Budget.

On the City of Surrey website ( the 1001 Steps listing provided this additional information ( about the upcoming repairs.

1001 Steps restoration project:

The 1001 Steps are at the end of their life cycle. This project will include the removal of the existing steps and the construction of a new stair system including new foundations. The new stair system will be constructed in the same general alignment as the existing stairs. 

Scheduled work:

The project start is set for late October 2024 with a completion date of March 2025. The stairs will be closed to the public for the duration of the work.

Alternative park stairs are located at 131E Greenbelt (13090 13 Ave) and Christopherson Steps (2409 Christopherson Rd).

The problem with this posting is that it directs people to visit the "131 Greenbelt" historically known as the Olympic Trail.  Don't bother to try and find it on the website, as just like the nude beach it is not listed.  While the wooden stairs down to the viewing platform are easy to access and maintained by Surrey, the path to the beach is narrow, steep and with many broken or missing boards and pieces of steel rebar sticking out of the ground.  I've been told that the blackberries and vegetation are trimmed back by local residents, not City crews. The bottom 30 feet of the trail are severely eroded and very difficult to climb.  I recommend people wear hiking boots with good tread and to not attempt this path when it's wet or raining.  It is so rough and steep that someone has left a rope in this location to help people navigate the terrain.  Once at the bottom of the hill, the trail opens onto the BNSF Railway where hikers must trespass to cross the tracks, risking being hit by a train, or receiving a $500 ticket from the police who regularly patrol the tracks.  From that point the shore is another steep climb down large jagged rip-rap boulders installed by the BNSF along the railway corridor to protect it from wave erosion.

The Christopherson Steps at 24 Ave. has an elevated catwalk over the BNSF tracks, while the 1001 Steps at 15A Ave. has a concrete tunnel under the rail bed.  Directing people to the Olympic Trail without warning them of the hazards they face puts them in harm's way.  I contacted the BNSF offices in Fort Worth, Texas who put me in touch with one of their Railway Officers here who was not happy about hearing the news.  Considering the condition of the Olympic Trail, the trespassing issue and the many hazards involved, I believe that instructing people to use this location while the 1001 Steps are closed is foolhardy, if not dangerous.  If anyone falls and gets injured, or is struck by a train, the City may be liable for encouraging people to use this rugged and remote access point that crosses a busy industrial rail line.  I know of two people who have broken their arms falling down the steep unsanctioned trails leading down the Ocean Park bluff to the rugged shores of Crescent Rock beach.  As far as climbing the rip-rap, there have been two recent cases of women falling in these jagged boulders, both that were seriously injured with the Canadian Coast Guard hovercraft being called in to help perform an emergency extraction.

The Christopherson Steps (formerly 101 Steps, the name was changed to stop confusion) are similar in construction to the 1001 Steps and from their condition I believe they were built around the same time.  I am old enough to remember when these areas were simply dirt trails down the bank with stairs made of 2"x8"s kept in place with pieces of rebar.  The wooden portion of the current stairs appears to be in no better shape than the ones now being replaced at the 1001 Steps.  We use the Christopherson Steps staircase frequently to go to the beach and I have noticed in the past few years that the stairs in many places are starting to list badly.  About halfway down the hillside at the eighth landing, the stairs are so angled that I decided to measure to see how bad it had gotten.  A construction level and measuring tape revealed that the stairs around this location have sunk 4 inches over the 4 foot length of the tread.  In several other spots the lean is 2-3 inches across the 4 foot wide stair.  Surrey Parks may have decided that the 1001 Steps needed replacing but I will be letting them know that the Christopherson Steps appear to be in worse condition and their replacement should be included in their Key Capital Projects for 2025.  Until that can happen, the one area of this staircase with the serious sink hole needs to be jacked up level and repaired.

This brings us to the part of this TNT where I can finally put to rest the age old question, "How many stairs are at the 1001 Steps and the Christopherson Steps?"  The Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24 Ave. in Crescent Heights have a metal staircase closest to the beach consisting of 58 steps in 4 flights with 3 landings and an elevated pedestrian walkway above the BNSF train tracks.  The wooden staircase higher up the hill has 132 steps with 13 flights and 14 landings.  There are 190 stairs in total, a lot more than the old "101 Steps" name.  With the metal steps measuring 7.5" high and the wooden steps measuring 7" high, some quick math puts the elevation of the entire staircase at 113.2 feet or 34.5 metres high.  From the Christopherson Park entrance gate to the sand at Crescent Beach is an estimated 37 metres in height.

The 1001 Steps at the west end of 15 A Ave. in Ocean Park has a zig-zagging wooden staircase down the bluff that joins a long gravel trail leading to a final set of stairs that enter a concrete tunnel under the BNSF train tracks.  The main wooden staircase features 234 stairs over 26 flights with 25 landings, and a total of 13 changes in direction over 45 degrees.  At the bottom of the wooden staircase a 200 metre pathway heads north along the railway corridor leading to the final set of 9 wooden stairs, which enters a concrete tunnel allowing for safe pedestrian passage to the ocean.  The total number of stairs is 243, less than a quarter of the advertised 1001 Steps.  With a stair height of 6 inches it means that the entire wooden staircase system is 121.5 feet or 37 metres in height, not including the elevation change of approximately 3 metres for the gravel pathway.  Surrey lists the vertical height as 40 metres with a 200 metre pathway, which my measurements confirm.  The main wooden staircase measures 117 feet or 35.7 metres in vertical height.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



September 23, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Dangers at Dogwood

It is nice to know that Surrey City Hall pays attention to my column in the White Rock Sun and the emails I send to department managers on various concerns I bring to their attention.  Case in point was the presence of foxtail barley, aka spear grass, growing inside the dog parks at both Dogwood Park and Blackie Spit at Crescent Beach.  I featured this subject in my July 8, 2024 TNT titled "Spear Grass Stabbing Dogs."  New signs at the dog park entrances now warn pet owners that this native grass is present within the off-leash park and the dangers that it presents to dogs.  They go on to inform that the City of Surrey now has a remediation program in place to remove the seed heads from the plants and a telephone number (604-501-5050) where people can submit a service request if they see this grass growing.  One problem down, three to go.

While on site this weekend checking out the park, I was surprised to realize that the dog park is not secure.  The boxed off areas leading into the dog park from the parking lot have spring controlled gates on either side so that dogs cannot leave on their own.  Unfortunately these mechanisms are out of alignment and no longer return the gates to a closed position.  This allows dogs to possibly be able to leave the off-leash area and get into the parking area where vehicles are a hazard.  For dogs that really like to run, this taste of freedom might cause them to bolt and run off onto 20th Avenue and into surrounding neighbourhoods where they could get lost.  This is a simple maintenance issue that should be checked by parks staff when they are on site.  After all, the workers have to walk through these gates themselves and this should have been noticed.  Problem two noted.

For a while I've thought that this dog park needs to have lighting installed because there are many people and their pets who use it after the sun goes down.  This is especially true in the fall and winter after the old relic time change comes into effect.  Cars are often left with their headlights on and pointed into the park when it is dark.  What I noticed today is that there are actually two light standards already in place in the main dog play area.  Both of these poles do not have any lights mounted on top of them, with one having its electrical access hatch removed and wires visible inside.  These two light standards should have new LED lights attached on top and be turned on remotely by a photocell when it gets dark.  It's hard to say if these lights were damaged and never replaced, or possibly not installed in the first place.  The dog play area needs to be illuminated and while crews are fixing them, they should also run an electrical conduit underground and put a light on the covered picnic tables at shelter SH121-01.  That's problem three solved.

By far the most serious safety issue at Dogwood Park are the driveway entrances.  While the east driveway off 20 Ave. is 10 m wide at the road, it narrows quickly to 6.5 m. at the sidewalk and only 4.5 metres a car length from that point.  The west driveway is 8.5 m. wide at the road, 6.2 m. at the sidewalk and 4.6 m. a car length from there.  Adding to the constriction, both of these driveways are curved as they enter the parking lot leaving no room for two vehicles to pass.  The parking stalls measure 2.5 metres across, so two parked cars have half a metre more room than the space at the entrances.  By comparison, the entrances to the Crescent Park Tennis Courts parking lots are each 5.5 metres wide and the concrete walls along both of them have been damaged by vehicles.  What is notable is that the parking lot at Crescent Park is one-way traffic with a separate entrance and exit as they are too narrow for two cars to safely pass in this location.  The one-way driveways at Crescent Park are a metre wider than the two-way driveways at Dogwood Park, which makes absolutely no sense at all.

I became aware of this glaring safety issue at Dogwood Park when I was almost involved in a 5 car crash while leaving the park last week with my work truck and trailer.  Because of the narrow driveway and the curve in the roadway, it left no room for anyone except maybe on a bicycle.  This didn't deter a woman in a SUV from turning left into the driveway while I was sitting there waiting for traffic.  With three cars bearing down on her from the other direction, she had to drive up onto the sidewalk in front of me to avoid being hit by a line of cars on 20 Ave. or driving into my Ford F350.  These driveways either need to be straightened and widened considerably with yellow dividing lines painted on them or the lot should be turned into one-way.  That would include separate entrance and exit lanes with proper signage at either location plus directional arrows painted on the lot pavement.  How can you have one-way single car driveways at Crescent Park that are a metre wider than the two lane curved driveways at Dogwood Park?  That's problem four identified with several solutions on how to fix this dangerous problem.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



September 16, 2024

TNT The Naked truth

Don Pitcairn

The Naked Truth - Sept 16, 2024

Music To My Ears

Loverboy Live

It really has been the season of the music festival in these parts recently.  This year's White Rock's Concerts at the Pier first started in 2017 and who can say no to a free concert with the White Rock beach as a backdrop and even the occasional AmTrak or BNSF train rolling by on the tracks.  This year's series of free concerts started on July 4th with Tsawwassen's very own 54-40, one of my favourite local bands who play the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver every spring and fall (at $80 a ticket I might add).  A week later, it was Juno Award-winning powerhouse Crystal Shawanda featuring songs from her latest studio album Midnight Blues on True North Records. On July 25 it was tribute band time with Arrival and Gaslighter doing ABBA and the Dixie Chicks proud.  You had to be at the beach on Aug. 22 for Vancouver's very own Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts (another Juno Award winner).  Closing our this year's seasons of shows a week later were the "American Rock Legends, tribute bands Night Moves rocking to Bob Seger and Dead Man's Town pouring out some Bruce Springsteen.  A very special thanks to TD bank and the City of White Rock and their partners for another great year of music by the Pier.

In only its second season, the Salmon Sessions Music Festival was held August 24th at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club in the Hazelmere valley with funds raised supporting the construction of a new Little Campbell Fish Hatchery.  With the Penmar Community Arts Society promoting the event, there was a noticeable increase in corporate sponsors that along with ticket sales helped to raise over $30,000 for the fish hatchery construction fund.  The show was held on the back archery field in an area ringed by forest near the banks of the Little Campbell river.  Besides plenty of targeted Facebook advertising and a telephone pole poster campaign, the music lineup with five bands helped to bring out a much larger crowd than the inaugural Sessions.  The Canadian music duo Fionn supporting their new album "I Might Start Smoking" were there along with Antonio Larosa and his full country rock band who won the 2023 BC Country Music Awards.  The funky 10 piece Vancouver based Camaro 67 really got the engines revving with their retro rock and roll with blues.   

The surprise of the night for me was Brass Camel fronted by Surrey's Daniel Sveinson who helped deliver a high octane performance that included two double neck guitars.  White Rock's very own Daniel Wesley blew people away with his blend of reggae, rock and folk that apparently included a skunk hiding somewhere in the vicinity.  Check out my Aug. 19 "Support Salmon Sessions" TNT for more info-on this show.


On Friday I was at Five Corners in White Rock when I noticed a poster for the 2nd annual Barnside Harvest Festival being held at Patterson Park in Delta.  Having grown up in North Delta and knowing many of the folks at Barnside Brewing and the farmers who supply them with crops, I decided to check it out.  Unfortunately there was no way for us to take in all three days of this festival but with the Odds, Wide Mouth Mason and Loverboy being the headliners for Sunday, we headed off to the old horse race track at the corner of Ladner Trunk Road and Hwy. 17A.  We were literally blown away by the size of this event that was ringed with food trucks, artisan tents, seating areas and beverage stations everywhere you turned.  We were rather bummed out that we had missed headliners The Trews and The Glorious Sons on Friday followed by Sloan and the Sam Roberts Band on Saturday.  Forget about the lawn chair, we stood ten feet away from centre stage taking in the Odds, Wide Mouth Mason and the show finale with Loverboy.  Imagine if you will the songs "Turn Me Loose, The Kid is Hot Tonight, Working For The Weekend, When It's Over, Loving Every Minute of It" plus many more hits.  My favourite was the Mike Reno and Ann Wilson duet "Almost Paradise" from the movie Footloose with Catherine St. Germain taking the stage to sing with her husband.  I saw this before in a surprise performance by them at the Blue Frog Studio in White Rock; an absolute tear jerker of a show stopper.

Summer music festivals in the border region are now over for another year with fall officially starting next Sunday and plenty of wet weather in the forecast for the weekend.  You can look forward to 2025 when the Concerts at the Pier, Salmon Sessions Music Festival and Barnside Harvest Festival all return, likely bigger and better than they were before.  Whether these shows are free, affordable, or up to $350 for a three day VIP pass, consider getting outside, soaking in the sunshine and taking in some live music in either White Rock, South Surrey or Ladner.  Heck, if you want to have a really good time, consider going to all of these shows that happen over nine days from early July to mid-September.  When we pick up our next year's calendar, you can bet we will be reserving plenty of our summer to go check out some of these shows and the wonderful and talented musicians that will be playing there.  Congrats to all of the promoters, sponsors, supporters, musicians and workers who gave it their all to make these shows possible for everyone here to enjoy.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people


September 10, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Surrey Charters A New Course

Monday night's council meeting at Surrey City Hall is likely to be a historic one with Surrey Council voting on the concept of a "Surrey Charter".  Most cities and municipalities in B.C. are governed under the legislative framework of the Community Charter and Local Government Act.  The one exception is the City of Vancouver that has operated under the Vancouver Charter since 1953.  With Surrey expected to have the largest population of any city in B.C. by 2030 and with almost three times the land area of Vancouver, Mayor Locke believes it is time that Surrey negotiates its own charter with the Provincial Government.  Here is the media release that was posted on the website last Friday with details for the proposed Surrey Charter. 

Surrey, BC – During the Regular Council Meeting next Monday, Surrey City Council will vote on the concept for a proposed Surrey Charter.  If Council approves the concept, Mayor Brenda Locke will send a letter to the Premier and Minister of Municipal Affairs requesting that the Province enact the Surrey Charter which would provide the City with additional powers, responsibilities and exemptions.

"As we stand on the brink of becoming the largest city in British Columbia, it is imperative that we empower ourselves with a Surrey Charter,” said Mayor Brenda Locke. “This proposed Surrey Charter is not just about granting power; it’s about ensuring that our community has the tools it needs to thrive amidst rapid growth. With more autonomy and flexibility, we can be more responsive to the needs of our growing and unique community. With these new powers, we can build a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for every Surrey resident.”

Surrey is projected to be the largest city in B.C. by 2030 and current legislative framework in the Community Charter and Local Government Act fails to address many of the challenges faced by larger municipalities.

The initial concept of the Surrey Charter proposes the following:

  • Exemptions from new provincial housing legislation

    • To give council discretion to hold public hearings and maintain single-family residential zones.

    • To exempt transit hubs from blanket density requirements, leaving this to Council’s discretion

    • To give Council discretion to require off-street parking as it consider appropriate

  • The power to enact an Empty Homes Tax

  • The authority to expand revenue sources

  • Ability to enhance Bylaw enforcement tools, such as increasing maximum fines

  • The power to provide greater support and grants to businesses

  • Greater protections against legal claims

  • Broader authority to regulate business and enact building regulations

The motion was endorsed unanimously by council and now staff will be directed to work with the Province to develop, draft and enact a Surrey Charter.

You can read the full eleven page Corporate Report on this subject at:

The timing of this vote to change the way that Surrey is governed comes at an interesting time with the Provincial election being held in 39 days.  With all of the bad blood over the Surrey police transition and the NDP government forcing Surrey to stop using the RCMP, you have to wonder if there is an underhanded agenda for putting this idea forward.  By far the most contentious proposal has to be an exemption from the new provincial housing legislation allowing Surrey Council to save single family neighbourhoods and not have blanket density requirements around Skytrain and other transit hubs. There will be ten Surrey ridings up for grabs in Surrey on October 19th and currently seven of these are held by NDP MLAs.  It should be fascinating to see how the Provincial government responds to this concept and how the idea of a Surrey Charter is received.  

What is hard to believe is that the City of Vancouver has operated under the Vancouver Charter for 71 years.  It's amazing that it has taken this long for another city to realize that size does matter and it looks like Surrey is ready to step into the big leagues.  Mayor Locke was on the Jaz Johal show on CKNW 980 this Monday talking about the Surrey Charter and when pressed why this was necessary now she frankly stated "It's Surrey's time."  Surprisingly, Surrey is not the biggest city by area in B.C. with that title going to Abbotsford with 376 square kilometers versus 316 in Surrey and only 115 in Vancouver.  If you were not aware of this fact, join the club.  For years I've been saying that Surrey, B.C. stands for BIG CITY.  It turns out the sleeping giant is in the Fraser Valley with lots of room to grow and the #1 Freeway being doubled in size to handle expected future growth.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



September 03, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Beach Bites

A trip to the Semiahmoo waterfront this time of year might include more than a relaxing day at the beach and getting a nice tan. You may leave the beach with a nasty surprise and some very itchy skin courtesy of two completely different pests that can leave you scratching and heading to the drug store in search of relief from itchy welts and red rashes.

Several people who spent time at Crescent Rock beach this weekend complained of itchy lower extremities that required sleeping in full length pyjamas with consideration for wearing mittens to bed.  At this point in the year the sun is already down to nearly thirteen hours a day and the angle is constantly getting lower in the sky.  This results in less sunlight reaching the plentiful eelgrass beds that cover much of the sandy bottom of the bay.  Due to the lowered rate of photosynthesis, the eelgrass starts to shed its long green blades, which then wash ashore in mass on the high tide.  This thick raft of organic material is a great feeding and breeding ground for sand flies that can deliver a nasty irritating bite to unsuspecting beach goers.

When visiting our local beaches it is a good idea to avoid the high tide mark and the line of seaweed that is deposited there by the waves.  The worst times for sand flies is in the early morning, at sunset and when it is cloudy.  Windy days reduce sand fly activity since they are small and tend to avoid travelling in high winds.  After a rainfall the cooler and wetter conditions make for a surge of sand flies along our shores.  Sand flies can be avoided by not laying directly on the beach but instead using a blanket or lounge chair to relax on.  Besides wearing sunscreen to the beach, if you realize that sand flies are present you might want to consider applying insect repellent, especially to your feet, ankles and lower legs.  Above all, avoid walking or standing in the line of seaweed on the beach and if you need to cross it, do so very quickly and briskly walk away.

The other irritating menace at our beaches is swimmer's itch.  This is a skin rash you get from an allergic reaction to a small worm shaped parasite called schistosomes.  Their life cycle is divided between infecting water snails and then the blood stream of waterfowl.  In the summer when the water is warm, the schistosome larvae leave their snail hosts and swim at the surface of the water looking for ducks and other birds to infect.  If you swim in the water at these times, it is possible for these small worms to burrow under your skin.  They tend to die immediately but the body's reaction to them is what causes the swimmer's itch.  To reduce exposure, it is best to stay away from the incoming tide that may carry an abundance of this parasite, especially during warm summer weather.  Moving quickly away from the shore to deeper water can also help limit your exposure to this nasty little pest.

At the nude-friendly Crescent Rock beach and at Crescent Beach there are sizable eelgrass beds that are covered with snails, which act as hosts for this parasite.  The entire Boundary Bay region attracts a large amount of waterfowl that use this important area of the Pacific Flyway migratory route, increasing the presence of schistosomes.  Besides avoiding the incoming tide and keeping away from the shoreline, ensure you towel off immediately after leaving the water.  Showering will also remove these parasites but not after they have already burrowed under your skin.  Kids are at most risk of swimmer's itch because they tend to spend a lot of time in shallow water at the shoreline plus frequently go in and out of the water without getting dried off.  Keep in mind that there are public showers available for use free of charge at both White Rock and Crescent Beach.

Regardless of which of these pests is involved, the effect is often a red rash, raised welts and itchiness that leads to scratching and additional infections.  Here are some simple remedies that may reduce these symptoms that can last from several days to more than a week.

  • Apply plain calamine lotion.

  • Take antihistamines. For children, consult your health care provider such as your local pharmacist.

  • Take shallow, lukewarm baths with 3 tablespoons of baking soda in the water.

  • Take colloidal oatmeal baths.

  • Apply cool compresses to the affected areas.

  • Avoid scratching as this may result in the rash becoming infected.

With this information in mind you can likely avoid issues with either of these shoreline pests.  I certainly would not stop visiting the beach here simply because I never want to get itchy bites or a nasty rash.  I have not had either of these problems and I spend much of my relaxation time either at the beach or swimming in the ocean.  It is simply a matter of being aware of the problems and knowing how to lower your risk of exposure.  Kind of like using sunscreen, a large brimmed hat and an umbrella to avoid getting a sunburn at the beach.  You certainly don't want to go home with sunburn blisters, sand fly bites and swimmer's itch all at the same time.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




Monday August 26, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth


Cutting the Cord

Last week from August 19-22 the grass Spartina Anglica, better known as English cordgrass or common cordgrass was sprayed throughout the Mud Bay Region using the pesticide Habitat Aqua along with a wetting agent.  This invasive species originated from southern England and was first found in this area in 2003 after spreading north from Washington State where cordgrass was accidentally introduced in 1880.  It is one of four species of cordgrass growing on B.C.'s coastline with much of it found in the mud flats of Mud Bay in Surrey and Delta.  

This extremely aggressive shoreline grass will form large mats across the waterfront that trap sediment raising the height of intertidal areas while clogging drainage channels and covering naturally occurring mud and sand flats along with native eelgrass beds.  In turn this eliminates habitat for aquatic life and waterfowl that would normally live and feed in these areas.  Here is the list of environmental and economic impacts from this plant as identified by Fisheries & Oceans Canada.

  • A loss of critical rearing habitat for fish such as juvenile salmon, clams, oysters and crab.

  • A loss of valuable habitat for migrating shorebirds and waterfowl. Boundary Bay is a major resting and feeding area for more than 320 bird species

  • An increase in the risk of flooding

  • A loss of water access from shoreline areas and beaches and for boats

  • A loss of more diverse, native plant species

  • Disruption of saltwater ecosystem structure and function

  • Competition with native marsh species

  • May negatively impact native wildlife

  • Competition with other plant species

Teams from the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, co-ordinated by Ducks Unlimited Canada, have been attempting control measures in areas of Mud Bay from Blackie Spit at Crescent Beach to Tsawwassen that have been infested with Spartina.  This nine year battle has resulted in a 90% decrease in this invasive grass, with efforts throughout southern B.C. resulting in the infested areas dropping from 300 ha. to 100 ha.  Because of the thick rhizome root systems involved with this plant, treated areas must be inspected for six years to ensure against regrowth.  This is a time and labour intensive battle being done to help eradicate this invasive species.

I became aware of the most recent cordgrass control measures when a picture of a Pesticide Use Notice sign was posted on the Crescent Rock Beach Naturists Facebook page.  It included a map of Boundary Bay showing the affected areas that were to be treated.  With this in mind, and fully aware of what cordgrass looks like from a previous TNT on this topic, I decided to do my own inspection of the shoreline south from Crescent Beach.  Several years ago I dug out several clumps of cordgrass near the Crescent Rock boulder, much to the dismay of our two dogs who loved to chew on it.  While this area has never grown back, I discovered a new clump that had taken root in the area favoured by naturists further south towards Kwomais Point.

Rather than reporting my find, I instead went to work digging out the large root system with a shovel I keep hidden at the beach for moving rocks and logs.  Because the cordgrass was high up the shoreline in an area consisting mainly of small pebbles, the plants came out easily and I placed them high on the railway bank to dry out and die.  Once they were removed, I then raked the area level, added some logs for backrests and created three more "condos" where people could relax when visiting this rugged beach that has limited sandy areas.   It took me maybe twenty minutes to dig out the spartina and build the beach beds, with several of them being occupied by sunbathers before we left for the day.

To the untrained eye, beach grass is beach grass but Spratina has the following characteristics.  An internet search of "spartina angelica common cordgrass" and clicking the images tab will give you lots of photos to help you identify this invasive grass living across Boundary Bay.  

  • Spartina is an erect perennial grass, growing up to 1.5 m tall. 

  • It has large, smooth, often in-rolled leaves, angularly orientated along the stems. 

  • Flower clusters (inflorescences) occur at the top of the stem and are 2-24 cm long. 

  • A single Spartina plant, grown from seed, spreads into a circular clone.

Here are a few links for more information about Spartina and control measures being used against it in both B.C. and Washington State.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




TNT The Naked Truth


 August 19, 2024

Support Salmon Sessions

This Saturday, August 24th, is the second annual Salmon Sessions Music Festival in support of the Little Campbell Hatchery.  Located at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club, 1284 184 St. in the Hazelmere Valley of south Surrey, this live event features five B.C. bands from 4-11 p.m.  Funds raised by this musical event will go towards building a new modern fish hatchery high above the flood prone Little Campbell river.  Tickets are available from the Penmar Community Arts Society at with adult $45, youth and children $20.

Here is the artist line up that features White Rock born Daniel Wesley as the headliner plus the music schedule for the day: 

4:00 pm Fionn: The Canadian duo known for their catchy melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

5:00 pm Camaro 67: A 10-piece Vancouver-based band delivering retro rock and roll vibes.

6:30 pm Antonio Larosa: Award-winning artist bringing soulful country rock to the stage.     

8:00 pm Brass Camel: Surrey’s own Daniel Sveinson leads this dynamic fusion band.

9:30 pm Daniel Wesley: West Coast music staple and headliner, blending rock, reggae, and folk.

The Semiahmoo Fish and Game Club was first started in Surrey back in 1957 and has been in its current location since 1975 on a rural 29 acre property featuring the Little Campbell fish hatchery, outdoor archery range, indoor ranges, a 200 seat hall and nature trails along the river that are open to the public.  The current fish hatchery located in the flood plain has faced years of flooding, with major damage during the 2021 atmospheric river flood resulting in the loss of tens of thousands of fish eggs and salmon smolts.  

To deal with this situation the SFGC plans to build a new facility on higher ground, equipped with modern computer controlled systems to increase fish stock production. Annually, the hatchery currently releases about 100,000 salmon, totaling 35-40 million over the past 40 years.  Besides enjoying the live music, festival attendees can take guided tours of the fish hatchery and go for a walk on the many trails that criss-cross through the forested valley following the Little Campbell river.

Besides strong community support, the Salmon Sessions Music Festival is attracting government, corporate and media supporters as well.  Here is the list of sponsors for this year's event.

Sockeye sponsor:  City of Surrey

Coho sponsors:  Province of B.C., Daily Hive.

Pink sponsors:  Surrey-White Rock MLA Trevor Halford, The Cooperators.

Chum sponsors:  White Rock Chamber of Commerce, City of White Rock, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Save on Foods.

Supporter sponsor:  Ferro Building Systems.

Media sponsors:  Vancouver's Best Places, Peace Arch News.

Supporters in kind:  Cooper Equipment Rentals, Cityside Winery, Permaseal Global, Long & McQuade Musical Instruments, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Along with the music, there will be a new food truck from Sheila's Catering offering a wide variety of meals for hungry concert goers, a beverage  garden featuring beer, wine and non-alcoholic drinks for those looking to quench their thirst.  Adding to the excitement, there will be a 50/50 draw with half of the funds going towards the new hatchery, plus a raffle with a prize of one roundtrip flight for two guests to any regularly scheduled WestJet destination.  You can get your 50/50 and raffle tickets now from Raffle Nexus at

Here are some listings for further information about the Salmon Sessions Music Festival:

Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club:

Penmar Community Arts Society:

I hope to see you at the show, it should be fin-tastic!

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

August 13, 2024

The White Rock Air Show

Back in May 2007, Nav Canada caused an uproar by altering flight paths over the Semiahmoo peninsula without notifying anybody about the changes or the creation of the new GRIZZ STAR flight path.  It was instantly noticed when commercial airliners suddenly began flying over White Rock and south Surrey while making their approaches to land at the Vancouver International Airport (YVR).  Formerly quiet neighbourhoods where people had bought homes to be free from airplane noise pollution and jet fuel exhaust were suddenly being strafed every three to five minutes by a parade of landing commercial jets.  Amazingly, Nav Canada with its office in Newton, never bothered to notify Surrey City Hall, which at that time was located near King George Hwy. and #10 Hwy., a few miles away as the crow flies.  Contacting White Rock City Hall about the changes was not on their radar either.

Needless to say, residents of south Surrey and White Rock were not impressed with this imposed decision or the draconian manner in which it was implemented.  It is fair to say that the poop hit the turboprop and this loss of peace and quiet for residential neighbourhoods and local beaches became a top news story and political cause for city halls from all of the affected areas.  It resulted in the creation of Surrey's Nav Canada Working Group and the hiring of a noise consulting firm to review the impact of the change.  This battle over control of the skies and the noise from operations continued with noise monitoring stations being installed throughout the region, including in Ocean Park at the Ocean Cliff Elementary.  YVR put WebTrak online to allow people to monitor plane activity that included plane identification, altitude, speed and whether they were incoming or departing.  You can check out YVR's WebTrak for this region at .  A Surrey Corporate Report with information about the Nav Canada changes from Direct Approach Consulting is online at .

At the end of this exhaustive aerial combat over the route changes, tweaks were made to the flight paths to help mitigate noise, reduce environmental effects and to keep planes away from formerly quiet neighbourhoods.  When dedicated flight paths are not being used, pilots are allowed to fly VFR or Visual Flight Rules, with the Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) directing them to fly north "in the middle of Boundary Bay."  The problem with this is that 2008 was 16 years ago, many executives and ATCs at Nav Canada have retired or moved on after COVID affected air travel worldwide.  I live in between Ocean Park and Crescent Beach and am often at the shoreline of Crescent Rock Beach, giving me a birds eye view of air traffic in this region including that coming out of Boundary Bay that is the third busiest airport in Canada for plane movements.  Slowly but surely commercial jets have begun flying closer to the Semiahmoo peninsula.  I have seen planes flying south to north over 128 St, a long way from "the middle of Boundary Bay." 

On Friday evening at around 6:30 p.m. I was on my back deck when I was surprised to see a plane far in the distance to the east of our house.  I noted the time and decided I would check the YVR WebTrak to find out what the heck was going on.  I also thought I'd to check to see how many other flights were transecting south Surrey or possibly even White Rock.  Here is what happened in a two hour window from 6:25 to 8:25 p.m., or 18:25 to 20:25 hours.

#1.  18:29 hrs., Embraer E75L flying in a NW direction from Kerfoot Rd. (143 St.) and Marine Drive in White Rock, to 132 St and Crescent Rd. in Surrey.

#2.  18:33 hrs., Boeing 737 Max 8 flying in a N direction along 130 St. from Marine Drive to Crescent Rd. in Ocean Park, Surrey.

#3.  19:00 hrs., Airbus A320 flying in a NW direction from Bergeron St. (136 St) in White Rock to 144 St and Crescent Road in Surrey.

#4.  19:36 hrs., Airbus A320 flying in a NE direction 200 m. offshore from Crescent Beach over the Marine Park in Surrey.

#5.  19:38 hrs., Airbus A320 flying N directly over the centre of Crescent Beach in Surrey.

#6.  20:23 hrs., Embraer E75L flying N from Archibald (144 St) and Marine Drive in White Rock to 144 St and Crescent Road in Surrey.

This amount of air traffic in a two hour window and the disregard for the promised "middle of Boundary Bay" directive for VFR flights likely shows that Nav Canada is now completely ignoring community concerns here regarding commercial air traffic overflights.  I should note that the air movements at 7 p.m. are almost half of what they are in the busiest time of the day.  I watched the WebTrak on a fairly large scale and saw no flights over the middle of Boundary Bay during the two hour window where their environmental effect and noise footprint is greatly reduced.  The noise monitoring station at Ocean Park also showed little noise registering, likely because the planes that flew through this region were miles away from the location where it is housed.  Considering we are now again experiencing noise pollution from commercial jets heading to YVR, I am hoping the Mayors and Council from White Rock and Surrey can ask Nav Canada why these planes are not flying over the middle of Boundary Bay as they had formerly promised.  

Please pose questions related to air traffic management in this region to Nav Canada at

You can contact the YVR Noise Management Committee with jet noise complaints at

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People. 

July 29, 2024

The Naked Truth

A New Church In Town

"Love is the first essential quality. It forces us to travel on the path. Love automatically leads us back to the Father." - Maharaj Charan Singh Ji .

I thought it was rather odd to hear about traffic jams in south Surrey a week ago just up the hill from 32 Ave. and 176 St (Hwy 15).  I drive through this corridor fairly frequently and other than the Country Woods subdivision on the west side and a smattering of old farms and empty development sites on the east side, there is not much to see, let alone attracting people in such numbers that it would cause traffic chaos.  With a little internet sleuthing, that's when I discovered the massive religious conference centre tucked away behind the farm buildings located at 2934 - 176 St Surrey, BC.  In case you were unaware of it, this is home to the local chapter of Radha Soami Satsand Beas that is part of RSSB Canada.  The large gathering was due to the presence of the group's leader Baba Gurinder Singh who was in Surrey to meet with his followers.

Here is the skinny on this world-wide religious group with information taken from the official RSSB website at .

"Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) along with its international affiliates is a religious organization guided by the fundamental spiritual beliefs found at the heart of most religions, under the mentorship of a living spiritual teacher.  In the Indian language, Radha Soami means ‘lord of the soul’, Satsang describes a group that seeks truth, and Beas refers to the town near which the main centre is located in northern India.  RSSB was established in India in 1891 and gradually began spreading to other countries with it now holding meetings in more than 90 countries worldwide. It is a non-profit organization with no affiliation to any political or commercial organizations.

The basis of every religion is spirituality. With the passage of time and changing social values, the basic spiritual teachings often become embellished with extra rules and rituals, and eventually take the shape of a formal religion. Despite its extensive outreach activities, RSSB tries to maintain the integrity of its spiritual core and preserve the simplicity of its teachings. At the heart of the RSSB teachings is a belief that there is a spiritual purpose to human life – to experience the divinity of God who resides in all of us. It is through this experience that we will realize the truth of the concept that there is only one God and we are all expressions of his love.

Central to the RSSB teachings is a spiritual teacher who explains the purpose of life and guides and instructs members in a method of spirituality based on a daily meditation practice. The present teacher is Baba Gurinder Singh, who lives with his family at the main centre in northern India.  By performing the meditation practice according to the teacher's instructions, individuals can realize the presence of God within themselves. It is a solitary practice that is done in the quiet of one's own home. Members commit themselves to a way of life that supports spiritual growth while carrying out their responsibilities to family, friends and society. There are no rituals, ceremonies, hierarchies or mandatory contributions, nor are there compulsory gatherings. Members need not give up their cultural identity or religious preference to follow this path.

To build on the primary spiritual practice of meditation, members are vegetarian, abstain from alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs, and are expected to lead a life of high moral values. A vegetarian diet encourages respect and empathy for all life and acknowledges that there is a debt to be paid for taking any life unnecessarily. Abstaining from intoxicants improves one's ability to concentrate and calms the mind during meditation. Members are encouraged to be self-supporting and not be a burden on society. They are free to make their own choices in life and maintain any cultural or religious affiliations they choose. RSSB does not involve itself in the personal lives of its members.

Inherent to the Society’s philosophy is the importance of seva, meaning selfless service, or voluntarism. Voluntary service is the backbone of all activities connected with RSSB. All administrative functions, construction of Indian and international centres, feeding of the hundreds of thousands of visitors who visit the headquarters in India, writing and translating books and magazines explaining the teachings, are done by members on a voluntary basis. Mahatma Gandhi embodied the importance of service in his statement: “The best way to find your self is to lose yourself in the service of others.” It is believed that through service, one loses one’s sense of self-importance and becomes humble. That is the foundation of a spiritual life

I thought it was rather surprising that this new-age spiritual movement had quietly flown under the radar with me but many Canadians of Indian ancestry are obviously aware of its existence.  A religion that doesn't care what your religion is sounds a bit like an oxymoron but considering the battles between religious groups over history, maybe it's a good thing.  People around the world are flocking to non-traditional religious groups because they have lost faith in mainstream institutions.  Our economy is seen as unstable and inequitable, younger generations cannot afford a home, politics has become polarized and corrupt, the media is viewed as being untrustworthy, and churches are struggling from sex abuse scandals.  It should surprise no one that people are attracted to an Indian guru preaching a healthy positive lifestyle, fellowship and belonging, plus inner peace with outer calm in an increasingly chaotic world.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People



The Naked Truth - July 20, 2024

Hell On Wings

Being an outdoorsman, I often get to witness various creatures in the wilds that most people never get to see.  While this usually happens off the beaten track in remote areas with limited human activity, I sometimes get to witness nature up close in an urban setting.  Several years ago I had an amazing experience when a small falcon was racing through my backyard hot on the tail of a robin that was flying for its life.  After several high speed laps through the trees and bushes with the falcon matching the robin's every move, the prey decided that the raptor chasing it posed more of a threat than me and it landed on the grass close to my feet.  The falcon immediately gave up the chase and flew off to other hunting grounds, leaving the robin panting like a dog and gasping for air only half a metre away.  This was the first and only time I've ever seen a bird lose its fear of humans in order to survive a predator.

Not knowing exactly what the bird of prey was but pretty sure it was some form of falcon smaller than the well-known peregrin, I pulled out my trusty Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds and began searching for this lightning fast raptor.  This was when I first learned of the merlin (Falco Columbarius), aka the "pigeon hawk."  It is a stocky falcon with pointed wings that are 25-34 cm. long with a wingspan of 61 cm.  Males are a blue-grey on top with black tail bands while females and immature merlins are brown above with tan tail bands.  All of these birds are buff on their underside with light brown streaking.  They are found across Canada in summer, living in open country and spaced coniferous forests, feeding mainly on small birds, rodents and even dragonflies.

These birds are usually silent killers but they make a quick high pitched "kik-kik-kik-kik" sound near their nest.  When I first encountered this speedy raptor in my backyard, I soon learned that they were nesting in a neighbour's tree.  When the four young took to the wing, it was a constant symphony of this high pitched song from the six members of the family.  Needless to say, we didn't have many songbirds around that year because they were either eaten or scared away.  My reason for writing this TNT now about this subject is that I have a jobsite in Sunnyside not far from 152 St. and King George Blvd. that has a family of merlins living in a grove of cedars.  Between the merlins in the day and the barred owls at night, the rabbit population in the area is quickly diminishing, especially now that the young merlins are flying with the adults and learning how to catch their own food.

Merlins have adapted well to the urban landscape with tall trees, thickets, landscaping and open areas.  Earlier this spring we were having lunch in Steveston, Richmond when a bird rocketed past us at warp speed before performing several tight turns in a small area and settling on a tree branch in the greenspace we were parked beside.  Considering the aerial maneuvers we witnessed, I figured out it had to be a merlin and a quick peek through the bushes confirmed the sighting.  This was in the same area that several years ago we saw a pigeon get attacked directly in front of our truck in an explosion of feathers.  By the time I got out of my vehicle to check on the birds, the raptor was quickly flying away with its substantial meal.  I was not able to positively identify this bird at the time but from the speed of its attack and its size as related to the pigeon, I suspect it was likely a merlin.

Keep an eye out in the Semi-pen for this wickedly fast raptor whose numbers and range appear to be increasing with climate change.  While most of the world's populations of merlins are migratory, in some temperate locations including here in the Pacific Northwest, merlins may simply move to higher elevations during the summer and return to the coast and lowlands during the winter.  If you have ever seen murmurations of starlings over Boundary Bay and local farm fields, often it is because these flocks of birds are trying to escape predation from merlins and other raptors.  It is quite the aerial ballet between predator and prey and with their speed and agility, the merlin is amazing to watch when it is on the hunt.  Remember to listen for their distinctive high-pitched kik-kik-kik-kik call, especially from several birds at once, that will alert you to their presence.

For more in-depth information about merlins, please visit the following links.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People



July 15, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Closure Is Not An Option

Early on Thursday morning at 1:30 a.m. there was a single car crash on Hwy 99 northbound just past the Serpentine River Bridge, an area that has been the scene of multiple roll-over crashes with serious injuries and fatalities over the years.  Because this crash involved the death of a 23 year old female passenger, it was investigated by the Integrated Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Service (ICARS) and the Surrey RCMP Criminal Collision Investigation Team.  Their field investigation and evidence recovery took at least 12 hours, with this major highway being closed off at King George Blvd and traffic being rerouted up into Surrey.  I got to see the traffic mayhem first hand, with roads throughout Panorama Ridge including number 10 Highway being jammed all day.  This of course led to other accidents on the roads absorbing this massive flow of commuter and transport truck traffic. 


While I realize that somebody died in this roll-over crash, I have to question why it took 12 hours to investigate this crash scene.  Highway 99 at this area is two lanes wide with a paved shoulder on the left and a bus lane with paved shoulder on the right.  Most of the crash scene involved an area off the side of the roadway with the vehicle coming to rest far into a farmer's field.  It should have been relatively simple for the officers to take measurements and get drone footage of the asphalt and concrete no-posts showing impact and skid marks.  Once this was done, the road should have been opened up as soon as possible.  There seems to be no impetus by the police teams to clear the road and get traffic moving.  When I looked down at the crash scene from high above in Panorama Ridge at 12:30 p.m. I saw a line of police vehicles on the shoulder of the highway with three lanes beside them completely empty.  The crash investigation teams need to watch some episodes of the towing show Highway Thru Hell where the motto is "Closure is not an option."

As somebody with no crash investigation experience, but being quite used to working around highways, bridges and high-speed traffic, I decided to go check out the crash scene and investigate it for myself.  Armed with a white work truck with plenty of flashing lights, lot of traffic cones and delineaters, a reflective safety vest and hard hat (it helps to look official), I parked safely off the roadway of Hwy 99 not far from the crash scene.  I have a measuring wheel that I use in my line of work that I brought along but unfortunately my drone photography person was out of town for the weekend (I tried to hire him on Thursday morning to survey the crash scene).  It took me only 20 minutes to collect all of the following data from Hwy. 99 and take pictures where the vehicle went off the road, and this was while the roadway was open, albeit on Sunday evening when traffic was relatively light.  Here is my one man crash report with measurements and data.

The accident scene began on the left hand side of Hwy. 99 northbound where the vehicle in question impacted the concrete no-post at a point 119 m. north of the Serpentine River Bridge and 36 m. from the start of the curve in the road, 11 metres from where the right hand no-posts end.  There were observable impact marks on three of the no-posts with the southern one exhibiting fresh scratch marks for 22 cm., the next no-post fully impacted for its 250 cm. length and the third no-post to the north having scratches a further 98 cm. for a total of 3.7 metres  The no-posts were pushed back from the roadway by the force of the impact by 22 cm., with the seam between the first and second no post showing a fresh 3 cm. gap.  From this point, skid marks and damage to the roadway, likely from a broken wheel rim, led across the highway with the vehicle leaving a thick black skidmark from the same damaged tire.  The total distance from the left hand no-post impact to where the vehicle left the roadway on the right side of the bus lane was 66 metres.  The width of the pavement in this area was measured to be 13.0 m. with 4 m. of this being the bus lane and shoulder. Upon leaving the pavement of the highway the vehicle skidded 38 metres across the grassy shoulder towards a page wire farm fence.  The car knocked down this fence and began a series of rolls as it crossed into a level cornfield owned by a neighbouring farmer.  The vehicle came to rest at a distance of 93.5 m. into this field from where it entered, a total of 131.5 m from the pavement and a total distance of 197.5 m. from the point of the initial no-post impact on the other side of the highway.  

It took me as long to go through my notes and write the information out as it did to take measurements and pictures.  The police should have done their investigation but also focused on getting the highway open well before the morning rush hour started.  There was no need for them to be keeping all lanes of this important highway closed once they had completed their measurements and pictures of the roadway.  The bus lane and paved shoulder measure 4 m. with lots of room to park on the grassy shoulder as well.  Instead of hiring a traffic control company to close off the entire highway as was done, they could have instead simply coned off the bus lane and informed Coast Mountain Bus Company that the bus lane was closed until after the Serpentine River bridge corner.  Just as the police in Highway Thru Hell are alway pushing tow truck operators to open the road, the RCMP should also be under the gun to reopen major highways after a crash.  Imagine if this accident had happened on the #1 freeway in Langley and they closed the Eastbound lanes for 12 hours?  Two thirds of this crash scene happened far off the highway which could have safely been dealt with while allowing two lanes of traffic passing by.

While on the topic, the Serpentine River corner is a meat grinder where serious accidents happen over and over again.  Years ago I suggested large yellow and black side pointing chevron arrow signs be installed in both directions throughout the corner.  The only traction I got on this common sense idea was for the Ministry of Highways to post two turn ahead arrow signs, one on each side of the highway far before the corner.  I would now suggest that a length of the cable barriers, similar to what is in the median of much of Hwy. 99 be put on this corner northbound to keep vehicles from going off the road and rolling into the nearby farm fields.  Southbound is not much better with the centre median no-post looking like a war zone from repeated crashes.  I stopped on the way home to take some notes on this engineering disaster that has 11 new concrete no-post to replace the ones damaged or destroyed in crashes.  There are vertical visors on top of these no-posts to block the glare from oncoming lights in the corner and 250 of these have been recently replaced after being damaged.  There are over 30 of these that are still missing leaving gaping holes.  To stop these crashes that mainly happen at night, the no-posts need corrugated reflectors attached to them, the visors should have reflectors on them as well and large left facing chevron arrow signs need to be installed throughout this corner.  Hopefully our MLA Trevor Halford who is the United Party of BC shadow Minister of Transportation can help get this done.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.

July 08, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

July 8, 2024

Spear Grass Stabbing Dogs

Several years ago I became aware of a native plant species called "foxtail barley", better known as "spear grass", whose scientific name is hordeum jubatum.  A veterinarian at the Island Animal Clinic in Richmond raised the alarm about dogs being brought into his animal hospital who had been jabbed by the sharp seeds of this pant that needed to be surgically removed.  The offending grass believed responsible was growing at the Dyke Trail Dog Park at the foot of No. 3 Road where infrequent cutting of the grass and weeds had allowed it to grow and proliferate.  This weed likes to grow in disturbed soil, in arid conditions and on the sides of roads and I have seen it in areas across Richmond.  

On June 14, 2021, I wrote a TNT titled "A Fox in the Dog House" where I explained the dangers of this plant and its needle sharp seeds (you can scroll down into the archives to read it).  By chance while investigating another noxious weed story in the marshes of Blackie Spit, I walked by the off-leash dog area and was alarmed at what I saw.  Both of the gated entrances were full of foxtail barley, along with large areas of the dog free area plus all around the perimeter fence.  A nearby garbage can that people use as a poop bag drop off (which dogs love to pee on) was also surrounded by this noxious weed.  The story about the sick dogs in Richmond, coupled with myself and crew removing large amounts of this grass from a boulevard, plus finding it at Blackie Spit in a dog park were all part of this initial story.

Since that time I have watched as foxtail barley has spread into areas where I have never seen it before.  Richmond is infested with it and I believe that our hot dry summers, reduction in watering times for lawns plus indifference to a well maintained property are all to blame.  For the very first time, I actually found foxtail barley growing in several lawns of a strata property that we took over earlier this year.  Needless to say, once I saw the tell-tail barley heads appear, we took steps to manually dig out every piece of this shallow rooting plant.  I also noticed it growing wild along 24 Ave in south Surrey at the Christopherson Steps that lead to Crescent Beach, including in one of the neighbour's lawns.  While leaving the 54-40 concert in White Rock last week, I saw foxtail barley throughout much of the east beach parking lot and Marine Drive areas.

With all of this in mind, I figured it was time to once again visit the Blackie Spit off-leash dog park to see if this area had been cleaned up of foxtail barley after i reported it to Surrey Parks three years ago.  The double gate entrance areas that were infested with this plant in 2021 had been cleared of all vegetation and there was no foxtail barley to be seen.  Unfortunately that was not the case with the dog park where there are now large areas of this noxious plant that have doubled and tripled since that time.  I stood in a large field of this grass while my wife took my picture and ended up with many of the sharp seeds stuck to my socks.  In other areas the dried seeds lay in the thousands on the ground waiting for soft dog paws to step on them.  The garbage can by one of the entrances is still ringed with foxtail barley, where it grows very well from constantly getting watered with dog pee.  

While I understand the issues and costs of controlling this weed, it is the epitome of negligence that Surrey apparently cleared out the dog park entrances of this grass and yet allowed it to remain in an area where dogs are left to run off leash.  The sharp seeds can easily penetrate the feet, legs, ears and eyes of animals, especially dogs.  If the needle sharp seeds are eaten or breathed in, it can cause injury or even death, with huge vet bills as the seeds need to be surgically removed one by one.  Calgary has adopted new bylaws to help control foxtail barley, Lethbridge has resorted to spraying for killing infested areas, Saskatoon and Regina warn their residents of the hazard to pets.  With warmer summer weather and drought conditions, Surrey and other cities throughout the Lower Mainland need to work to control this prolific plant and help residents to protect their pets.

If you are a dog owner who frequents Surrey parks with your four-legged friend, please familiarize yourself with foxtail barley's characteristics and report it with an exact location to any of the following contacts:  

Email to:

Office phone, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm:  604-501-5050

Here is a link to a PDF pamphlet put out by the City of Saskatoon that contains lots of information about dealing with foxtail barley.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


Thank you for posting that info about the Foxtail Barley. 

I take my small dog to Dogwood Off-Leash Park on 20th Ave in South Surrey where there is an area for just small dogs. The Foxtail has almost taken over the small dog area.

I wrote to the Surrey Parks department about it and their response was to have a mower cut the plants. The result was that the seeds were just left on the ground and they quickly dried out and became more dangerous than the live ones. 

Once again I wrote to the Parks department and was told that the foxtail plants would be dug out. Still have not happened and I have no hope that it actually will be done.

I tried spraying vinegar on the plants since it does kill plants. The leaves dried out but the seed heads just turned yellow and became dangerous.

It is sad that the Parks department does not seem to care about the dogs that use Dogwood small dog pen.

Wendy Boehm



July 01, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Modern Lawn Knowhow

Years ago it was easy to have a beautiful green lawn.  You simply fed it with copious amounts of chemical fertilizer, spayed the weeds with Kiilex (a mixture of 2,4-D, Dicamba and Mecoprop herbicides) and watered as often as you wanted with some people simply leaving their sprinklers on all of the time.  The weather was also cooler, wetter and nobody had ever heard of climate change, heat domes, complex forest fires or towns like Lytton getting incinerated.  When Metro Vancouver first introduced watering restrictions it was limited to three times a week and from June 1 to Sept 15 meaning you could still irrigate your lawn and keep it green all summer. 

Of course now we are at the point where watering restrictions come into effect on May 1st until Oct. 15, allowing residential lawn watering only once a week.  As if this were not bad enough, the invasive European Chafer beetle has run rampant across the Lower Mainland, infesting lawns with their tasty little larvae that crows, skunks, possums and raccoons all love eating.  When you have thin lawns, it makes it easier for the chafer beetle to lay its eggs, with the grubs feasting on the already weakened lawn roots.  This allows the crows and nocturnal animals to rip apart your lawn in the pursuit of a good meal with some yards looking like they were rototilled.  If you have children or pets, this can leave your yard a muddy mess for most of the year.

So next to installing expensive artificial turf made of plastic all over your property, what is a homeowner to do about this situation?  What it takes is a complete re-think of what a healthy lawn really is.  The first step is to stop bagging the cuttings and instead use a mulching mower with razor sharp blades.  This will return organics and nutrients back into the lawn instead of removing them and sending them off for composting.  Mulching saves time, money and results in a more healthy natural lawn.  If you need to fertilize, use an organic blend if possible and apply lightly so the mulching mower can still do its work without making a mess or needing to be cut more than once a week.  If you really want to go green, consider an electric mower that has no emissions and makes little noise resulting in a quieter and more peaceful neighbourhood.

People need to realize that mowing too low reduces the blade length of the grass while also shortening the roots.  Short grass makes it easier for the sun to bake the ground and heat up the soil leading to drought conditions.  A longer lawn also helps to slow evaporation of water by shading the ground and holding moisture in.  It is best to start the spring off cutting at a medium height and going up from there as summer approaches.  You can begin mowing in April at 2.5" (6 c.m.) and go up a half inch or once centimeter at the start of every month.  The trick is to thicken the grass to make it more drought tolerant and resistant to chafer beetles when they lay their eggs in late June and early July.  It is best to mow your grass before it rains (or watering) and to avoid cutting the lawn during periods of drought or high temperatures.  Water your lawn deeply once a week as allowed and do now mow if it starts to brown and go dormant.

Now here is where things get really weird, you have to stop fretting about weeds and realize they are now an integral part of a healthy lawn.  It is best to pull broad leaf weeds like dandelions, false dandelions, thistle and plantain for aesthetics and safety, but the creeping weeds with their thick root systems are your ally against the chafer beetle.  If you want a really healthy lawn, consider sprinkling clover seed into it in the spring along with tall fescue grass seed, both which the chafer beetles do not like to feed on.  You can find these at most garden centres and even places like Home Depot are now selling micro-clover in a 1 kg. bag enough to cover most regular sized lots.  The clover fixes nitrogen from the air and turns it into nitrate fertilizer, it is more drought resistant than grass and it's also trample resistant.  Most importantly, it stays green in the summer while requiring much less water with little or no mowing. 

The pictures with this TNT are of a neighbour's lawn that was infested with chafer beetles and ripped apart by crows and raccoons last year.  In the spring they seeded with tall fescue grass seed and micro-clover.  They are absolutely thrilled with their new lawn that is dark green in colour and amazing to walk on with bare feet.  They have used no weed killer or chemical fertilizers to this point and yet they have the nicest lawn on the street.  As added insurance against the Chafer beetle, they are applying Scott's Grub-B-Gone that contains nematodes which attack the newly hatched beetle larvae.  This non-toxic and natural product needs to be applied in early July and again in mid Sept. for maximum efficiency.  They are hoping that their new modern lawn will stay green and healthy all year and not get ripped apart again.  I will keep an eye on their grass until next spring to see if everything works out as planned.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo Peopl


Tuesday June 25, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Stop, Full Stop

There is nothing like going on a long trip to really put one's focus on driving, safety and the rules of the road.  A trip up to the Cariboo this weekend really put that into perspective with multiple times that I had to take evasive action because of the other drivers on the road.  Most of this was spent on Hwy 1 and the Old Cariboo Hwy. while heading up to 70 Mile where the only thing separating you from serious injury or death is a double yellow line painted on the road with combined speeds of 200 kph.  To emphasize this point, a school bus crash in Lac La Hache on Friday killed one person and left 14 in hospital, initiating a code orange response with multiple ambulances and several medivac helicopters racing to the scene.  My driving tips from this weekend are as follows: look behind and beside you before changing lanes, use your turn signals when turning or changing lanes, stay out of the left lane (aka the fast lane) unless passing, come to a full stop at stop signs and pay enough attention to stay in your lane. 

Upon surviving the weekend by the grace of God I returned home to learn that a new stop sign is going to be installed at the intersection of Thrift Ave. and George St. in White Rock during the next month.  This intersection that for years has only had stop signs for George St. will now be turned into an "all-way" intersection for greater traffic control and safety for pedestrians and drivers.  This really is an about time moment for it seemed bizarre that Thrift was given the straight through even though the traffic flow on these streets seeming to be comparable.  Even worse was how many times when on the east-west Thrift that drivers on the north-south George would fail to stop or turn onto Thrift, apparently oblivious to the vehicles passing by.  I have seen this multiple times and I only drive through this intersection once a week.  I would hasten to bet that the people living on the corner who were tired of the constant horn honking had something to do with this intersection being changed.  A look on the ICBC statistics webpage ( shows that over the last five years there were only 10 crashes but I bet the near misses would be in the hundreds.  

I'm thinking that on all STOP signs they need to add the words Full to the top and HERE to the bottom.  FULL STOP HERE might make people actually slow down or maybe even come to a complete stop at intersections.  Shame on all of the taxi stop morons that are a menace on our streets and who are crappy drivers as well.  In south Surrey, simply go visit the corners of 128 St. at 16 Ave. or Crescent Road to witness stop signs being blatantly ignored.  There you will see absolutely appalling driving that people should be ashamed of if they were not so entitled, self-centred and uncaring for the safety of others.  I cannot horn these people enough when they run the 4-way stop or fail to yield to the right, something that most people seem to be utterly unaware of.  The best part is when they flip you the bird for pointing out their irresponsible, reckless and dangerous driving.  I often wonder where these people got their driver's licenses from but I'm left wondering if they were once giving them away as prizes from a Cracker Jack box.  As somebody who has had a driver's license for decades, I'm wondering if the time has come for mandatory driver retesting every ten years, or maybe every five years for people racking up tickets and causing crashes that ICBC'S no-fault insurance is paying for.

I found this following gem on the website that I feel is worth posting here:  "Driving is a privilege, not a right.  You get your driver's license based on the skills you have and the rules you agree to follow.  After you get your driving license, you must continue to demonstrate your ability to drive safely on the road.  If you fail to demonstrate this ability, you will be issued traffic tickets or even have your license suspended or revoked.  No one has more right to the road than anyone else.  If you're going to drive, you owe it to the other roadway users and yourself to operate the vehicle in a safe manner."  As if to accentuate this point, somebody blasted their horn at the nearby intersection that has a 4-way stop while I was writing this paragraph.  This was at 10:30 p.m. on a Monday night in a quiet residential neighbourhood.  I can guarantee it was one driver honking their horn at someone running the stop sign there.  It is almost as if some drivers don't think that other people will be out driving at night in their neighbourhood.  I have seen this time and time again and frankly, I'm appalled at how most people seem to believe the a stop signs mean "roll on through."

I think the only way we are going to deal with this problem is to start enforcing the Motor Vehicle Act.  From what I have seen there basically is zero police enforcement for failing to stop at an intersection.  On the way home I was followed through a traffic light on Fraser Hwy. by a Dodge truck that ran the red light on purpose with no regards to the rules of the road or the safety of others.  While there was a symphony of car horns, this young man seemed unfazed at looking like an idiot and driving like a maniac.  I'm sure the only reason he chose to deliberately run the red was that he knew his chances of getting a ticket were slim and none.  As it turns out, he was right.  We need a dedicated traffic section of our local police forces to start ticketing drivers who refuse to follow the rules of the road.  I'd love to see the money collected from tickets used to help pay for the officer's salaries and expenses.  Also, I'm in favour of traffic fines being tied to income like in Sweden and Denmark so that the pain of a ticket actually stings no matter your social economic bracket.  It would be refreshing to go on a trip and only focus on my driving, instead of those around me who apparently have no clue about basic traffic laws.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

June 17, 2024

Welcome to Juneuary

White Rock has a reputation of being warm and sunny when compared to many of the areas around the Lower Mainland, especially those closer to the mountains or further out in the Fraser Valley. Unfortunately, it is not immune to its share of bad weather and occasionally it makes the weather news for all the wrong reasons.  This weekend was one of those occasions when atmospheric elements combined forces to deliver some unseasonably cold and wet weather to the City By The Sea.  On Saturday morning a large thunderstorm approached the Semiahmoo peninsula, was lifted by prevailing winds to the top of the hill where it proceeded to dump copious amounts of water and hail onto the White Rock hillside.  For those who are members of the various South Surrey and White Rock social media groups, a large number of photos and videos posted of the deluge showed white lawns and roads like rivers.

As everyone knows, water runs downhill and with storm sewer grates clogged with hail and unable to take in more water, this massive slurpee flowed down the roadways onto Marine drive.  This downpour was so heavy that it quickly filled up the storm drains, causing them to back up and blow the grates off the drain pipes along Marine Drive and the beach front parking lots.  The resulting geysers shot water over a meter into the air and filled much of the roadway in minutes.  Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club president Diana Barkley sent me a picture of her back yard that looked as if it had been taken in January, not June, with the ground covered in white pea-sized hail.  I went down to White Rock once the weather had cleared and was surprised by the amount of hail that was still in the water not melted or piled up in what resembled a snow drift along fences at Marine Drive.  As I was leaving, two large vac trucks arrived on scene to help suck up the water left in the roadway and parking lot. 

It is not like this type of storm that quickly causes flooding is unknown in the Semiahmoo peninsula.  On June 8, 1999, a massive thunderstorm sat on top of the hillside for hours dumping huge amounts of rain and hail.  I drove past it on Hwy. 99 and my comment after seeing the dark swirling storm and rain wall was "where's the funnel cloud."  When I returned hours later, the Semi-Pen was completely swamped with water and hail, so much that we had to cancel work for the day.  Down on Marine Drive the rivers of rain and hail joined forces to swamp the area with over 1.5 metres of brackish water containing raw sewage, flooding houses and businesses across the waterfront.  Here is the White Rock Archives description of this once in 200 year storm:  

"The storm began at 4:00 am and lasted eight hours, with the bulk of the rainfall between 7:00 and 9:00. In that short period of time 70 mm of rain and 4 cm of hail fell on the city. Torrents of water swept down the hillside, eroding sidewalk steps, building foundations and city roads. White Rock sewer and stormwater systems overflowed and pumps failed during the downpour. The muddy flood waters forced the evacuation of schools, shopping malls and many residences. At 8:15 am, twenty city public works employees were called out to attempt to reduce damage by sandbagging homes threatened by the flood. A state of emergency was declared at 10:30 am and not lifted until noon the next day."

These are not the only floods that have happened here from heavy rainfall.  On Oct. 29, 2018, heavy evening rain brought flooding to houses on East Beach along Marine Drive with city crews deploying a mobile six inch pump to help clear the street and parking lots. In Oct. 18, 2014 White Rock City warned that heavy rains were expected with the arrival of Hurricane Ana, advising residents to clear catch basins to reduce the chance of flooding.  Earlier that year on May 4, 2014 a deluge from a thunderstorm at the top of the hill resulted in flooding on East Beach with water geysering up from storm drains along Marine Drive.  in South Surrey 16 Ave. was also closed due to water and debris across the road between 168 St. and 176 St.  I was the last person who drove through over 10 inches of water flowing across 16 Ave. at 180 St. before flagging down an RCMP cruiser and getting them to close the flooded road.  I talked to "Mr. White Rock" Gordie Hogg about the history of flooding in White Rock and he informed me the old square concrete drain tunnel was closed in West Beach after the area flooded, not from heavy rains, but from a high tide flowing through the tunnel into the parking lot.

With increasing temperatures and more energetic storm systems, White Rock will always be subject to intense rainfall from thunderstorms or atmospheric rivers that dump large amounts of water onto the hillside, which quickly overwhelm the drainage system and flow to the bottom of the hill.  With larger homes, increased roof area and more ground covered with concrete and asphalt, the amount of rain water directed into drains instead of soaking into the earth increases every year.  For those businesses and homes along Marine Drive, flooding is a simple fact of life and a risk they assume for living so close to the beach.  The steep hillsides and oceanfront bluffs can quickly turn roads into rivers with saturated soil leading to mudslides and slope failures.  Back in 2007, a series of fall storms resulted in 64 landslides onto the BNSF tracks in only two weeks, resulting in Transport Canada performing a geological assessment of the Ocean Park bluff and the danger that it posed to passing BNSF freight and passenger trains.  I'm sure that a review of the newspapers on file at the White Rock Archives would show other storms in the 1990s, 1980s and 1970s that also caused flooding and mudslides across the Semi-Pen.  At the end of the day, the lure of sunshine, warm temperatures and days spent relaxing at the beach will always trump the flooding and slide risk here.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.





TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

June 10, 2024


Brother can you spare $16 Million?

The recent installation of a digital donation box at the end of the White Rock Pier has caused quite a media storm and uproar in the community about why the City of White Rock cannot pay for needed seismic upgrades to this heritage structure that was built to its current length in 1915.  As anyone who lives here knows (and likely most people living in B.C.), the Pier was heavily damaged during a winter storm on Dec. 20, 2018 when a dock with moored sailboats broke free and was pushed by gale force winds and high waves through the structure, leaving a long foot gaping hole.  It took eight months and $4 million dollars to fix the damage and make it safe for pedestrians to finally use once more.  Thankfully, you are not allowed to drive vehicles on the Pier, which was something that was actually allowed decades ago. 

For those who have not seen it, the sign posted by the City next to the donation terminal reads as follows:  


Help Restore The White Rock Pier

The City of White Rock is gratefully accepting donations to complete the seismic improvement for the White Rock Pier.   The Pier sustained significant structural damage and was partially rebuilt after the windstorm of 2018.  The remaining sections of the Pier need to be seismically improved to withstand future storms.  On the keypad, select the value you would like to donate toward restoration ($2, $5, $10, $20 and "Other Amount" listed).  Your donation will help preserve the historic monument for residents, visitors and future generations.  Scan the QR code to learn more about the Pier and restoration.  White Rock, City By The Sea.


While the Pier looks very similar to the way it was before the 2018 storm, the reality is that it now is two piers in one, the old rickety and rotting pier last rebuilt in 1977 and the new concrete and steel one that is built to withstand earthquakes and objects that might impact it in the water.  Twenty-two sets of steel pilings topped with concrete slabs were used to rebuild the destroyed section that was then overlaid with wood planks and railings to resemble the original structure.  If you walk under the pier at low tide you will quickly notice the difference between the old and new sections.  Looking at the wooden pilings on either side of the new section, you will see various metal braces and collars bolted in place to help support damaged sections that were repaired.  It certainly is more secure than bubblegum and bailing wire, but you wouldn't catch me out on the Pier in a storm, especially with debris in the waves.  This spring the City removed all of the logs from both west and east beaches so they would not possibly wash out and become floating battering rams.

For those residents who believe the pier should be repaired with taxpayer dollars from White Rock, you need to look at the math involved.  It has been estimated the rest of the Pier restoration will cost $16.2 million dollars.  For a city with approximately 23,000 residents, the repair bill would be a little over $700 per person.  For a family of four trying to survive these expensive times that would be $2,800.  With a 1% increase in White Rock property taxes raising only $300,000, it would take a 54% increase in tax rates to finance the pier restoration.  For all the pensioners on a fixed income who are already deferring their property taxes this would be a non-starter.  If you think that the parking fees charged in the parking lot across the waterfront will somehow pay for a new pier, most of the money collected goes to the BNSF Railway for lease payments for their land.  In the original timeline for rebuilding it was hoped to have funding from the Federal and Provincial governments so that the restoration would have been completed within two years of the 2018 storm.  Unfortunately this money has failed to materialize, with the donation box now going up as a funding option.

Personally, I think it is a good idea for White Rock to install this pay station.  The White Rock Pier is a great tourist attraction but it is primarily used by people coming from outside of the city.  A survey of people using the pier several years ago found that a third of them were first time visitors.  Half of the people polled were from the Lower Mainland and the remainder of B.C., with the other half coming from the rest of Canada and other countries.  With such an influx of visitors to the City By The Sea, why not give people the chance to help save this iconic heritage site by making a donation to the rebuilding effort?  It would be a good idea to also install one of these donation stations at the far end of the 1540 foot long Pier where people tend to rest and congregate.  While there are no solid numbers available for the number of visitors who walk the Pier in a year, it should be in the millions.  It will be interesting to see how much money this pay station project collects, or if it is merely a publicity stunt to help shame the other layers of government into helping foot the Pier restoration bill.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

NOTE: View the startling DECEMBER 2018 video of the pier destruction below in VIDEO OF THE DAY 


I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


TNT The Naked Truth

June 3, 2024

Border Disorder

The Semiahmoo peninsula has always had a close relationship with our American neighbours due to history and proximity.  Nowhere is this more prominent than at the two Surrey border crossings into Blaine, Washington; the Blaine-Douglas crossing (aka Peace Arch crossing) and the Pacific Highway crossing (aka Truck crossing).  The Peace Arch monument boldly declares "May these gates never be closed" but in fact the border is getting squeezed tighter by the day.  I'm old enough to remember when all you needed to cross the border between Canada and the USA was to show your BC driver's license.  That changed of course after 9-11 with passports being needed plus a variety of screening devices installed including nuclear detectors.  Then came the COVID-19 pandemic when cross-border traffic was severely restricted and only essential traffic allowed to pass through the border.   Recently, there have been several changes and heightened security that will likely lead to the border between our two countries resembling what we now see down at the US/Mexico border.

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recently announced new rules for dog imports into America starting August 1, 2024 in order to keep rabies out of the country.  For years all you needed to take your dog into the states was to show a proof of rabies vaccine when at the border.  The CDC has now mandated you will need proof of that signed by a veterinarian within 30 days of your crossing with an estimated price of $200.  The animal will also need to be at least six months old and microchipped for identification.  This order will not only apply to Canadian dogs but also will cover American dogs returning home, including service animals.  You can expect chaos and confusion at the border over this change that has little scientific evidence it will help control rabies.  From 2009 to 2018, 25 cases of human rabies were documented in the USA, seven of which were contracted outside of the country. This equates to less than two people per year catching rabies.  Wild animals account for over 90% of reported cases, with bats (33%), raccoons (30%), skunks (20%), and foxes (7%) most often carrying the disease.  Somehow the CDC does not realize these animals cross the border at will without checking into US Customs.

Do you remember during the COVID-19 pandemic how the Peace Arch Park on the American side east of the crossing was used as a meeting point with Canadians being allowed to cross a ditch into the States from Zero Avenue for conjugal visits that included marriages and the fields lined with tents?  This was due to the Treaty of Ghent which ended the War of 1812, with a loophole in this treaty allowing Canadians and Americans to mingle in this 49th parallel park without technically crossing the border.  Well, that little freedom has also gone the way of the Dodo, with US Customs and Border Protection now closing this area and directing people to the nearby Canadian portion of the park on the west side of the border crossing.  The U.S. Border Patrol has seen a large increase in illegal border crossings through Peace Arch Park plus surrounding areas and are vowing to "preserve the legacy and traditions of Peace Arch Park while also preventing transnational criminal organizations from exploiting the park to gain illegal entry into the United States."  U.S. Customs Border Protection and Canada Border Services Agency officers along with the RCMP will continue to monitor the park and keep human smugglers out of the area.

Peace Arch Park isn't the only conduit for human smuggling at the US/Canada border that has recently been exposed.  It turns out that the adjacent BNSF Railway is also being used to help ship migrants into the US from Canada.  Charges were laid in Washington State last week by the US Dept. of Homeland Security against two American men who helped to facilitate the smuggling of mainly Mexican and Indian people into the United States.  In August, 2023 a freight train being X-rayed in Blaine showed a series of anomalies that further investigation revealed were 28 Mexican nationals and one Columbian identified as the human smuggler being paid to facilitate their illegal entry into the US.  This incident was followed by the interception of another train with a further 13 Mexican nationals in November, 2023.  In both of these incidents, migrants were allegedly picked up in the Lower Mainland, driven to a rail yard and told to "climb aboard the train and hide in the natural voids within the rail cars of the freight train."  The human smuggling group was obviously aware of the train schedules as they needed to pick the right train in Canada plus have loading and off-loading points prearranged with transport for their paying clients.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn.

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

May 27, 2024

Locke-d in a Battle

Last week was a pivotal time in the Surrey police transition from the RCMP to the fledgling Surrey Police Service as the City of Surrey lost their court case to quash the order from Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth on Oct 19, 2023 mandating the changeover.  On Thursday B.C. Supreme Court Justice Kevin Loo gave his ruling on whether the Police Amendment Act 2023 infringed on Surrey residents' right to freedom and expression as guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   In explaining his judgment, Kevin Loo had this to say:  “I have concluded that although voting is undoubtedly a protected activity, the ‘result’ or ‘mandate’ arising from the 2022 municipal election are not activities which fall within the protected sphere of conduct guaranteed.  Regardless of whether the July decision was reasonable or within the Minister’s authority, the provincial legislature’s exercise of its authority over the City in respect of policing, through its enactment of the PAA, was valid.”

Needless to say, Surrey Mayor Locke who ran her Surrey Connect election campaign on a promise to keep the RCMP in Surrey was not happy with the verdict.  She believes the court case showed multiple problems with the police transition on many levels that put policing in Surrey in question.  As was previously the case, Mayor Locke reiterated her financial concerns about the transition stating "The true cost will have an extremely onerous impact on the City of Surrey and especially Surrey taxpayers.”  There has been no decision on whether the City would appeal this decision or abide by it, with Locke putting the 7% increase on Surrey property taxes squarely on the costs for the police transition."  It was previously revealed that without the costs associated with changing the Surrey Police of Jurisdiction (POJ) that there would have been no increase to property taxes in Surrey for 2024.

Whether this is the end to this long-running legal saga remains unclear as Mayor Locke has not revealed if the City will continue fighting over this forced decision that dates back to when Doug McCallum was elected Mayor of Surrey back in 2018.  Brenda Locke has not said if she will challenge or accept the NDP government's offer of $150 million to help fund the transition.  Mike Farnworth has said the SPS will replace the RCMP as Surrey's POJ on Nov. 29, 2024 with the transition expected to be completed and fully staffed by the fall of 2026.  Surrey's Mayor is now planning a budgetary review that will likely take place in September so that taxpayers know what the costs, including that of the police transition, will be for the 2025 budget.  Brenda Locke is on record as saying  “We know the cost implications are worse than we thought so we want to make sure our residents know and are prepared and they know who is imposing this.  That’s important because it is certainly not any of the Surrey MLAs that stood up for the taxpayer in Surrey.”

In case you missed that cannon shot across the bow, Surrey's budget review will happen in the fall before the 2024 B.C. General Election on Oct 19th.  Currently there are 9 seats in Surrey with the NDP holding 7 of them.  An additional riding will be added in Surrey for the 2024 election, bringing the total to 10 seats up for grabs.  You can bet that with the timing of the promised Surrey budget review and the costs forced on Surrey taxpayers for paying for the police transition that Mayor Locke will use the numbers to torpedo the NDP election chances in Surrey.  Several of the current NDP MLAs in Surrey have already poo-pooed the idea that the forced transition from the RCMP to Surrey Police Service will hurt their re-election chances.  I would expect them to focus on cost of living, housing, health care, education and transportation, while ignoring the police transition boondoggle and public safety.  Unfortunately for them, the 32.5% increase in Surrey property taxes that will happen over three years, born mainly on the costs related to financing two police forces, will hang from their necks like a dead albatross.  

So enough with the nautical terms, let me get down to brass tacks on this issue.  The "Keep The RCMP In Surrey" (KTRIS) group with tens of thousands of members who supported their referendum will likely become politically active to fight the change towards the SPS.  I would expect the B.C. Conservatives to use the POV fight in Surrey against the NDP since the ridings here represent over 10% of the seats in the Legislature.  With the tides of change swinging to the Conservatives in Ottawa, it favours the growth in the B.C. Conservatives here, while the United Party (aka Liberals) continue to decline.  In fact, a survey from Research Co last week showed that 42% of respondents favour the NDP, with the B.C. Conservatives in a strong second place at 32% and the Greens and United Party now tied at 12% each.  Even more revealing, 39% of decided voters aged 18 to 34 said they would vote B.C. Conservatives, with 34% supporting the NDP, 16% for the B.C. Greens and a lowly 9% for the B.C. United.  This is a shocking demographic shift away from the NDP, especially in Surrey that has the highest youth population of any city in B.C.

With these numbers I'm starting to think that the B.C. United Party may be going the way of the old Social Credit and headed to political ruin and obscurity.  If the NDP think that Surrey is going to be a cakewalk and that they will easily win back the seats they already hold, they might want to take a hard look at the polling numbers.  The real fly in the ointment has to be Surrey's Mayor Brenda Locke and the Surrey Budget Review that likely will come out a month prior to the vote.  With high cost of living and public safety being tops in the minds of most people living in Surrey, will voters want to support the NDP for forcing the police transition ahead regardless of the costs to residents here?  We are still a long way from the provincial election and anything can happen in the next five months but I think the NDP will have a fight on their hands over the bully tactics they've used against the RCMP and Surrey City Hall.  

Expect the "KEEP SURREY RCMP - KICK OUT NDP" lawn signs to sprout like mushrooms here in the fall.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.



TNT The Naked Truth

June 3, 2024

Border Disorder

The Semiahmoo peninsula has always had a close relationship with our American neighbours due to history and proximity.  Nowhere is this more prominent than at the two Surrey border crossings into Blaine, Washington; the Blaine-Douglas crossing (aka Peace Arch crossing) and the Pacific Highway crossing (aka Truck crossing).  The Peace Arch monument boldly declares "May these gates never be closed" but in fact the border is getting squeezed tighter by the day.  I'm old enough to remember when all you needed to cross the border between Canada and the USA was to show your BC driver's license.  That changed of course after 9-11 with passports being needed plus a variety of screening devices installed including nuclear detectors.  Then came the COVID-19 pandemic when cross-border traffic was severely restricted and only essential traffic allowed to pass through the border.   Recently, there have been several changes and heightened security that will likely lead to the border between our two countries resembling what we now see down at the US/Mexico border.

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recently announced new rules for dog imports into America starting August 1, 2024 in order to keep rabies out of the country.  For years all you needed to take your dog into the states was to show a proof of rabies vaccine when at the border.  The CDC has now mandated you will need proof of that signed by a veterinarian within 30 days of your crossing with an estimated price of $200.  The animal will also need to be at least six months old and microchipped for identification.  This order will not only apply to Canadian dogs but also will cover American dogs returning home, including service animals.  You can expect chaos and confusion at the border over this change that has little scientific evidence it will help control rabies.  From 2009 to 2018, 25 cases of human rabies were documented in the USA, seven of which were contracted outside of the country. This equates to less than two people per year catching rabies.  Wild animals account for over 90% of reported cases, with bats (33%), raccoons (30%), skunks (20%), and foxes (7%) most often carrying the disease.  Somehow the CDC does not realize these animals cross the border at will without checking into US Customs.

Do you remember during the COVID-19 pandemic how the Peace Arch Park on the American side east of the crossing was used as a meeting point with Canadians being allowed to cross a ditch into the States from Zero Avenue for conjugal visits that included marriages and the fields lined with tents?  This was due to the Treaty of Ghent which ended the War of 1812, with a loophole in this treaty allowing Canadians and Americans to mingle in this 49th parallel park without technically crossing the border.  Well, that little freedom has also gone the way of the Dodo, with US Customs and Border Protection now closing this area and directing people to the nearby Canadian portion of the park on the west side of the border crossing.  The U.S. Border Patrol has seen a large increase in illegal border crossings through Peace Arch Park plus surrounding areas and are vowing to "preserve the legacy and traditions of Peace Arch Park while also preventing transnational criminal organizations from exploiting the park to gain illegal entry into the United States."  U.S. Customs Border Protection and Canada Border Services Agency officers along with the RCMP will continue to monitor the park and keep human smugglers out of the area.

Peace Arch Park isn't the only conduit for human smuggling at the US/Canada border that has recently been exposed.  It turns out that the adjacent BNSF Railway is also being used to help ship migrants into the US from Canada.  Charges were laid in Washington State last week by the US Dept. of Homeland Security against two American men who helped to facilitate the smuggling of mainly Mexican and Indian people into the United States.  In August, 2023 a freight train being X-rayed in Blaine showed a series of anomalies that further investigation revealed were 28 Mexican nationals and one Columbian identified as the human smuggler being paid to facilitate their illegal entry into the US.  This incident was followed by the interception of another train with a further 13 Mexican nationals in November, 2023.  In both of these incidents, migrants were allegedly picked up in the Lower Mainland, driven to a rail yard and told to "climb aboard the train and hide in the natural voids within the rail cars of the freight train."  The human smuggling group was obviously aware of the train schedules as they needed to pick the right train in Canada plus have loading and off-loading points prearranged with transport for their paying clients.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn.

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People




TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

For years the Crescent Beach Ratepayers have pushed back against any bars in their neighbourhood.

That is all about to change.

CLUB 240 the "Rockin' 240" Legion - Now Open to Everyone

The Crescent Beach Legion #240 has been a fixture in our community since 1954 and at its present location of 2643 128 St. across from Crescent Park since 1975.  The Royal Canadian Legion's mission is "To serve Veterans, including serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country."  With both of my parents serving in the RCAF and the time I spent in Cadets and on DND ranges, I have a connection to the Canadian military and both myself and my wife are card carrying members of the Legion.  We support our local Crescent Beach Legion, attend other Legions in Canada and are proud to help them either financially or through volunteer-ism.  Here is what the Legion does for you, taken from the website (

The Legion serves all Veterans

The Royal Canadian Legion was founded by Veterans and for Veterans. We advocate for the care and benefits for all who served Canada, regardless of when or where they served. The Legion also provides representation and assistance to Veterans, including currently serving Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families, and access to our services is available to them at no cost, whether or not they are Legion members.  The Legion helps thousands of Veterans each year and makes significant positive changes in their lives. 

The Legion exists so that Canada never forgets

The Legion understands the importance of honouring past sacrifices and acknowledging the courage of those who served and still serve today. Through Remembrance Day ceremonies, the Poppy campaign, commemorative activities, youth education programs and more, the Legion helps Canadians to honour and remember.

The Legion serves our communities and our country

Legion Branches are the cornerstone of communities across Canada, and provide one of the largest volunteer bases in the country. With 1,350 Branches from coast to coast to coast, our members provide local services and supports to build a stronger Canada. Whether helping local Veterans, supporting seniors, providing youth sports programs, raising funds, volunteering to help those in need, or simply offering a place to gather for fun and celebration, Legionnaires provide essential services in their communities.

Since 1954 the Crescent Beach Legion #240 has operated with a Liquor Primary Club License that carries with it special rules and conditions as follows.

• Must only sell liquor to members and their guests. 
• Must not advertise to the general public.
• Must keep a guest register for any non-member who will be in a service area when liquor is sold or served. 
• May permit members to store personal liquor they have purchased from the club in a locker at the club establishment. 

Obviously these rules are rather controlling and antiquated, especially the one about not being able to advertise.  Trying to attract a younger clientele to their club, the Crescent Beach Legion began the process last year of applying for a Liquor Primary License.  You can read all about this in the Surrey Planning and Development Report that was necessitated by this license change at .  The biggest change with the new license is that it will allow the Legion to serve the general public as in a bar or pub.  No membership is required, even though as the saying goes, membership has its privileges and does help to support the club.  It is interesting to note that the Legion hours will not change, the RCMP and city's By-laws had no concerns and not a single comment was received from the community about this change after signs were posted and letters sent to nearby property owners.

On Friday, the Crescent Beach Legion #240 received official notice that their liquor license application had been successful and they could now operate as a bar or pub.  I would like to note here that the White Rock Legion #8 at 2290 152 St. also completed the same liquor license change last year allowing anyone to stop in, enjoy food and drink, or take in a show.  I would like to invite the public to visit the Crescent Beach Legion that is becoming legendary for its live music shows, which have earned it the nickname of the "Rockin' 240."  On Wednesday it is the Blue Grass Jam starting at 7 p.m., Thurs. is spaghetti dinner $5 before/$10 door at 5:30 p.m. with the Happy Hour band followed by bingo, Friday night is the Lynard Skynard tribute band Longriders at 8:30 p.m., tix $20 before/$25 door, and on Sat. night it's a 80's and 90's double header with Three Times More Handsome band along with Supercramp for only $10 starting at 7:30 p.m.  An upcoming show you will not want to miss is the Wailing Walker band on Friday, May 31st for $20 featuring rockin' rhythm and blues..

Please visit the following websites, Instagram and Facebook pages for more information on our local Legions.  Make sure you check out their events pages to see what is in store for the summer months.  Above all, follow the Legion's battle cry of "Join us - We're on a mission to have fun and support veterans."

Royal Canadian Legion

Crescent Beach Legion #240

White Rock Legion #8

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


May 13, 2024

Life's a Beach

Don Pitcairn

The main reason why I originally moved to the Semi-Pen was to be closer to the beach. The fresh air, better weather and warmer temperatures were definitely part of the decision.  As  a kid I loved to go to the beaches here, especially the rugged, secluded and less traveled areas where there was more wildlife and less people.  Not much has changed over the years with the White Rock weather and White Rock tide forecast being the sites online that I frequent the most. This last weekend was a textbook beach weekend with sunny skies, well above normal temperatures, extreme low tides in the middle of the day and even northern lights at night. To be quite honest, I thought it couldn't get any better.

We had planned on heading down to the south facing portion of Crescent Rock beach until an unscheduled shelf collapse in our hutch due to faulty shelf pins rained glass, broken crystal and smashed china down on our dining room floor. After taking pictures for insurance, picking up the pieces and moping up the blood (mine) we decided to simply walk down to the west facing shoreline south of the Crescent Rock boulder. I have to admit, I don't think I've ever seen more people on the naturist beach, with folks sunbathing for as far as I could see towards Kwomais Point. All of the regulars were there, some folks who I have not seen since last year and plenty more new faces happy to not have to drive to the far reaches of UBC to avoid tan lines. It has become quite the community down there with peace loving naturists using it to get away from it all or congregate with like-minded people.

After seeing fata morgana mirages many times last year I tend to keep an eye on the horizon for anything strange or out of place. Looking out across Mud Bay towards Ladner, I spotted what appeared to be the start of a waterspout down at the surface of the water. It happened a few more times and then I suddenly realized what I was seeing was actually a whale spout. If i had my SLR camera, tripod and a telephoto lens I could have taken shots of tail lobbing and breaching plus the misty spouts blown high into the air. As it was, I managed to capture some of the back lit spouts on my cell phone from a whale that was so far north into the bay it would have been almost due west of Crescent Beach. I posted about this on a community Facebook page and a member replied that they had been kayaking in the area at that time and saw two grey whales feeding together in the bay.

When the tide finally turned from the half metre low height, it came roaring back along the shore headed north towards Crescent Beach. All along the sand flats and beach edge was a carpet of thick brown bubbly foam. With extreme low tides these days and warm sunny weather combined with a mile of exposed sand baking in the heat, when the water does come back in it often brings a layer of sea foam or surf scum with it.  This is a natural phenomenon from algae and organic matter on the sand breaking down in the sun and then being transported to the shore with the incoming tide. It normally is non-toxic and is often an indication of a productive ocean ecosystem.  Most people will not walk through it as it looks like something you would expect to find at a sewage pipe outflow. Shortly after the water passed by, the foam began to quickly dissipate allowing folks to go skinny-dipping and cool off in clear water.

When we finally decided to head home for dinner we left the beach and climbed the Christopherson Steps that we use for our regular route. Heading out  onto 24 Ave. I noticed a dark Ford Explorer SUV parked illegally with the engine running at the entrance to the park. I had heard sirens earlier and thought it might be RCMP or Surrey Police responding to a call at the beach. Much to my surprise, when I approached the window I realized there were two Department of Fisheries and Oceans female officers sitting inside. I engaged then in conversation and asked if I could be of assistance, learning they were there looking for fishers leaving the area. I reported to them I had not seen anybody fishing or harvesting shellfish but had seen a man who had been crabbing. The best part about that was I had talked to him about his catch and he showed me the two large male dungeness crabs he had caught for dinner. The officers thanked me for the information and added that they had never seen Crescent Beach so busy.

Of course the main attraction at the beach this weekend was the intense northern lights on Friday night that were visible overhead from almost everywhere in the Lower Mainland. With the gates to the stairways being locked, I thought about driving down to Crescent Beach to take in the show. A call to a friend in the neighbourhood made me think twice as they reported a huge traffic jam of people trying to get to Blackie Spit to watch the lights. I guess I was not the only one who figured out this dark north facing beach would be one of the best viewing areas around. I have seen the aurora half a dozen times over my lifetime but there has never been a light show like the one on Friday night. The colours were amazing even at our house but I would have rather viewed them over the water with the mountains in the background. I hope you got to see it as I was likely a once-in-a-lifetime experience for people living in the Semi-Pen.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.



Monday May 06, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

The Best Things In Life Are Free

This TNT is really the tale of two cities, with two public beaches and two different ways to deal with parking.  White Rock has always had issues with huge waterfront crowds, traffic jams and a lack of parking in summer.  Compounding this problem is the over half million dollar a year lease paid to the BNSF Railway for using the railway corridor land for parking lots, paying Metro Vancouver their parking lot tax plus upkeep and maintenance along the promenade.  With all of these costs in place that need to be recovered, the City of White Rock now charges $4.50 an hour for their summer rate from 10 a.m. to midnight.  All parking east of Oxford Street is limited to 4 hours maximum, excluding the parkades, which have a daily rate of $16 for those wanting an extended stay at the beach.  At the far end of East Beach behind the Washington Avenue Grill or WAG, the Semiahmoo First Nation operates a parking lot on their land that charges a flat rate of $8 per day.

Meanwhile over in Surrey, the parking at Crescent Beach is free, attracting budget conscious families to this waterfront on warm sunny days.  Unfortunately the Blackie Spit parking lot and gravel overflow lot are often packed solid with cars, with much of the streets throughout this tiny seaside hamlet lined with vehicles.  A study last year by the City of Surrey revealed there were over 400 parking spots that were either marked with illegal no parking signs, illegal tow away zone signage, or where parking areas had been claimed by residents with fencing, hedges, boulders and obstacles.  Since that time some of the Crescent Beach residents have realized the road frontage is not their private property or personal domain and have removed much of this signage.  I drove through Crescent Beach prior to writing this TNT and counted over 80 no parking or tow away zone signs that are still posted.  Some of these are so old the red printing has faded to white and the towing companies listed have been out of business for decades.

It is not the end of an era and there are currently no plans to start charging for parking in Crescent Beach, but changes are coming.  Surrey Council has recently approved a number of Crescent Beach parking and safety improvements that will take place over the next three months.  Here are the changes as posted on the website at .

  1. Review, amend and update existing on-street parking signage to ensure a consistent approach (whether angle or parallel parking is required), adequate sight lines and parking hours, which will include two-hour parking on portions of Sullivan Street and Beecher Street that are in proximity to commercial areas;

  2. Increase way-finding signage to the Blackie Spit parking lots (including gravel overflow) at the entrance to Crescent Beach, as well as within Blackie Spit;

  3. Minor modifications to the existing gravel overflow parking spaces in Blackie Spit to improve turning movements;

  4. Adding on-street parking fronting the vacant City Lot/Park at 12254 Beecher Street (McKenzie Road);

  5. Completing sidewalk connections for missing “gaps” along Sullivan Street, particularly west of Kidd Road bus stop and Alexandra tot-park area, to improve accessibility access to the beach area;  

  6. New accessible walkways on Wickson Road, Target Street and Alexandra Street;

  7. Pilot temporary "No Parking” on one side of McBride Avenue (north) for summer 2024; and

  8. Develop concept plans for pathways along McBride Avenue (north) and Kidd Road, between Sullivan Street and Gilley Road to improve walking and access to Crescent Beach and Alexandra tot-park.

These changes should make a marked improvement to the vehicle parking issue at Crescent Beach while improving pedestrian access and safety.  Unfortunately BNSF trains blocking Beecher Street will continue to add to traffic woes either in the morning when crowds of people are headed to the beach or at the end of the day when they are going home.  The idea of a railway overpass at Beecher Street is still sitting on a drawing board in the Engineering Department and the concept of a railway underpass at Bayview Ave. and McBride Ave. has yet to be considered.  If you do make it out of Crescent Beach without hitting a train, the 4-way stop sign at Crescent Road and 128 Street is still creating traffic jams.  I want to report that the City of Surrey is working to install a roundabout in this location that will likely be ready sometime in 2025.  Personally, I would love to see Translink provide a direct bus from the unused section of the Park & Ride lot in south Surrey down Crescent Road to Crescent Beach.  Not only would it get people out of their cars, it would be a lot shorter than the hour it currently takes to ride through White Rock and Ocean Park.

For more detailed information on the upcoming parking changes to Crescent Beach, please visit the following links:

Corporate report R223, Crescent Beach Parking Update, Dec. 2023:

Post Card on road allowance education, January 2024:

Open House presentation boards, March 2024:  

Corporate Report R075, Crescent Beach Parking and Walking Enhancements Update, April 2024:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

TNT Extra: 

While access is somewhat limited to the remote stretches of Crescent Rock Naturist Beach in South Surrey, at least the parking on top of the Ocean Park bluff at the stairways is free and will likely remain that way.  If stairs are a problem, you can simply walk along the shore from White Rock or Crescent Beach, ensuring you check out the tide forecast beforehand.  If you plan to visit the world famous Wreck Beach in Vancouver, there is very limited free parking along Marine Drive, plus a free gravel parking lot at Acadia Beach that leads to Tower Beach.  At UBC parking costs $4 an hour, max of $20, with the same hourly price after 6 p.m., max of $10.  Weekends are also $4 an hour but with a max of $10 for the day.   

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



Monday April 29, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Bad Engineering Kills People

The title for this TNT is a simple statement I use often and usually for very good reason.  For those people who have followed this column for over 15 years, you know that the state of public roadways and the safety of the travelling public are rather high on my agenda.  Behind the scenes I'm often in contact with the Transportation Ministry, Mainroad Group, local MLAs, ICBC and the police to bring dangerous road conditions to their attention.  Locally, this has included a campaign to have median cable barriers installed on Highway 99, that eventually went from 80 St. in Delta to the Peace Arch border crossing.  A TNT and email about a failed guard rail on the Serpentine River bridge that drowned a young lady led to an extensive investigation that resulted in 18" concrete dividers being used to protect the unsafe mounting posts on similar bridges throughout B.C.  The Hwy. 10 hill headed towards 120 St. got widened and separated because of my concerns, which I had first made a year before a deadly crash that killed two 17 year-olds.  The old Bailey bridge was closed to truck traffic and an announcement made about its replacement immediately after a TNT with photos revealed the extent of the decay on this 50 year-old temporary bridge.

That is only some of the larger and more dangerous road safety initiatives I have taken on over the years.  One of the others was at the interchange of Hwy. 91 and Hwy. 99, in particular the on ramp from Hwy. 91 southbound heading onto Hwy. 99 southbound.  The curved portion of the on ramp is not properly engineered, is not banked steeply enough, has a decreasing radius and originally did not have the tall concrete no-post barriers at the end of it.  This made it possible for an out-of-control vehicle to cross into the southbound traffic at an almost 90 degree angle.  I became aware of this problem when this is exactly what happened, with a multi-car collision resulting in several serious injuries.  After that crash I fired off a few emails about my safety concerns on this dangerous on ramp and how the no-post barricades ended far too early.  It wasn't that much longer before an even larger accident occurred at the very same place but in this case it involved a semi-truck and trailer.  It failed to negotiate the tight corner and drove straight across the southbound lanes, through the centre median and halfway into the northbound lane of Hwy. 99, fortunately without killing anybody.  After another "I told you so" email, more no-post dividers were finally installed to stop these cross-over accidents.

Even with all of these upgrades, the on ramp from HWY 91 southbound to Hwy. 99 southbound remains an accident waiting to happen.  The decreasing radius on ramp has not been changed, ensuring that drivers going too fast, vehicles with bald tires, cars hydroplaning in the rain or trucks with shifting loads fail to negotiate the corner.  The last lamp standard on the curve has been knocked over many times before, with it being put up again in the very same spot, which dare I say drives me crazy.  The worst portion of this entire interchange is where the on ramp ends and you have to merge into traffic on a bend in Hwy. 99 under the Hwy 91 overpass.  It is pretty basic physics that the mirrors of a vehicle attempting this maneuver will not show the driver the traffic beside and behind due to the curve in the road.  Throw in the overpass above, changes in light and shadow, changes in precipitation along with roadway conditions and you have a recipe for disaster.  A quick check of ICBC crash statistics shows that in the past four years there were 232 crashes in this area.   It is no surprise to me since I often use this for my route home and am constantly caught in massive traffic jams from accidents in this location. 

So here is where the rubber hits the road.  Last Monday traffic was snarled for hours on the Hwy. 99 southbound when a semi-truck and trailer flipped over at the end of the HWY 91 on ramp onto Hwy. 99.  It rolled over and slid across both lanes of the highway with the trailer getting caught by the median cable barriers.  This is the exact same spot where another transport truck lost its load several months ago, dropping a large slab of pre-cast concrete onto one of the southbound lanes of Hwy. 99.  In this area more concrete-no-post barriers are needed to protect the traffic on Hwy. 99 from those losing control on the on ramp curve.  The Hwy. 91 on ramp needs to be rebuilt to eliminate the decreasing radius corner and increase the angle of the road to stop truck roll-overs and vehicles losing control.  I should mention here that the street lights need to be moved away from where they keep getting hit by skidding cars.  As far as the merge lane, it needs to be extended several hundred metres south of the Hwy. 91 overpass and to only allow traffic to merge once past the overpass where the road is straight.  You don't need to be a genius to figure this stuff out, you just have to watch the pattern of repeated crashes, rollovers and dumped loads in this location.  Anyone who has been stuck in the traffic chaos at this spot while trying to get home to south Surrey and White Rock knows how a simple commute can turn into an hour's long ordeal.

So that's this week's TNT.  Where the fun begins is on Monday when a link to this column gets emailed to the NDP's Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Rob Fleming.  The South Surrey-White Rock MLA Trevor Halford, who just happens to be the United Party's Shadow Minister for Transportation and Infrastructure, will also get a copy in his in box.  North Delta's NDP MLA Ravi Kahlon and his counterpart for South Delta United Party MLA Ian Paton will definitely be CC'ed. Delta Mayor Rob Harvie and Delta Councillors, plus Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke and Surrey Councillors will be on the receiving end too since this problem affects many of their constituents on their daily commutes.  The contacts I have at Mainroad Group and the Insurance Corporation of B.C. will also be notified so they are also aware of these problems and the simple remedies on how to fix them.  Lastly will be Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord and Delta Fire Chief Guy McKintuck as it is his emergency services crews that are constantly called in to clean up the mess at this intersection of two major highways in Delta.  I might also share the information in this column with other media outlets in the Lower Mainland so that if nothing is done about this problem, the next time a truck barrel rolls across Hwy. 99 or somebody gets killed, I can stand in front of the cameras and microphones and scream "I told them it was dangerous and they did nothing!"  

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

TNT Extra:  A serious crash on Hwy. 99 only 50 metres away from Hwy. 91 at 4:15 on Sunday morning was the result of a driver going the wrong way.  According to officers from the Surrey RCMP who attended the scene, a 68 year-old woman was driving a late model Ford sedan into oncoming traffic.  The Ford struck a Mercedes sedan with two passengers heading southbound resulting in significant damage to both vehicles and leaving the driver of the Ford with serious injuries.  It is believed that alcohol and a per-existing medical conditions were contributing factors to the collision.  The design issues and safety concerns of the Hwy. 91 and Hwy. 99 interchange had nothing to do with this latest crash in this location. 

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.

Monday April 22, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Make Every Day Earth Day

Welcome to Earth Day!  In case you were not aware Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd.  With it falling on a Monday this year I thought it would be appropriate for this TNT to delve into the day dedicated to preserving our beautiful blue and green planet.  Earth Day was first observed in 1970, making 2024 its 54th anniversary.  This world-wide event was conceived by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and a Harvard student Denis Hayes who were both concerned about environmental degradation in the United States following a large oil spill off Santa Barbara, California from an offshore drilling platform.  The very first Earth Day attracted over 20 million people to take part, making it the largest one-day protest in the history of mankind.  This year's Earth Day celebration is expected to attract over a billion people to take part in environmental events in nearly 200 countries.    

Every year has a different theme and this year's is "Planet vs. Plastics."  The people at EARTHDAY.ORG are committed to ending the production of plastics that are fouling our planet, polluting the environment, plus poisoning wildlife and mankind.  Their lofty goal is to have a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by the year 2040.  They advocate for education about the environmental and health risks of plastics, calling for a rapid phase out of single use plastics, the need for a binding United Nations Treaty on Plastic Pollution, and an end to what is called fast fashion (aka trash fashion or garbage garments).  April 22nd is the day meant to "reaffirm our commitment to protecting the environment, promoting sustainability, and ensuring a healthier and more resilient future for all life on Earth."

So how does Earth Day get celebrated in White Rock?  Unfortunately there is nothing to show on the city's website for 2024 but in 2023 they asked residents to "Celebrate Earth Day Everyday" by adopting 5 basic habits.

1.  Fill your green bins with food scraps and yard trimmings for composting. 

2.  Learn how to properly dispose or recycle your waste on the city website.

3.  Think thrice about your clothes:  reduce, repair, reuse to minimize waste.

4.  Let's rid our environment of waste and plastic pollution and ditch the plastic water bottle.

5.  Reduce paper waste and switch to online billing to receive notifications from City Hall.

Surrey kicks it up a notch with what they bill as B.C.'s largest Earth Day celebration, being held this year on Sat., April 27 at Surrey Civic Centre from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. Activities there include the following: 

Food trucks, an expanded sustainable marketplace, Indigenous cultural sharing, kids activities and much more.  

Free live entertainment by local musicians, dancers, and environmental educators.   

Shop environmentally-friendly, artisan products made by local, small businesses from Surrey and the Lower Mainland.

An environmental event for all-ages, Surrey Parks plant sale, a tomato plant giveaway, kids activities, and much more.

No tickets required!  Experience Western Canada’s largest, free Earth Day event in the heart of Surrey City Centre.

Saving the world and protecting the environment comes down to you and personal choice.  There are many local environmental organizations you can join, such as White Rock and Surrey Naturalists, Burns Bog Conservation Society, Surrey Environmental Partners, Friends of Semiahmoo Bay, A Rocha, SNAP and more.  For hands on experience, consider following the Lower Mainland Green Team on Facebook that organizes environmental cleanup of invasive plants from local parks and nature preserves with one planned for next weekend (  The Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club with its Little Campbell Hatchery is always looking for volunteers to help with club activities, grounds and trails maintenance and keeping the baby salmon healthy and happy (  Looking after the environment and being outside experiencing nature is always a rewarding and refreshing experience.

For those who prefer being the lone wolf, there is nothing stopping you from being an independent environmentalist.  I pick up trash wherever I see it and even have a couple of litter tongs I keep in my vehicle and take to the beach.  Besides doing regular shoreline beach cleanups at Crescent Rock beach, I've personally removed the debris from several abandoned homeless encampments there.  Every few years I'll take on the task of doing a shoreline cleanup from Crescent Beach to White Rock, liasoning with the BNSF Railway to pick up bags of debris left beside the tracks.  You can act as the eyes and ears for a variety of government agencies whose job it is to look after the environment.  The B.C. RAPP line, (Report All Poachers and Polluters) is good to know as is the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for anything salt water related.  Having the Parks Dept and Engineering Dept email addresses for both Surrey and White Rock is a good way to report environmental issues that they need to know about.

For more information about Earth Day please visit the following websites:

For information on Surrey's Party For The Planet visit:

Naturally yours

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People




Monday April 15, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Residential, Not Racetrack

Surrey and South Surrey traffic crashes  ICBC.

The City of Vancouver is considering a rather novel idea, putting a 30 km/h speed limit on their residential streets.  This is due to the alarming statistic that just over half of all crashes involving pedestrians occurred on residential streets or at an intersection involving a residential street.  This idea is being supported by Vision Zero Vancouver, a community traffic safety group who bring attention to the 50 km/h default speed limit that is deadly to pedestrians.  Their research shows that a person being struck by a vehicle travelling at 30 km/h has a 90% chance of survival, while those struck by a vehicle doing 50 km/h has only a 20% survival rate.  This is the reason why school and park zones both have a 30 km/h speed limit, it keeps children alive.  For narrow residential roads with houses, families, kids and pets, the current 50 km/h speed limit is a death sentence.

It is not like this is a new concept for communities in the Lower Mainland.  Delta has been leading the charge with a variety of traffic calming measures and the use of 30 kmh speed limits at neighbourhoods in Tsawwassen and Sunshine Hills in North Delta.  Surrey has also been looking at this idea, with their Surrey Slow Streets: Residential Speed Limit Reduction Pilot looking at changing driver behaviour by lowering speed limits to 40 km/h or 30 km/h.  This project ended back in Dec, 2022 and unfortunately the slower speed signs have all been removed.  The six test areas showed that regardless of signage, vehicle speeds in residential neighbourhoods were consistent.  Interestingly, a reduction to 30 km/h from 40 km/h did not translate to a significant lowering of vehicle speed.  It was for this reason that the City of Surrey chose to advocate for the provincial government to set a default speed of 40 km/h for all residential roads across the Lower Mainland.  Even White Rock considered a 30 km/h speed limit for all their residential streets but chose instead to monitor similar projects in Saanich and Victoria. White Rock also cited the cost of putting up 30kmh signs on each street in White Rock as being very costly?

The B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) sets default speed limits of 50 km/h in municipalities and 80 km/h on highways outside of a municipality. The legislative authority for default speed limits in this province is the Motor Vehicle Act (MVA).  The Union of B.C. Municipalities requested in 2019 that municipal default speed limits be set at 30 km/h for local streets.  The province however, did not support this motion and noted that municipalities can set speed limits on individual streets by posting signage at each end of the street.  Instead of a blanket 30 km/h limit, this would create an unnecessary proliferation of street signage that would be costly to install and also add to continual signage maintenance over time.  It was estimated that the cost for posting 30 km/h signage across the three square miles of White Rock would cost the city $125,000.  Of course, they do have 30 km/h zones for all parks and schools plus along the strip of Marine Drive and Johnston Road from 5 Corners to 16th avenue that often has large crowds of pedestrians attracted to the waterfront.  If you have ever been to the beach on a sunny weekend, you know that driving at 30 km/h would be impossible because of the traffic.

If you want a stark visual representation of how bad the residential crashes are in south Surrey and White Rock, ICBC has statistical information and maps available to the public at Simply visit this page, scroll down to the "Interactive Tools" tab that shows crash data by region.  Click on "Lower Mainland" and the first thing you will see is the map of the City of Vancouver that is nearly saturated with areas showing vehicle crashes.  Enter a year and the city you are interested in and it will give you the crash map for that region.  It was actually shocking how many accidents happen on small residential streets throughout the Semiahmoo peninsula.  At the closest corner to our house in the quiet little corner of Crescent Heights, there were two crashes in two years, one that involved my neighbour who had an elderly gentleman run a stop sign and hit his SUV.  Of course I had to look at Marine Drive in White Rock that had 102 collisions over 4 years, most of these that happened in the 30 km/h zone.  In White Rock the most dangerous corner is North Bluff and Johnson Road at 152 crashes, while in South Surrey, the intersection of 152 St. and 32 Ave. Diversion clocks in at 364 crashes.

In order to lower the number of accidents on residential streets, reduce crash severity and save pedestrian lives, it would be very easy for the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Hon. Rob Fleming, to simply acquiesce to the Union of B.C. Municipalities and make any municipal residential road that does not have a painted centre line a 30 km/h zone.  If all of the residential roads in all of the cities across the Lower Mainland and possibly even the province had this speed limit, it is likely that drivers would quickly adapt to driving slower in these areas.  If people want to drive like a-holes and speed in their neighbourhood, they'd better get used to residents yelling "SLOW DOWN" as they roar by.  Our street is traffic calmed with a series of speed bumps and we still get idiots roaring through here, racing from bump to bump in their high end sports cars, oblivious to the fact that they are driving like idiots.  Nothing like hearing the crunch of their undercarriage and seeing a shower of sparks off the bumps to bring a smile to my face.  Driving responsibly and a little slower won't kill you, but being reckless and speeding increases your odds of both a crash and injury.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live/work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo Peopl



Monday Aprill 08, 2024


Naked Cash Grab

I'm so old I can remember the glory days of the Surrey Credit Union.  Unfortunately, like most Credit Unions they seemed to want to be more like banks and changed their name to Surrey Metro Savings (SMS).  Around 30 years ago I looked after the grounds of nine SMS locations including their head office in Guildford, along with several Bank of Montreal branches as well.  In 2002 Surrey Metro Savings merged with Coast Capital Savings as they spread their wings beyond Surrey's borders.  It was about that time the gardening contract was then given to a large trans-national landscaping company based in England and all of the independent janitors let go for a large conglomerate cleaning company to maintain all of the buildings.  My first mortgage was with Surrey Metro Savings but they lost me years ago because of their change in corporate structure and behaviour.  We still have accounts with Coast Capital and because of this we are members with a right to vote in their elections.

Last week we received notices in the mail from Coast Capital informing us they are having an Annual General and Special Meeting (AGSM) plus Board of Directors election with four resolutions being voted on.  A ballot was contained with the vote for the Board of Directors, appointment of Auditor, Vice Chair Retainer and one rule change.  Credit Union (yes, I still like to call it that) members can vote on these four questions either online or by mailing them in with the self addressed postage paid envelope.  There were several things that really raised my eyebrows and hackles about this part of the process.  First off, the trust company in charge of the vote was TSX, based in Toronto, Ontario.  It would have been nice if a local company could have been found but at least they got one located in Canada.  Voting closes on April 18, so you have to ensure your ballot is mailed early enough to get delivered to Ontario.  There is also a change in that members cannot drop off ballots at the branches as was previously done, something that made voting very easy for many people.  

How would you like to participate in an election where you are told who to vote for and where to mark your X on the ballot?  It certainly doesn't sound democratic and more like something you would find in China, Russia, Iran or North Korea, all authoritarian regimes.  Well, the Coast Capital ballot does just that for the Board of Directors with four of the six candidates being "recommended" by the Governance and Nominations Committee.  Of course the chosen four names were arranged alphabetically in one line, with the two other candidates getting listed alphabetically on another line, fortunately without having a "not recommended" label placed under their names.  For the Appointment of Auditor, KPMG LLP was the only choice with the current Board of Directors recommending members vote YES.  It was the same for Director Remuneration: Vice Chair Retainer with the Board of Directors again recommending members vote YES to add a further $10,000 to the pay rate previously rubber stamped in 2022.  The one rule change of note calls for the Board Remuneration Aggregate Cap to rise from $825,000 to $1,500,000.  That is a shocking increase of almost 82% at a time when inflation is approximately 3 percent annually.

Coast Capital is currently advertising their new Elevate chequing account, using the slogan "Feel The Earn."  At the same time they acknowledge "Nearly half (47%) of Canadians indicate they are living pay cheque-to-pay cheque and nearly a third (33%) report not making enough money each month to cover their bills and debt repayments."  Recently, the City of Victoria Council wanted to vote themselves a 25% raise that was put on hold, while Kelowna Council is voting to give themselves a 30% raise with an option to opt out that was put in because of public pressure.  With an 82% raise in the remuneration cap supported by the Board of Directors, Coast Capital credit union members are now "feeling the burn."  The estimated total pay range for a Coast Capital director is estimated at $145K - $165K per year.  In 2023 the director remuneration payments were $789,000, or $31,000 under the spending cap.  As to why it now needs to be hiked by $675,000, that is anyone's guess but it might have to do with the high cost of living and the huge increases in mortgage payments that even credit union Directors have to pay.

Coast Capital members need to be aware of this shocking cash grab and to vote NO before the deadline of April 18 at 5 p.m, Pacific Time.  Now is not the time to give Directors the power to increase their collective salaries.  This rule change requires two-thirds support to pass or nearly 67 percent of ballots marked yes.  Members also need to realize that voting is online ( or by mail with ballots no longer being dropped off at the branches as was previously the case.  If you mail your ballot, you have to consider the delivery time, which Canada Post currently pegs at four days for national mail.  This means your letter should be sent out on or before the morning of April 14 or else it may not be delivered in time.  On Thursday, April 25 the Coast Capital AGSM is being held in the ballroom of the Civic Hotel  at 13475 Central Ave., Surrey.  Doors open at 4:00 PT with the AGSM starting promptly at 4:30 p.m.  It will be interesting to see how members vote, especially on this unnecessary and enormous change to the cap on total salaries for Coast Capital directors. 

For more information and details on the upcoming Coast Capital AGSM vote, please refer to the following links:

Naturally yours;

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




April 2, 2024

101 Steps, 1001 Steps, 10001 Steps, 100000 Steps

The front page photo on this week's Peace Arch News  titled "Spring Steps" contained incorrect and misleading information.  The caption read as follows, "Christopherson Steps is always a popular springtime activity for many in the Semiahmoo Peninsula.  With sun forecast for the Easter Long Weekend, this spot, also known as 1,001 Steps, will likely be busy."  The stairs shown in the picture were indeed the Christopherson Steps, located at the west end of 24 Ave. leading to Crescent Beach.  They were originally called the 101 Steps before the name was changed to honour a local pioneering family who lived in Crescent Heights.  This was done because of these steps being confused with another shoreline staircase a mile to the south.

The 1001 Steps are located at the west end of 15A Ave. near Kwomais Point in Ocean Park .  It has not had its name changed but the 1001 Steps and 101 Steps confusion obviously still remains to this day.  This is a serious issue with emergency services being directed to the wrong staircase to deal with problems at the rugged coastline or the BNSF train tracks.  The last time this happened, a woman broke her leg at the 1,001 Steps and the Coast Guard hovercraft instead went to the Christopherson Steps (previously 101 Steps) to aid in her recovery.  For train crashes, sinking boats, forest fires, drownings and injuries on the rugged boulder strewn shoreline, these delays could have serious ramifications.

The old numerical staircase names both need to be eliminated from use to put an end to this decades long problem.  The 1001 Steps should be renamed the "Stevenson Steps" after the Stevenson family that sold the railway corridor to the Great Northern Railway for $1 over a century ago, allowing the rail corridor to be built.  The pedestrian tunnel under the tracks in Ocean Park was a prerequisite for the land sale allowing for safe beach access under the tracks in perpetuity.  Paying homage to early settlers would help teach people some of Surrey's history, while finally putting the staircase confusion of 101 Steps and 1001 Steps to rest.

Another nearby staircase also has a name problem.  Located at 131 St. and 13 Ave., the Olympic Trail has a wooden staircase leading to a mid-bluff viewing platform that looks south towards Washington State.  It is also locally known as Pot Point or Stoner's Point, with the City of Surrey recently taking to calling it the rather boring "13 Ave. Lookout."   With 131 Street formerly called Olympic Road before the names went numeric, these steps that are not even listed on the website need to have their historic name recognized and added to the Park inventory.  To say it is a local secret would be somewhat of an understatement, with many people completely unaware of its existance.

The City of Surrey would be wise to fix all of these names, put up proper signage at the top and bottom of the staircases plus post road signage on nearby thoroughfares pointing the way to these shoreline access points.  As it is, Surrey doesn't even have the simple blue and white "To The Beach" signs pointing the way to any of these stairs.  Instead they have them far away on 16 Ave, pointing the way to White Rock beach.  Even in the seaside hamlet of Crescent Beach, some signage pointing the way to Blackie Spit would be a good idea and a simple thing to do.  With Crescent Beach being one of two marine recreational areas for almost a million Fraser Valley residents, proper signage should have been installed long ago.

While on the topic of beach signage, there used to be a large green and white sign on 24 Ave. at Crescent Park Elementary that pointed the way to Crescent Beach.  It was taken down several years ago when new curbing was being installed to make student drop-off and pick-up safer.  Unfortunately when the construction was completed, this sign was not reposted on the boulevard.  Now people heading to Crescent Beach drive into the Crescent Heights neighbourhood that is surrounded by a seaside bluff, several ravines and many dead ends.  Putting  this sign back up would save a lot of headaches for frustrated drivers including those towing boats looking for the Marina.

Here are the links to websites for both Christopherson Steps and the 1001 Steps staircases but unfortunately the Olympic Trail is not listed under any of its four different names.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



Monday March 25, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Men In Black at Pink Palace

On Friday afternoon I was driving down King George Blvd. headed towards 8th Avenue when my passengers alerted me to men dressed in dark clothing carrying what they said looked like assault rifles.  This was in the parking lot between the Chartwell Crescent Gardens Retirement Community and the Hilton hotel commonly known as the Pink Palace from its former paint job.  Since I was focused on driving, I did not see the men or rifles but found this all rather concerning considering the recent gangland machine gun attack in White Rock.  Knowing the hotel has frequently been used for filming, I asked them if there were any movie trucks on site and they told me there were none.  I then asked them if they had seen any police vehicles or officers in uniform and again they told me they had not seen any.

Having not witnessed any of this and not wanting to initiate a "man with gun" call to 911, I decided it was best to return and see for myself what was going on.  Pulling over at the entrance to the Pink Palace I found several traffic delineators with caution tape strung between them across the roadway.  A small sandwich board placed facing the road read "Police Scenario Training - Keep Clear of Area."  Nearby was an old stop sign that was faded from red and white to two different shades of grey.  In the parking lot were a number of cars, plus trucks and SUVs that I quickly identified as undercover ERT vehicles with specialized canopies and discrete antennae on their roofs.  There was nobody present by this time, no security guards on site and no badged police cruisers or officers in regular uniform.  I actually never got to see the men in question or the rifles they were reportedly carrying.

Amazingly, when the Surrey RCMP Media Liaison officer was contacted by the White Rock Sun for information, they knew nothing about this tactical exercise.  Because of the vehicles parked on scene, it most likely was the Lower Mainland Emergency Response Team (ERT) that consists of RCMP and municipal police services, which is run out of the BC RCMP Headquarters in Tall Timbers Park.  The RCMP website states "The Emergency Response Team deals with situations where extreme danger/firearms are above the ability of detachments or other policing partners.  Team members are highly trained and are specialized experts in weapons and a variety of tactics.  ERT members can provide expert advice to fellow police on weapons."  For more information on the BC RCMP ERT here is the link:

The problem with this police exercise is that men dressed in black carrying assault rifles were in a public parking lot walking into a hotel that was visible to neighbours, passing motorists and the residents of the retirement home.  This resulted in a number of "man with gun" calls to E-comm 911 from people concerned about what they had witnessed.  The vehicles with weapons could have easily been backed up to the hotel entrance and the firearms discretely transferred into the building, possibly blocking the area from view with the large Suburban that was on scene.  The parking lot should have been barricaded instead of simply being taped off and signage placed facing traffic in both directions.  Instead of using all undercover vehicles, a couple of marked RCMP squad cars manned by auxiliary police in uniform should have been at the parking lot entrances.  Having men walking through the parking lot with long guns plainly visible was very unprofessional and completely unnecessary. 

I have witnessed RCMP officers walking across parking lots at their headquarters in both Richmond and Langley with shotguns and AR-15 carbine rifles.  Nobody should be concerned or confused by this since the locations are well known, fenced off and obviously packed with uniformed police and squad cars.  When training in a visible area such as the Pink Palace, the public should be notified, the area properly contained and security patrols established.  When movies are filmed at the Pink Palace, I can assure you that any firearms are kept secured and not displayed outdoors unless they have permits from the police and the public and neighbours have been notified.  At the local Semiahmoo Fish & Game club, recreational shooters keep firearms locked in cases as they are transferred from vehicles to the indoor rifle range.  Even the Surrey Police Service who have used this range would not openly carry guns across the club parking lot into the building. 

I understand that the Emergency Response Team has to train for dealing with serious crime arrests, hostage rescue, close quarter combat and barricaded armed subjects.  When holding exercises in leased or rented locations such as the PInk Palace, they cannot simply walk around in public with assault rifles while using unbadged vehicles and dressed in combat fatigues or black clothing.  There have been far too many gangland shootings in BC involving people dressed in a similar fashion with these attacks happening both day and night.  Paintballers and airsoft enthusiasts know they cannot be seen dressed in camouflage and carrying weapons without it being reported to 911 and initiating a serious police response.  Recreational shooters and hunters know they cannot simply walk across parking lots carrying rifles held high.  Those officers in charge of ERT training need to realize that their scenarios cannot panic the public and create nuisance calls to 911.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

Iwish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nations


TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

March 18, 2024

The Word For The Day is "Beddian"

I have been a bit of a "word nerd" before it even became a thing on Google or prior to the book being written by Susan Neilsen.  For any writer or word-smith, words are like paint on an artist's palette that can go from mess to masterpiece.  At work we regularly have the "$5 word of the day" for anyone pulling a word out of the hat that amazes and possibly mystifies the crew.  I actually know the lyrics to the song "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" from the 1964 Mary Poppins movie and did not have to look up how to spell it.  It's not very often that a word comes to my attention that I have never heard before and when one does I'm always keen to learn the definition and also where it was derived from.  With all of that said, the word for the day is "Beddian."

What is interesting about this word is that my wife Sheryl came across it because of numerology and a rather unique upcoming event in my life.  In case you don't know, numerology is defined as "an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life that tap into the underlying patterns of the universe and reveal new truths about who we are."  Now many of us are aware of our golden or champagne birthday when your birthday matches the day you were born.  This once-in-a-lifetime event happens to everyone before they reach the age of 31 and it can be a fun reason for some extra celebration.  For those 19 years and older (18 in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec) champagne is definitely on the menu and the gift list.

I was born way back in 1962 (before the Beatles first album I like to say) and later this month I will be turning 62 years old.  It occurred to me years ago that if I lived long enough I would get to celebrate this rather interesting birthday.  It was only recently that I began wondering if this birthday actually had a name, which turns out is a "Beddian birthday."  Nobody I have talked to about a Beddian birthday knew anything about it.  Unfortunately for many people, theirs had already passed without this milestone being recognized.  My parents, both born in 1938, would have had their Beddian birthdays in 1976 when I was a young teenager and I know it was never mentioned or celebrated.  My sister and a good buddy who are a few years older than me were pissed when I told them about it, never realizing it was numerically significant and missing theirs.  My daughters are choked as being born in the early 1990s, they will have to live to be over 90-years-old to celebrate their Beddian birthdays.

So how did this statistically interesting birthday get its rather odd name?  I found this interesting explanation from a birthday cake website (where else?) that involves a NYFD firefighter, a New Yorker magazine journalist and a New York University physicist.

"On November 5, 2007, The New Yorker published an article written by Lizzie Widdicombe entitled, "The Firefighter'sTheorem."  This article recounts a story about Bobby Beddia, a New York firefighter, and his now-famous birthday observation.  On a sunny August Saturday, Bobby chatted with Rhonda Shearer, a visitor to his fire station, about his great luck in getting to live during his birth year.  When asked to elaborate, he explained that he was born in September 1953, so his age in 2006/2007 matched the final two digits of the year in which he was born: 53.  This phenomenon happens to everyone, but only once in a lifetime, and Bobby Beddia was thrilled to be experiencing his.  Tragically, later that day, Bobby was killed in the line of duty."

"As a tribute to her friend, Rhonda decided to investigate this birthday observation, and the result was some pretty fascinating math—if you’re into that sort of thing.  She reached out to her physicist and mathematician friends for more insight, and the “birth year” eventually came to be known as a Beddian year.  Richard Brandt, a former NYU physicist, observed that Beddian birthdays will only ever happen in even-numbered years.  That’s because, mathematically, the event is essentially a doubling.  Think of it this way: if you were born in 1960, your Beddian year is 2020, the year you turn 60.  1960 + 60 = 2020.  If you were born in 1953, your Beddian year was 2006: 1953 + 53 = 2006.  Do you see the doubling effect?  One of the most basic math concepts is that the result of doubling any number is always an even number; hence Beddian birthdays are strictly an even year occurrence."

So enjoy your Beddian birthday if you live that long.  For those born in 1963, your year is 2026.  For those born in 1970, it comes around in 2040.  For those folks from 1980, it's 2060 if you make it that far.  If you were born in 1990 and are now 34 year old, your Beddian year is way off in 2080.  For those born in 2000, you have to live to be a centenarian in 2100 to celebrate both living to be 100 years old and your Beddian birthday.  Hopefully I have now given all of these people something to live for when they finally reach their golden years.  For our three grandsons born in this century, they will all have their Beddian birthdays when they are teenagers and unlike almost everyone else will actually know about it and get to celebrate the occasion.  All of this because of Bobby Beddia and the Fire-fighter's Theorem where numerology and etymology (look it up) combine.

You can read more about Robert C. Beddia on the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Roll of Honor at this link:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn 

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people



March 11, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Fish School at SFGC

Like all organizations, the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club (SFGC) had to weather the storm when COVID-19 emerged and lock-downs were put in place to help deal with the spread of the virus.  The archery and firearms ranges were all closed, hall rentals and weddings were cancelled and public gatherings ended.  Through these trying times volunteers running the salmon hatchery managed to keep separated and ensure that the salmonids were kept healthy until they could be released back into the Little Campbell river.  Unfortunately the "Salmon in the Classroom" program run by the Department of Oceans and Fisheries (DFO) with help from the hatchery at the SFGC were also cancelled during COVID along with school tours of the Little Campbell hatchery.  Now that everything has returned to normal, both of these important educational programs that highlight the importance of salmon hatchery operations are back up and running.

Last fall volunteers manning the fish fence on the Little Campbell River netted 3,700 Coho (of which 350 were hatchery fish), 950 Chinook and 350 Chum, all of which were counted, sexed and released.  Under the watchful eye of DFO officers, salmon were selected to provide brood stock for future hatchery operations.  Currently there are two eight foot wide tubs with 38,000 Coho and another set of tubs with 52,000 Chinook swimming in them.   Outside in the large rearing pond, a further 20,000 Coho are being raised for release into the Little Campbell River in the near future.  Besides all of the salmon being raised at the hatchery, the DFO outfits classrooms with specialized aquariums so that students can experience hands-on the life-cycle of salmon.  Eyed-eggs from the Little Campbell Hatchery are distributed by DFO from the Little Campbell Hatchery to schools in Surrey, Delta and Richmond in January where they are raised for release in the spring. 

In total the SFGC has booked students from over 80 schools this year to visit the Little Campbell hatchery.  This generally involves groups of 25-26 children plus teachers and parents.  Between now and spring break, it is expected that 650 kids will be visiting the property to see first hand what is happening and how the young fish are kept safe and healthy.  The $100 booking fee is quite affordable and helps the Club pay for salmon hatchery operations.  A team of eight veteran guides (with several more in training) assist with classroom instruction and the tours of the hatchery, outbuildings, the Little Campbell river and the neary 30 acres of property.  Currently many of the children are arriving in buses or by mini-van convoy with the fish they have raised in the classroom.  It is expected that before the March spring break that all of the salmonids raised in the classrooms will be released by the kids into the Little Campbell where they then begin their epic four year migration.  It is interesting to note that of the 55 eggs delivered to each classroom, 51-55 salmonids are returned and released into the river.  You can find more information on the SFGC's Little Campbell fish hatchery school tours at:  You can find more information on the SFGC's Little Campbell fish hatchery school tours at: 

The SFGC's Little Campbell hatchery is run by a contingent of knowledgeable volunteers who make everything possible.  This time of year the tanks with the salmonids must be cleaned on a daily basis and of course the fish need to be fed and monitored.  Besides the educational school tours, members of the SFGC recently teamed up with other salmon hatcheries to run the Fishing For Kids booth at the BC Sportsman Show in Abbotsford.  Over the upcoming spring break the young Chinook currently in the rearing tanks will have their adipose fin removed marking them as hatchery fish.  At that time the DFO will supply a pinning machine that inserts a coded wire into the nose of the fish that provides information on health, growth, travel and morbidity when the fish are caught or collected.  The 52,000 Chinook will take twelve people a total of eight days working seven hours a day to complete this task, with the Coho marked and tagged soon after that.  When the salmon are running in October, it takes a total of 450-500 hours for volunteers to man the fish fence, net the salmon and perform the count.  If you want hands-on experience with helping both hatchery raised and wild salmon survive, the Semiahoo Fish & Game Club is waiting for you.

With plans for a new fish hatchery to be constructed currently at the building permit stage, there has been a big increase in interest in the happenings at the SFGC and the Little Campbell hatchery.  It was only a few years ago when it looked as if the property was going to be given to the CIty of Surrey but from those days the club has made a remarkable comeback.  Memberships can be purchased at $110 for the year with $50 for seniors and a family rate of $140.  For this you can get involved in one of the only fish and game clubs that has a fish hatchery on their property.  The SFGC is always looking for volunteers to help lessen the workload on older members who devote much time and energy on the hatchery plus club operations.  With indoor and outdoor archery, a basement firearms range, 200 seat hall and plenty of outdoor activities on the wooded property there is always something going on.  You can check out the club website at or drop by at 1284 184 street in the Hazelmere Valley of south Surrey.  The property is open to the public from dawn to dusk and the walking trails beside the river are always a nice place to connect with nature

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lads of the Semiahmoo people.




February 05, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

A Hump in the Road

It is not my job to notice issues affecting our roadways.  I do not get paid to do safety checks on bridges and highways.  I didn't go to Engineering school to learn how to build roads.  I do not work for a road maintenance company, the Ministry of Highways or one of the many cities in this province.  I could go one ranting further but instead I'll stop here and say that our traffic infrastructure here is third world.  I can basically drive down any roadway and point out problem after problem with everything from signage, lighting, layout, paving, painting, etc.  Some of this stuff is rather mundane, others are dangerous, and some have actually killed people.  The government could hire me to simply cruise around to make notes and take pictures of deficiencies on any roadway in the province.  It would be like the movie Groundhog Day with the same repetitive crap day in and day out without end leaving one hoping for death.

The closer you get to home, the more you drive.  It is because of this simple observation that 50% of all car crashes happen within five miles from home.  Going a little further, 70% of crashes happen within 10 miles from home.  These two stats tell me that people do most of their driving within the limits of their city, unless of course they live in White Rock that is only three square miles or 5 square kilometres.  Living in the big city of Surrey, I realize that most of my driving occurs within the 316.4 square kilometers of Surrey.  Heck, if it wasn't for so many good craft breweries spread across the Lower Mainland, I don't know if I would ever leave the Mother ship.  That being said, when you are constantly driving on the mean streets of Surrey, you tend to see the same old problem over and over again.  Like a burr under your saddle, you may not really care at first but after miles of riding that little burr can light a flame under your butt that is going to need a fire extinguisher to put out.

The City of Surrey is guilty of doing something here that is lazy, stupid, dangerous, and just like that burr is a big pain in the ass.  To make matters worse, they seem to be the only town in BC that somehow missed the memo on how to deal with this very simple problem.  Jurisdictions all across the province will put large speed humps in roadways to help slow traffic.  You no doubt have seen these in school zones, where they sit slowing traffic for 24 hours a day even though it is only a 30 kmh zone from 8 am. till 5 p.m. on school days, a little over 20% of the time.  These large asphalt mounds are painted with two large white triangles facing traffic to make them more visible.  Yellow/orange diamond warning signs showing what looks like a flat round hat are posted beside these speed humps to alert motorists that they are there.  Some places even go a step further, putting warning signs up that there are speed humps ahead.  For areas where a series of speed humps have been installed to slow traffic, "speed control zone" signs are usually posted on both ends of the road.

The problem with the City of Silly, oops of course I meant Surrey, is that they put speed humps on the road but don't install the warning signs adjacent to them as is normally done everywhere else.  In our Crescent Heights neighbourhood, from 124 St and 24 Ave to 128 St and 25 Ave. there are seven speed humps in this area used by transit buses, with only two of these speed hump signs properly posted.  The other two are at the entrance ways to this rough ride area on flat stretches of road.  The nearby 22 Ave from 128 St to 124 St. is the same with four unmarked speed humps.  Now this may not sound like a big deal but I have seen several boats almost come off their trailers after getting sent airborne when unsuspecting drivers drove over these unsigned humps at the speed limit.  I usually don't get to see delivery vans, you simply hear the massive crashing noise as everything in their vehicle flies in the air and then falls to the floor.  Landscaping and carpenter trailers fair equally as poorly with tools and equipment going airborne only to come smashing down.  The buses don't fare any better with passengers getting launched constantly.

Speed Humps are always marked with signs for driver safety.  In the winter when visibility is difficult and the roads can be covered in snow, speed hump signs often give drivers their only warning to their existence.  Flying off one of these humps in icy conditions can quickly turn into an uncontrolled skid and a crash.  It also allows snow plow operators to lift the blades when they drive over these bumps.  Not only is this easier on the snow moving equipment, it  ensures that the painted white triangles remain on the speed humps.  Often in Surrey you see this safety marking scraped off because the plow operators do not have x-ray vision.  Even worse is the many speed humps used in elementary schools with no marking signs.  The Crescent Park Annex at 124 St. an 24 Ave. that is not used as a school has speed humps on these arterial roads that are not marked.  I have heard vehicles crash over them with such force I thought it was an accident at the intersection.  Ocean Cliff Elementary on 20 Ave in Ocean Park has three speed humps that are not properly marked while Jessie Lee Elementary on 154 St. near 20 Ave. has two of these dangerous speed humps with no signage.

Over a city as large as Surrey the number of speed humps not properly signed could be in the thousands.  In our little neck of the woods this number sits at 13, which doubles to 26 with signs needed on both sides of the road.  The Surrey Engineering Dept. needs to look at their maps and drawings to figure out where all of these speed humps are and ensure they are properly marked.  To all the parents of young kids reading this TNT, please ensure the Principal of your elementary school is aware of this problem and gets the School Board to do something about it.  It is rather embarrassing that cities all around Surrey install speed humps correctly with the proper signage, but the Engineering Dept. here has obviously dropped the ball on this issue long ago. 

The remedy is really quite simple; install proper warning signs or remove the speed humps.  I know from server activity out of both Surrey and White Rock city halls that the content of this column does get reviewed by staff.  Hopefully this will be enough to get some traction on this issue but if not, you can always report this lack of safety signage to Surrey's Report-A-Problem line at .

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


Monday January 29, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Ivan Knows a Villain

Surrey Talk Radio's IVAN SCOTT

In a radical departure from my regular weekly column here in the White Rock Sun, I am inviting a guest writer to contribute to The Naked Truth. 

This is the first time this has ever happened but depending on the subject, copy and person involved, it may not be the last.  The following is a letter to the editor that Ivan Scott, founder of Keep The RCMP In Surrey (KTRIS) and the "Voice of Surrey" from Surrey Talk Radio, sent to the Peace Arch News (PAN) and various local politicos.  His diatribe was in response to three different letters published in the PAN disparaging Mayor Brenda Locke and the Surrey police transition from the RCMP to the Surrey Police Service.  While the PAN was more than ready to give ink to one side of this story, they neglected to print this letter from Mr. Scott.  I feel it is important for a two-sided public conversation on the police transition that will shape the future of law enforcement in Surrey and citizen's property taxes.  Without further ado (not adieu), here is Mr. Scott's letter titled "Who is the villain here?" that I have slightly edited for form and function without changing the context.


Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,

What is it that Ed Hird, Charles Broderick and Willy Van Dongen (PAN, Jan. 11, 2024) do not get?  Mayor Brenda Locke is not the villain here and I will elaborate with the following facts:

I am the man who started the KEEP THE RCMP IN SURREY CAMPAIGN (KTRIS) in 2019 in response to then Mayor Doug McCallum's edict that a Surrey Police Service (SPS) must be changed to from the RCMP as our municipal police force.  This was done on his election promise and justified by him as: 

  • Surrey is the only city in Canada with a population greater than 500,000 that does not have its own municipal police force - Surrey does have its own municipal police force and it is called the RCMP, which has been doing a fine job here for the past 70+ years.

  • Surrey residents "deserve their own police force"  - Surrey does deserve to have the best police in the world and we have it; it's called the RCMP.

In 2019 KTRIS garnered more than 50,000 signatures in favour of KTRIS (20% South Asian) that was then delivered to Premier John Horgan and which he promptly ignored. 

In 2021 KTRIS assisted with the SURREY POLICE VOTE petition for a referendum requested by Darlene Bennett, which resulted in 43,000 signatures being obtained in favour that was again ignored by Solicitor General Mike Farnworth. 

In 2022, KTRIS endorsed and assisted Brenda Locke and her slate, Surrey Connect (SC) in the municipal election, who gave the election promise that they would keep the RCMP in Surrey and cancel the SPS if elected.  SC was elected as Council with a 64,000 total vote majority. The B.C. Government again ignored this fact when it came to the Surrey Policing question.

Mayor Brenda Locke and SC promptly informed the B.C. government that Surrey was canceling the transition to SPS as was its legislative right to do.  This was based on the reasons that: 

1.) The people had spoken three times, finally confirming this in the municipal election. 

2.) The transition was going to cost Surrey taxpayers at least $50 million more per year than keeping the RCMP, resulting in huge tax increases forever.  

3.) The transition "business" plan was not a viable plan at all, in that after five years with an inept police board and inept "chief-of-police" had gone millions of dollars over budget and had only progressed 30-40% of the way. 

4.) Public safety was not an issue by retaining the very experienced RCMP in Surrey but it would be if a fledgling SPS with no record or any experience was brought in as Surrey's police force.

As can be seen, three referendums have been done already and there is no point in holding another.  In this time of ridiculous inflation, there is no reason to accept the B.C. Government's dictatorial edict and immoral changing of the Police Act to force Surrey to pay for the most expensive proposed police service in Canada.  Mike Farnworth does not care, he does not live in Surrey and will not personally have to pay the taxes that he wants to enforce on each of us.  If he did care about Surrey, he would cancel the SPS.  This is exactly the reason why Brenda Locke has gone to court and she is following through on her promise to keep the RCMP in Surrey and save us huge millions of dollars.  My hat is off to her.

So to Ed Hird, no to a referendum and yes to a change in B.C. government.  To Charles Broderick, we already have the policing service and municipal government we want and deserve.  To Willy Van Dongen, the waste of money is if we are forced to put in the SPS.  How many people are you assuming to speak for, one?  I have the support of at least 50,000 to about 100,000 residents of Surrey.

Doug McCallum is the villain here, not Brenda Locke.


Ivan Scott

Founder, KTRIS

Voice of Surrey, Surrey Talk Radio

Here are links to the three letters posted in the PAN that Mr. Scott was unable to address on their opinions page.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.





Monday January 22, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Pump and Dump

Before taking our winter vacation, I decided to do some snooping for a TNT story after getting snowed out of work in North Delta.  Since I was already in the neighbourhood, I went to see if I could find traces of diesel oil pollution in East Delta, wondering if the fuel I had seen in waterways south of the BNSF derailment site next to Hwy. 91 had migrated through to Mud Bay.  You can read the rest of what is now a train wreck trilogy by scrolling down to the Nov. 20, 2023 TNT titled "BNSF Off The Rail" and the related Jan. 8, 2024 column titled "Droning For Oil."  Just as crap flows downhill, the ditches and streams from East Delta all flow south to the City of Delta pump station at the south end of 112 St. that empties drainage water from there directly into Mud Bay.

Delta pump house holding pond oil slick.

Parking next to the dike gate, I made my way to the massive pump house complex that the City of Delta uses to keep its farmlands from flooding and returning to a bog.  Interestingly, the area is not fenced off and you can simply walk around the complex including on concrete sidewalks and metal catwalks over the adjacent holding pond.  I was not really surprised but still couldn't believe my eyes when I immediately found a thick oily slick floating on the water just to the side of the massive pumps.  There were no oil containment booms or absorbent booms in this area even though an accumulation of floating oil in this location a few kilometers away from the recent BNSF train wreck site should have been anticipated by both the City of Delta and the Railway.

Delta pump house outflow into Mud Bay.

The problem with this pump house is that it uses large mechanical screws to lift water up out of the holding pond where it then flows in a large pipe under the dike and discharges onto the shoreline area of Mud Bay.  Because of this basic design, the screws skim off the top layer of water taking any floating debris or possible contaminates with it.  Leaving the pump house and crossing over the dike pathway, I found the outflow area where the pumped water flowed into the ocean.  It was covered with a thick layer of white foam that was noticeably brown on top.  The wind was blowing briskly from the northeast at that time and there was none of this same foam visible upwind along the shore east from the outflow area.

The shoreline downwind and due west of the outflow was a completely different story.  A thick sudsy layer of the same white and brown foam covered the rocks and logs that lined the shoreline directly across from the pump house  Some of it measured an estimated two metres out from shore and up to 20 cm. deep.  Further west from there the shore turned into several small bays and this ugly foam sludge was piled up against the shoreline even browner than at the outflow.  As nasty as this material looked, even worse was seeing the hundreds of ducks resting just offshore from the foam lined beach.  With cold arctic outflow conditions last week, Boundary Bay that is part of the Pacific Flyway would have been lined with huge flocks of ducks as all of the freshwater inland ponds were frozen solid.

Shoreline of Mud Bay with accumulated foam and flock of ducks.

Because of travel preparations and other chores, I was not able to return to get water samples of the pump house oil slick or the dirty cappuccino foam lining Mud Bay.  I did send out my pictures in a news release to local environmental groups, political contacts and other media organizations.  Just like the original oil I witnessed in Delta farmland ditches south of the BNSF train crash site thanks to HiPics Drone Services, I reported what I had seen to the BC Environment Ministry, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the RAPP line for polluters, plus the City of Delta's Environmental Manager.  I have yet to be contacted back from any of these even though they all received the same pictures you see posted here.

City of Delta's 112 St. pump house

As to what the pump house foam is from, it may be naturally occurring and biological in nature with a rational scientific explanation.  It could also be possibly related to the locomotive diesel oil spill and any dispersal agents applied to the BNSF train crash scene to help with the environmental cleanup.  Considering the visible oil slick on the pump house holding pond, I have reason to suspect it may be the later.  Water quality testing and chemical analysis of the pump house oil slick could explain this mystery but this is the job of multiple government agencies whose mandate is to investigate spills and protect the natural environment.  If they continue to do nothing, I'll be back at the pump house to collect my own samples of the dirty foam and oil slick for lab testing.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



January 15, 2024

The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

A Short Walk on a Long Pier

Not many living here in the Semi-pen will ever forget the events of Dec. 19, 2018 when a Pacific storm system with high winds during a king tide hit White Rock.  In a howling gale, large waves tore apart the dock that had sat for years behind the breakwater, pushing it towards the shore with sailboats from the White Rock Sailing Club.  The southwest winds rammed the dock into the pilings below the middle of the pier with the waves pushing the bobbing boats underneath the structure.  The waves then lifted the boats up into the support beams and decking, where in only a matter of seconds the 104 year-old structure was quickly torn apart, leaving a 100 foot gap.

Of course, several brave (read foolhardy) folks had decided that the weather made for great storm watching conditions and they'd made their way out to the end of the historic pier where waves were crashing over the breakwater.  One of these was former RCMP officer turned professional photographer Tim Shields who was there to take pictures and videos of the storm with his daughters in tow.  Seeing the dock come apart and a large portion drifting away with a flotilla of sailboats, he started to video record the event.  When the boats began to smash against the pier, he realized the danger his family was in and they managed to run underneath falling masts and riggings only moments before the pier broke in two.  His amazing video of this disaster and their miraculous escape quickly went viral and was seen by millions around the world (

This was not the only harrowing pier escape of the day as one man had not been so lucky and was left stranded at the far end surrounded by sinking boats, churning seas and a pier that continued to come apart.  First responders arriving to this crisis realized that a boat rescue, even by the Coast Guard, would be impossible in the conditions.  A call was sent out to the Royal Canadian Air Force for a helicopter to perform an aerial extraction.  Flying in from the Vancouver Island through the storm, they reached what was left of the pier and hovered above it while a throng of people watched the unfolding drama from the promenade.  A rescuer was dropped by a cable, put a safety harness around 42 year-old Oren Perry and the bright yellow Cormorant helicopter quickly lifted both men to safety.

Much has happened to the White Rock pier since that fateful day.  The structure was rebuilt and reopened eight months later with repairs costing $4.3 million.  After much bizarre infighting at City Hall, the historic White Rock pier measuring 1,542 feet or 470 metres was finally declared "Canada's Longest Pier."  A new archway erected at the pier entrance proudly declares this fact and one of the boardwalk planks also has this message carved into it.  It was decided that because of the danger, the dock where the White Rock Sailing Club had moored their sailboats for years would not be rebuilt.  I should note here that while repaired, long lengths of the pier still need to be replaced with the new steel and concrete standard that is topped with a wooden walkway.

Unfortunately, there continues to be a glaring safety issue with this antique pier.  Last Tuesday morning, fully aware of high tide warnings, flood warnings and wind warnings all happening at once, I decided to visit the White Rock pier, arriving shortly before dawn.  Venturing onto the promenade I was met with strong winds, churning seas and high waves.  The waves would hit the rip-rap boulders with water splashing up and over the tracks onto the promenade where people were walking.  I made my way onto the pier only as far as the archway sign.  A raft of logs washed in by the storm were beating on the support pilings like a drum.  You could hear the deep thuds and feel the jolting impact underneath your feet.  As I turned around for safety, I'll never forget the man who jogged by me with a crab trap in hand headed out onto the pier oblivious to the danger.

I understand it was later that morning when City of White Rock work crews finally arrived to put up barricades and close the pier.  Considering the weather and tide forecast, this should have been done the night before.  Unfortunately there are people who would simply duck under or push these out of the way and enter the pier when unsafe to do so.  It is for this reason that actual metal gates, which can be closed and locked, need to be installed at the shore end of the pier.  Most of the pier was rebuilt nearly 50 years ago and a walk underneath at low tide shows plenty of temporary repairs done after damage from the Dec. 2018 windstorm.  The City of Surrey has gates on their three waterfront staircases that can be closed in times of "adverse weather conditions."  White Rock needs to follow their lead and keep storm watchers and thrill seekers off the pier during severe storms for their own safety and protection.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.

January 08, 2024

TNT The Naked Truth

Drone-ing" For Oil

In my Nov. 20, 2023 TNT titled "BNSF Off The Rails", I examined the crash scene of two BNSF freight trains in North Delta along Highway 91 that included  several locomotives off the tracks along with a bunch of cars and two oil tankers.  The BNSF Railway engineers and track workers descended on the scene along with hazmat workers to clean up the mess and clear the tracks.  It took only a few days for rail traffic to resume but the cleanup has been ongoing ever since with hazmat trucks remaining on scene.  I thought this story was basically over until I received a call from the owner of a local drone company who let me know there was plenty more to see if you had a bird's eye view.

(click here for aerial view of crash and clean up site)

John Easton

John Easton from HiPics Drone Services ( normally uses his UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for mundane tasks such as rooftop inspections, construction planning, insurance reports, property management or agriculture inspections.  Upon hearing about the BNSF train crash not far from where he lives, he decided to use his Transport Canada certified drone and its various thermal and infrared filters to record the extent of the damage.  Time and time again he went back to the well so to speak, showing the progression of the track cleanup and repair plus spill response.  It did not take him long to realize that he was seeing things with his drone from the air that the people on the ground were either missing, or totally ignoring.  

After meeting with John and seeing some of his detailed drone footage, the two of us went to the train crash site for a visual inspection.  Amazingly, while the Metro-Vancouver walkway along the tracks was closed to the public, there was nothing stopping anyone from parking at the truck pullout and walking to the nearby crash scene.  Once there, John showed me a large mound of excavated material covered with thick tarps that he described as being contaminated soil dug out from the worst of the spill areas.  Oil containment booms and absorbent booms were strung across the ditches with absorbent pads floating in many areas soaking up petroleum residue.  In the ditches was a pervasive oily sheen with a brown sludge covering much of the vegetation below the surface of the water wherever petroleum contamination was present.  

Even with the presence of the various containment and cleanup materials in place, it was obvious that some of the oil had escaped from the area.  Heavy rains after the train crash had flooded the Met-Van walkway and the normally grey gravel surface was a mottled brown wherever the oil had been.  A swail beside the highway and the Met-Van forced sewer main had water in it for a long distance past the crash site and it too was covered in oil.  There was evidence that much of the vegetation that had been in contact with the oil was now dying.  Making matters worse, there were a number of culverts that pass from alongside the Watershed park to the south side of Hwy. 91 draining water from the bog at the bottom of the hill.  We saw the oily water and brown sludge disappearing into these large pipes that were pointing south-west to the farm fields on the other side of the road.

Mr. Easton had shown me a map of the east Delta farm land that I was very familiar with from a time long before Hwy. 91 was built when I lived in North Delta.  On it he had noted various culverts, pipes, ditches and pump houses with each one numbered and linked to drone shots and videos he had taken.  We stopped by the culvert outflows west of Hwy. 91 and they were an oily mess, reeking of fuel and covered with rafts of the same brown sludge we had witnessed near the crash scene.  These dumped into a ditch at the edge of the highway that then flowed into farmers fields visible south of 64 Ave.  We drove from there to 112 St., the same road where the last overpass was struck, finding oil collected into many corners of the ditch.  All of the waterways and streams in this part of Delta eventually empty out into Mud Bay at the south end of 112 St. near where the old BC Packers Oyster Shucking Plant once stood.

The farmers at the end of the road who were now aware of the locomotive fuel spill had given John permission to enter their properties to check for oil contamination and for him to fly his drone.  The pictures I took of the ditches posted here don't do it justice nor do they convey the terrible smell but I will say it was enough to almost make me throw up several times.  The heavy rains had pushed the oil out into the corners of the blueberry field and a nearby corn field where it was now laying slowly soaking into the ground.  John informed me that when he first was flying his drone over the area there were ducks, geese, swans and beavers in the fields and ditches.  Now they were completely empty with even songbirds missing from the fields.  A later video he took showed a mallard duck in one of these oil covered ditches and when it flew away, you could see a circle of water that slowly closed up with floating oil.

What makes drone footage so important in oil spills is it is very easy to spot the telltale sheen and streaks in the water from above.  A quick flight can cover long distances of areas that normally would be difficult to access.  Having thermal and infrared ability is also important as different products have various levels of emissivity, which is a measure of how efficiently an object radiates heat.  After seeing for myself the night and day difference that having an overhead view makes for containment and cleanup after an oil spill, utilizing UAV's to track pollution and hopefully clean it up should be standard protocol in these unfortunate events.  As to how the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transportation, and the City of Delta will clean up this mess is unknown but it looks as if the BNSF Railway was asleep at the switch as petroleum contaminants floated away from the train crash scene.

On a related note, I learned that on Dec. 22, 2020, A BNSF train carrying tankers of Bakken crude oil derailed with ten cars going to ground and three catching fire in Custer Wash.  This resulted in the evacuation of residents from a half-mile radius and the closure of the important I-5 Freeway.  This crash site was only 10 km from the US/Canada border, while the Delta crash site is only 15 km from the Peace Arch as the crow flies.  Doing the simple math, this means the BNSF has had two oil tanker train crashes in less than 3 years, just 25 km. apart.  Anyone living by the train tracks in the Semi-pen can attest to the substantial increase in oil tanker traffic here with the rail corridor being used as a pipeline on wheels to ship petroleum.  A derailment along the Semiahmoo waterfront would likely involve tanker cars falling onto jagged rip-rap boulders and then rolling into Boundary Bay.  If a small spill into a ditch can't be contained, a large spill into the ocean here could be devastating.

(click here to see more drone footage of spill site)

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.




January 02, 2024

TNT Year in Review 2023

To help celebrate the end of 2023, here is the TNT Year in Review that is a quick reference guide to stories you may have missed, wish to share, or simply want to read again.  Once you have found a TNT column of interest, note the date and simply scroll down into the archives below to find it.  A simple change this year is this listing now runs backwards from December to January so that the stories match up as you scroll down deeper into the TNT history.

Dec. 25, Christmas Gift List 2023:  One of the favourite TNT's of the year, this column gives out fun gifts we'd like to see under the tree for the movers and shakers of the Semi-Pen.  It's certainly a great way to find out who's naughty or nice.

Dec. 18, Pay For Your Propaganda:  Finding out the City of Surrey is spending half a million bucks on advertising the forced Surrey Police transition as an NDP Surrey Tax gets me hot under the collar for abusing taxpayer's dollars.

Dec. 11, Grin and Bear It:  With New Years fast approaching this TNT gives detailed information about ten different polar bear swims that are held across the Lower Mainland on Jan. 1st including three here in the Semi-pen with one that is rather cheeky.

Dec. 4, Beach Cam Conundrum:  I give kudos to White Rock about their online pier cam showing Memorial Park and Canada's longest pier, wondering why the City of Surrey with nearly thirty times the population does not have one of these cameras at Crescent Beach.

Nov. 27, Signs Of The Times:  I suggested that Surrey change the dates and times they lock the three beach stairways and they actually listened to my common sense ideas.  This TNT has everything you need to know to keep you from getting locked in.

Nov. 20, BNSF Off The Rails:  With petroleum tankers and chemical cars rolling on the BNSF tracks here, disaster finally strikes.  Fortunately it was in Delta along Hwy. 91 where a crash between two trains led to fuel oil spilling into the bottom of Watershed Park.

Nov. 13, It's Salmon Spawning Season:  With the return of the fall rains, four types of salmon swim up to spawn in the Little Campbell River and every fish is counted and sexed by a team of loyal band of volunteers at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club.

Nov. 6, Surrey Shows It's True Colours:  The massive WELCOME TO SURREY sign along Hwy. 99 at 8 Ave. and its stunning array of LED lights that can create 2.43 trillion colour combinations is examined in detail in this illuminating TNT.

Oct. 30, Signs of a Strike:  After a litany of bridge strikes by commercial vehicles in B.C., I examine this issue in detail on how it relates to Highway 99, less than two months before yet another impact damages part of the 112 St. overpass in Delta.

Oct. 23, 11,000 Words on the Hump.  Rather than write about my disgust with continued tree clearing on the Hump, I decide to let pictures do the talking with a pictorial of 11 photos showing the continued damage and desecration to this waterfront green space. 

Oct. 16, Crescent Heights Coyote:  You never know where I might find a story and his one ran by on the road in front of my house.  Everything you want to know about coyotes and how to cohabit-ate with them safely in the Semiahmoo peninsula.

Oct. 9, South Surrey is Semiahmoo:  Just after National Truth and Reconciliation Day I look at our treatment of the Semiahmoo First Nation peoples and their heritage, suggesting South Surrey should be called "Semiahmoo", just as South Delta is called "Tsawwassen."

Oct. 2, Time off for good behaviour

Sept. 26,  Stink, Stank Stunk:  Long before Christmas, I lean on Dr. Seuss and the Grinch as I examine the proposed biofuel plant planned for the Semiahmoo First Nation lands near the Peace Arch border crossing and its environmental effects.

Sept. 18, Grassholes Among Us:  In the middle of a record drought and Metro-Vancouver watering restrictions, I look at how some people think having a green lawn is more important than preserving our water supplies and following the sprinkling bylaws.

Sept. 11, Seafaring Shanty Town Shut Down:  It was hard not to jump for joy when I learned the floating shanty town in the Nicomekl River was finally going to be dealt with and the flotilla of derelict boats removed from this Surrey waterway.

Sept. 6, Chopped at the Top:  In a south Surrey first, BNSF Police catch arborists and a south Surrey strata cutting trees on the Ocean Park bluff in order to improve their views regardless of the increased slide risk they are causing to trains on the tracks below.

Aug. 28, Don't Get Locked In-sanity:  This TNT on the bizarre beach gate lock times started the ball rolling at Surrey City Hall to have the dates and times changed, something I later wrote about in my Nov. 27 column, Signs Of The Times.

Aug. 21, Choke on the Smoke:  Summer is here and with it comes a blanket of forest fire smoke to our region with morons still lighting beach fires on the shores of the Semiahmoo peninsula regardless of the risks or large fines.

Aug. 14, Biking to the Beach is Out of Reach:  A look at Translink and their illogical Ride & Shine program that directed people to go to the "beach" at Camp Kwomais in Ocean Park featuring steep cliffs, trespassing on the BNSF tracks, to access a boulder strewn shore.

July 31, Not Weed The Knotweed:  A chance encounter with the invasive species Japanese Knotweed at Harrison Lake leads to me discovering that this weed species is growing out of control all along the BNSF corridor from White Rock to Kwomais Point.

July 24, Stop Stumping the Hump:  Yet again, another TNT on White Rock cutting trees on the Hump with new Mayor Meghan Knight acting like former mayor Wayne Baldwin.  It includes a photo of what the Hump looked like before the chainsaws cut it down.

July 19, More Stumps On the Hump:  Arborists hired by the City of White Rock are once again working on clearing the Hump for views, cutting down trees on old landslides sites and in front of Marine Drive where a new long crack in the asphalt is now visible. 

July 13, Strange Days at the Beach:  In a story that made Global News Weather Window and the most read story of 2023 in the PAN, the bizarre optical illusion known as a "fata morgana" is examined in this TNT that also features an amphibious airplane making a crash landing.

July 4, The $0.316 Million Dollar Man:  Surrey taxpayers are left holding the bag for former Mayor Doug McCallum after his high priced legal dream team gets him off the hook on public mischief charges with the judge believing his foot had been run over by a car tire.

June 26, Sure Sign It's June:  If you liked the brown and white striped caramel candies grandma used to give you, you need to read this TNT on the 10 Lined June beetles that emerge from the ground in the late spring looking for a mate.

June 19, Our Home on Native Land:  The Tolest Aleng Indigenous Learning House at Elgin Heritage Park has its opening ceremony and I use this opportunity to reveal the dilapidated state of several totem poles and native carvings in south Surrey.

June 12, Gaggle of Geese:  The tale of two cities with the City of White Rock putting up Geese Crossing signs on North Bluff Road, while Surrey refuses to do the same on their side of 16 Ave., endangering wildlife, pedestrians and drivers.

June 5, Time and Tides:  With a full moon and huge tides forecast, I explain why anyone wanting to explore the beach or hit the water in a pleasure craft needs to keep an eye on the tide chart for this region for their enjoyment and safety.

May 29, Land For The Band:  I take on Alexandra Neighbourhood House in Crescent Beach, asking them to return their 2.5 acre property to the Semiahmoo band if they really consider it "stolen and occupied."  Needless to say, I never heard back from them.

May 22, Tarantula Terror:  The gardener in me could not resist doing a story on BC's only tarantula related species, the Pacific folding-door spider that I found in White Rock.  This was the only TNT printed in 2023 that contained a reader warning for arachnophobes.  

May 15, Crescent Log Beach:  White Rock, Delta, Vancouver, and Metro Vancouver all remove rafts of rotten logs from their beaches every spring but for reasons unknown the City of Surrey continues to ignore the log jam taking up much of Crescent Beach.

May 8, Ramping Things Up:  The extremely short and dangerous on ramp to Hwy. 99 at Ladner Trunk Road is examined in detail and this TNT is then sent to the Highways Minister plus area MLA's with this accident waiting to happen getting fixed immediately.

May 1, The State of Police in Surrey:  The Never Ending Story that is the Surrey Police Transition is reviewed after BC Solicitor General Mike Farnsworth finally makes a decision for Surrey to stick with the Surrey Police Service over the RCMP.

April 24, Head-on Crash Course:  Imagine if you will, a major arterial road in south Surrey with no painted lines or markings at all.  Welcome to 20th Ave that was ripped up and paved repeatedly without any of the lines being replaced until after this TNT.

April 17, The Middle of the Road:  Bridge repairs on Hwy. 99 result in the cable median barrier safety system being taken down and not replaced until a column on this important cross-over collision avoidance system appears in the White Rock Sun.

April 10, Soldiering On:  I broke this story about the War Memorial cenotaph in Cloverdale being damaged and then pushed for the RCMP to release the CCTV footage they had of this crime.  This video resulted in Lukasz Paprocki being charged with two counts of Mischief.

April 3, Weapons in White Rock:  MLA Elenor Sturko kicking a knife away from a man outside of Laura's Coffee Corner focused this TNT on the proliferation of edged weapons and a rash of stabbings and murders in our region that is a must read.

March 27, Catatonic Over Cougars:  Cougars prowling in the Semi-pen and not just at Sawbucks Pub?  All kidding aside, a proliferation of cougar sightings reported on social media result in this TNT that looks at how to keep pets and small children safe.

March 20, Spring Break for the White Rock Sun.

March 12, The Disappearing White Rock (P-Qual's):  Photographic evidence and measurements show that the White Rock boulder is sinking into the beach and is 4.5 feet lower than 120 years ago.  Eventually it will likely disappear into the sand.

March 6, Any Day Can Be a Beach Day: From a dedicated beach bum are tips and advice on how to enjoy the beaches of the Semi-pen year round.  You don't have to wait for a sunny and warm day to enjoy a visit to the shoreline.

Feb. 20, The Case For Cold Water:  The RCMP holding their Surrey Polar Plunge in Crescent Beach as a fundraiser for Special Olympics BC leads me to look at the growing number of people going for cold water swims 12 months of the year here.

Feb. 20, Surrey - The Future Pays Here:  A "take out the trash day" media dump from the City of Surrey late on a Friday reveals that Surrey homeowners can expect a 17.5% increase to the property bills during a time of already high inflation.

Feb. 13, Follow The Money:  The financial disclosures from candidates in the last civic election are now posted with this TNT going through them with a fine tooth comb for the White Rock and Surrey candidates who ran for public office.  

Feb. 7, The Dirt on Mud Bay:  With temperatures increasing and sea levels rising, building higher dykes to hold ocean water back are becoming more important and this TNT looks at changes being made all around Mud Bay.

Jan. 30, Cops Fishing in White Rock:  The RCMP tailing people leaving restaurants, bars, craft breweries and even marijuana dispensaries then pulling them over to check sobriety sounds like a police state but it is happening in south Surrey and White Rock.

Jan. 23, Plane Truth 2, Train Truth 1:  The complex issue of Nav Canada changing flight paths again in the Lower Mainland is put under the microscope from the guy who was part of Surrey's Nav Canada Working Group.  A BNSF breakdown blocking Crescent Beach is also explored.

Jan. 16, The Plane Truth:  The history of flight path changes in the Lower Mainland and the new Vancouver Airspace Modernization Program (VAMP) are reviewed with plenty of links for more information along with contact information for feedback surveys.

Jan. 9, Skybridge Skyfall:  A heavy snowfall in late Dec. followed by freezing rain  brought down a Douglas fir tree onto the Christopherson Steps skybridge with this pedestrian structure leading to Crescent Beach lucky it was only a glancing blow.

Jan. 3, TNT Year in Review 2022

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



TNT The Naked Truth - Christmas Gift List 2023

(for the movers and shakers on the Semi Peninsula)

Don Pitcairn


The Naked Truth - Dec. 25, 2023

Christmas Gift List 2023

If there's one thing I love about Christmas it's the annual traditions and in the White Rock Sun this holiday TNT is always special.  Here's the list of naughty and nice gifts we hope Santa left under the tree for the movers, shakers and decision makers from the Semiahmoo peninsula, listed alphabetically so as to not offend anyone.

Diana Barkley, Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club President - Funding for a brand new state-of-the-art fish hatchery placed high above the Little Campbell river flood plain.  As a stocking stuffer, everyone in the Semi-Pen to bring their Christmas tree to the SFGC for chipping by donation.

Dave Chesney, WR Councillor - For the editor of the WR Sun and veteran WR Councillor, a pound of his favourite Holy Smoke Coffee Holiday Blend coffee beans.  As a stocking stuffer a vintage White Rock Sparkling Spring Water bottle featuring the topless fairy Psyche.

Rob Dixon, Staff Sergeant White Rock RCMP - His Christmas present came early as he was promoted from within the ranks of the WR RCMP to become the Commander of the detachment where he has worked for 5 years.  As a stocking stuffer, CCTV cameras for down at the beach to help curb crime.  

Kevin Falcon, United Party Leader - Sorry to say but the leader of the United Party plus the Official Opposition in the BC Ledge is no longer a mover and shaker in these parts, heading off to higher ground in North Vancouver in 2023 to better enjoy the doom and gloom.

Trevor Halford, S. Surrey-White Rock MLA - For the Shadow Minister for Affordability, Transportation & Infrastructure and ICBC, his present will come early in the New Years when I personally hand him a file I'm working on that will become a big news story to start off 2024.

Anita Huberman, President & CEO, Surrey Board of Trade - For the lady who has served as the head of the SBOT for 17 years and worked for them a total of 30 years, a gold watch is waiting for her under the tree.  As a stocking stuffer, a retirement party sometime soon maybe?

Brenda Locke, Mayor of Surrey - For the mayor who is locked in a battle of wills with Solicitor General Mike Farnsworth over the Surrey Police transition, a "Keep Surrey RCMP - Kick Out NDP" lawn sign.  As a stocking stuffer for the leader of Surrey Connect, a "Surrey Girl" hoodie from Surrey Shirts.

Michelle Partridge, White Rock Councillor - For this lady who voted with almost all of WR Council to have more vegetation control done on the Hump (read tree cutting for views) regardless of the slope stability risks to the BNSF Railway tracks below, a pear tree.  As a stocking stuffer, a lump of coal.

Mike Serr, Surrey Police Board Administrator - For the former Abbotsford Police Chief who was selected to run the Surrey Police Board after Mike Farnsworth sacked everyone else including Mayor Brenda Locke, the board game "Surreyopoly."  As a stocking stuffer, a holiday in Cuba.

Susan Smith, Clean Air Alliance White Rock - For the head of the group that is fighting the proposed bio-fuel plant on SFN land, a box full of surplus army gas masks.  As a stocking stuffer, a suitcase full of $14.4 million to match the money already put towards this project by the Government of Canada.

Sean Whyte, B.C. Lions placekicker -  After leading the CFL with a ridiculous 89.5 percent success rate last season, his gift would be the record for the highest career mark where he currently holds second place.  As a stocking stuffer, kicking to win the Grey Cup for B.C. in Vancouver, 2024.

Harley Xwopoton, Chief of Semiahmoo First Nation - For the leader of the local band that wants Andion Global to build a bio-fuel plant on Semiahmoo land, a home to call is own on the reserve instead of living in Chilliwack.  As a stocking stuffer, a case of Febreze Air Effects Ocean Spray air freshener.

Merry Christmas everybody and have a happy New Year!

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People




Monday December 18, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Pay For Your Propaganda

I must admit I was rather surprised last week when I was on Facebook and a sponsored ad popped up for the "NDP Surrey Tax."  At first glance I thought it might be something that the KTRIS group (Keep The RCMP In Surrey) was involved with since it was them who spearheaded a previous sign campaign and referendum against the Surrey police transition.  It wasn't until I had read through all of the ad that I realized it had been financed by the City of Surrey.  Instead of a link to a section of the city of Surrey website, this campaign has its own website (  You can also find it on Facebook (, TPFKAT (The Platform Formerly Known As Twitter) now called X and Instagram as well.

It turns out that this "NDP Surrey Tax" campaign run out of Surrey City Hall will include social media posts (read ads), electronic billboard displays throughout the city plus a direct mail flyer sent to all the households in Surrey.  In total this education, indoctrination and brainwashing of Surrey voters will cost $500,000, which sounds better when you say it in your best Dr. Evil voice "half a MILLION dollars."  Amazingly this campaign was never brought up in open Council meaning it was either brainstormed during in-camera meetings that are kept secret or was developed by the City Manager, likely with help from the Mayor's office.  No matter how this advertising campaign was put together, framing the now forced transition from the RCMP to the Surrey Police Service as an NDP Surrey Tax should be viewed as disingenuous and misguided political propaganda.

Here is the information taken directly from the NDP Surrey Tax website that is extremely short on specifics and written in a way to focus blame on the NDP.

The NDP are trying to force the City of Surrey to accept an expensive, disorganized police transition that will do nothing to improve public safety.

Expensive - The NDP Police Service will cost Surrey taxpayers nearly half a billion more over the next 10 years compared to keeping the RCMP.

Massive NDP Surrey Tax - A massive, double digit tax hike will be necessary to pay for the unfordable NDP imposed transition.

No Public Safety Benefit - Today 75% of the police in Surrey are with the RCMP.  Surrey has been given no plan for the transition.

Less Funding For Priorities - The NDP police service will mean less funds for housing, schools, hospitals, transit, parks, rec centres and other local priorities.

The big Pattison electronic billboard highway ads are a little more succinct and to the point.  I can hardly wait to see what the printed flyers will say.

NDP police transition WILL COST YOU MORE

$464 M MORE over the next 10 years


LESS $ for schools, health and transit

If you are reading the Facebook comments, ensure you select "All Comments" that does not filter out posts like the "Newest" or "Most Relevant" tab.

The problem with all of this is that the NDP are not taxing Surrey, they are forcing them to continue with the police transition that Mayor Locke and the Surrey Connect councillors want to stop.  Currently, running two police forces in the city are costing tax-payers $8 million a month, with nothing noted about this waste of money.  The name chosen for this ad campaign was deliberately meant to obfuscate the public, kind of like me using the word obfuscate, when I could have used confuse or bewilder instead.  The $464 million number should be questioned and it does not include the $150 million payment offered to Surrey by the BC Government.  A massive double-digit tax increase could be anything from 11% to 20% but there is no mention of the actual amount.  Lastly, paying for housing, schools, hospitals and transit are the responsibility of the Provincial government, not the City of Surrey.  

It would appear that this attack ad campaign is focused squarely on bringing the NDP government some political heat here in Surrey.  There is a provincial election upcoming in less than a year's time and there will be 10 ridings in Surrey with 7 that are currently held by NDP MLAs.  If the members of Surrey Connect really wanted to go after the NDP about the forced police transition, they should have done so directly and paid for it themselves with political donations.  I think a lawn sign campaign similar to what KTRIS did would have been easy, cheap and effective.  Instead of KEEP THE RCMP IN SURREY that helped dispatch Doug McCallum from office, a new updated version should instead read KEEP SURREY RCMP KICK OUT NDP printed in saffron orange and dark blue.  I already had a few made up by my sign guy and paid for them out of my own pocket, with after tax dollars I might add.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and lay on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo nation.



Monday December 11, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Grin and Bear It

Don Pitcairn and Jamie Kwen in White Rock at the start of their 2023 Mad Hatters swim.

With Christmas and New year's Day both falling on successive Mondays to end the year, I thought now would be a good time to take an early look at the various polar bear swims planned for this region on January 1st.   Most people living here in the Semiahmoo peninsula know about the January 1st swim in White Rock but it is not he only game in town.  In fact there are at least 10 polar bear swims you can partake in across the Lower Mainland, including several that are of the polar "bare" variety.  Without further adieu, here are the list of swims, many purloined from Vancouver's Best Places at

West Beach, White Rock, Polar Bare Plunge, 12 noon

In years when the event takes place, crowds gather to watch hundreds of brave souls in swimsuits and funny costumes celebrate the New Year by going for a first-day-of-the-year swim in the ocean.  The White Rock event typically attracts thousands of onlookers. It’s hosted by local Rotary clubs. The Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue Unit #5 is one of the sponsors.  The White Rock Polar Plunge is a free event to participate in. There is hot chocolate and coffee available by donation.  The plunge returned in its regular in-person format in 2023 after happening as a virtual event in 2022.  This dip in icy waters happens on Monday, January 1st in 2024, which marks the event’s 54th year. Registration is typically at 10:30 am and the plunge is at 12 noon.  The event is held at the beach just east of the pier right by the community’s landmark giant white rock boulder.

Crescent Beach, South Surrey, Polar Bear Swim, 1 p.m.

The neighbourhood of Crescent Beach holds an annual Polar Bear swim of their own on the north side of the village near the swimming area at the end of Sullivan Street.  This is not an organized event but it attracts a yearly crowd of around a hundred brave souls who mainly live in Crescent Beach or south Surrey.  Lots of free parking and not nearly as busy as the big swim in White Rock that happens an hour earlier.  

Crescent Rock Beach, South Surrey, Polar Bare Skinny-dip, 1 p.m.

The Polar Bare Plunge at Crescent Rock is a January 1st swim that’s different from all of the rest.  Hosted by Surrey’s United Naturists, it’s a polar “bare” swim because it’s clothing optional.  Crescent Rock Beach is a stretch of rugged and secluded shoreline located between Crescent Beach and White Rock in South Surrey. It can be accessed via the Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24th Avenue.  Although this is a skinny dipping event, participants are also encouraged to wear costumes like Santa Claus toques, body paint and other accessories.  Footwear is also recommended because of the rocks on the beach. The Polar Bare Skinny-dip has been running for 15 years. On January 1st, 2024 it happens at 1:00 pm by the 120-tonne Crescent Rock boulder. 


Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen, Delta Polar Bear Swim, 1 p.m.

The Delta Polar Bear Swim takes place on Centennial Beach at Boundary Bay Regional Park at 541 Centennial Parkway in Tsawwassen. Registration for the city’s annual event is at noon and participants take the icy dip at 1:00 pm. In 2023 there was entertainment to enjoy starting at 11:45 am, including face painting, a drum circle and more. Hot chocolate was also available. At the Boundary Bay Polar Bear Swim there are prizes for top swimmers. Awards are usually given to the oldest participant and the swimmer traveling to the event from the furthest distance.

Brae island, Fort Langley, Polar Bear Swim, 12 noon.

The annual polar swim in Fort Langley is held at the beach on Brae Island Regional Park across the water from the village. The swimming usually starts at noon and finishes very soon after.  Unlike other similar events elsewhere in the Lower Mainland, the Fort Langley swim is pretty informal. There are no official sponsors, organizer, registration process, charitable beneficiary or fees. The swim is also in the river as opposed to the ocean, and in some years there has actually been ice on the water. The Fort Langley Polar Bear Swim began in 2014 with a group of friends wanting a New Year’s Day swim but without having to drive across the Lower Mainland to an official existing venue. The event has continued since then and attracts dozens of swimmers and hundreds of onlookers.


Rocky Point Park, Port Moody, Penguin Plunge, 1 p.m.

The Penguin Plunge is an annual event that takes place on New Year’s Day by the pier at Rocky Point Park at 2800 Murray Street.  The Port Moody Penguin Plunge is a fundraising event for the Pleasantside Community Association. The cost for swimming participants is $5 per person, or $10 per family, with proceeds benefiting the community.  This event was cancelled in 2021 and 2022, but returned on January 1st in 2023. Registration typically starts at 11:30 am and the swim happens at 1:00 pm.


Panorama Park, Deep Cove, North Vancouver, Penguin Plunge 2 p.m.

The Deep Cove Penguin Plunge traditionally runs from 12:30 pm until around 3:00 pm at Panorama Park in North Vancouver. The event there usually includes live music and family-friendly festivities, plus the traditional quick dip in the water.  It’s one of the Lower Mainland’s largest January 1st dips in the ocean. With its community bonfire and live band, the Deep Cove swim is also one of New Year’s Day’s most entertaining and family-friendly events most years.  Each year costume judging takes place at around 1:30 pm and the swim starts promptly at 2:00 pm.  Donations at the event benefit a local charity. including North Shore Rescue and the Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue.


Wreck Beach, Pacific Spirit Park, UBC, Vancouver, Polar Bare Swim, New Year's Day 

While not officially endorsed by the Wreck Beach Preservation Society or Metro Vancouver Parks, many of the people who frequent the world famous Wreck beach in the summer return on Jan 1st to brrr-ring in the New Year at Vancouver's clothing-optional beach.  There is no official start time but swimmers enter the water throughout the day, often taking this annual baptism in their birthday suits.  The most popular area is the large sandy beach at the bottom of Trail 6 off Marine Drive across from the Totem Residence buildings. 


English Bay beach, West End, Vancouver, Polar Bear Swim, 2:30 p.m.

The grand daddy of them all, English Bay Polar Bear Swim has been taking place in the icy waters of English Bay every year on January 1st since 1920. It’s one of the oldest and largest events of its kind in the world and it usually attracts over 2,000 participants most years and thousands more who come to watch.  The swim takes place at English Bay Beach which is located near the intersection of Denman Street and Davie. The Cactus Club restaurant is close by and its address is 1790 Beach Avenue in case you need the location for your GPS or want a nice place to warm up afterwards. The Polar Bear Swim at English Bay takes place on January 1st in 2024, from noon until 4:00 pm.  It’s a free event, although participants must fill out a registration form which includes a waiver of liability. In 2023 the actual swim started at 2:30 pm and there was live music, food trucks, warming tents and more on-site. 

Mad Hatter's Swim Club, the Triple Crown of polar bear swims, White Rock 12 noon, Surrey 1 p.m., Vancouver 2:30 p.m.

This rather elite club is reserved for those brave enough to complete the "Triple Crown" of local swims on New Year's Day at White Rock, Surrey and Vancouver.  The timing of the White Rock Polar Bear Plunge (at noon), the Polar Bare Skinny-dip at Crescent Rock Beach (1 p.m.) and Vancouver's Polar Bear Swim at English Bay (2:30 p.m.) allows for the 'triple crown' of polar bear swims to be completed in just 2.5 hours on New Year's Day.  The swim at Surrey's Crescent Rock Beach must be done in the nude, with photographic proof submitted from all three swims.  The original Mad Hatters, a pair of local women with one wearing a large top hat, first completed these three swims in 2008.  Jamie Kwen from Burnaby (see above photo) has completed a record six of the Mad Hatter's swims, doing 18 swims New year's dips in 15 hours total time.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo Nation.


Monday December 04, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Beach Cam Conundrum

Being a lifelong beach bum, I'm always interested in anything involving the beaches here in the Semiahnoo peninsula.  I've done numerous shoreline cleanups from Crescent Beach to White Rock over the years including organizing the removal of a sunken and smashed 26' pleasure cruiser with help from the BNSF Railway, City of Surrey, Super Save Group and volunteers.  As a member of SmartRail, a local community rail safety group, I'm always concerned about BNSF Railway safety along our shorelines and I visit landslide sites from the bluffs to look for factors that lead to slope failure onto the tracks.  Throw in tree cutting for views, wave erosion of the corridor, plus oil spills from Cherry Point and you get an idea of the threats to our waterfront.

Of course, all of this is because I like going to the beach on a year-round basis including during winter storms.  I follow several weather forecasting websites (Environment Canada and the Weather Network) for our area plus the Tide Forecast that is regularly carried in the White Rock Sun during the summer months.  That gives you the weather, current conditions plus tide height but sometimes what you really want is a bird's eye view of the beach.  For this, online cameras or cams for short are indispensable.  By far, the best one here is the City of White Rock's pier cam available online at .  It shows Memorial Park, Canada's longest pier, the wind on a Canadian flag plus water and wave height.  

This is all made possible by an Axis Q1798-LE network surveillance camera that is weatherproof, records in colour and operates both day and night with audio.  With all of the associated hardware, software and licensing, the unit cost about $3,500.  I was not able to get information about hits but was told by the City's IT guru that it is by far the most visited section of the White Rock website.  As if this wasn't enough, the City also has a wireless weather station by Intellisense Systems. All told this system cost a further $9,000 to install.  It shows temperature, pressure, wind direction and speed, peak wind info, dew point, wind chill and even lightning strike frequency and distance.  It is posted on the White Rock City website at the same address as the pier cam.

Hats off to the City By The Sea for their pier cam and weather station that is used by residents and visitors, especially windsurfers and kite boarders who visit on breezy days from Washington State.  Now you would think that if White Rock with a population of 22,000 has a waterfront camera showing the beach, that the City of Surrey with a population quickly closing in on 600,000 people would have a camera giving a view of Crescent Beach.  Unfortunately that is not the case with this seaside hamlet being all but ignored by City Hall.  Surrey does have a camera in Crescent Beach but it is at the Beecher Street train crossing where it is focused on the tracks to record how long traffic gets blocked by yet another broken down BNSF train.  Meanwhile, nothing is being done about a long promised new crossing, emergency vehicle access or removing the raft of rotting logs jamming the shore of Crescent Beach.

The naturists using Crescent Rock beach obviously don't want cameras on this nude-friendly shoreline but they do want to know what is happening before heading out for some fun in the sun.  It turns out that the naturists have a friend in naturalist David Hancock and his Hancock Wildlife Organization (  For years David and his volunteers have worked with Ocean Park residents in South Surrey to install cameras on bald eagle nests, beaming the images live onto the internet.  Besides checking out adult eagles and their young, these cameras give a birds-eye view of Mud Bay and Boundary Bay.  Wind speed and direction can be judged by the waves on the water and the movement of the trees.  The wide angle live stream also shows distant clouds and weather, which can be helpful when plans are being made for sunbathing.  You can see it live with audio at this link:

The City of Surrey has the perfect spot for a Crescent Beach camera on property they already own.  The Beecher Place Community Centre is centrally located on the waterfront facing west towards the bay.  The public walkway is directly in front of the building with sunsets over the water visible year round.  A camera mounted on the roof that panned showing a 180 degree view from north to south would show not only the sea and weather conditions but also any crowds on the walkway and beach.  In this day and age it is remarkable that Surrey does not not have a beach camera in place at their main marine recreational site.  I can save them money on a weather station; simply supply the link to Weather Networks Crescent Beach forecast that also gives times for sunrise and sunset, wind speed with direction and gusts, pressure, humidity, visibility and ceiling, plus air quality and UV rating.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


From: "Aven, Neal" <

Date: 2023-12-07 3:55 PM (GMT-08:00) 

To: whiterocksun <

Subject: RE: Crescent Beach cam 

Hello Don,
Thank you for sharing your idea on this topic.  At this time, the city does not plan to install cameras at Crescent Beach or any other park.



Monday November 27, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Signs Of The Times

For those who like to take a walk on the wild side, the 6.5 km stretch of rugged Semiahmoo shoreline beach between Crescent Beach and White Rock is a nature lover's paradise. Access is limited to walking in on the beach from either end or by descending from the Ocean Park bluffs by a number of trails, staircases and stairways. Because of its remoteness, difficulty in access plus rough terrain, it attracts naturalists and naturists alike, with the beach functioning as Surrey's legal nude beach, just as Wreck beach is to UBC and Vancouver. If you go out of your way to get away from it all, you should not be shocked to find people sunbathing, skinny dipping, or even going for a walk au' natural when it is warm and sunny on what is known as Crescent Rock beach.

The shoreline walks offer the easiest access but this is dependent on the height of the tides. When it is high tide the water can be splashing against the rip-rap boulders that line the base of the BNSF Railway corridor and provide wave protection. At this point you either have to stumble through the algae and barnacle covered rocks or trespass on the railway property, which is very dangerous, considered trespassing and carries a $550 fine. Surrey has three staircases; the Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24 Ave., the 1001 Steps at the west end of 15A Ave., plus the Olympic Trail on 13 Ave at the south end of 131 St.  White Rock used to have the Coldicutt Trail but it was destroyed by heavy rains and mudslides in the atmospheric river of 2021, with plans to put up fencing to close it permanently. There are a limited number of other trails but many are steep, unmaintained and dangerous so I won't be listing them here in order to keep people safe.

Because of the history of nocturnal parties on Crescent Rock beach including grad parties from our local high schools plus people being hit by passing BNSF freight and Amtrak passenger trains, Surrey locks the gates at the three stairways limiting access. All of Surrey's parks are closed from dusk to dawn, basically half an hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise. The three staircases are all unlocked at dawn but instead of the dusk timing they have signs with selected dates and times that were installed decades ago. These signs at Christopherson Steps, 1001 Steps and the Olympic Trail read as follows:

Feb 12 - Apr 15 8 pm

Apr 16 - Aug 26 10 pm

Aug 27 - Oct 15 8 pm

Oct 16 - Feb 11 6 pm

The issue with these rather arbitrary times and dates is that they did not take into account the changing times of sunset, the dreaded twice yearly time change, or long weekends when crowds of people are at the beach. There were times when the gates were locked before sunset, let alone before dusk, so if you were at the beach taking in the light show, you would be locked out.  Without a name or number for the security contractor, people were forced to take a long walk on the tracks after dark, creating a very unsafe situation in an area where 34 people have already been killed by trains over the years.

To make matters worse, the city of Surrey website ( listed two of these trails as being open from dawn to dusk with no mention about the posted times and dates for lockup.  Strangely, the Olympic Trail does not have a listing even though it is now the only stairwell that provides access to the south facing shoreline between White Rock and Kwomais Point in Ocean Park. Adding to the confusion, at the top and bottom of the stairs, another set of signs welcomed people to the park and asking them to keep it clean also listed the opening times as being from "dawn to dusk." There is also a safety issue for security guards having to walk down the stairs hours after dark to lock the bottom gates at the beach, something I would be hesitant to do. Armed with all of these problems, I emailed the Manager of the Surrey Parks Department, giving them a full explanation of my concerns.

It did not take them long to realize that the times and dates made little sense and were blocking access to the beach unnecessarily. They considered all of the points I had made and decided to stick with times and dates but ones that actually made more sense in the real world. Here is the portion of the email I received back from Manager Neil Avens with the new dates and times for the various staircase access points to Crescent Rock beach:

Closing/Opening times for Christopherson Steps and 1001 Steps

  • Daily closing/opening times are set out as follows:

    • Feb 9 Mar 16 8pm

    • Mar 17 Sept 21 10pm

    • Sept 22 Nov 9 8pm

    • Nov 10 Feb 8 6pm

  • We recently implemented the above times and I understand our change out in the signage was a bit delayed (as such, the posted times did not match the actual scheduled times). The posted times now match the above schedule. The standard “dawn to dusk” signage will be removed so as to not provide mixed messages.

  • The purpose of the seasonal closing/opening times is:

    • To ensure practical and efficient scheduling for staff (developing staff schedules that change by a few minutes each day is both inefficient and impractical)

    • To provide consistent times for the public (“dawn” and “dusk” change each day and each person may have a slightly different opinion on exactly what time that is)

    • To provide the public with opportunity to be on the beach to experience sunset (the above closing times above are all past sunset)

    • To provide an appropriate balance between access to the beach and the negative behaviours that tend to occur after hours

Closing/Opening times for 13 Avenue Lookout (Olympic Trail)

  • For the13 Avenue Lookout, we generally do not close access to the stairs/lookout platform. From time to time, there are exceptions when we do close this site (such as Halloween night, when we have experienced greater incidence of vandalism or fireworks concerns).

The end effect of these changes is we get an extra two months of 10 pm closures from the start of spring till the beginning of fall. The 8 pm closures in early spring and late fall drop from four months to three and the 6 pm closures in winter does the same. Unfortunately the new date and time signs posted at the staircases contained a mistake but it was spotted and has now been corrected. For reasons unknown, the Surrey website still shows Christopherson Steps and the 1001 Steps as being open from dawn to dusk with no mention of the date and times posted. Also the Olympic Trail that they are now calling the 13 Avenue Lookout is not posted in the Surrey Parks directory, just as Sandy Trail leading down to Crescent Beach is also not mentioned. Please keep in mind that the Crescent Rock beach staircases can all be closed at any time for hazardous conditions, which include snow and ice on the stairs, risk of falling trees in windstorms, king tides with high waves or during periods of extreme precipitation when the risk of landslides on the bluff is greatly increased.

Naturally yours

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people


Monday November 20. 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

BNSF Off The Rails

On Sunday morning, a buddy of mine woke me up early and sent an aerial picture of a train wreck that happened in North Delta, which was being shown on Global News.  I instantly realized it was orange BNSF locomotives with a line of black tanker cars apparently tangled up with an adjacent freight train with plenty of cars off the tracks.  It did not take me long to get dressed and head out the door to check out the crash that happened along Highway 91 just north of the truck pullout between Highway 10 and 64 Ave.  On the way out the door, I made sure to grab my white hard hat and orange reflective vest so that I blended in with the crews dealing with this railway accident.  I learned long ago the last thing you want to do when checking out a story is to identify yourself as a member of the media.

Upon arriving at the accident scene, I found that two BNSF engines on a northbound train had gone to ground (derailed) into the ditch beside the Metro Vancouver walking trail that runs between the railway and the large forced sewer main line.  At least one of these locomotives was leaking diesel into the environment and the smell of fuel was very strong in the area.  The BNSF Railway already had plenty of emergency vehicles, hazmat response vehicles (mainly from Washington State) and three fuel transfer trucks on the scene ready to pump the diesel from the locomotives.  Behind the engines was a wrecked bulk carrier car that was likely empty, followed by a string of 60 fuel tanker cars stretching out towards #10 Highway.  The front two of these black tankers carrying "non-deodorized liquid petroleum gas" (aka gasoline) was fully off the rail bed with the next one off the tracks but still sitting on the ballast rock.

Next to the accident scene was another train that had been headed south with a mix of various freight cars.  This train appeared to have been impacted by the engines of the northbound train with six different cars being smashed, torn apart, stacked up and destroyed at the accident location.  I had brought my bike along and rode the length of this second train looking for hazardous goods and inhalation toxic tankers but was glad to find the most dangerous material on board were cars with liquid limestone slurry on them.  While on the walking track next to the train, I met a family out for a walk who lived at the bottom of Sunshine Hills that said they were woken at 2:30 am. on Sunday morning by a huge crashing noise that they correctly believed might have come from the train tracks.  I should note here that while Highway 91 remains open to vehicle traffic the Metro Vancouver walking trail along the west side of Watershed Park in Delta will be closed during cleanup efforts.

While there is plenty of damage to the trains and infrastructure the BNSF has reported that none of the locomotive crews were injured in this accident.  The Railway dodged several bullets in this derailment, the first being that there was no fire involving the gasoline tankers that each hold 114,00 litres of 25,000 Cdn gallons of fuel.  The locomotives that went off the tracks ended up stopping near a switching box that contains electrical equipment which moves the rails allowing traffic to change from one track to the other, without doing any damage.  The lead locomotive came perilously close to the Metro Vancouver high pressure sewer main line that runs along the west side of North Delta and the south side of Panorama Ridge.  If there had been a fire, the switch box was destroyed and the sewer line was damaged, this would have been a major disaster and not just a costly inconvenience for the Railway.  Having the locomotive crews not get injured or killed was nothing short of miraculous.  

Looking at the photos of the wreck, it is easy to come to a conclusion as to what happened to cause this crash.  The southbound train was on the main line and should have had the right-of-way.  The northbound train was on the second set of tracks and from the impact into the middle of the other train, it looks as if the oil train did not stop in time to wait for the other train to pass.  I alerted former Cloverdale MLA and White Rock Councillor Ken Jones to this accident as he is the president of the community rail group SmartRail, of which I am a member.  While attending the crash scene he overheard BNSF employees talking who confirmed this hypothesis and reportedly stated that this was the second time the same engineer had been involved in a similar accident.  The TSB will investigate to ascertain that this was the cause of the crash but at 2:30 a.m., you have to wonder if the engineer was "asleep at the switch" as they say.

The BNSF Railway line will be closed to through traffic until the trains are put back on the tracks, the wrecked cars taken away and the damaged tracks repaired.  Already the Sunday night Amtrak was cancelled and it is likely there will be more before the tracks are once again operational.  Sitting on the BNSF tracks on the trestle bridge over the Serpentine River at Mud Bay is another BNSF train also carrying a long line of black tanker cars of gasoline, likely being delivered from the Cherry Point Refinery in Washington State.  The BNSF Railway along the waterfront of White Rock and south Surrey is always a concern because of these gasoline tankers trains, unit trains of Bakken formation crude oil heading to the Chevron Refinery, plus hazardous chemicals from the Canexus Chemicals Canada plant that include inhalation hazardous chlorine gas.

A train derailment in the Semiahmoo Peninsula carries its own element of risks.  Firstly, the BNSF Railway tracks run alongside the shoreline of Boundary Bay, where three locomotives over the past 115 years have already ended up on the rocky beach.  Any tanker cars rolling off the corridor will not land in a soft muddy ditch but will instead fall 3-5 metres onto large jagged rip-rap boulders that line the corridor.  With ever higher King tides, the tracks are subject to wave erosion during winter storms as has happened in the past.  The biggest threat is from landslides hitting passing trains, a risk that is exacerbated by hilltop residents draining water onto the bluff slope or cutting down trees for views.  Transport Canada warned the cities of White Rock and Surrey plus the BNSF Railway that they needed to work with residents to stop these practices.  Instead, nothing is ever done about the problem, with White Rock hiring arborists to chop down trees for views on the Hump hillside and the BNSF Police failing to lay charges against a Surrey strata recently caught red-handed having trees cut down for views.

I'd like to think that this train accident and derailment might serve as a wake up call for those living in the peninsula but from what I've seen in over 20 years of living here, this is not likely to happen.  I have seen the City of White Rock ignore the slope stability above the train tracks while cracks keep appearing in the roadway of Marine Drive.  I had to shake my head this week seeing a picture posted on their Opinon's page of the BNSF Railway being built near the Hump in 1905, with three landslides plainly visible on the clear-cut hillside.  I've visited hundreds of slope failures onto the BNSF tracks over the years including one that hit a train near Crescent Beach, which did not derail because it was stopped for an even bigger slide further down the corridor.  I have seen first hand the effect that tree cutting for views on the bluff hillside has in causing slope failures onto the tracks below.  If we keep playing railway roulette, instead of always dodging a bullet, one day the hammer is going to fall on a loaded chamber. 

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn 

I would like to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


Monday Novembere 13, 2023

The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

It's Salmon Spawning Season!

With the heavy fall rains upon us, spawning salmon are once again running at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club (SFGC).  Volunteers are at the fish fence netting every salmon for counting and identification before releasing them upstream in the Little Campbell River.  Select wild Chinook and Coho salmon, both male and female, are selected and retained for the breeding program overseen by officers from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.  Fertilized salmon eggs are raised by the tens of thousands at B.C.'s first volunteer fish hatchery for release back into the wild once they have become salmon-ids with a greater chance of survival. 

The SFGC's beginnings date back to 1957 when the club was first formed by conservation minded outdoors-men in White Rock, Surrey and Langley to help restore the Little Campbell River after years of unregulated gravel removal and damage to fish habitat.  In 1979 a plot of land in the Hazelmere Valley with the river running through it was purchased by the club.  In 1983 the first all-volunteer hatchery in the province was constructed including the drilling of a deep well and a water filtration facility for the raising of salmon.  A fish fence was designed by a SFGC member and then built across the Little Campbell river with this becoming the standard for fish fences at future hatcheries built across B.C.

At the fish fence, salmon are identified as either Coho, Chinook, Pink, Chum or Sockeye, sexed as male or female and checked to see if they are hatchery raised (adipose fin removed) or wild salmon.  Every fish is carefully counted and a running total of the spawning salmon to date is kept on a large board just inside the window of the fish fence shack.  To date there have been 2,340 Coho, 905 Chinook, 14 Pink and 51 Chum.  Over 3,500 spawning salmon are counted at the fence annually and in a typical year the hatchery produces an average of 10,000 Steel head, 35,000 Chinook and 100,000 Coho salmon-ids.  If you are wondering why there are no Sockeye, these fish do not breed in the Little Campbell river but one stray was netted there in 2022 for the first time in 27 years.

The original hatchery was built close to the Little Campbell river and due to extreme weather events has flooded several times.  The atmospheric river that flooded much of southern BC in Nov. 2021 also flooded the hatchery and the adjacent Coho rearing pond, with 30,000 salmon eggs dying in the hatchery when the power went out and the water pumps stopped working.  Because of this event, climate change and planned upstream development in Campbell Heights, it has been decided that a new fish hatchery needs to be built on higher ground with modern technology and computer controls.  This project is already at the preliminary phase with building plans being prepared and a permit applied for at the City of Surrey.  You can expect fund raising efforts in the new future that will be looking to raise $1.5 million for the construction.   

The 30 acre property has several open fields and a large forested section with an extensive trail system running on both sides of the Little Campbell River.  This allows for observation of the spawning salmon in their natural habitat with several bridges crossing the river providing great viewing platforms.  Besides running the hatchery and looking after the buildings, maintaining the trail system requires work from many volunteers.  The weekend wind storm brought down trees in multiple locations plus left branches strewn around and the paths buried in leaves.  It took only a day before the trails were cleaned up and again open to the public from dawn to dusk.  Please note, if you wish to bring your dog for a walk, you have to be a club member and your pet must be on a leash at all times.

Plan on coming to the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club soon to see salmon spawning in action and the hatchery volunteers working at the fish fence.  Go for a walk through the trails, watching the river for tell-tale splashing as the fish work on moving gravel to create nests in which to deposit their eggs.  Keep an eye out for a variety of wildlife including black-tailed deer, raccoons, coyotes, martins, bald eagles, owls and other raptors.  There are colourful information boards along the trails with information on many of the plants and trees that can be found on the property.  Visiting the SFGC is fun for the whole family and kids love to see the salmon up close and learn about the four-year life-cycle of this amazing fish that plays a vital role in the marine ecology of the Salish Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

For more information on the SFGC and the Little Campbell River Fish Hatchery, hall and gazebo rentals or their archery and firearms programs, please visit the Club's website at or their Facebook page at

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people


Monday November 06,2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Surrey Shows Its True Colours

I never know when and where I'm going to come across a story for the TNT.  Case in point, I was driving on Hwy. 99 last Sunday looking for some extra details for my column on bridge strikes.  As I drove north from the Peace Arch towards 8th Avenue, I could not help but notice the huge "Welcome To Surrey" sign on the side of the freeway was bathed in an eerie red light.  I know this sign, its lighting and flagpoles very well from posting election signs and also taking pictures of it for the Surrey Shirts website.  I was surprised to see that the bright white halogen lights were gone, having been replaced by a series of LED lights mounted on five separate posts.  I took a picture of this sign that I surmised was lit up red for Halloween as it was way too early for Remembrance Day and decided to look into these lights through one of my contacts at Surrey City Hall.

A quick email to the Engineering Department got bounced to the Parks Department and I received the following answers to my questions regarding this rather dazzling light show. 

When were these lights installed? The Lights were installed in 2019

Who was the contractor and what was the cost? Firm costs are unknown, as the project was carried out in stages over a fairly long period of time as a joint effort between multiple departments and multiple contractors, each with their own expertise.

Was this the first time the coloured lights have been used?  No, colored lighting at the site has been used at different times in the past, such as on Canada Day (Red and White). 

How many colours are possible or is there a spectrum that can be used? There are over 300 colours that are programmable. 

Can the different light posts be set to different colours? Yes, each light can be programmed independently or in coordination with each other.

Are the lights set up so colours can change with motion or over time? The light system is activated by a photocell and turns on at dusk daily.

Can they still do boring old white and can the brightness be controlled? Yes they can illuminate white light. Brightness is fixed

How are the lights controlled, either by buttons, computer, cell phone or WIFI? On premise computer that is programmable.  Remote programming is an option, though quite expensive to set up.

Is there a calendar of different times and events set up for these lights?(ie. red for Nov. 11th). The lights are not set up on a calendar schedule. 

Is there a list of colour choices for the pre-selected dates like orange for Truth & Reconciliation Day The lights can be programmed to illuminate over 300 different colour shades.

Most importantly, has Langley Township done this with the "Visit Fort Langley" sign on the #1 Hwy.  If not, you need to contact them. I have no knowledge that Langley has a similar geographical marker sign. 

A day after I received these answers I drove by the sign again very early one morning long before sunrise.  Much to my surprise, there were no lights on the sign at all and it was completely hidden in the darkness.  Supposedly a photocell turns this display on and off as one would expect but for reasons unknown it was not working.  Preparing to write this TNT on Sunday night, I once again ventured down to check out the sign and was equally surprised to find out that it was once again bathed in red light.  I started to think that maybe those in charge of the programming felt they could just leave it red and cover Halloween and Remembrance Day together.  This didn't really make much sense, just like how there is nothing on the website about this sign and its coloured light show.  I'm hoping to change this so the light can become a beacon for people living in Surrey and those visitors heading north into Canada from the U.S. 

As Surrey revealed, each of the five light poles are independent and can produce 300 different colours and shades.  This means that the total colour combinations of the lights is 300 x 300 x 300 x 300 x 300 which equals 2.43 trillion different lighting possibilities.  With this vast pallet of colours, I would think that orange, yellow, orange, yellow, orange would be a much better colour combination for Halloween.  Red certainly works for Remembrance day, which is coming up next Saturday, if of course, the lights are just not weirdly left red for another week.  Sunday Nov. 12 is the Diwali celebration, known as the festival of lights, with blue, red, green, orange and magenta being the five main colours, matching easily with the five light posts at the sign.  With the large Indo-Canadian population in Surrey and both Hindu and Sikh religions both observing Diwali, it would be a shame to not show the colours on this day. 

While the cost for the coloured light installation was not revealed, it obviously was not cheap and apparently is not being used to mark many holidays and observed days.  For Christmas it should be set on red, green, red, green, red.  The Ukranian New year (Jan 1) should be blue, yellow.  For Valentine's Day, red, pink, red, pink, red makes sense.  The Chinese New Year (Feb. 24) could be red, gold, red, gold, red.  April 22nd is Earth Day and I think that blue, green, blue, green, blue would be good colours to use.  St. Patrick's Day on March 17 should obviously be all green.  Easter is on May 5th and pastel colours like those used on Easter eggs can be displayed.  A no-brainer of Canada Day on July 1st with red, white, white, white, red.  Three days later on July 4th it is the USA Independence Day with red, red, white, blue, blue.  Heck, why not throw in Cinco deMayo with red, red, white, green, green and also Yom Kippur with blue, white, white, white, blue.  Truth and Reconciliation Day should be all orange, pink shirt day all pink, and a bright rainbow for Pride. 

I'm certain there are plenty of fun days where the coloured lights could be used that I have missed here.  Surrey needs to post information about this awesome sign and its light show on the city website.  There they could post the celebrations or days they were going to be using these lights and the colour combinations that were planned.  Having contact information listed for suggestions of days that should be marked and possible colours would be a great idea to help make it more interactive.  They only need to follow the lead of BC Place with their landmark Northern Lights Display (  One thing is for sure, the "Welcome to Surrey" sign with its trillions of colours is certainly a lot cooler than the similar "Visit Fort Langley" sign on the Trans Canada highway that is lit from above by three white halogen lights attached to the flag poles. 


Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn  

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


Monday October 30. 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Signs of a Strike

Bridge strikes by commercial trucks have become so commonplace in the province of BC that the government of BC even has a webpage for bridge strike data (  In case you missed it, the last one was only six days ago on Oct. 24 when a Corrier Transport truck hit the CN overpass on Hwy. 1 near Glover Road.  This notoriously low railway overpass that fortunately is built like a proverbial brick sh%#house was also hit two months earlier on August 13th by Road Runner Freight Inc.  To date there have already been 15 bridge strikes in B.C. this year, with 5 bridge strikes on Hwy. 99 through Surrey, Delta and Richmond in the past two years.  One of these on July 18th seriously damaged the girders of the 17A overpass near the Deas Island Tunnel that will require extensive repairs, similar to what was done to the 152 St. overpass in south Surrey when it was hit by an excavator back in 2017.

With all of this in mind I decided to go look at our overpasses on Hwy. 99 and the associated height signage to see if I could understand why this has become such a prevalent problem.  I have to commend the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure who recently have installed advance height warning signs on both sides of the highway posted 200 metres before each overpass.  What I immediately noticed on the overpasses was that the height signs are small and difficult to read.  They measure 24" tall by 36 " wide but many of these are old and faded, losing their reflectiveness long ago making them invisible at night.  The other problem is that because there is a 10" tall arrow underneath the height numbers, leaving the metre number (4 or 5) only 8.5" tall with the centimeter numbers being only 6.5" tall and the meter letter m only 5" tall, or should I say small.  Imagine trying to read these signs while driving by at 100 kmh at night and trying to stop in time in a loaded transport truck when they are finally legible.

There are a host of other problems.  Most of these signs are attached to the bridge decks, not the large girders underneath where they would be protected from the elements and remain reflective much longer.  They are attached directly to the concrete and not angled downwards towards the highway where they would be more visible to approaching traffic.  Many of the overpasses are angled across the highway but there has been no attempt to attach these signs with brackets so that they face 90 degrees to oncoming traffic.  In many places these height signs are missing, were never originally installed, or are completely faded and non-reflective.  Also at night, the bridges are invisible because they do not have lighting even though there are mounting bolts and electrical outlets where lamp standards obviously existed when many of them were built back in the 1960s.  While the overpasses all have different heights, no one has considered putting "LOW" signs on the ones that are a problem and have been hit repeatedly by trucks.

Here is a detailed rundown of all of the overpasses on Hwy. 99 from the Peace Arch to Westminster Hwy. with information both north and southbound directions.  All overpasses have two newly installed advance height warning signs unless noted.  

8 Ave. N:  Two 5.25 m. height warning signs on girders.

8 Ave. S:  Two 5.84 height warning signs on thru lanes, nothing on exit lane.

16 Ave. N:  No height signs on bridge, 5.67 m. advance warning signs in place.

16 Ave. S:  No height signs on bridge, 5.59 m. advance warning signs in place.

24 Ave. N:  Two 5.0 m. height warning signs on girder.

24 Ave. S:  5.0 m. height warning sign.

Pedestrian overpass N:  5.5 m. height warning sign.

Pedestrian overpass S:  5.6 m. height warning sign.

152 St. N:  One 4.66 m. height warning sign on the replaced girder.

152 St. S:  4.34 height warning sign on right lane only, sign completely faded.

King George Blvd. N: Thru traffic height 4.84 m. on deck, entrance lane height 4.36 m. on girder, light standards removed.

King George Blvd. S:  Three height warning signs of 4.86 m., 4.56 m. 4.86 m. but all same level, signs old and faded.

Hwy. 91 N:  No height warning signs, thru lanes or bus lane, likely due to excess height.

Hwy. 91 S:  One 5.20 m. height warning sign on onramp.

112 St. N:  4.52 m. height warning sign, very old, light standard removed, impact marks.

112 St. S:  4.56 height warning sign, very old, impact marks.

BC Rail N:  5.04 m. height warning, sign old and angled, no lighting.

BC Rail S:  5.18 m. height warning sign, old and angled, no height warning on adjacent Hornby Road.

Ladner Trunk Rd. N:  4.64 m. height warning thru lanes (old sign), 4.66 m. height warning bus lane (new sign), impact marks.

Ladner Trunk Rd. S:  4.64 height warning sign (new), lamp standards removed, impact marks.

Hwy. 17 N:  No height warning signs on all 3 overpasses likely due to excess height.

Hwy. 17 S:  No height warnings on all 3 overpasses likely due to excess height.

Hwy. 17A N:  4.66 m. height warning sign on thru lanes, nothing on on-ramp lane from Tsawwassen.

Hwy. 17A S:  No height warnings on smashed bridge, no height warning on on-ramp from River Road.

Deas Island tunnel N:  Two 4.15 m. warning heading towards tunnel, nothing on actual entrance, no warning lights, impact marks.

Deas Island tunnel S:  Two 4.15 m. warning signs on overpasses into tunnel, nothing on tunnel entrance, no warning lights.

Steveston Hwy. N:  4.50 m. height warning sign (old), 4.55 m. height warning sign (new), no advance warning signs.

Steveston Hwy. S:  4.50 m. sign on deck, right and bus lane very old and non reflective.

Blundell Rd. N:  No height warning signs on thru lanes only large green direction signs, 4.54 m. height warning sign on bus lane only.

Blundell Rd. S:  One 4.44 m. height warning sign for three lanes, no right lane or bus, very old.

Westminster Hwy. N:  Two 4.70 height warning signs on thru lanes, 4.54 m. on bus lane, all very old.

Westminster Hwy. S:  One 4.64 height warning sign.

So here is where the rubber hits the road.  All of the overpass height warning signs need to be replaced.  Our highway speed limit signs are 30" wide by 36" tall with 15" tall numbers.  The new advance height warning signs recently installed before the overpasses are a good idea but the numbers are 8" tall for the metres and 6" for the centimetres because these diamond shaped signs have a large arrow on the top and bottom.  All bridge height warning signs on the overpasses need to be 3' tall x 5' wide and attached to the girders, not the exposed bridge decks.  They need to be mounted on brackets so the signs are 90 degrees to the roadways underneath and angled downward to catch vehicle lights at night.  Instead of having a huge wide arrow underneath the numbers taking up half the sign, put two thin ones on either side from top to bottom.  The height numbers need to be in a large bold font that is all the same size; currently using a height of 5.20 m. for example, the 5 is large, the .20 is medium and the m is small.  The actual current heights are 10" tall for the arrow, 8.5" tall for the metres, 6.5" tall for the centimetres and 5" tall for the m.  The numbers should all be at least 24 inches tall for maximum visibility and far distance.  

In addition to fixing all of the height warning signs, for overpasses 4.5 m. and under that keep getting hit by trucks, yellow and black signage reading LOW with diagonal hash marks should be placed on bridge girders alongside the big height signs.  In both England and New Zealand they paint diagonal hash marks on all of the bridge supports to make them more visible to drivers and this should be done here.  Most importantly, putting lighting back up on bridges where it was taken down or where there currently is none should be done.  Another good idea is to actually put lights on the girders and illuminate the overpass height signs at night so they can be seen.  This isn't rocket science, it's just a matter of creating bridge height warning signs that are big enough to read at a distance and ensuring that they are also visible at night.  Next time you are out for a drive on Hwy. 99 or anywhere else in BC for that matter, pay attention to our bridge signs and their dilapidated shape.  If we don't fix these antiquated signs and upgrade them, bridge strikes will continue to happen costing taxpayers millions of dollars to repair.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn  

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.

Monday October 23, 2023

The Naked Truth

11,000 Words on the Hump

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so with 11 pictures of the most recent hatchet job on the Hump hillside and a look back to 2015, this TNT pictorial really says it all.  City Hall has once again hired arborists to cut down trees on the steep slope above the White Rock boulder, this time chopping down the trees growing from the stumps that remained from the clear-cut in 2015.  The largest of these was a maple tree that was a metre across with new sprouts measuring up to 20 centimetres in diameter growing out of it.  You can check out the most recent devastation for yourself with over a dozen piles of branches left waiting for the chipper along Marine Drive. 


All of this so-called "vegetation control" is being paid for by White Rock taxpayers on private property owned by the BNSF Railway.  It is being done in my opinion exclusively for the the views of hoity-toity condo dwelling folks living along the West end Marine Drive, regardless of the slope stability implications and slide threat to the BNSF Railway below. 

The East end of "The Hump" has been untouched supporting the theory the recent clear cut was for a select group of condo dwellers who appeared before council a few months back. The same group appeared before the previous council and their request for clear cutting was denied.

Recent delegation of Marine Drive condo owners which appeared before White Rock council requesting view improvements

Most of the recent tree clearing has occurred on a historic lateral slump landslide measuring 150 metres long east of the Pier that happened after this hillside was clear-cut in the late 1800s.  There is a photo available from the Archives taken from the pier in 1920 that clearly shows this slope failure and several more on the Hump.

With only blackberries holding the soil in place (plants that thrive in areas of soil disturbance), it will be interesting to see what happens in the future. 

I did notice there is a long crack on the Marine Drive roadway running along the area where most of the trees have again been cut down.

I could not resist the stacks of fresh cut maple sitting by the road and gathered up the larger ones to turn them into firewood.  I must admit, I was tempted to dump them at White Rock City Hall as a protest but didn't want to waste good wood members of the current council who seem to be following in Wayne Baldwin's footsteps who was acting mayor when the original moonscape clear cut/ vegetation control was done back in 2015.

One has to wonder when that tree planting to stabalize the hillside is going to begin?



AFTER...... 2015

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn 

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



Monday October 16,2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Crescent Heights Coyote

When we bought our house 15 years ago in Crescent Heights we decided to live on an arterial road for two reasons, bus service and snow plowing.  What we didn't expect was that our road, which doesn't have sidewalks, would be a constant parade of people out for a walk, many of them with their dogs.  Of course they are all leashed and our neighbours do an admirable job of cleaning up after their pets.  Our two smaller designer mutts, known by their breed name of "cutie-pies", love watching the show and know many of the passing dogs and the humans they have mastered.  

I was rather surprised on Saturday morning to look out my kitchen window at 10 a.m. to see a beautiful dog with nice thick fur and fluffy tail trotting up the side of our street, alone and obviously off-collar.  It took me a second to realize that this was no stray husky, it was a wily coyote (Canis Latrans) out prowling through our neighbourhood looking for its breakfast.  Unlike many coyotes that you see which are thin and mangy looking, this one was actually magnificent looking and sporting a thick coat of fur.  What shocked me was seeing one of these animals cruising down the street that is often filled with people and their pets during daylight hours.  This was not normal behaviour, especially given both the pedestrian and vehicle traffic normally present that time of day.

While mainly carnivorous, coyotes have a wide diet that varies throughout the season.  Rabbits and squirrels are a key food source that they can catch with their blinding speed of up to 65 km an hour.  Moles, voles, rats and mice are easy pickings for these smaller relatives of wolves who also scavenge meat from dead animals.  Besides large insects like grasshoppers, they also eat wild fruits like blackberries and occasionally will bite into a ripe apple on the ground.  Unfortunately domestic cats have become a favourite food source and if you notice lost cat posters in your neighbourhood, it is likely from coyotes.  My parents had their 23 pound Maine Coon cat stalked and killed by a coyote when they lived on Chilliwack mountain.  Smaller dog breeds are also at risk of being attacked by a coyote, even while on leash.

Like many wild animals, coyotes can easily get habituated to human food.  Unsecured garbage bags or compost piles with food waste are a tempting target for these animals.  Even worse is people who actually feed coyotes, often with dog food, so they become dependent on this food source.  When this food suddenly stops, this is often when coyotes will start nipping or biting people who refuse to give them their next meal.  This was likely the case in Mission last month where nine people were bitten by a coyote in only five days.  In June a lady gardening in Prince George was attacked and bitten, while earlier in the year a two year-old and a six year-old were bitten in parks in Port Coquitlam and Burnaby.  Back in 2021 there were 45 coyote attacks in Stanley Park in Vancouver that resulted in 11 coyotes being euthanized.

If you see a coyote during the day, you should be careful as it may be habituated to humans. If you are approached by a coyote in the Semiahmoo peninsula, do not run away and instead keep eye contact, yell loudly, wave your arms and throw something at it.  Standing their ground, raising hackles, growling, showing teeth and barking are all signs of an aggressive coyote.  If you have small children or dogs be sure to pick them up to protect them until the coyote leaves the area. Remember that it is an offence under section 33.1(1) of the Wildlife Act to feed dangerous wildlife, which includes coyotes.  You can call the Conservation Officer Service (COS) at 1-877-952-7277 to report anyone that is feeding or intentionally attracting dangerous wildlife. If a coyote has acted aggressively or displayed aggressive behaviour towards a human or pet, please report it to the COS Call Centre as well.  

Here are some links to websites giving general information on coyotes and how to avoid conflicts with these wild canines.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People


Monday October 09,2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Saturday, Sept 30th was the third annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, with ceremonies in White Rock on the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and the Coast Salish people.  It was marked by a gathering of peoples at the Grand Chief Bernard Charles Memorial Plaza on East beach with a solemn walk along the promenade to Semiahmoo Park.  The crowd of thousands, many dressed in orange with the words "Every Child Matters", showed their support for the survivors of the residential school system that ran in Canada for over 125 years.  At the Spirit Stage in Semiahmoo Park speeches by Chief Harley Chappell, indigenous leaders and elders were voiced along with presentations by youth dancers and drumming groups entertaining those in attendance. 

One of the more moving speeches was delivered by the Chief's daughter, Kimora Chappell, explaining what this day meant to her.  I think it is important to share her words with you.

The Journey

Our word for non-natives is "Xwelitum" meaning "the hungry ones."

The original settlers came to our home for land and gold.

The governments made residential schools that were run by the churches.  My Grandma went to St. Marys Residential School in Mission B.C.

They were treated very bad at these schools and were forced to be somebody they were not and weren't allowed to practice their culture or speak their language.

Lot and lots of these children did not come home from these schools.

Today we learn about Residential Schools at our school to educate people about how others were treated to make room for everyone else.

My Dad works very hard to talk with governments about land and our rights.  It's a very hard job and sometimes he gets stressed out and crabby.

Reconciliation is important because others must learn about us as Semiahmoo people, to find ways to bring back our language and culture that was lost.

Reconciliation is important and we need to work together to make progress.

On June 19th, I wrote a TNT titled "Our Home On Native Land" that covered the official opening of the Totest Aleng Indigenous Learning House and carving centre at the Elgin Heritage Park on Crescent Road in South Surrey (scroll down to read).  Besides covering this ceremony, I took the opportunity to reveal the sorry state of the public art installation located on 20th Ave. and the South Surrey Athletic Park in the middle of the roundabout.  The Elder Moon and Double Eagle carvings by Semiahmoo First Nation artists Leonard and Leslie Wells were first placed there in 2009 and time and the elements had not been kind to them.  I posted photos and descriptions about their dilapidated appearance plus explained how the lighting, which is there for illumination and driver safety, was not working. I forwarded this to several of my contacts at Surrey City Hall and posted a link to this story on social media.  Well I guess it hit a nerve because several months ago the two carved disks were suddenly removed with signs posted that this indigenous art display was being restored.

As luck would have it on Friday, the day before Truth & Reconciliation Day, crews were at the roundabout with the two beautifully restored carvings putting them back up on display.  This work was done without fanfare, without ceremony, without speeches and without public notification.  I am thrilled that the City of Surrey saw fit to have these two amazing pieces of art restored to their former glory.  I was also quite impressed that they would work to have them installed in time for Truth and Reconciliation day.  What did disappoint me was that this restoration was done without anyone being told about it, other than a couple of small boulevard signs, similar to what you used to see springing up out of lawns at election time.  Considering the timing, it would have been nice to have had some official acknowledgment that these two pieces were being put back up in their prominent location.  I made sure that Mayor Locke and Chief Chappell knew about the return of the Elder Moon and Twin Eagles, sending them both pictures of the reinstalled artwork.  Hopefully they can work something out in the near future to properly commemorate this important event.

This small triumph marks two down and two to go.  The same TNT where I wrote about these carvings on 20th Ave. also revealed the terrible shape of the two indigenous poles at the White Rock Elementary School and the Ray Shepherd elementary School in south Surrey.  The White Rock carving stands next to Johnston Road but you can hardly see it because of the overgrowth of trees.  When the new White Rock school was built the pole was supposed to be relocated to the front entrance where a concrete base built for that purpose still stands empty.  The pole at Ray Shepherd sits directly in front of the office and yet it seemingly goes unnoticed as to what sad condition it is in (see July 19 TNT for photos of both). The Surrey School District and their Board of Trustees needs to step up to the plate and show these carvings the love that the City of Surrey put into the pieces carved by the Wells brothers.  If they really want to educate the youngsters that go to these schools, they could show that they care about reconciliation and actually repair, maintain and preserve these pieces of both art and history that were bestowed upon them.

My truth about reconciliation is that the community living here in this amazing corner of the Lower Mainland should consider how lucky we are to be living on the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.  Much of Surrey is named after areas in England or colonial pioneers who were given large tracts of land without any thought to the indigenous people who had lived here for thousands of years.  Heck, even South Surrey isn't much of a name, it is more like giving directions on how to get here.  Most people living here realize it is called the "Semiahmoo peninsula", and in fact the White Rock Sun newspaper was originally named the Semiahmoo Sun.  With all of this in mind, I believe it is time we dropped the South Surrey moniker and replaced it with its proper name, "Semiahmoo."  If you think this is outlandish, consider that South Delta is known as Tsawwassen after the Tsawwassen First Nation.  If you search Wikipedia for "South Delta" you get nothing other than some listings for electoral boundaries.  If you search "Tsawwassen", you get the full description of the area due west of us across the waters of Boundary Bay.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn.

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which we live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.




Tuesday September 26, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Stink, Stank, Stunk

Surrey Bio-fuel plant


You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch, 
You're a nasty wasty skunk, 
Your heart is full of unwashed socks, 
Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch.

The three words that best describe you are, and I quote, "Stink, stank, stunk"!

You're a rotter, Mr. Grinch, 
You're the king of sinful sots, 
Your heart's a dead tomato splot 
With moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch.

Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable, mangled up in tangled-up knots! 

Lyrics to "You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch", How The Grinch Stole Christmas movie, 1966

I have to admit that the title and lyrics used to start this TNT might be a little over the top and are meant in jest, not to be alarmist.  Let's hope that folks in south Surrey don't start singing this classic Christmas song all year long if and when a waste to energy plant located on Semiahmoo First Nations land gets up and running. Andion Global ( a world leader in designing and building biogas facilities, has teamed up with Semiahmoo First Nations to build a waste organics to renewable natural gas facility on two hectares of lane north of Beach road and west of Highway 99 north of the Peace Arch Duty Free.  It will accept organic waste from the Lower Mainland and process it with an anaerobic digestion solution to create biogas (methane), fertilizer and organic solids used to produce soil amendments and topsoil at another site.  

This project has already been funded with $14.4 million from the Federal government several years ago in its preliminary planning phase.  Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) need to determine if it is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects so they are inviting comments from the public that need to be submitted by October 14, 2023.  It is posted on the Canadian Impact Asment Registry that can be found at .  Metro Vancouver and the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District have been provided with the information that normally is needed to receive permits for this type of bio-gas facility if built off reserve.  Most importantly, the air dispersion modeling report has been completed by Tetra Tech and is posted online for public viewing at .  With air pollution and odour release being of prime concern you may want to sniff out this 195 page report and nose through it.

The Semiahmoo Renewable Natural Gas Facility Air Quality Dispersion Modelling Rev.1 report lists nuisance odour sites as being the nearby Hills at Peace Portal Golf Course, Hwy. 99 at the Peace Arch Border Crossing, the Peace Arch Duty Free and Peace Arch Provincial Park.  The anaerobic digestion and biogas upgrading process results in the discharge of various air contaminants that requires a Metro Vancouver Air Permit. The top five sources of possible odours emanating from the plant are listed as:

1. Biofilter that releases treated exhaust gases from the food waste reception and pre-treatment buildings 
2. Biogas upgrading stack that releases gases from the biogas upgrading system.
3. Boiler stack that discharges combustion gases from a natural gas hot water boiler.
4. Flare stack from an emergency flaring system.
5. Stripping tower stack from an ammonia stripping tower.

The main chemicals expected to be released include sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO), ammonia (NH3) hydrogen sulphide (H2S) plus volatile organic compounds (VOC).  Flaring of biogas from the stack is expected to happen 900 hours a year or less than 10% of the time with durations from under one hour to over 24 hours.  

The Coles notes for the air quality study summary are as follows.  "Of the identified receptors, exceedance of 5 OU (odour units) of more than once per year is predicted to occur at the Hills at Portal Golf Club, Peace Arch Duty Free store (and adjacent Highway 99) and Peace Arch Park (seven predicted occurrences per year) with exceedance of 10 OU occurring only along at the portion of the golf course nearest Highway 99, adjacent to the proposed Project. There are no predicted exceedances of 10 OU at any residence.  The majority of odour exceedances occur during fall and winter when people are less likely to be golfing, frequenting Peace Arch Provincial Park, queuing at the border or have their residential windows open. In particular, less than 20% of the predicted exceedances at Peace Arch Park occur during the spring and summer. Similarly, the majority of predicted exceedances at the identified sensitive receptors occurs during the nighttime."  To read the summary in its entirety, it is located on page 30 of the report.

One must not confuse this biofuel plant with composting plants or feed lots.  The Harvest Power composting facility in Richmond was shut down because of its strong odours that wafted for miles.  The GFL composting plant in Ladner was the source of many smell complaints that have almost ceased due to enclosed work areas, negative air systems, filters and scrubbers.  The J. Baird Cattle Company feedlot on 8th Ave. ran afoul of Metro Vancouver for smells emanating from its next door soil operations with open piles of manure exposed to the rain.  While all of these operations raised quite a stink in their communities, the Surrey Biofuel facility at 9752 192 Street that converts the city's green waste into renewable natural gas (RNG) seems to have gotten the process right.  With a negative air pressure system and closed-loop technology, they have had very little response even though they advertise their complaints hotline.  Of course, this may have something to do with their 70 metre tall red and white coloured stack that effectively mixes any released odours high into the air where smell concentrations can dilute to unnoticeable levels before reaching the ground.

To make comments about this proposed renewable natural gas facility on SFN lands, ask questions about its operation, and to express your concerns or support, please send them to the following:

Lee-Ann Hamilton, Senior Environmental Specialist

Indigenous Services Canada

1138 Melville Street, Suite 600
Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 4S3

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.



Monday September 18, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Grassholes Among Us

Last year we saw an unprecedented drought from the beginning of summer lasting deep into the fall.  You used to be able to count on the PNE parade being the start of the rainy season with this event usually getting soaked by rain.  in 2022, the PNE parade did not get rained on and the entire PNE was dry  without a drop of rain falling on the midway.  It turns out that 2022 was only a dry run (groaner) for the drought of 2023.  If you delve into Vancouver weather stats at you will suddenly get an understanding of how serious this problem now is.  I added up the monthly rainfall rates we received for 2023 and compared them with the historical average.  Till the end of August, we had received 335 millimeters of precipitation, compared to an average of 607 ml.  We are currently at 55% or just over half of our regular yearly rainfall.  In fact, we have not received a regular month of rain in the past year and it is likely this Sept. will likely follow that troubling trend.

With the lack of rain and parched forest, 14,000 square kilometers of land in B.C. burned since April 1st, officially making 2023 the Province's worst wildfire season on record in terms of area.  If that sounds bad, this information was released by the B.C. Ministry of Forests on July 18th well before West Kelowna got scorched down to the shores of Okanagan Lake.  As of a week ago there are now 22,560 square kilometers of land burned in the province of BC and the fire season is still a long way from over.  If you think this is just a problem on the west coast, over 165,000 square kilometers of land have been scorched across Canada so far this year, smashing the previous record.  Currently there are 407 wildfires burning in BC, 11 that are fires of note which pose a threat to public safety, with so many out of control fires that I didn't bother counting them all.  You can see how dire the forest fire situation is on the BC Wildfire Service map at . Nearly 14,000 square kilometres of land in B.C. have burned since April 1, officially making 2023 the province's worst wildfire season on record in terms of area burned.Jul 18, 2023

Close to home, Metro Vancouver initiated level 2 watering restrictions as of August 4th that banned the sprinkling of lawns until Oct. 15th.  The rationale for this was that water use in the Lower Mainland increases 50% during the summer months, mainly due to lawn watering.  The north shore reservoirs are still at an average level for this time of year but with continued drought, it is prudent to preserve the supplies until such time as it starts to rain and these lakes get refilled.  With six weeks having passed since the Stage 2 watering restrictions were implemented, most lawns in the region should now be drying out and turning a golden brown colour. While most people are doing their part to conserve water and adhere to the lawn watering restrictions, there are still businesses, stratas and residences with dark green lawns throughout the Semiahmoo peninsula.  These scofflaws are what I like to call "grassholes" who seem to think that the rules somehow don't apply to them, especially if they have the luxury of an in ground sprinkling system that can quietly water in the middle of the night. 

Now don't get me wrong, I love a thick healthy green lawn a lot more than most people.  I take many steps to ensure my lawn is nice and healthy without watering outside of the dates and times that are allowed.  I don't have a sprinkler system but it would be easy for me to buck the rules and keep the grass watered enough to keep it green and growing.  The trouble is, I'm doing my part for conservation and don't want to be looked at by my neighbours with contempt as the only person on our street who still has to mow their lawn on a weekly basis.  I can sometimes be an a-hole, but I certainly don't want to be on display as being a self-centered grasshole.  With continued drought and more expected into the future due to climate change, the days of being the envy of the neighbourhood for having a lush green lawn are now a thing of the past.  Those who flout the rules and water their lawns on a constant basis during times of drought should now be looked at as the pariah of their neighbourhood for being an egotistical narcissist.   

Part of the problem with folks ignoring the lawn watering ban is that the City of Surrey Bylaw department's goal is to "seek compliance prior to issuing a ticket" that will cost the offender $300.  In layman's terms, grassholes will get a warning for illegal watering before they are hit with a fine.  Vancouver on the other hand enforces the watering ban with $500 tickets using a policy of more stick and less carrot.  Imagine how much of a speeding problem we would have in Surrey if the RCMP or SPS told drivers that they would get a warning before being issued a ticket.  Also, the low fines are not much of a deterrence when you look at mansions and estates worth a small fortune.  Without giving names or addresses, there is a property only a few blocks from us in Ocean Park that currently has grass that is greener than the Augusta golf course.  I highly doubt a $300 fine would not mean much to a homeowner whose property is valued over $30 million.  For those who think that the rules don't apply to them, imagine the sting if the fine was tied to the assessed property value.  Something tells me that getting compliance would not be a problem then.

If you still want green grass but don't want to be a grasshole, there are several options available these days.  Some people are fed up trying to keep their lawns green and healthy and instead are installing artificial turf,  While expensive, it does not require watering, mowing or fertilizing and will not get ripped up by raccoons or crows looking for chafer beetle grubs to eat.  Another option is to simply paint browned grass with products such as LawnLift that are non-toxic, safe for pets and which instantly turn your lawn a dark emerald green even while dormant.  A more natural option is to do what my neighbour's did and install a water-wise lawn last year.  This involved laying down a thick layer of organic topsoil and seeding it with a drought tolerant tall rescue grass with micro clover.  They fertilized as required and then did not mow it during the heat of the summer.  Only after a heavy rain a few weeks ago did they finally cut it, but still at a high mower height.  Even with zero watering this year, their lawn is still surprisingly thick and green as it also benefits from being shaded by nearby conifers.

Here is contact information for the enforcement of the Stage 2 watering regulations.

City of Surrey:

Bylaw general inquiry

Report a violation online

City of White Rock:

Call Bylaw Enforcement at 604-541-2146

Email Bylaw Enforcement at

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



Monday September 11, 2023 

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Seafaring Shanty Town  Shut Down

It was great news to me when it was announced last week that the City of Surrey along with Transport Canada will be removing the derelict boats from the Nicomekl river between the Elgin Sea Dam and Nico Wynd Estates.  Here is the Coles Notes version of the City media release:

Working in partnership with Transport Canada, the City of Surrey will be removing derelict boats on the Nicomekl River in South Surrey. Instead of using several marinas in the lower section of the river, derelict boats have been illegally mooring on a narrow section of the Nicomekl. In addition to dumping raw sewage and garbage into the water, the derelict boats are gathering salvaged debris creating hazards for other boaters.  “The Nicomekl River has many spots where boats can legally drop anchor,” said Mayor Brenda Locke. “There is no reason for any boater to illegally moor their vessel. The City is working with Transport Canada to remove the derelict boats and clean up the debris in that section of the river. The Nicomekl is for all to use and is not a place for boat owners who illegally dock their boats with a complete disregard to the environment and the safety of others.”  Governed by the Canadian Navigable Waters Act, the cleanup of the derelict boats and any associated debris will be conducted with through partnership with Transport Canada. The work will commence this month and will be continually monitored.

The problem of derelict vessels, sunken boats, release of raw sewage and dumping of garbage into the water at this end of the Nic has been an ongoing problem for decades.  Until now, it was a political football that was constantly tossed around with nobody wanting to take responsibility or assert jurisdiction over cleanup of the river.  There are marinas up and down the Nicomekl where people could moor their boats but likely not for free.  The Nic near the Sea Dam became a spot where those down and out but with a boat that still floated were able to drop anchor and apparently anything else without repercussions.  The same kind of situation has created an ongoing sanitary, environmental and public safety issue at False Creek in Vancouver where three boats lashed together caught fire on Friday with two of them sinking.  Kudos for Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke and S.Sry-WR MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay for working together to find a fix for this festering issue.

The boats currently on the Nic look like something between the post-apocalyptic Water World movie and a shanty town.  In some cases several boats are lashed together and strung with tarps, held together by tar paper and plywood. Some of them look more like floating junk piles than anything resembling an actual boat.  If not sheltered in the Nic and instead exposed to the ocean, it is unlikely that they would last a week before becoming nothing but flotsam.  My wife and I went canoing in the Nic several weeks ago and I have to admit that the problem with rotten boats in this region looked to have certainly gotten worse over the past five years.  Even the dingys that these freshwater pirates use to access the Mud Bay dyke are barely seaworthy.  One recently washed up against the Sea Dam and I stopped to pull it away from the control gates and up onto the rocks.  I know people who repair boats and this one was not worth salvaging, let alone trying to fix it up.

It is not just at the far end of the navigable stretch of the Nic where these derelict boats cause a problem.  When there are wind storms, they often break away from rotting ropes and drift down the river bouncing off other boats in the process.  Once they are pulled out into Mud Bay by the winds and currents, they then drift northward, running aground on the marshy shore along the Delta Dyke Trail.  Several years ago after noticing three vessels aground along Highway 99, I decided to go investigate what was going on.  On one of these boats I met a gentleman named Peter who lived on the Nic at one of these flotillas.  He was trying to free the boats, waiting for high tide to try and float them off the muck and return them back into the river.  I'm not sure whatever happened to these boats but eventually they all disappeared.  Currently there is another power boat aground not far from Hwy. 91that has been there for several months and it would not surprise me if it came from the river squatters living on the Nic.

I do realize that we are in a housing crisis and these boats offer living accommodations to some people likely struggling with substance abuse or mental health issues.  Having seen inside several of these vessels, the level of filth and squalor I witnessed was absolutely appalling with clothes, garbage and debris spread all around.  Being always wet and damp, the wood inside these boats were covered with black mold that can cause serious health issues.  I learned from Peter that when the river squatters die or move away, their boats and possessions are taken over by the other pirates, looking to replace vessels taking on water or that have sunk to the bottom of the river.  With candles and propane being used for light and heat, it is amazing we have not had a fire in what is basically a floating homeless encampment.  If we can remove these derelict vessels and find proper sanitary housing for those who call the Nicomekl river home, we would be doing them a favour while protecting the marine environment of the Semiahmoo peninsula.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




TNT The Naked Truth

UPDATE September 06, 2023

In a related story, a Judge ruled last week that a Surrey woman must pay $150,000 after repeatedly trespassing and cutting down her neighbour's hedge.

The judge applied putative damages to achieve "retribution, deterrence, and denunciation to both punish the egregious action and also prevent similar future behaviour by the wrongdoer and other members of society.

It will be interesting to see if the BNSF Railway's legal department pushes for charges and then sues the arborists and strata for damages in this case.


Don Pitcairn

Chopped at the Top

Last week we were relaxing quietly along the shore of Crescent Rock beach in south Surrey when there was a loud cracking noise followed by branches smashing behind us above the BNSF Railway tracks.  It was so loud that everyone at the beach instinctively ran towards the water thinking a tree was falling, including our dog who shook his way out of his harness to escape.  The cause of the ruckus was the top of a tall cottonwood tree suddenly snapped off from the drought and then bounced from branch to branch on the way down to the ground.  I immediately went up to the railway to ensure that it had not fallen onto the train tracks blocking the line.  It had landed onto the landslide detector fence and while it was stretching the wires they did not break, signaling trains to stop.  I reported this incident to my BNSF contact and the tree top was taken away by railway crews several days later.

This weekend we were taking advantage of the great weather and were again down at our favourite beach.  Once again we heard falling branches but this time it came from arborists cutting away at the top of the Ocean Park bluff.  We walked out onto the sand flats and could look up to see large branches falling onto the hillside above the tracks.  It was obvious that the strata at the end of Christopherson Road were having trees on BNSF property cut to improve the views from their in ground pool area.  What made this so alarming was that the Ocean Park bluff just south of the Christopherson Steps is the most active slide area in the Semiahmoo peninsula.  The vegetation between the beach and the tracks in this area that gives the nude beach its privacy is growing on a mound of landslide debris excavated off the tracks by the BNSF over the past century.  In fact, the area where we were sitting is a flat bench of landslide muck from a slide four years ago from the very same hillside.

It seems that the hoity-toity folks living at the top of the bluff figured out a long time ago to get illegal tree trimming done during the weekends when Surrey Bylaw staff are less likely to appear.  Bylaws were called hourly to investigate but the chain saws continued to roar to life for most of the afternoon with the constant sound of heavy branches landing on the slope above.  Talking with people on the beach who were by this time sick of the racket, it was decided that a call to the BNSF Railway Police was in order.  It turned out this was not a simple task since E-com does not have any contact information for the Railway.  Trying to find a listing for the BNSF Police in BC was a lesson in futility as well.  It was only after talking to CN Police that we were able to finally contact an operator in Fort Worth,Texas at their American head office who put us through in a 3-way call to our local railway cop.  In the future, a simple Google search of "BNSF Emergency Number" will give you the number.

Low and behold, the BNSF police did show up and put a stop to the illegal tree work being done.  I'm not sure if there will be charges but they found arborists trespassing on BNSF land, destroying Railway property and from what I was told, the strata were informed to cease and desist further tree cutting operations.  Amazingly this is the first time that the BNSF Police have actually caught someone in the act of chopping at trees on the bluff for views.  Stumps in front of a hill-top mansion are not evidence as to who did the cutting even though it is easy to deduce who might have been responsible.  There is also the problem of White Rock clear-cutting the Hump slope for views of Marine Drive residents, yet people in south Surrey do not get the same bizarre perks from their Council. The BNSF should not have a double standard of allowing tree cutting on one ocean-front slope, while trying to stop it only miles away in a neighbouring city.  It boggles the mind why the BNSF kowtows to White Rock and continues to allow this to happen.

Transport Canada warned the BNSF Railway and cities of Surrey and White Rock that tree cutting for views by hill-top residents was one of the top three causes for landslides burying the train tracks below.  The hillside just south of Crescent Beach is notoriously unstable and I have witnessed over a dozen slides onto the rail corridor in this area alone.  This was the place where the last landslide actually hit a BNSF freight train just south of Bayview Ave.  It did not derail because it was already stopped for an even larger slide event that happened just below the Christopherson strata that was having the bluff trees cut this weekend.  For those who still don't get what the big problem is, a BNSF freight train rolled by while the trees were being cut.  It was a unit oil train consisting of four engines, two empty boxcars and 104 black tankers ( yup, I counted them), likely full of Bakken crude oil headed for the Chevron Refinery in Burnaby.  A train derailment here from slide activity likely means these cars falling 20 feet below to the shore lined with jagged rip-rap boulders.  Imagine Lac-Megantic but at the edge of Boundary Bay and you get my concern.

If you hear or witness anyone cutting trees on BNSF property in the Semi-pen, you can call the Railway emergency line at 1-800-832-5452 and they will immediately put you in touch with the Railway officer who will attend promptly.  You can also call Surrey Bylaws at 604-591-4152 or go online to report a problem at but I would not expect a quick response on the weekend, if at all.  It will be interesting to see how the BNSF Railway responds to this tree cutting issue.  They could lay charges or possibly put this ball in the hands of their legal department to sue for damages and reparations including having the strata remove all of the dead branches from the slope where they add to the forest fire risk.  At the very least I would send those responsible a letter that if there is slide activity in the future linked to the area where the trees were being cut, that they will be liable for any cleanup costs and loss of use that the Railway experiences.  Maybe then, people living above the tracks will get the message that their million dollar view just might cost them that.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


Monday August 28, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Don't Get Locked In-sanity

So here we are in the middle of another hot summer weekend with many people wanting to beat the heat by going to the beach.  Besides White Rock and Crescent Beach, many people opt for the more rugged and secluded 6.5 km. of shoreline between the two known as Crescent Rock beach.  To enter this region you must walk in from either end or else use one of the three staircases that Surrey has built over the years.  This includes the Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24 Ave., the 1001 Steps at the east end of 15A Ave. and the Olympic Trail located at the south end of 131 Street.  All three of these staircases are locked at night to stop partying at this secluded shoreline and to keep people off the BNSF Railway tracks at night.

If you go onto the City of Surrey website at you can find information on the first two of these staircases.  Both the Christopherson Steps and 1001 Steps list the operating hours as "dawn to dusk."  This should not be a surprise since the Surrey Parks Department security contractor locks the parking lots to their parks throughout the city using the dawn to dusk timing.  In case you are not aware, dawn and dusk are calculated when the sun dips to six degrees below the horizon.  As far as timing goes, this is usually a little more than half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset.  For most people wanting to take in an ocean sunrise or sunset, this gives them ample time to climb the stairs and leave the beach.  Oddly, the Olympic Trail, aka Pot Point, aka Stoners Point, aka 13 Ave. Lookout is not listed on the Surrey website.

So here is where it gets weird.  There are signs at all of the staircases to Crescent Rock Beach warning people "DON'T GET LOCKED IN" with the dates and times these park gates are locked listed as follows:

Feb 12 - Apr 15  8:00 pm

April 16 - Aug 26  10:00 pm

Aug 27 - Oct 15  8:00 pm

Oct 16 - Feb 11  6:00 pm

It is unsure why these signs are even posted since they do not agree with the information listed on the city website.  It is weird that these gates get unlocked at dawn but are then locked at these apparently arbitrary times.  Even more bizarre is why these random dates and times are used in the first place.  For August 27th the gate lock time changed on a Sunday when many people were at the beach with sunset being at 8:04 pm.  If you wanted to see the big red orb behind a veil of smoke, it was very likely you would get locked out of using the stairs to leave the shore.  If you stayed to watch the colours of the sunset before walking out, you would be in for a nasty surprise, with the gates guaranteed to be locked out with dusk at 8:36 p.m.  If you did not have a cell phone it is a very long walk to freedom from the 1001 Steps that could only be done by walking out on the train tracks.

This idiotic situation gets even worse when you look at the other gate lock times throughout the year.  Remember that it is still summer until Friday, Sept. 22 when the sunsets at 7:09 pm, nearly an hour before the gates get locked.  On Oct. 16, a Monday, the lock time then drops to 6 p.m., even though sunset is at 6:21 p.m. and dusk is at 6:53 pm.  This 6 pm lock time remains throughout the winter when I realize not many people would likely venture down to the beach due to cold and rainy weather.  On the shortest day of the year, Dec. 22, the sun sets at 4:16 p.m., an hour and 44 minutes before the gates are due to be locked.  On Feb. 12, 2024 when the time magically springs back to 8 pm, the sunset is at 5:26 pm, over two and a half hours before the gates get locked.  In the spring on Apr 16, the sunsets at 8:06 pm, nearly two hours before the gates get locked.

None of these arbitrary dates or times make any sense at all in the real world.  The signs should all be pulled from the staircases leading to Crescent Rock beach and replaced with ones that state they are locked closed from "dawn to dusk" and possibly even giving the clue "half an hour before sunrise and half an hour after sunset."  This would put the staircase locking times in line with all of the other Surrey parks and in agreement with the times posted on the website for the various steps.  Locking people down at the beach means a long walk on the train tracks after dark that puts them in mortal danger.  I should also note that the signs at the beach staircases do not state who the Surrey security contractor is or any phone number or email to contact them if locked in.  It is Surrey Securiguard at 604-689-7588.  If you like to go to the beach off Ocean Park to catch a sunset or possibly skinny-dip, you might want to save that number to your cell phone in case you really need it one evening.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.



Monday August 21, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Choke on the Smoke

Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky Smoke on the water

Burn it down

Lyrics to Smoke On The Water, Deep Purple, Machine Head album, 1972.

We are very fortunate to live in the Semi-Pen surrounded by water and beaches, fresh air and moderate temperatures.  This year has been extremely dry for most of the province with drought and high temperatures seeming to get worse every year.  It is heartbreaking to watch the devastation currently occurring in the Okanagan with forest fires marching through neighbourhoods burning them right down to the water's edge.  The scene around Yellowknife in the far north is no different, happening only weeks after Lahaina in Maui was scorched into the ground with over a hundred dead and reports of more than a thousand missing.  As the U.N. Chief recently stated, "The end of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived."  I think he would have been more on point to call it "global burning."

In case you missed it, July 2023 set the dubious record as the hottest month ever on planet earth since records began.  That was the same time that ocean water off the coast of Florida hit an astounding 101 degrees Fahrenheit.  Now this sounds pretty crazy but it really hits home when you know that is the same temperature we like to keep our hot tub set at during the winter months.  As I'm writing this TNT the remnants of hurricane Hillary is hitting California releasing torrential rains that are described as "life threatening" with extreme flooding expected.  It is the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years, the last one happening the year my now deceased father was born.  In case you missed it, BC is in a state of emergency, Northwest Territories is in a state of emergency, Maui is in a state of emergency, and California is in a state of emergency, from either fires or floods.

All of this brings us back to this little corner of the world.  On Friday night we were down at Crescent Rock beach cooling down and taking in the sunset over the glassy water of Mud Bay.  As the sun sank lower in the sky, it encountered what looked like a small cloud bank in the horizon off Vancouver Island.  As it sank into this grey mass, it was obvious from the red and then purple orb in the sky that it was in fact forest fire smoke from an unknown location.  We have been extremely blessed this year that as BC burns, the air here has remained relatively clear.  Seeing the sun disappear into this mess, we knew immediately that our days of blue skies were over.  It was no surprise that we woke up the next morning to discover that the sky was overcast with a thick pall of forest fire smoke that turned the sunlight a peachy orange colour.   

Of course there has been a burning ban here in effect for over a month and we are also on a stage 2 watering ban where sprinkling of lawns is outlawed.  Unfortunately some of the nocturnal visitors to the shoreline south of Crescent have obviously not gotten the word that fire risk here is currently at high on its way to extreme without measurable rain.  A couple of weeks ago, I met a group of younger Indo-Canadian gents down at the beach having a fire.  I informed them this was extremely dangerous and that they were risking fines of $1,150 for everybody sitting around it.  They basically told me to go snake my own toilet, so rather than pissing on their fire I went home and phoned the Surrey Fire Service to report what I had seen.  Imagine my surprise when I found out that the waterfront from Crescent Beach to White Rock is not their jurisdiction and that I had to report fires to the police instead.  When I phoned the RCMP non-emergency reporting line, they had so many calls that I eventually hung up after waiting forever for them to respond.

A buddy of mine went down to the beach south of 24 Ave. on Sunday morning for a walk and he phoned to let me know that there were three new fires on the beach from the previous night.  Even more concerning, one of the fires was still smouldering with large logs belching smoke from a thick bed of embers.  He dragged the burning logs 100 feet out to the water to douse them and then used an old barbecue lid to bring in sea water to drown the coals.  My friend was very upset that for all three campfires, there appeared to be no attempt by the folks who had lit them to put out their fires.  All you need is the wind to pick up, for embers to ignite the brush and for the fire to quickly climb the Ocean Park bluff.  From there the fire would be into the heavily wooded areas of Crescent Heights and Ocean Park where it would become an interface fire.  There have been fires on the bluff before and firefighters here have told me they were extremely difficult to fight because of the lack of access and the steep terrain.

There needs to be a change in Surrey where fires, regardless of where they are, get reported to the fire department and not the police.  I realize there are overlapping jurisdictions down at the beach from Federal, Provincial, BNSF and Surrey, but only the Surrey Fire Service has the ability to fight fires.  Knowing of the beach fire problems, the BNSF police and RCMP police need to enforce the fire ban with frequent patrols in the evenings by their high-railer truck.  Residents living along the bluff should be able to report the smell of smoke from the beach to the Surrey Fire Service, who if they need to can then contact the RCMP directly.  There are signs warning about the threat of fires at all of the bluff stairway entrances but missing from them is the fine of $1,150 per person that might make people think twice before flicking their Bic.  For me, I now know to simply drive to my local Fire Hall 12 where I report what I've seen or smelled and they respond immediately to the situation without a call to 911.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People


August 14, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Biking to the Beach is out of Reach

Go car-free and bike, walk, ride, and roll to to your favourite summer spots. We've teamed up with local businesses to offer exclusive discounts for transit riders!

Translink is always full of zany ideas and concepts that don't quite work.  Case in point has to be the far side of the Park & Ride lot located at King George Boulevard and Hwy. 99.  This white elephant that soaked up $4.5 million of taxpayer dollars continues to be used as a driver training ground and not much else.  Of course nobody thinks about closing it off when the extra space is not necessary.  No, instead they pay for the lighting, gardening, maintenance and even snow clearing and salting in the winter.  A little bit of common sense would be nice or appointing people who actually take the bus on a regular basis as directors.  For the 21 mayors on the Mayor's Council of Regional Transportation, it should be mandatory for them to take public transit to the meetings if they wish to be paid for attending.  

This opening salvo takes us to Translink's summer program titled "Ride & Shine" that invites people to "Go car-free this summer and bike, walk, ride, and roll to events with convenient transit connections to your favourite summer spots."  You can find this great piece of marketing and promotion online at .  The summer destination map shows you all the local hot spots and which buses to take to easily get there pus bike friendly roadways.  If you hit the beaches tab it shows you how to get to 4 area beaches, including Ambleside, Jericho, Kwomais Point and Old Mill Site Park.  Now, if you noticed something missing, you are not alone.  In case you are not aware there are 20 beaches in the Lower Mainland including Crescent Beach and White Rock. 

Now imagine being a visitor or new to the area and following Translink's instructions to check out the beach at Kwomais Point in Ocean Park.  You would be a little perplexed since there is no obvious pathway to the waterfront.  If you hop the chain link fence behind the Kwowmais Lodge and Sanford Hall, you will find the posts for the old viewing site and a literal goat path leading down some of the steepest bluffs in the Semiahmoo Peninsula.  I have climbed this hillside from below several times over the years while investigating the origins of landslides that buried the BNSF Railway tracks below.  The path is so steep that I have never climbed down it.  You would need hiking boots at the very least and if you wore flip-flops you would likely slip and get injured or killed.  A climbing helmet, several 100 foot lengths of nylon rope and a harness would be advisable to anyone thinking of scaling this slope.

If you made it to the bottom of Kwomais Point, you have to trespass on the BNSF Railway corridor in an area with wide sweeping curves that conceal trains from view.  If the RCMP catches you there on a track patrol you'll be hit with a fine of $500 for each member of your party.  Crossing the tracks you would then be met with a wall of large jagged rip-rap boulders that you must successfully scale.  Finally down at the so-called beach you will find a blanket of large slippery rocks and zero sand unless the tide is out at an extreme low.  Should you try to go swimming, you need to know that Kwomais point is swept by large currents as the tide flows to each corner of Boundary Bay.  I have been on this shoreline many times performing shoreline cleanups from Crescent Beach to White Rock,  I would not recommend it for anyone who is not in good shape and well prepared.  If you slip and get injured, cell phone service is spotty at best, adding to the risk of not being rescued.

Even more bizarre is the circuitous route shown in the Translink maps for biking to the non-existant Kwomais Point beach.  The first issue is that it does not show a starting point, which should logically be the south Surrey Park & Ride lot.  You would need to print out this map and carefully follow it due to all of the twists and turns that sometimes have you headed in the wrong direction.  The northern part of the map does show a bike path along Crescent Road but it ends at the entrance to the Crescent Beach marina, just before you would get to the nicest beach in Surrey.  Of course there is no route or mention of the beaches in White Rock that obviously are not considered a destination by Translink, regardless of the crowds of visitors it receives.  What kills me about all of this is the directors at Translink wonder why they can't help attract more people onto public transit.  Maybe if they got out of their cars or possibly tried to use their website they would find out it is not based in reality.

If all of this has not left you shaking your head, here is the final rub.  White Rock's Mayor Megan Knight and Surrey's Mayor Brenda Locke both sit on the Mayor's Council receiving $400 for every meeting they attend.  I'd like to think that someone else noticed the problems with the Ride & Shine program and brought it to their attention.  If not, I know that this column gets read by plenty of people at both White Rock and Surrey City Hall's because their servers show up on the computer visitor listings for the White Rock Sun.  Now maybe..., just maybe..., someone will copy a link to this TNT column and forward it to these mayor's or the braintrust (pun in case you missed it) at Translink.  My bet is that nothing changes and this website remains the same until the end of summer because from what I've seen, they are either totally incompetent or else they just really don't care. 

My guess is that it's both.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People

July 31, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Not Weed The Knotweed

I went to Harrison Hot springs several weeks ago and took a walk on the pathway around the lagoon next to the lake.  It was a pleasant stroll with plenty of water views but being a gardener what really caught my eye was a large clump of a bamboo like weed growing in the rip-rap rocks used to control erosion.  I recognized this rather exotic looking plant as Japanese Knotweed, one of four varieties of Knotweed known to infest this province.  These include the aforementioned Japanese Knotweed, giant Knotweed, Himalayan Knotweed and bohemian Knotweed  Collectively these plants are one of the 100 worst invasive species as identified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.  The Invasive Species Council of BC rates knotweeds as one of the top 10 invasive species for BC because of its ability to proliferate in a wide variety of soil types and climate conditions.  They are designated as a noxious plant species under the Weed Control Act plus Forest and Range Practices Act.  

Here is a description taken from the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC) website at

Flowers: Small, white/green flowers grow in showy, plume-like, branched clusters along the stem and leaf axis (joints).
Stems: Green stems, or canes, are hollow with varying thicknesses, upright, and bam-boo-like with reddish-brown/red speckles. Stems are gener- ally 1-5 m in height and grow in large, dense thickets. Stems may persist through the winter as bare, grey or straw colored hollow stalks.
Rhizomes: At maturity, rhizomes are thick and woody and can spread up to 20m laterally. Rhizomes have reduced leaf scales that span every 2-4 cm. The underside of the rhizomes has adventitious roots that travel into the soil with penetrable force.
Leaves: Predominantly heart- to triangular-shaped on all species except Himalayan, which are elongated and tapered.  Leaves on all species, except giant knotweed, are 8-10 cm wide and 15 cm in length. Giant knotweed leaves are generally twice the size of the other 3 species. A distinguishing feature
for Japanese knotweed is the zigzag pattern in which leaves are arranged along the plant’s arching stems.

This nasty weed unfortunately spreads both by seed and by fragments of both seed and roots, making eradication extremely difficult.  Attempts at digging it out often inadvertently spread it even further from contaminated soil and portions of the plant not properly disposed of by burying in a landfill 5 metres deep.  Home composting does not work as both the seeds and portions of the roots will likely survive, only to sprout up somewhere else.  Knotweed are often found in areas around streams, lakes and ocean beaches, in piles of landscape material, road and railway right of ways and derelict land.  They prefer moist soil and full to partial sun, making most riparian areas ideal for their growth and dispersal. Seeing Knotweed growing on the shore of Harrison Lake was obviously a cause for concern as not only could it spread around this lake, boaters could also move seeds to other bodies of water.  I reported my find to both the Harrison Village Council and the Invasive Species Council of BC at https://noninvasive/invasives/japanese-knotweed/ so they could take action against this clump of knotweed on the lakeshore.  

Both Surrey and White Rock have taken steps to combat this noxious weed that is mainly controlled by applying the herbicide Glyphosate to the plant to kill it.  Better known by its trade name of Roundup, this chemical is non-selective and translocates down into the roots killing the entire plant.  Treated areas are generally cleared once the plant has died and the area monitored for possible regrowth the next year.  While these two cities are working to solve this problem, unfortunately they are fighting a losing battle.  With the extreme low tides from the full moon, I ventured onto the south facing section of Crescent Rock beach not far from Ocean Park in search of sand bars left exposed.  While the beach was beautiful, I was shocked by the large groves of Japanese knotweed all along the BNSF Railway.  These big clumps were growing every 15-25 metres on the area between the tracks and the rip-rap boulders.  Around homes this weed can push through asphalt and building foundations, damaging retaining walls and choking drainage systems.  Along the BNSF tracks these thickets impact sightlines for the railway engineers, hiding people foolish enough to walk on these waterfront train tracks.  Even worse, the ISCBC warns They have also been known to reduce the stability and integrity of the rail bed and compromise train safety."

I am going to be notifying the cities of White Rock and Surrey, the BNSF Railway, the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change plus Fisheries and Oceans Canada because it is unclear who actually has jurisdiction over this area.  Removing this large amount of knotweed will not (knot?) be easy and using Roundup so close to the ocean might not be allowed due to environmental regulations.  It is extremely concerning that the BNSF has apparently done little to control the spread of this noxious weed in an area that might affect train safety.  I do know that the Railway already uses Roundup on the ballast rock in the rail corridor to control unwanted vegetation but the knotweed groves are just outside of this area growing in the boulders used to stabilize the tracks and protect them from erosion.  The other issue is that seeds and tissue from these plants can float away on the tides and infest other areas of Boundary Bay including those on the American side where it is already on the radar of the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board.

For more information on knotweed please refer to the following invasive species websites.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lads of the Semiahmoo people.



Monday July 24, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Stop Stumping The Hump

The latest cutting of trees and clearing of vegetation on the Hump hillside is now complete but knowing the history of White Rock Mayor & Council it is likely to continue unless there is a ground swelling of public support to let this forested area that was clear cut in 2015 regrow.  It is worth noting that the current mayor, Megan Knight, was a Councillor at that time aligned with the White Rock Coalition that also included current councillor Bill Lawrence.  They seem to be comfortable with continuing on with the legacy of Hump hillside clear cutting that was partly responsible for the then Mayor Wayne Baldwin and Coalition members being all kicked to the curb in 2018.  I guess they have never heard that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

For some reason, it seems that the residents of the Semiahmoo Shores strata located at 15165 Marine Drive apparently have the ear the current council and or staff at city hall yet again.  It was this 21 unit building that apparently was the driving force behind the push for so-called "vegetation control" needed in 2015 to view the retaining walls along Marine Drive at the top of the hump.  Of course, in White Rock, vegetation control actually means "clear cut the trees for views of the pier" and the Hump hillside was turned into a barren scar that was never replanted as promised.  I have been informed that the same strata and possibly the same people were also responsible for getting the latest brush and tree clearing done directly across the street from this four story condo building. 

On Monday there is a Regular Council Meeting being held at White Rock City Hall.  You can view the agenda online at   I am planning to be there for the beginning question and answer period to ask rather pointed questions to the current Mayor and Council about why the Hump hillside that is owned by the BNSF Railway is once again being cleared for views from Marine Drive.  Shortly after that Q&A is over, a delegation of four people, David Sharpe, Kerry Wray, Shelley Mare and Jan Wild will attend to discuss vegetation on the Hump.  My guess is they will praise the current tree cutting and ask for even more to be done to help improve the view from Semiahmoo Shores.

There might be a fly in the ointment to any plans to clear cut more trees on the Hump hillside.  I reported the recent clearing to the Transport Canada Rail Safety supervisor for this region, giving him my many reasons why I believe this threatens slope stability and railway safety in the area.  This included a lengthy history lesson on the geology of the region, previous landslides onto the BNSF tracks and the destruction of the forest that used to grow on the Hump.  An email I received from Transport Canada stated the following:  "  BNSF will follow up with the City of White Rock.  Transport Canada will continue to monitor the slope at this particular location as well as other slopes along the BNSF right-of-way to verify that BNSF railway operations remain compliant and safe."

I made sure to send my contact at Transport Canada the link to a YouTube video provided by former White Rock Councillor Erika Johanson who was chair of the Environmental Committee.  It features Geotechnical Engineer Callum Buchan talking about his findings regarding soil movement and slope instability on the Hump starting in 2009.  A portion of his talk goes like this.  "Seismic stability, things were not very good, the hillside is marginally stable.  After (the 2015 tree removal) we started noticing the pavement starting to crack up again.  More shifting of the road surface and it seemed to coincide shortly after the tree removal."  He called on White Rock to vegetate the hillside with deeper rooting woody species that could help in terms of providing root reinforcement and transpiration that really helps hillsides.  Mrs. Johanson believes "The current council was not paying attention to the dire warning of an expert brought in by the committee to discuss safety and slope stability on the Hump.    With all of the information I have made public about the Hump hillside, I hope that concerned citizens of White Rock will take the time to attend Monday's Council meeting with placards in hand.  Residents need to make sure that Mayor Knight and the current Council realize that cutting trees for the views of a select few is vastly outweighed by the threat of slope movement on the Hump and the risk of landslides onto the BNSF tracks.  They need to not be so short sighted and change their point of view, realizing that having a lovely green forest on the hillside along the promenade is also a great backdrop for the White Rock boulder as viewed by millions of people every year from the pier.  If White Rock politicians continue with their assault on the Hump, maybe the only way to stop it might be for a green slate to run on the promise to rejoin Surrey where motto is "The future lives here" and not "The City - Buy The Sea."

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.

CONTACT - Don Pitcairn



Monday July 19, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

More Stumps on the Hump!

I think I know how Bill Murray felt when waking up in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania-every morning in the movie Groundhog Day.  White Rock is up to its old tricks with arborist contractors once again cutting down trees on the Hump hillside between East Beach and West Beach.  This is in the area where two black-tailed deer were recently photographed that was posted on local social media pages.  The wild cherry and maple saplings were finally regrowing to a height of 10 metres after the hillside above the tracks where it was clear-cut in 2015 under the guise of "vegetation control" to allow access to check out the retaining walls along Marine Drive.  I guess the some of the newly elected council wants to act like the old mayor Wayne Baldwin and mow down the Hump trees yet again.  The clearing is at the viewing platform directly across the street from the four storey tall Semiahmoo Shores building located at 15165 Marine Drive if you want to see this latest debacle for yourself.

I have more than a few issues with this latest Hump hatchet job done by the City of White Rock on BNSF land that they do not lease from the railway.  This hill has had landslides before, with a photo from the pier in 1920 showing four vertical and one lateral slope failures after it was first cleared in the late 1800s when it was cottage country.  The Marine Drive sidewalk and handrail were replaced approximately ten years ago because it was leaning at a 15-20 degree angle towards the beach due to soil creep on the hill.  In fact, the 2015 defacto clear-cutting was halted near East beach when several active slide sites were located in the blackberries and alders, both species that thrive on disturbed land and areas of soil movement.  Of course, the clear-cutting was somehow needed to see the retaining walls they feared would collapse after large cracks were noticed in the middle of Marine Drive.  If people are not aware, one lane of Marine Drive did already collapse onto the Hump in the 1960s.

In 2008 the federal Ministry of Transport sent both Surrey and White Rock a letter warning that the cutting of trees on the steep bluff slopes for views in the Semi-pen was one of the top three reasons for landslides hitting the BNSF Railway tracks.  While there is a landslide detector fence along the Ocean Park bluff from West Beach to Crescent Beach, this simple low voltage wire safety system does not exist along the base of the Hump hillside.  The last time this slope was razed, there was a city sign promising replanting of trees and shrubs, asking the public to be patient with the process.  Well, here we are eight years later and not a single tree has been planted on the Hump by White Rock.  In fact, just to the east of the pier at the last parking lot, all of the shrubs that were in an area between two retaining walls have also been sawed to the ground and removed.  Apparently this was so that people parking above could sit and admire the view without having to get out of their cars, or even turn them off for that matter. 

It is interesting to know that the WR city website clearly states "The city cannot do tree removal or pruning on private property."  Obviously what they tell residents and what they decide to do behind closed doors are the complete opposite.  No word on whether the city had permission from the BNSF to clear cut the forest regrowth, or if they had a geologist conduct a slope stability study on the work area.  They also needed to hire a qualified environmental professional (QEP)  to perform a nesting bird survey to look for nesting birds between March 1st and August 31st.  It would be interesting to know what the cost to tax payers was for this tree cutting that the city says it cannot do, yet somehow manages time and time again regardless of their own rules and bylaws or the landslide risk.  What we do know is the city spent $1.7 million to shore up Marine Drive two years ago to keep it from collapsing.   I believe it would have been a lot cheaper to simply have left the forest on the Hump alone, protecting both Marine Drive above and the BNSF Railway below that regularly carries hazardous goods and 144 car long unit trains with tankers of crude oil along the waterfront.

I'm now starting to think that the only way to return the Hump hillside to its original state with a large canopy of trees is for residents to rejoin Surrey and put an end to to this ongoing madness tied to small town politics.  Until that time, the Hump should be classified as "Ravine Lands" and the cutting of trees for views should be completely forbidden except for rail safety.  Even better would be for the City of White Rock to purchase this area and designate it as a wildlife park, improving the overall tree canopy in the city that has been steadily whittled away.  When the Hump was forested only 15 years ago it made a great backdrop for pictures of the White Rock boulder and was a green gem for the City By The Sea.  Instead of cutting down trees on the Hump, we should be planting them instead, creating new nesting sites for raptors.  The Grand fir on the Hump that is called the "Eagle Tree" is not looking healthy, likely because all of the trees around it have been cut down.  When it goes, so do the eagles but not to worry, people can still look at the man-made pier now mainly composed of concrete and steel as it slowly disappears (dis-a-pier?) beneath the rising waves.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditeional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


Former last term White Rock councillor and chair of the Environmental Committee ERIKA JOHANSON posted this video on social media. 

Her comment was the current council was not paying attention to the dire warning of an expert brought in by the committee to discuss safety and slope stability on "the Hump (land between east ans west beach in White Rock).





Monday July 11, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

We often go down to Crescent Rock beach in south Surrey after dinner when it has cooled down to relax there until after sunset.  Thursday night was nothing out of the ordinary as my wife and I packed a light beach bag, leashed up the dogs and made our way to the shore looking westward across Mud Bay.  Finding an long empty stretch of beach, we settled down with our blankets and chairs getting ready for the upcoming days-end light show.  Little did we know there would be plenty of action to see long before the sun went down.

I heard a low droning noise from the south of an approaching plane, which is nothing out of the normal for Crescent Rock.  What really caught my attention was when I looked towards the sound and saw a plane literally skimming the water.  I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and hit record on the video camera.  At first I thought the aircraft was going to ditch in the ocean when I realized it was an amphibious plane.  It hit the water, bouncing several times completely clear of the waves before finally settling into the water a hundred metres offshore.  The pilot shut off the power to the engine, opened the bubble window of the plane, stood up and turned around, opening up the rear engine cowling.  He proceeded to work on the engine area for approximately fifteen minutes while the wind and waves pushed the plane north towards Crescent Beach.  Just as I was considering putting a call into the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 5 in Crescent Beach, the pilot closed up the craft, got the engine running and took off heading south in the direction he had come from. 

We recognized a couple further down the beach and went to talk to them about this strange incident that we had a front row seat for.  While in discussions with them about why the pilot had chosen to land his plane, my wife Sheryl noticed something very odd about the far horizon.  In the distance you normally see the hill of Tssawwassen and Point Roberts that descends down to the farm flats of Ladner with barns and groves of trees across this area.  Instead of the usual view, the buildings and trees had been replaced with a bizarre collection of monoliths connected along the top by a thin horizontal line.  It looked somewhat like Stonehenge or a Roman aqueduct running throughout the Ladner farm region.  We sat there in amazement watching this spectacle as some of the pillars slowly changed in shape and size.  Having seen highway mirages where it looks like there is water on the road in the distance, I surmised that it must be some sort of mirage that was somehow reflecting the light and changing what we would normally see.  What was really odd was a boat far out on the bay appeared completely normal as it moved along just under the weird display.

OveR the course of about ten minutes the strange sight slowly started to morph and dissipate towards the north into the setting sun.  When the sun finally kissed the ocean, the effects of the mirage were gone and the horizon had returned to its normal view.  It was not until we got home that I decided to research what we had seen, typing in "mirage ocean light inversion."  In 0.42 seconds with 7,620,000 results, Google spat out the answer with something I had never heard of before, an optical illusion known as a "Fata Morgana (mirage)".  You can find a rather detailed explanation about this optical phenomenon on Wikipedia at .  I'm going to give you the Coles Notes version of this listing in layman's terms to help describe how it works.  A Fata Morgana is a superior mirage visible in a thin band just above the horizon that distorts distant objects including boats, islands and the coastline.  This form of mirage comprises several upside down and right side up images that are stacked upon one another, often in compressed or stretched zones.  It happens when rays of light bend through a thermal inversion with warm air over cold dense air, creating a thermal duct acting like a refracting lens that can stack both inverted and regular images on top of each other.  Best I could do, I'm not Bill Nye.

UBC has some interesting information about optical phenomena in their ATSC 113 course on Weather for Sailing, Flying and Snow Sports at .  In it they discuss how to recognize and explain optical phenomena over the sea including mirages, Fata Morgana and the green flash.  They explain how inferior and superior mirages occur and have photos showing their strange effects.  By far the most interesting thing shown there is a photo of the snow covered Mt. Cheam and Mt. Baker apparently floating like icebergs over Nanoose Bay on Vancouver Island.  Normally these mountains would be far below the horizon but due to the bending of light they were suddenly visible appearing to float on the water of the Salish Sea.  They also explain the Fata Morgana in detail and a very weird phenomenon I have witnessed only once called the green flash that is sometimes visible as the sun sinks below the horizon and the atmosphere breaks the light like a prism, showing a few seconds of green at the top of the setting sun.

I always tell people to go to the beach for sunset as you won't know how beautiful it will be unless you are there.  It turns out that an amazing sunset might not be the only thing you get to see on the waterfront.  Around these parts it could be optical illusions suddenly appearing, planes landing on the water in front of you, powered hang-gliders whizzing by at low altitude, or the Coast Guard hovercraft showing up on a rescue mission.  On the wildlife side it could be grey whales spouting and tail lobbing, families of sea otters playing, bald eagles catching fish, black-tailed deer walking by, salmon jumping, seals and loons feeding, and at Crescent Rock people skinny-dipping.  Besides the exercise needed to reach the beach, the fresh air and connection with nature is both relaxing and rejuvenating.  I'd rather stare at a magnificent sunset reflecting off the water than watch a TV or computer screen.  It's good to unplug and get away from our technology dominated existence and get back to basics, enjoying what nature has to offer us on the shores of the Semiahmoo peninsula.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


July 04, 2023

The Naked Truth 

The $.316 Million Dollar Man

Last week the City of Surrey made public their 2022 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) for the year ending Dec. 31st, 2022.  You can find it online on the City of Surrey website at   

Now to be honest, reading this report is about as dry as eating white toast with no butter, lightly seasoned with belly-button lint and served with a glass full of sand.  You have to be an accountant to fully digest the numbers, most representing $1,000 dollars, contained within this report.  That being said, there are plenty of diamonds in the rough if you don't mind spending some time to dig for them.  Sorry to say that I didn't mine the really juicy detail but someone spotted a line item on page 108 of this 119 page report dealing with schedule of payments for goods and/or services.  There it was in black and white, a payment to Peck & Company Barristers for $316,663.50.  The City confirmed that this money was paid for former Mayor Doug McCallum's legal defense after he was charged with Public Mischief last year.  The amount of this bill was not previously released due to privacy concerns before appearing in the 2022 SOFI.

Now in Doug McCallum's defense (pun intended, free of charge), I should point out here that he was found not guilty and acquitted of the criminal charges laid against him.  I found it rather nauseating that Surrey taxpayers were left holding the bag for his legal bills in the first place since Mr. McCallum admitted he was food shopping at Save-On-Foods when he was confronted by a Keep The RCMP In Surrey (KTRIS) supporter who allegedly ran his foot over.  Personally, I don't believe that McCallum's legal bills should have been paid for by the City of Surrey when he was not on official business and not acting on behalf of the City at that time.  Somehow it was decided that this situation met the criteria for his legal bills to be paid and McCallum hired Peck and Company to represent him in court.  For more background to this story, read my Nov. 28, 2022 TNT titled "You Be The Judge" at

Peck and Company Barristers is owned by high-profile lawyer Richard Peck, widely believed to be the most expensive lawyer in B.C. if not all of Canada.  Mr. Peck was the lead counsel for alleged terrorist mastermind Ajaib Singh Bagri who was acquitted along with Ripudaman Singh Malik in the 1985 Air India bombings that killed 331 people (note: Malik was shot dead in Surrey on July 14, 2022 with two men now charged with his murder).  More recently Peck was also part of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou's defence team that fought her extradition to the US to face fraud and conspiracy charges.  Hiring a lawyer of the stature of Richard Peck does not come cheap and it was a surprise for many to learn that Surrey taxpayers would be on the hook for McCallum's defense.  I should reveal here that Surrey has several lawyers on their payroll and others on retainer for legal work.  Why none of these city employed staff were chosen to represent the then Mayor is a question that nobody wants to answer.

The 2022 SOFI also contains financial information on the schedule of remuneration and expenses of elected officials (see page 54).  Topping the list for elected officials was D. McCallum with a base salary of $139,798.  Throw in his separation allowance of $13,015 for losing the election, taxable benefits of $12,549 and expenses of $3,022 and he banked the tidy sum of $168,384.  If you compare Doug's base salary with his legal costs, Peck earned $176,865.50 more than what the former Mayor was paid in 2022, or a whopping 226 percent more money than what the mayor earned.  Even when you add on all of the benefits and expenses, Richard Peck still billed for $148,279.50 more than what the former Mayor was paid for the entire year.  If you add McCallum's 2022 total remuneration plus an additional year of his base salary, it still comes almost $8,500 short of the legal bills paid for him.

In the real world, it is highly unlikely that somebody would be willing to pay such high legal fees for a relatively minor offence.  The standards for when an elected official qualifies for their legal fees to be paid needs to be reviewed and new criteria selected.  Taxpayers should not be subsidizing high-priced legal dream teams, especially when someone is arrested for criminal behaviour that has nothing to do with their role or position.  If it is determined that an elected official or staffer needs legal representation paid for by the City, one of the lawyers already working for Surrey should be appointed to represent them.  If this is not agreeable to the person charged, then they should feel free to open up their wallet and pay for their own legal bills.  There should be no blank cheque given to the Mayor or anyone else to hire outside legal representatives regardless of the cost to the taxpayer.  

Naturally your,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live. work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People


Monday June 26, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Sure Sign It's June

No, the sure sign of June is not cold and wet weather commonly referred to in these parts as Juneuary.  I had to laugh when the word started being used after a week with some rain and cooler weather when we weren't setting new temperature records yet again.  For me, I know it's June when I start to see these rather bizarre and interesting bugs you see in the photo above flying around.  Commonly referred to as June bugs or watermelon beetles, the one we get here is the 10 Lined June beetle (Polyphylla decemlineata) that is a member of the wider scarab family of beetles that has been on the earth for 230 million years.  

These bugs with a shell that resembles the striped caramel candies our grandmothers liked to give out are quite common throughout western North America and the Pacific northwest, emerging from May to July depending on the daytime temperature.  They are a fairly large beetle measuring 2.5 - 3.5 cm. in size with five white stripes on either side of their elytra, the rear shell that covers their wings.  They are attracted to bright lights at night and can often be found under street lights or in parking lots during the day.  In fact last year I located six June bugs at the Husky station on KGB near 34 Ave. just in the area where I had parked my vehicle.  I went back there on the weekend to look for more but it was closed and under reconstruction.  

Built with the aerodynamics of a bus, June bugs are not the best at flying and have an annoying habit of bouncing off you or landing and holding on tight with their sticky claws.  They do not bite, sting or scratch and about the worse thing they do is to make a slight hissing or sneezing noise when disturbed.  That being said, when a June bug lands in your hair, gets entangled and starts hissing, people do tend to freak out.  The Brown June bug that can be found in the Okanagan is even larger than their ten lined cousin.  I was at a camp one night when one flew into a girl's hair and she thought it was a brown bat instead.  Needless to say, she gave us all quite the dancing exhibition while trying to get it out.

While the adults are harmless, it is the larvae that can do real damage.  Eggs are laid in the ground in the summer and become fat white grubs 2 cm. long that live in the ground for 2 -3 years feeding off the roots of lawns, vegetables, plants, shrubs and trees.  With constant eating and when they are numerous these pests can damage and even kill Christmas trees and orchard trees.  Because they have such a varied appetite and can affect a large number of crops, the June beetle is considered a pest.  I do occasionally find June bug larvae when planting shrubs and usually throw them onto the pavement where birds quickly locate and devour this tasty treat that is 50% protein and nearly 20% fat.  

June bugs were always a favourite of mine as a young boy.  Besides their large size and striped shell, they have light brown fuzz on their underside that is surprisingly soft to the touch.  Their double clawed feet and spiny legs make them the velcro of the insect world and you have to be careful not to rip their legs off if they are hooked into your clothing.  While both male and female look similar, the male June bug has large antennae with lamellate plates that they use to detect pheromones from the females.  You can carefully pet these and the beetle will quickly fold them up when they feel threatened.  June bugs are always interesting to find and are hard to miss when one comes flying by.  Keep an eye out for them here in the Semi-pen as July is almost here.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, e=work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


Monday June 19, 2023


TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Our Home on Native Land

This weekend saw the official opening of the Totest Aleng Indigenous Learning House at the Elgin Heritage Park on Crescent Road in South Surrey.  This land along the Nicomekl river that includes the historic Stewart Farmhouse is situated on the unceded, traditional and ancestral lands of the Salish peoples, including the Katzie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo nations.  As explained on the City of Surrey website,  "The new facility provides local space to support Indigenous cultural practices, including carving and other creative disciplines. The unique venue includes enclosed studio space, as well as an open-air pavilion to support additional programming and gathering. The programming model for the facility will include artists-in-residence, workshops, events and school programs."  You can learn more about this new building, its purpose and intended uses at 

The opening certainly attracted a large crowd of well-wishers including Chief Harley Chappell of the Semiahmoo Nation and Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke with most of the Surrey Council attending plus representatives from the other First Nations.  Mayor Locke gave the opening speech welcoming all to the gathering and explaining the collaborative work that happened between the City, First Nations, Federal government, Heritage BC, and Friends of the Surrey Museum and Archives Society who helped develop and fund this project.  Chief Chappell and other indigenous leaders gave speeches about the importance of the Totest Aleng and how it will help promote the spirit of reconciliation towards indigenous people.  Several songs were sung to the beating of drums in their native language with plenty of traditional regalia on display.  The youth of the Semiahmoo were then invited to perform several dances that ended with the boys and girls getting to introduce themselves in both their tribal and non-native names. Then it was time for the ceremonial ribbon cutting which took several attempts by Mayor Locke and Chief Chappell with an oversized pair of scissors before people were invited inside the building.

The opening of this Indigenous Learning House and carving centre is a good time to focus on some of the First Nation sculptures and totem poles that are currently on display in White Rock and south Surrey.  On 20 Ave. and 144 St., the Elder Moon and Under the Double Eagle by Semiahmoo artists Leonard Wells and Leslie Wells are mounted on display in the centre of the traffic roundabout leading to the South Surrey Athletic Park.  These two round carved discs were installed back in 2009 when the traffic circle was built and unfortunately they are starting to show their age.  On the Elder Moon the wood is starting to crack and the painted surfaces are weathering and fading with much of the black colour flaking off.  The Double Eagle is faring even worse with much of the white background now showing bare exposed wood and the bottom of this sculpture where the two eagles join having tattered teal blue paint that is hanging in shreds.  It is not only the wooden discs that needs repairing, the two light boxes that illuminate this sculpture at night for aesthetics and safety reasons are both not working, leaving this sculpture vulnerable to damage, vandalism and theft.

At White Rock Elementary the old totem pole (house pole) on the west side of the property still stands in a rather dilapidated state.  It is covered with moss and lichen with the paint fading and flaking off in many areas.  Several wooden pieces that extend out of the body of the pole including an arm have been broken off and never replaced.  The nearby deciduous trees have not been trimmed back in years, obscuring this piece of historic First Nation art and shading it heavily, greatly increasing the growth of moss and lichen.  When the school was recently rebuilt there were plans to relocate this pole to the north-east corner of the property where a concrete base now stands empty.  In the 2021-2022 White Rock Council Strategic Priority Report the restoration of the totem pole at the White Rock Elementary School grounds was listed as a community objective but given low priority.  It really looks as if nobody cares about the totem as it appears it has never seen any maintenance or repairs and with the school now built, this project has likely been forgotten.

It is no better across 16 Ave. in Surrey as the totem pole that adorns the front entrance of Ray Shepard elementary is also in poor shape.  It sits in full sun so it does not have the covering of moss and lichen but many of the problems at the White Rock elementary pole exist here too.  The paint is faded and peeling off with large cracks running through the wood.  There are eight areas where appendages used to stick out of the main pole but these have either rotted away or been broken off over the years.  As it currently stands, only the thunderbird wings are still in the place, with its tail feathers missing as is evident by the lack of paint in this area on the back of the pole where they were attached.  There are bent and rusted screws sticking out of the wood in multiple locations where pieces of the original artwork have been removed.  It may be that much of this damage was caused by people climbing the sculpture over the years as there is nothing in place to keep people off the totem pole.  It is surprising that this piece of indigenous history shows zero maintenance or repair being done to it, even though it occupies a place directly in front of the school front entrance.

This Wednesday is Surrey's National Indigenous Peoples Day with a celebration and wellness event being held in Cloverdale at the Bill Reid Millennium Amphitheatre from 3-8 p.m.  With the largest non-reserve indigenous population of any city in Canada, Surrey should be taking better care of the totem and house poles on their property.  The four indigenous carvings I have noted in this TNT all need work to bring them back to their former glory, replace broken parts and protect them from the elements.  In the spirit of reconciliation, this should be given high priority before they get weathered and damaged even further.  All of the First Nations totem poles at Stanley Park in Vancouver are cleaned, repaired and restored on a constant basis.  The collection of historic totem poles at Brockton Point are the most visited attraction in Vancouver BC and possibly all of Canada.   Left to rot, the poles and sculptures in south Surrey and White Rock will eventually be lost to the weather and ravages of time.  The other possibility is they might be cut down, a fate that occurred to the totem pole by the old visitors kiosk at the Douglas border crossing that was chainsawed into pieces by a Surrey crew in the 1990s without any notification to the Semiahmoo First Nation across the street on Beach Ave.  

For information on the conservation and restoration of totem poles, please refer to this wikipedia listing below.  I should note that any work planned on these carvings needs to include the original artist if possible, the ritual and ceremonial significance of the piece involved, the beliefs and wishes of the First Nations people of that territory, plus the safety of the children for the two elementary school totem poles.

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn


Monday June 12, 2023

TNT - The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Gaggle of Geese

Take away the trees and the birds All have to sit upon the ground, uum Take away their wings and The birds will have to walk to get around And take away the bird baths And dirty birds will soon be ev'rywhere Take away their feathers and The birds will walk around in underwear Take away their chirp and the Birds will have to whisper when they sing And take away their common sense and They'll be headed southward in the spring

That's "To-Surrey" Bird walk

Edited lyrics to Tennessee Bird Walk by Buck Owens, The Great White Horse album, 1970

I drove out to the Fraser Valley early this weekend on Saturday and Sunday mornings along the border separating White Rock and south Surrey.  On both occasions, I encountered large flocks of Canadian geese adults and their fuzzy offspring crossing North Bluff Rd./16th Ave. just east of Oxford St./148th St., which explains the double street names.  On Saturday morning all four lanes of this major arterial road were blocked to traffic as these geese slowly sauntered from the White Rock side of the road headed north over to the Southmere Village Park and the drainage ponds located there.  Thankfully all of the drivers were patient with letting nature take its course and they were apparently enjoying the spectacle by the smiles on their faces.

Now here is where the rubber hits the road on this issue that I already covered two years ago.  This has been a public safety and wildlife safety issue for quite some time as the flock of geese continues to grow every year.  People who are unaware of the situation have to swerve on the roadway or slam on their brakes to not hit these birds that show no fear of cars or trucks.  It really has been amazing that nobody has been seriously hurt or a large number of geese killed by an impatient or distracted driver.  The situation was so bad that two years ago an unknown person installed three yellow driver warning signs on lamp posts along 16th Ave. on the Surrey side reading "Caution, Geese Crossing" with the silhouette of an adult goose followed by five goslings.  While they looked legitimate, they were noticed and deemed non-conforming by the City of Surrey and promptly removed.

Several weeks later after the illegal Geese Crossing signs were taken down by the Surrey Engineering Department, the City of White Rock installed "Wildlife Area" signs on the south side of North Bluff directly across from the Southmere Village Park where the geese constantly cross the road.  This white sign with green lettering shows an adult goose followed by three goslings.  At that time White Rock's director of Engineering Jim Gordon stated "The City of White Rock was contacted by residents who were concerned for the safety of geese crossing North Bluff Road.  The City also wanted to prevent motorists from stopping suddenly when encountering unexpected wildlife."  Kudos to the City By The Sea for getting it right and reacting promptly and decisively to post this much needed nature signage.

Well folks, that was two years ago and on the Surrey side of 16 Ave. near Southmere Village Park, there is still no signage warning drivers about the wildlife crossing in this area.  Back then the City of Surrey's Parks Manager Neal Aven said the resident fabricated signs were removed "since they are non-standard and not appropriate in this location."  To make matters worse, Mr. Aven went on to say “The city has recently completed Biodiversity Design Guidelines, which includes considerations for wildlife crossings (that) will be used by city staff to determine appropriate locations for this type of signage throughout the city.  Exact sign locations will be determined through the consistent application of multiple factors to ensure that ‘Wildlife Crossing’ signs are installed where road users have a reasonable expectation of encountering wildlife so as to ensure drivers remain attentive when encountering these signs across the city.”

What is it going to take for someone at Surrey City Hall to get off their bloated bureaucratic butt and put up some conforming wildlife crossing signs by Southmere Village Park?  It is absolutely ridiculous that staff have done nothing in the past two years except to remove the warning signs printed and posted by an unknown resident that looked exactly the same as those used in Langley, Abbotsford and Chilliwack.  While they promised to do something about this situation that endangers both the public and the geese, they have instead chosen to ignore this problem.  Now maybe White Rock residents pay more in taxes and actually get service for their money but Surreyites should be outraged that what is good for the goose in White Rock is not good for the gander in Surrey.  It makes me wonder if those in charge of both Parks and Engineering in Surrey are a bunch of flocking idiots!

I'm ready to have my sign guy, Robert at Signman Signs on 20th Ave. (shameless plug) make me some Wildlife Area or Goose Crossing signs and put them up myself.  They are also readily available on Amazon in a variety of styles for under $20 (hint..., hint...).  The other option is for me to take a can of road marking paint and put "GEESE XING" and a big arrow onto the lanes of 16 Ave.  When faced with stupidity and inaction out of City Hall, I find the best way to get their attention is to embarrass them publicly, especially with TV cameras from news networks there filming the action.  The wildlife signage should have been posted two years ago by Surrey who have now let two spring seasons go by with hundreds of geese slowly crossing the roadway in groups and long lines.  For this snafu, the City of Surrey should be shamed and those responsible for this ridiculous delay in posting wildlife safety signage need to be tarred and feathered.

If you want to contact the folks at Surrey City Hall currently responsible for posting some "Geese Crossing" signs on 16 Ave. at Southmere Village Park, please take the time to call or email these two folks and voice your concerns. 

You might want to include a link to this story and tell them you read about it in the White Rock Sun at

General Manager Surrey Parks
Laurie Cavan
Phone: 604-598-5760

General  Manager Surrey Engineering

Scott Neuman

Phone: 604-591-4042


Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.




Monday June 05, 203

Time and Tides

Living in the Semi-Pen and being an outdoor enthusiast, you start keeping an eye on the weather to help plan your day and outside adventures.  Then if you love seeing a really epic sunrise or sunset, you start keeping track of the changes in daylight and the beginning and end times to the day.  Once the sun goes down it doesn't mean the fun is over as you can also keep track of the phases of the moon during the month.  There is even a time for moonrise and moonset, which can happen anytime day or night depending on the season.  Case in point, after dinner on Saturday night we jumped into the car and went searching for a place to watch the strawberry moon moonrise (the first full moon in June) that happened at 9:26 pm, only a short time after sunset at 9:12 pm.  We ended up at the far end of East beach enjoying this lunar spectacle on the eastern horizon while the sky was still coloured by the sunset in the west.  As the saying goes, "timing is everything."

While all of this is wonderful, around these parts it is the tide chart that gives you the most pertinent information as to what is happening at the beach and on the water.  If you scroll down to the bottom of the White Rock Sun's daily page you will find a listing for the tide forecast in this area.  For a dedicated beach bum like myself, it tells you what the height of the water will be, when the tide will turn and how much available beach you can expect.  For much of the Semiahmoo peninsula, when there are strong high tides, the usable beach area is greatly reduced, limiting any thoughts of marine recreation.  At Crescent Rock beach, people have built suntanning platforms above the high water mark to ensure a dry location but it still makes getting home difficult if waves are crashing against the rip-rap boulders that line the shore protecting the train tracks.  The lack of sand along White Rock is also an issue at high tide but at least there is still the strip of grass along the promenade to spread a blanket and enjoy the waterfront.

Of course, for anyone who wants to venture out on the water, knowing the information contained in the tide chart is not just useful, it can be life saving.  There are portions of the day when being on a kayak, canoe or paddle board can be very difficult due to some of the extreme currents that coincide with a 15 foot change in the tide height.  Experienced folks using non-powered watercraft keep one eye on the tide forecast and the other on the time knowing full well that their journey will become an epic battle against the forces of nature if they are struggling against the current and wind.  There is nothing worse than paddling your heart out only to realize that you are making no headway when looking at the shore.  The nice thing is that with a 30 day tide chart available, you can now make recreational plans up to a month ahead, cherry picking those days when the tides and times are working in your favour and not against you.  Of course the weather can always scuttle your plans but keep in mind, there is no bad weather, only poor clothing choices.

With the full moon this weekend we have experienced extreme tides with differences of nearly 15 feet or 4.5 metres.  It is really a different world when you go to any of the beaches here when the low tide is at zero feet and there are miles of shore and sand flats to explore.  The weekend had very low tides but this Monday and Tuesday will see lows of 0.1 feet or 0.02 metres.  The best part about this is these ultra lows will happen at 12:55 pm and 1:41 pm, meaning there is a two hour window on either side of these times to go exploring areas of the Semiahmoo peninsula that are usually deep under water.  If you have ever wanted to walk from White Rock to Crescent Beach, this is the time to do it so you don't have to climb over boulders or get run over by a train after climbing onto the tracks when walking becomes impossible.  At Semiahmoo beach, it is possible to walk almost to the Canadian USA border on the sand flats to where the 49th parallel marker poles are located.  I will warn you now, it is a rather long walk there and back so you will need to be in shape and bring both water and sun protection.

If you are busy working and can't make it out in the next few days, do not despair.  Just after Canada Day that falls on a Saturday this year, the next four days from July 2 to 5th have four extreme low tides including one on the Monday that will be slightly below zero in the middle of the day.  That is the date I have already circled on our calendar hoping that the weather will be sunny and warm with no smoke in the air.  If you ever need a mental health day, this statutory holiday Monday is the time to hit the beach.  Experiencing and exploring the shoreline and sand flats of the Semiahmoo peninsula at these special times is like watching an episode of "Drain The Oceans" but in real life.  If you have children they will love it but ensure you get back to the beach before the tide roars back in.  Years ago when I was a young teen, my neighbour and I were on a sandbar far out from Crescent Beach when the tide turned.  On the way back in the water got so deep we both had to swim.  The current took us from Beecher Street to around the corner near the swimming pool before we made it to shore.  Needless to say, our parents sitting on the beach were rather frantic when they realized the tide had come in and we were nowhere to be seen.  

Here is the listing for that you can find posted daily at the bottom of the White Rock Sun which has a 30 day forcast.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo Nation.




Monday May 29, 2023

Land For The Band

The time has come to say fair is fair
To pay the rent, to pay our share
The time has come, a fact's a fact
It belongs to them, let's give it back

How can we dance when our earth is turnin'?
How do we sleep while our beds are burnin'?
How can we dance when our earth is turnin'?
How do we sleep while our beds are burnin'?

Lyrics to "Beds are Burning" song by Midnight Oil, Diesel and Dust album, 1987

This weekend was the 47th annual Alex Fest held at Alexandra Neighbourhood House in Crescent Beach, now renamed simply Alex House in an attempt to decolonize its history dating back over 100 years to 1916 when it was first used as a camp for needy mothers and children from Vancouver.  On Saturday it was Family Day from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with various family and kid friendly entertainment on a main stage, a small stage and children's zone with admission by donation.  On Sunday it was time to put on the dancing shoes and enjoy the music of a wide variety of musical talent including Nuvo Zydeco, the Ocean Park Wailers, the Gale Force Blues Band and many more.  If you made it to the party, I hope you had a great time and for those just learning about it, mark it on your calendars for next year.  

There is a great write-up on the website about the history ot Camp Alexander and Crescent Beach Community Services by Donni Klassen.  You can find it online at this direct link:   It gives a decade by decade account of the camp's use as a summer retreat for orphans and disadvantaged youth along with pictures of the people from these eras.  It also details the slow building up of the camp's various outbuildings and property assembly that ended up at its current 2.5 acres in size.  For anyone living in south Surrey and White Rock, it is worth a look to understand the roots of Alex house in our community.  You can also visit the Alex House website at to learn about their activities and its mandate of "contributing to a vibrant, inclusive and caring community" in this neighbourhood house.

I was rather taken back to learn that the posters advertising for Alex Fest contained the disclaimer "Hosted on the stolen and occupied land of the Semiahmoo Nation, with respect and gratitude."  Looking into this I found that the About Us tab on the Alex House website begins with "Alex House has operated on the stolen land of the Semiahmoo Nation since 1916."  It would seem that someone has confused unceded defined as "land never legally ceded or given up to the Crown through a treaty or other agreement"  with stolen defined as "taking  another person's property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it."  This column has a land acknowledgment printed with it each week as a way of honouring the Semiahmoo First Nation and the indigenous history of this region.  I have asked Chief Harley Chappell if he considers all of the land here stolen from his people at the beginning of colonization and am awaiting his response.

Here is where the rubber hits the road on this issue with me.  If people are in possession of stolen property and publicly acknowledge that it is such, should it not be returned to the rightful owner?  As an individual, being caught in possession of stolen goods can get you arrested and charged by the police, with the items being returned to the rightful owner after being used as evidence in court.  If Alex House wants to take the stand that the land they occupy is indeed stolen, then in the spirit of truth and reconciliation it should be returned to the Semiahmoo First Nation.  I highly doubt that the band office would refuse to take ownership of 2.5 acres of prime Crescent Beach property with buildings that currently rent for $3,500 a night.  If Alex House really wants to show proper respect and gratitude, maybe they should follow Midnight Oil's lead and give the land back.  To acknowledge they are on stolen property and continue to keep it shows that they are happy with being admitted thieves, regardless of their misguided woke intentions.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nations



Monday May 22, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Tarantula Terror!

WARNING!  If you are afraid of spiders, they give you nightmares, or really hate the movie Eight Legged Freaks you might want to skip this TNT.

Being an avid gardener, environmentalist, naturalist, naturist and also barely housebroken, I tend to spend a lot of time outdoors.  Besides getting to enjoy Mother Nature for much of the day and sometimes at night, I also manage to run into some of its more bizarre and obscure inhabitants.  When I was younger a friend of mine returned from Arizona with a tarantula embedded in plastic resin that he gave me for a birthday present.  Not only did I think it was the coolest thing ever, I had a great time scaring the heck out of my classmates at school with it (sorry about that girls).  Now try not to get too freaked out, but BC is home to its own tarantula related spider that you can find on the Pacific coast from Oregon all the way up to Haida Gwaii, including on Vancouver Island and in the little town of White Rock. 

I'm not going to reveal the exact location where the spider shown in this TNT was found but it was close to North Bluff Road and Bergstrom Road in the City By The Sea.  It is Antrodiaetus Pacificus, one of only two tarantuloid species in Canada, the other being Sphodros Niger found in Ontario.  Its common name is the Pacific foldingdoor spider and when you see one, especially the female, it is definitely hard to ignore.  This spider has eight eyes with two larger ones in the middle and three smaller ones on each side of its head.  It is large and robust with thick body parts and very little hair.  Like all spiders this one has eight legs, it ranges in colour from light brown to black, and has very large thick fangs.  Most of the Pacific folding door spiders you might come across will be an average of 2.5 cm. across but they can grow up to 5 cm in size and live for up to 20 years.

What is rather unique about this spider is that it is terrestrial and does not spin a traditional orb web.  Instead it burrows into the ground excavating a tube up to 30 cm. deep and 5 cm. wide that it lines with silk.  At the surface of the ground it spins a double sided door hinged on either side that it then camouflages with soil and vegetation to match its surroundings.  The spider places trip lines of silk radiating out from the door and at night this nocturnal spider hides just under the surface waiting for its next meal to walk by.  When an insect like a beetle, centipede or ant crosses the trip wires of silk, the spider feels the vibrations, throws open the door and leaps out to attack its prey.  Once it incapacitates its victim with venom, it then drags the body into the silky cavern where it liquifies and ingests its vital fluids and organs.

You can often find the Pacific foldingdoor spider when gardening or out for a walk in the woods.  Hoeing weeds, digging up shrubs, planting flowers or raking up leaves and debris will often disturb their nests and send them running.  If you do see one of them try to resist the temptation to squash them underfoot and instead take the time to examine this rather unique spider.  Even though it has extremely long and strong fangs, the Pacific foldingdoor spider is not aggressive and its venom is not particularly harmful to humans.  It is the most northern Mygalomorph in North America, a classification that includes the tarantulas and funnel web spiders with primitive features and fangs that stab downwards instead of pinching together.  Because of their rather brutish look with heavy set legs and body parts plus its longevity, this spider is often captured and kept as an exotic pet.

Besides gardening, the best time to see these amazing little tarantulas is in August to October when males venture around looking for a mate.  When he finds a willing partner, they both retreat into the female's burrow to mate.  The male will then leave the lair and continue his search with the female beginning to lay her eggs in her silky tube several months later.  After a further two months the eggs will finally hatch and shortly after that the spiderlings, as the babyspiders are known, will leave the safety of the burrow and venture out to make their own ambush nests.  The Pacific foldingdoor spider is actually more common than you think but with their nocturnal feeding habits and concealed nests, it is likely you could easily pass by one a hundred times and never notice anything out of place.  At least now if you do get to see one you will recognize it and realize how unique it really is.

Check out this YouTube video of a Pacific foldingdoor spider that is sitting on a man's arm and being held with his gloved hand.  If you are an arachnophobe or if this TNT has already given you the willies, you might want to give it a pass as it is kind of creepy.

Your friendly neighbourhood spider man,

Don Pitcairn  

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


Monday May 15, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Crescent Log Beach 

Welcome to the hottest day of the year with record heat that is double what we would normally expect in mid-May.  With a mini-heatwave falling on the weekend, the beaches were full of people and families trying to beat the scorching temperatures.  In White Rock the city has crews clean up winter storm debris from their public beaches, removing piles of logs that would occupy most of the usable shore area used for recreation while positioning long smooth logs for people to sit on and lean against.  The city of Vancouver does the same thing, clearing out rotten old logs and laying out the prime ones to create maximum usable space at English Bay, Kits and Stanley Park.  Metro Vancouver also does beach maintenance at Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen plus at the world famous Wreck Beach in Pacific Spirit Park so they remain usable.  At Crescent Rock beach, the naturists who frequent this rugged section of shoreline take the time to cut and move logs, rake up seaweed and driftwood, plus use rakes and shovels to create smooth beach areas for nude recreation.

Unfortunately the city of Surrey appears to be the only city with oceanfront beaches that does not perform regular beach maintenance to collect the logs that drift onto the shore during the winter.  The western facing shoreline of Crescent Beach is clogged with over 400 logs, many that are rotting away because they have been laying on the beach for so long.  In some areas logs are piled up over a dozen wide, taking up 20 to 30 feet of prime sandy beach area.  The shoreline in front of the lifeguard tower at the northwest corner of Crescent Beach looks more like a log boom than a marine park that is under the jurisdiction of the second largest city in the Lower Mainland.  Besides covering much of the beach, these logs represent a hazard to people who have to climb their way over them, plus are a major impediment to anyone who is mobility challenged or have kids in strollers.  If the little town of White Rock with only 22,000 residents can perform shoreline cleanups and log removal every spring, you have to wonder why the city of Surrey, with over 550,000 residents cannot clean up Crescent Beach.

It is not like cleaning up the western shore of Crescent Beach would be a monumental task.  The easiest way to do this would be to have an excavator drive along the top of the beach and use a bucket with a mechanical thumb to pick up the logs.  Anything old, rotten, too small or oddly shaped could be grabbed and put into a bin truck driving alongside on the walkway.  Any logs too long to fit in the disposal truck could be chainsawed by cleanup crews into smaller pieces for easy loading. Long smooth logs could then be placed in several broken lines along the beach, creating useful areas for recreation instead of prime sandy beach being used for driftwood log storage. Depending on their location, some of the old rotten logs could even be left in place higher up the shore to ensure wildlife habitat and to give the beach a more natural look while freeing up much needed space for people.  With an ever growing population in Surrey not to mention the rest of the Fraser Valley, the number of people using Crescent Beach will only continue to grow making log removal and shoreline cleanup an essential component of this marine park's annual maintenance program.

Crescent Beach is in a sad state right now because of the large amount of logs that floated into the Salish Sea during the atmospheric river flood event back in November 2021.  Currently I would estimate about 300 logs could be removed from the shore of Crescent Beach.  Once this is done, yearly maintenance in the spring would be much less considering that some of the logs have likely been in place for over twenty years.  When the tide is high, much of the usable beach area is currently covered by old logs so removing them would greatly increase the sandy beach for people to use.  In 2014 Surrey remove all of the sand catching wooden groynes that were rotting away, replacing them with composite pilings and beams to stop erosion and protect the beach.  Performing regular maintenance to remove debris and align remaining logs would greatly improve the beach while creating much more open and usable space for recreation.  It is up to Surrey's Council and their Parks Department to ensure that Crescent Beach is properly maintained to the standard that is common on all of the other public ocean beaches in the Lower Mainland.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn   

I respectfully note we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nations.



May 08, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Ramping Things Up

I'm two for two over the last month and thinking the third time is the charm.  Two out of the last three TNTs dealt with unsafe roadway topics, namely Highway 99 in south Surrey and 20 Ave. from King George to 152nd Street.  Well I'm happy to report that the cable median barriers were installed on Hwy. 99 over several nights last week on either side of the Nicomekl river ensuring that there will be no head-on crashes in this area.  On 20 Ave., work was closed for a day and the site prepped for painting with new up to code traffic lines put on the area in question and stretching out towards the Surrey Athletic Park.  Mission accomplished on both of these construction sites that unfortunately were left in very unsafe conditions by the Ministry of Transportation and the Surrey Engineering Dept.  I'd like to think that with the sudden focus on their construction site safety that they would ensure the other areas under their control were up to snuff.  Unfortunately that does not appear to be the case with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure so here I go lighting a Bunsen burner under their buttocks.

Not far from where the median cable barrier safety system was missing for over a month after construction was completed on Hwy. 99, the 32 Ave. on-ramp project is a dangerous mess.  Heading east on 32 Ave. from the KGB you turn left at the light under the overpass to go onto the onramp heading north onto HWY 99.  There are two lanes turning left in this location that used to form into one line further up the on-ramp with signage and lane markings letting you know it was time to merge.  Well, I don't know what the site managers were thinking but currently these two lanes merge into one in the intersection under the bridge  with no advance notice, no signage, no road lines, no nothing.  Only through the grace of God and some alert driving by the people dealing with this SNAFU has there not been a real life game of bumper cars.  I should note here that in the BC Motor Vehicle Act, it is illegal to change lanes in an intersection, something that might come as a surprise to many drivers these days.  To make this area safe, one of the left hand turn lanes should have been shut down since there is only one on-ramp lane on the other side of the intersection.  Thank you Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for again dropping the ball on safety and endangering the driving public.

As bad as this example of crap engineering threatening lives is, it pales by comparison to what is happening at the Ladner Trunk Highway 99 interchange in East Delta.  This involves the on-ramp to Hwy. 99 heading southbound from Ladner Trunk Road heading eastbound.  I know this roadway that dates back 60 years very well as it has the shortest run-up of any on-ramp in the Lower Mainland.  It was always challenging to get up to speed, pick your spot in traffic and safely merge before having to drive down the shoulder of the highway.  With work underway to add the third lane for the new tunnel, some genius thought it would be a good idea to grind out the shoulder and shorten it up even further.  It is hard to believe but there is only 16 metres of on-ramp for you to get over into traffic in only 0.75 second or slam on your brakes and stop before heading into orange safety barrels and over a 20 cm. drop-off in the pavement leading to the gravel.  The total length of the entire on-ramp including blocked areas and traffic signs is 26 metres in length or 85 feet.

I took defensive driving years ago and know all about reaction time and stopping distances.  This changes with road conditions, type and weight of vehicle, condition of tires and driving ability.  To look at the best case scenario, let's consider the average family car, on dry roads and a driving speed of 80 Kmh, far below the 100 Kmh speed limit on Hwy. 99.  With reaction time and stopping time, most of the road safety websites calculate it at 52 metres or twice the length of the on-ramp that currently exists.  When you look at the 16 metres of available on-ramp, the stopping distance is over three times what the BC Highways and Infrastructure engineers have left for drivers to navigate in an area marked yield, not merge.  In fact, if you look at the pictures posted in this TNT, you will see you only have the space of two dotted lines to make your move and join highway traffic. If you do not have a space or meet a semi-truck in the right lane, good luck getting stopped before you plow into the barricades and fly off the pavement.  If you do manage to get stopped, try to imagine joining rush-hour traffic from a standstill with zero room and no shoulder.  

I really have had enough of road contractors putting people's lives in danger.  I drove through both of these on-ramps last week with my truck and trailer measuring over 40 feet and barely managed to make it through without crashing.  On Monday morning this TNT gets posted on the White Rock Sun.  At 8 A.M., the RCMP Deas Island Freeway Patrol will be called about both of these road hazards.  After that, WorkSafe gets notified and hopefully shuts both of these on-ramps down until they can be made safe for the traveling public.  After that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure gets notified along with the cities of Surrey and Delta.  Both Surrey-White Rock MLA Trevor Halford and Delta South MLA Ian Paton are already fully aware of these issues and will likely ask the NDP Transportation Minister Rob Fleming about these fiascos in the Legislature in Victoria.  With the shit-storm this will likely produce and other media outlets looking into the story, I would expect to see instant changes to both of these roadways and safety changes implemented immediately.  

Now here's the rub.  It is not my job to ensure that roadways under construction are safe for the traveling public.  I don't get paid to point out dangers on highways, on-ramps, intersections or arterial roads even though I see things that are a hazard on a constant basis.  I don't do this for publicity, notoriety or to make a name for myself.  I do this because it pisses me off that it never should have happened in the first place!  Having been at the scene of many serious and fatal vehicle crashes I take this stuff seriously after seeing the tragic consequences first hand.  How these two on-ramps were allowed to stay open when they were obviously dangerous to a layman seriously needs to be questioned.  The persons who were responsible for both of these situations should be reprimanded or fired for being totally incompetent.  The NDP government and WorkSafe need to ensure that the work being performed on our highways and byways is being done safely and does not pose a threat to the public.  Maybe then we can all come home safe after our daily commute, instead of our family members heading to the hospital Emergency ward or getting a knock on the door from a constable with bad news.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live/work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nation


May 01, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don PItcairn


The State of Police in Surrey


So here we are more than six months after the Surrey Municipal election and we finally get a decision by the NDP Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth after the government spent much of this time looking at the pros and cons plus price tag of the city reverting back to the RCMP and ending the Surrey Police Service as the Police of Jurisdiction (POJ).  Amazingly it took three months later than was initially promised for a decision by the Provincial government to be made in this important decision on public safety in Surrey.  It certainly was no surprise to me that Farnworth sided with the SPS as I thought this was extremely likely considering the delay and the extra money it has cost Surrey City Hall who are essentially paying for two police forces.

Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke, who initially endorsed the SPS when she was a member of the Safe Surrey Coalition before finding out the true cost and defecting to start Surrey Connect, was not impressed with the provincial analysis report.  Amazingly she was not provided with a copy of the 500 page report until half way through the Solicitor General's presentation.  Making matters worse, there were many parts of the report that were heavily redacted with large portions blacked out completely.  For those people who thought this would be end of the POJ fight here in Surrey, think again.  It turns out that that while Farnworth can "strongly recommend" that Surrey keep on with the transition, it is non-binding and the final decision on what to do still belongs to Surrey.

It is not like the NDP did not try to sweeten the deal in the eleventh hour.  Along with the recommendation to continue to ditch the RCMP, Magic Mike promised to help Surrey pay for the SPS, promising up to $30 million a year for the next five years to help finance policing operations here.   Of course, it was also pointed out that keeping the RCMP would cost the City of Surrey $72 million in severance to Surrey Police Service officers, with the Province unwilling to help pay for these costs.  The price difference at this point now stands at $222 million, a figure big enough that it might help to persuade some Surrey councilors to back Farnworth's plan to stay with the SPS.  If that is the carrot, the stick for keeping the RCMP is binding provincial conditions that include hiring an implementation advisor, a HR plan to deal with SPS officers, a revised Surrey plan that would not rob other jurisdiction of RCMP officers and hiring senior RCMP officers to oversee re-staffing.

Former Surrey mayor Doug McCallum who lead the charge to create a municipal police force in Surrey held his own news conference only minutes after Sol-Gen Farnworth wrapped up his presentation.  Accompanied by Safe Surrey Coalition councilors Doug Elford and Mandeep Nagra, McCallum called the promised money to pay for the police transition a "huge opportunity."   Surrey First councilor LInda Annis lamented that the decision on the POJ in Surrey had been returned to Council and once again called for a referendum on this issue to allow the residents of Surrey to have their say on who polices the city into the future.  Anita Huberman of the Surrey Board of Trade was not impressed with the recommendation to continue to police transition in Surrey that is not helping resolve public safety issues in the community.  BC Green Party chair Adam Olsen even used the opportunity to blast the NDP for not moving towards a provincial police force and a regional approach.

With all the political capital she has invested on returning to the RCMP, it was not surprising to hear that Mayor Locke plans to continue with the RCMP as POJ in Surrey.  It remains to be seen if all of the Surrey Connect councillors will feel the same now that the BC government is offering to help soften the financial blow of continuing on with the SPS.  Unfortunately it seems that confusion and uncertainty will continue to dog this policing issue that was fatally flawed from the start.  For those looking to learn more about the Soc-Gen's decision on the Surrey policing issue, I have included it below including the 503 page report titled, "City of Surrey's Police Model Transition and Decision to Retain the RCMP."  Sorry to say that you can't read it all because besides of many redactions throughout, pages 50-62, 120 - 159, 161 - 281, 284-305 and 335-503 that have been totally omitted for reasons unknown.  I did the math; that's 360 pages out of 503 left blank or 72% of this important document about policing in Surrey.

Public Safety and Solicitor General
Securing public safety for Surrey and the province
The Province is recommending the City of Surrey continue its transition to the Surrey Police Service, because it ensures public safety for people in Surrey and throughout British Columbia, while offering financial assistance to protect Surrey taxpayers.
The recommendation comes after a systematic report by the director of police services concerning plans put forward by the City of Surrey, RCMP and the Surrey Police Service (SPS). Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, has agreed that the best way to achieve public safety in B.C., especially given the ongoing RCMP vacancy challenges, while putting this difficult time behind Surrey, is with a municipal police force.
Currently, there are approximately 1,500 RCMP vacancies throughout the province. The report states that Surrey reverting back to the RCMP would exacerbate the challenges faced by municipalities and Indigenous communities by increasing demand for officers and aggravate public-safety concerns. Filling RCMP vacancies is the responsibility of the federal government.  
“Everyone deserves to be safe in their community and all British Columbians deserve secure, stable policing they can count on,” Farnworth said. “The people of Surrey are very frustrated by years of uncertainty over this debate, but we must move forward without reducing police presence when we need it the most. Now is not the time to put public safety at risk in Surrey or in any community in the province.”
The report by the director of police services details how the transition to SPS can be safely undertaken. The report also details concerns about the RCMP’s current retention and recruitment challenges and outlines potential implications on the RCMP police presence in other regions of the province if the transition is reversed.
The Province has offered financial support to the City of Surrey in the transition to a municipal police force to ensure no additional costs to Surrey residents.
“This path forward will ensure safer policing for all regions of the province, including the people of Surrey, and provincial support will help keep them from paying significant property tax increases,” Farnworth said.  
Quick Facts:

  • Under B.C.’s Police Act, a municipality with a population of more than 5,000 has the authority to provide its policing and law enforcement by means of establishing its own municipal police department.

  • In 2018, City of Surrey council decided to move away from Surrey’s RCMP police model and opt for its own municipal police department, the SPS.

  • The Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General approved the transition plan in February 2020 and the City of Surrey has been implementing the transition since that time.

  • In November 2022, the City of Surrey’s newly elected mayor and council decided to maintain the RCMP as its police model and reverse the transition.

  • The transition to the SPS is well advanced, with approximately 400 officers and support staff hired.

  • The ministry commissioned an independent financial analysis of the submissions that concludes the SPS’ plan to staff 734 officers will cost approximately $30 million more per year than the RCMP.

  • Additionally, the analysis confirmed the costs of severance from disbanding the SPS and reverting to the RCMP would cost the City of Surrey approximately $72 million.

Learn More:
To read the director of police services’ report, visit:

Naturally yours,
Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live/work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people


Monday April 24, 2023


Head-On Crash Course

20 Ave. looking east from 154 St.

This TNT could easily be titled "The Middle Of The Road 2" coming after last week's piece about how the BC Highway Ministry apparently failed to hire a contractor in a timely manner to put the median cable barrier safety system back on Hwy. 99 after repairs were completed on the Nicomekl River bridge.  This time it's the Surrey Engineering Department's turn to stand up and take a bow..., bowing their head in shame that is, for the horrible and dangerous condition of 20 Ave. from 152 St. to 156 St. (plus other areas) that are leaving motorists at a very serious risk of being involved in a head-on crash.  This issue is so bad and so unwarranted that instead of reporting it Mayor Locke or the Surrey Engineering Department, I think I'm going to alert WorkSafe to this hazardous job site.

I realize that 20th Avenue from King George Boulevard (KGB) to 152 St. is undergoing major roadwork to upgrade the pipes in this neighbourhood.  I have had plenty of time to watch the work that has been performed because I pick up and drop off an employee in the midst of the construction zone.  That was why I was on site last week reporting about a stolen Mercedes loaded with propane bottles that crashed through a hydro pole at the corner of 154 St. and 20 Ave.  Now in that case I'm sure that excessive speed and likely a mixture of drugs and/or alcohol were responsible for this early morning crash where the occupants miraculously escaped and even managed to run away.  A contributing factor might have also been the lack of painted centre lines, a condition that has existed there since late last year.

When construction first started in this area, for reasons unknown the yellow double solid lines painted on the roadway were physically removed by grinding them off the asphalt.  Maybe the idea was to repaint them somewhere else to allow for digging but along the way the reason was apparently lost and 20th Ave. ended up with no centre lines for almost three blocks from 153 to 156 St.  I realized the danger involved in this several weeks ago when I saw a car heading westbound in front of my buddy's house driving in the wrong lane using the far painted curb line as if it was the centre line.  How this person did not realize they were driving like it was Surrey, England and not Surrey, Canada is completely beyond me.  Fortunately nobody was coming the other way or it would have been a major head-on accident.

20 Ave. looking west to 156 St.

East of this location the road conditions are even worse if that is actually possible.  Most of 20th Ave. is so rough and rutted that I refuse to drive through it in my 4x4 truck.  It's not really the suspension I'm worried about, I'm more afraid the jarring impacts of this ripped up road might loosen some of the old mercury fillings in my teeth.  From 154 St. to 156 St., the road resembles the moon with it having been dug up east-west and north-south in multiple areas.  At the 20 Ave. and 156 St. intersection a fresh excavation has eliminated the dotted white line heading eastbound while an older excavation that now has faded asphalt obliterated the yellow solid centre line at the edge of the left hand turn lane long ago.  In fact, the only paint on the road from curb to curb are the large left hand turn arrows that give the only clue that this lane even exists.  When drivers turn west off 156 St. onto 20 Ave., they literally have to guess where the lanes are.

I have spent many winter vacations in Mexico and I kid you not when I say that the roads in that country are far better than what we see here in Canada.  I realize that Surrey is a big city but the roads here are just crap with sunken man hole covers, pot holes, crumbling road surfaces and dug up areas that never get properly repaved.  We have a convertible sports car and I find driving it is hard on my back because of its stiff suspension and all of the holes in the roads.  Probably the best street in Surrey is now Colebrook Road either side of the KGB that was completely repaved, taking it from worst to first.  It used to be so bad I would never dare to drive on it with my work truck and trailer.  I'd like to think that when 20 Ave. in completed it will receive a top coat of fresh asphalt and a new set of lines.  Until that time, the Surrey Engineering Dept. cannot leave this road in its current state that endangers drivers and anyone working there.

On a related topic I have one more thing to get off my chest about centre lines on roads in Surrey.  At the nearby 17 Ave. and 154 St. intersection the yellow lines in the middle of the road do not line up.  They are offset by about a metre so if you drive straight you will slam into an oncoming car doing the same thing.  Now, do they blame both the drivers for this crash or does the City of Surrey get sued for allowing this dangerous condition to exist?  What other cities do in this case is to put small dotted lines across the intersection showing the shift, or grind the lines off and repaint them properly.  If you think this is an isolated situation I know of at least a half dozen of these offset lines including the one not far from my house at 24 Ave. and 124 St.  The number of times I've had to honk at unaware drivers heading towards me at this spot is just ridiculous but in reality it is not their fault.  As I often say, "bad engineering kills people."  You can quote me on that.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live/work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.


UPDATE April 27

After a visit from Worksafe inspectors on Monday and a day with this job site apparently shut down, new road lines have now been painted on 20th Ave.

It is once again safe for both drivers and city of Surrey Engineering Dept. workers.


Monday April 17, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

The Middle Of The Road

"The middle of the road is trying to find me
I'm standing in the middle of life with my plans behind me
Well, I got a smile for everyone I meet

As long as you don't try dragging my baby

Or dropping the bomb on my street

Now come on, baby
Get in the road
Oh, come on now

In the middle of the road, yeah"

Lyrics to "Middle of the Road" by the Pretenders, Learning to Crawl album, 1983.

Years ago there was only a thin strip of grassy median separating vehicle traffic on Hwy. 99 through Delta and Surrey.  I had the experience of viewing the aftermath of several head-on crashes that happened there with mangled cars and air ambulance helicopters taking away the injured occupants.  When cable median barriers started to be installed in Chilliwack in 2007, I campaigned to have them put onto the Hwy. 99 median after counting the tire track marks in the grass from 36 cross-overs in only a few winter months.  It took a wrong-way driver initiating a five car crash including a cross-over collision that paralyzed a Richmond Fire Captain living in Cloverdale for the barriers to finally be approved.  Since they were installed, the cable barriers that I like to call "the shredder" have proven to be highly effective in eliminating head-on crashes on Hwy. 99.

Terminus of the cable median barrier on Hwy 99 near KGB with open median for nearly 1 km.

Unfortunately there is a serious issue with this vaulted safety system that runs from near the Hwy. 17 interchange all the way to the Canada/USA border.  Over the past year, crews have been working on the Nicomekl River Bridge Rehabilitation Project on Hwy. 99 between the KGB and 32 Ave. (not the Nicomekyl Bridge Replacement on the KGB).   In this stretch of highway, the four strand cable median barriers were removed to allow for change in traffic flow as work proceeded.  Well, the work has now been completed, the construction crew trailers and their equipment have been removed and the ground there covered with hydro seed to grow new grass.  Unfortunately it seems that someone at the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has been asleep at the safety switch, because there is almost a kilometer of highway in this area with nothing in the median to stop head-on crashes from happening.

Heading southbound onto Hwy. 99 from the KGB, the cables terminate before the on-ramp to the highway ends, continuing 500 metres with an empty median to the retrofitted Nicomekyl River Bridge.  Crossing this long span, the median is clear for over 400 metres heading up the hill towards 32 Ave., with the next section of safety cables coming out of the ground just past the pedestrian overpass in that area.  In case you are thinking this has something to do with the continuing work on the 32 Ave./Hwy. 99 Interchange Improvement Project, that is not the case since the safety cables were never touched during the on-ramp and off-ramp work.  The median cable barrier system on either side of the Nicomekyl River bridge should have been reinstalled immediately after the concrete no-post barriers used to separate the flow of traffic on Hwy. 99 during construction were removed.  It is absolutely remarkable that this important highway safety system was seemingly forgotten about.

The paved parking lot median sections of Hwy. 99 on both sides of the 152 St. overpass.

It turns out that this glaring deficiency is not the only problem with the median cable barrier system in use across the Semiahmoo Peninsula.  In Dec. of 2017, a transport truck carrying a piece of over-height equipment slammed into the 152 St. overpass causing serious structural damage.  In order to facilitate the necessary repairs and keep traffic moving, two 100 metre long sections of the median were filled level and then paved with asphalt.  Three months later when the bridge was finally fixed, traffic on Hwy. 99 began to once again flow northbound in the regular right and left lanes.  Unfortunately instead of tearing up the temporary pavement and recreating a grassy median, the gravel and asphalt were left in place along with the cable barrier.  The problem is that the posts were never designed to be used in a solid roadway where they are likely to snap off with contact.  If this happens, the cables will likely stretch further than they were designed to, possibly allowing a vehicle still ensnared by the cables to extend far into the oncoming lane. 

Somebody at Mainroad or the Ministry of Transportation needs to wake up to the serious public safety issues at both of these locations and take immediate action to fix them.  The Nicomekyl Bridge on Highway 99 needs to have new cable median barriers installed immediately before Murphy's Law swings into effect and there is a serious head-on crash on this now open stretch of highway.  The paved median sections on Hwy. 99 at either side of 152 St. need to be removed and re-landscaped, or heavy concrete no-post dividers need to be installed on both of these areas that the cable barriers were never designed for.  I'm pretty sure this will happen since our MLA Trevor Halford is going to be questioning the Transportation Minister Rob Fleming in the Legislature on Monday about the problems on Hwy 99 and how nobody noticed these glaring safety issues before they were brought to his attention by a columnist writing for the White Rock Sun.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn    

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People




Monday April 10, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Soldiering On

It's been a very interesting weekend with everything this Easter pointing me towards soldiers and military history.  This started last week when I learned from the Manager of the Surrey Museum in Cloverdale that the Cenotaph had been vandalized after learning the bronze statue of a soldier on top of it was missing.  This story was broke here first in the White Rock Sun, even before the local Cloverdale Reporter got wind of it.  Because of the violent desecration of this sacred military symbol of sacrifice and bravery, I made sure to share it with several other media groups and it did not take long for this story to blow up on TV, radio, print and social media.  My hope was that the Surrey RCMP would release some of the CCTV footage of the perpetrator that had booted the statue of the kneeling soldier until it broke away, plus kicked at the cross of the unknown soldier.  Well, low and behold, the RCMP issued a media release late Saturday with the alleged vandal's face clearly showing.  Here are both the photo and the release; look closely to see if you can identify the suspect.  

Surrey RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance in identifying a person of interest in relation to a mischief to the Cenotaph located outside the Surrey Museum at 17710 56A Avenue, Surrey. The incident occurred on March 29th, 2023, at approximately 01:30 hours. The suspect was observed dismantling the statue of the Kneeling Solder as well as damaging various items outside of the Museum.

The suspect is described as a Caucasian male, approximately 30-35 years old, medium build, approximately 170 lbs, with brown shoulder length hair, brown goatee beard and wearing prescription glasses (Please see attached photo). He was last seen wearing a black jacket with a blue shirt underneath, black pants, white runners with blue shoe laces.

Anyone with information about the identity and/or whereabouts of this person is asked to contact the Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502, or Crime Stoppers, if they wish to remain anonymous, at 1-800-222-8477 or, quoting file number 23-48046.

This story and taking pictures of the damaged cenotaph minus the kneeling soldier, nicknamed Willy,  got me looking into the history of the monument and the following description that I found at on the Heritage BC website at

The Cloverdale Cenotaph was built by the Municipality of Surrey, along with assistance from various community organizations, following World War I. Designed by municipal clerk Clair Lemax, the Cenotaph was unveiled in May 1921 to a crowd of approximately 1,500 people. The Cenotaph was originally located on the west side of Surrey's Second Municipal Hall, and was dedicated in August 1921.

A German field gun, captured by the 47th (Fraser Valley€) Canadian Infantry Battalion in 1918, was originally mounted on the Cloverdale Cenotaph. The gun was melted down for war materials during the Second World War. The Cenotaph was moved to the Surrey Fair Grounds in 1961 and a stone cairn and cross were added to the top. The Cenotaph moved to its current location in 2006, when it acquired newly inscribed granite panels and a sculpture of a kneeling solider.

While the names inscribed on the Cenotaph are all those of Surrey residents who lost their lives in service during the First World War, the Cloverdale Cenotaph also commemorates those who lost their lives in the Second World War, the Korean War, and while serving as Peacekeepers.  The Cenotaph is Surrey's principle war memorial and serves as a reminder of the local sacrifices made in world conflicts.

The Peace Arch News ran a great historical piece on the Cloverdale Cenotaph back on Nov 14, 2017 by reporter Sue Bryant that is still online.  It makes for fascinating reading at the following link:

Just when I thought I'd had my fill of wartime history, a friend told me the three flags at the huge "Welcome To Surrey" sign on Hwy. 99 and 8th Ave. were being flown at half mast.  I contacted a reliable and informed source at Surrey City Hall and found out that Sunday was Vimy Ridge day, a non-statutory holiday that happened to fall in the middle of this year's Easter long weekend.  Since 2003, Vimy Ridge Day has been observed on April 9th in Canada to honor and commemorate the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which took place during the First World War at Vimy Ridge, France, in 1917. The Canadian flag on Parliament Hill’s Peace Tower in Ottawa is required to be lowered to half-mast by law. Wreath-laying ceremonies are held at the Canadian National War Memorial in Ottawa, the Canadian National Vimy Memorial in France, and other locations around the country.  I knew about the Canadian troops assault on Vimy Ridge and the rolling artillery barrage that proceeded before the advancing soldiers but had forgotten much of the history that I was taught in high school.  Both the British and the French had tried multiple times to take this high knoll, losing 150,000 men in the process.  The Canadian Corps were ordered to assault the ridge and used a precise scripted battlefield plan with 1,000 pieces of heavy artillery and hidden tunnels to help move troops to the front.  Starting on April 9, 2017 the Canadians advanced taking the last of the Ridge on April 12, with nearly 3,600 lives lost and over 7,000 wounded.  The Canadian War Museum has a great story on this battle that you can read at

I ask you to take the time to check out the websites for the stories embedded in this TNT to learn this important history lesson or simply refresh your memory.  I'm hoping that the RCMP release of the photo showing the person of interest in the Cenotaph vandalism results in someone being arrested and charged with this heinous crime.  The bronze statue of the kneeling soldier who is dressed in a 47th (Fraser Valley) Canadian infantry Batallion uniform is being repaired and will hopefully soon be back at his rightful place on top the cenotaph kneeling before the grave of the unknown soldier.  Of the many things I learned researching this TNT is that the original Cloverdale Cenotaph was first unveiled to the public on May 22, 1921 on the Victoria Day weekend.  It turns out that May 22, 2023 will be the holiday Monday of the Victoria Day long weekend.  I could not imagine a better time for the members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #6 to invite the public to the plaza between the Surrey Archives building (the original Surrey City Hall) and the Surrey Museum to celebrate the return of "Willy" and all that the 102 year-old Cloverdale Cenotaph stands for.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we work, live and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo people.


 Monday April 03, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Weapons in White Rock


The B.C. man who allegedly slashed a man's throat on a transit bus in Surrey, B.C., on Saturday is facing terrorism charges.

According to court documents filed by the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, the man is alleged to have committed the assault for the Islamic State.

Abdul Aziz Kawam, born in 1995, faces four terrorism charges for attempted murder, aggravated assault and two counts of assault related to the attack.

He was arrested after a stabbing on a bus traveling near the Fraser Highway and 148 Street in Surrey, B.C., just after 9:30 a.m. PT Saturday.


Elenor Sturko, the MLA for south Surrey is certainly making a name for herself these days with her relentless attacks on the NDP as the Liberal shadow cabinet Minister for Mental Health, Addictions & Recovery.  It was divine timing when this former police officer was at Laura's Coffee Corner several weeks ago when a man outside apparently having a mental health crisis started yelling at customers.  Having dealt with these situations before, she approached the man who pulled a hunting knife from his clothes before fumbling it to the ground.  In one swift motion Elenor put her foot on the knife and kicked it back behind her where another patron grabbed it and ran inside the coffee shop.  White Rock Police, with offices around the corner, were quickly on scene and apprehended the man who now faces criminal charges.

It was extremely fortunate that nobody was hurt in this confrontation that unfortunately is becoming ever more common these days with increasing substance use, mental health issues and homelessness.  Having somebody on scene with police training and empathy towards people with mental health issues certainly was a bonus in defusing this situation.  It was reported that the agitated man's mother showed up soon after he was apprehended and that she told Mrs. Sturko she hoped he could now get the mental health support that he needed.  A new mental health and substance abuse facility has now been opened at Peace Arch Hospital but the Health Minister Adrian Dix recently announced more staff need to be hired for it to be fully open.

Knives have been in the news recently for a couple of high-profile crimes.  On the previous weekend, 37 year-old Paul Schmidt was stabbed to death at a Starbucks restaurant at the corner of Granville St. and Pender Ave. in Vancouver in front of his horrified fiancé and their 3 year-old daughter.  Apparently, this happened after the dad asked a man standing nearby not to vape near his young daughter.  A 32 year-old man, Inderdeep Singh Gosal, was quickly arrested after bystanders flagged down police and he has since been charged with second-degree murder.  Closer to home, a confrontation on a Translink bus in Surrey on Saturday quickly resulted in a knife attack.  In this case a man pulled a large kitchen knife and slashed another man across the throat.  He was quickly arrested by Transit Police and the victim taken to hospital in critical condition.  Neither the assailant or victim have been identified at this time and attempted murder charges have been filed.

If you think that living in White Rock means you are safer than in Surrey, think again.  The Crime Severity Index rating for both Surrey and White Rock is almost identical for both cities.  If you think that is surprising, you will be shocked to know how many knives I have discovered stashed in bushes here.  Over the past four years myself and the crew of my commercial gardening company have found five edged weapons in the City By The Sea.  These include two large kitchen knives, a double-edged army bayonet including scabbard, a machete with a 15" blade and a folding hunting knife.  As to how or why these weapons were hidden or disposed of on the sides of White Rock streets, we have no idea.  What I do know is that we never used to find discarded syringes either but unfortunately they are becoming a much more regular site when we are cleaning up in uptown White Rock.

With the number of people who are carrying knives for protection or as a weapon certainly on the rise, it is getting dangerous to confront people who are acting out or doing crimes on the streets or the beach.  If you complain to someone about their behaviour you might get stabbed for your troubles.  The police wear bullet proof vests as part of their protective gear but it is knives that pose the most threat as they are easy to acquire and conceal.  Something as simple as a click-it boxcutter can be a deadly weapon in the hands of a wrong person as was shown by the 9-11 hijackers who used these razor-sharp knives to kill the pilots.  Remember that it was a knife which was used to kill 15 year-old Dario Bartolli in Bakerview park back in 2014 that was never solved and White Rock mechanic Paul Paul Prestbakmo's two teenage attackers stabbed him to death at the McDonalds restaurant in Semiahmoo Mall in 2019.

On a personal note, the man who has worked for me for a dozen years and lives in south Surrey was stabbed in the back as a teenager during a robbery attempt in Newton in a crime that was never solved.  The son of a family member was one of two teenagers robbed by a group of youths with a machete on Crescent Road over a dozen years ago, with this swarming attack also never solved.  The same young man was stabbed multiple times and left for dead in a ditch near a Newton house party several years later, again with this crime never being solved.  Knives do not attract attention like guns as they are silent and don't leave evidence such as bullets and casings.  It is my advice to stay away from parks and the beach after dark and to be careful where you walk at night.  A customer of mine recently confessed that she and her girlfriends now always carry dog-repellent pepper spray when walking in uptown White Rock.  She bought it at the local Canadian Tire store in a cute little pink container for only $20, not far from the six types of machetes they currently have in stock.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live, work and play on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo People.





March 27, 2023

Catatonic Over Cougars

If you live in the Semiahmoo peninsula and want to keep informed on what is going on in this beautiful little corner of the world, there are two things you must do.  First off is to check out the White Rock Sun on a constant basis where you can read local news, find out who is playing live music, get fantastic recipes and meet unique and interesting people.  Heck, you might get so excited about it that you contact the editor and start writing a weekly column for this online newspaper.  Next up is to join the White Rock/South Surrey Community Group on Facebook that is a public forum and has 36,000 members, making it a great way to connect with your friends and neighbours and find out what they are experiencing here.

Now imagine my surprise several weeks ago when a cougar sighting was reported in Ocean Park, south Surrey.  With this area fairly built up you have to take these sightings with a grain of salt unless someone has photographic proof of their encounter.  There are still plenty of connected green spaces and deer are living amongst us so having predators hunting them should not be unexpected.  Here is the FB posting about this recent local sightibng.

"FYI - Two of my sane and sober neighbours ran into a juvenile cougar (not this one which is a stock photo) in Huntington Park area (131 st and 21 Ave South Surrey) yesterday evening.  The cougar ran from one neighbour’s dogs, so it’s probably very young and I would suspect quite disoriented.  Be careful with your small animals, and if you see it please call the BC Conservation Branch 877-952-7277."

It turns out that this was not the only cougar sighting that was reported to this community Facebook group.  Last week another big cat was reportedly seen in the Country Woods neighbourhood north of Hwy. 99.  Here is the FB posting of this encounter:

"This afternoon on Country Woods Road at approx 3 pm I spotted a cougar, I’m 99% sure it was one (I was walking my dogs down the road and was about 100 metres from it).  It was about the size of a Labrador, tan coloured and was sleek. It looked like a young one.  What gave it away was it’s tail.  I have seen many coyotes in the area and it definitely wasn’t one of these.  I called it in to the Conservation officers.  It  was crossing the road and went into someone’s yard heading  in the direction of the trails off of Country Woods Road towards Highway 15.  Posting here for awareness."

This is not the first time that cougars have been reported in this area with two more FB postings on the WR/SS Community Group in July and August of 2021.  The comments on these posts included other alleged sightings in East Beach and the LIttle Campbell River including security camera footage that showed a cougar on the prowl.  Here are both of the posts that were only a month apart.

"Please be careful with your animals. I spotted a cougar 2 days ago walking up the hill of Royal Ave. between Foster and Johnson, around 1 a.m. on Saturday night, an ACTUAL Cougar!"  "I am reporting a cougar sighting yesterday in Kwomais park, Ocean Park yesterday afternoon. Take care with small dogs and children."

Now if you think that everyone has gone to the dogs, consider that in March 2021, a cougar was seen on CCTV footage wandering down a parkade ramp in Surrey near the Langley border a block from Willowbrook Mall at 196 St. and 64 Ave.  In August of 2021 another cougar was caught on a driveway security camera in Langley at 55 Ave. and 240 St. as it stood up against the 5-6 ft. gate and then easily jumped over it.  This cougar was very large, rippling with muscle and easily cleared the gate in a single leap.  Both of these incidents were filmed in the middle of the night on a weekday when traffic is light and things are quiet.  I have had the pleasure of encountering a cougar in the wild while hunting but for those who have not seen one, check out the video of the Langley cat at this link.

With cougars on the prowl in Langley and apparently spotted over the past few years in the Semiahmoo peninsula, here is information posted on the WildSafeBC website about what to do if you meet up with a mountain lion.  "Cougar attacks are very rare, but if you encounter a cougar, keep calm and never run. Make yourself look as large as possible and back away slowly, keeping the cougar in view, and allowing a clear exit for the cougar.  If attacked, always fight back and never “play dead”.  If travelling with small children, pick them up immediately. Children are most at risk in a cougar encounter and they should be taught how to behave appropriately to stay safe (see "Children and Cougars" in "Safety").  For more information on cougars, check out .

To report cougars in conflict, sightings in urban areas, or a cougar showing unusual or aggressive behaviour, call the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.  If you spot a cougar or have CCTV video footage showing them in the south Surrey and White Rock region, please contact the White Rock Sun editor at as we would love to see and post it.  The TV news media are aware of the reports of cougar sightings in the Semiahmoo peninsula but are waiting for photos or video proof before running a story about big cats apparently roaming in the Semi-pen.  Please do not report "cougar" sightings from any of the local bars or pubs even if you have pictures or video footage.  This joke has already been used too many times on Facebook and nobody wants to hear how you barely survived the encocunter.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live work and play on the traditonal lands of the Semiahmoo People.




Monday February 27, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

The Case For Cold Water

In case you missed it, there was a rather unique winter swim that took place at Blackie Spit in Crescent Beach on Saturday morning. Members of the Surrey RCMP and their supporters took to the icy waters of Mud Bay, participating in the Surrey Polar Plunge as a fundraiser for Special Olympics BC. The Mayor of Surrey, Brenda Locke was in attendance but did not go into the icy waters, showing she is obviously a bright and intelligent woman. I started doing the Jan. 1st Polar Bare Plunge at Crescent Rock Beach 15 years ago and have also twice completed the Mat Hatters Swim Club trifecta of the White Rock, Crescent Rock and English Bay Polar Bear Swims in only 2.5 hours. More fool hardy than actual hardy, I've gotten rather used to my annual baptism in our local waters with temperatures varying from -2 to a balmy 10 C.

What I've learned is that there is a small but growing group of people who regularly go for swims in the ocean waters around the Lower Mainland. You can see several of these people taking dips at White Rock including a gentleman that I swam with on New Year's Day this year who is his in 80's. Through social media and Polar Bear swims, I've met a couple of ladies who take the plunge almost every day, either in the waters of White Rock or Kitsilano. A friend of mine says there is a younger man who sits immersed in the water off West Beach for 45 minutes before getting up and walking away apparently without any ill effects. I have no idea how he does it since the record for the Polar Bare Plunge was nearly 9 minutes and the "Ice Man" Mike Hustad came out of the bay with pink skin and his teeth chattering.

Now you may think that you need to be mad as a hatter to consider going cold water swimming and quite possibly you're right, but apparently there are significant health benefits attached to this pastime. Here is a list of some of them from the IPRS Health Group that I have added my personal insight to:

1. It boosts your immune system:

The effects of cold water on the immune system have been studied around the world. Cold water helps to boost the white blood cell count because the body is forced to react to changing conditions. Over time, your body becomes better at activating its defences and adjusting to the natural environment.

2. It gives you a natural high

Cold water swimming activates endorphins. This chemical is what the brain produces to make us feel good during activities. Cold water swimming is also a form of exercise, and exercise has been proven to treat depression. Cold water swimming brings us close to the pain barrier, releasing endorphins to help us cope with it.

3. It improves your circulation

Cold water swimming flushes your veins, arteries, and capillaries, forcing blood to the skin surface and helps to warm our extremities. Repeated exposure adapts us to the cold, boosts cardiovascular circulation leading to a healthy heart, a stronger immune system, well-balanced mental health and a high level of energy.

4. It increases your libido A dip in some cold water boosts estrogen and testosterone production, adding an edge to fertility and libido, along with increased confidence, self-esteem and enhanced mood, Going for a cold swim may help to heat you up for other exercises later.

5. It burns calories

The heart has to pump faster in cold water and the body must work harder to keep everything warm while swimming. Overall, far more calories are burned during cold water swimming than swimming in warmer conditions. This increase in metabolic rate over time helps to control weight.

6. It reduces stress

Cold water swimming places stress on the body physically and mentally. Many studies have identified the link between cold water and stress reduction. Cold water swimmers become calmer and more relaxed. Some cold water swimmers call this effect the "afterglow."

7. It is a great way of socializing and making new friends

There is a great sense of community and camaraderie amongst cold water swimmers. There is nothing that brings people together like facing a challenge and sharing the experience as a group.

Of course, there are safety considerations for immersing yourself in freezing cold water without a wet suit. There are rules posted on the Outdoor Swimming Society website that are as follows:

1. Acclimatise

As the temperature drops, just keep swimming and your body will get used to the cold. The end of summer is the perfect time to start cold water swimming. It will not be such a shock to the system as the sea temperature begins to lower heading into winter.

2. Be safe

Open water can be dangerous. Only ever swim where it is safe and make sure you can enter and exit the water quickly and easily. Consult your local tide chart before swimming and know the strength, speed and direction of ocean currents. Never swim on your own!

3. Wear the right kit

Wear a swimming hat, or two, to help preserve body heat. You can also wear neoprene gloves, booties, balaclava or a wet suit, whatever you feel comfortable with. If you cannot see the bottom, aquatic shoes or closed toe sandals should be considered essential gear for rocks, hazards, barnacles and crabs.

4. No diving

Do not dive or jump in unless you are used to the cold water. Cold water can cause gasping of breath and cold-water shock, which can be extremely dangerous.  This physiological effect has been known to drown people at alpine lakes with strong thermoclines, even during the summer.

5. Know your limits

As the temperature drops, decrease the amount of time you spend in the water. In winter, swimmers often only enter the water for one or two minutes at a time. The general rule is that you can spend one minute of time swimming per degree of water temperature.  Obviously, you need to listen to your body also.

6. Warm up slowly

Don’t have a hot shower right after swimming. Cold water swimming can cool your core and this can be dangerous. Instead, make sure you have plenty of warm clothes, wrap up well and have a hot drink at the ready.

I would not say that cold water swimming is for the weak of heart. Most of the people doing it have adjusted their bodies to the cold conditions and find it very therapeutic. It does help you connect with your body, your mind and the natural environment. It takes more than a New Year's splash and dash to experience these effects. Both of the times that I have completed the three Mad Hatters Swim Club polar bear swims. I have felt amazing afterwards. Your skin gets flush and warm, you become acutely aware of your body and how it is functioning and there is a heightened sense of wellness and awareness. I understand how people can shrug off the cold and become addicted to this hobby considering its long-lasting positive effects. That is of course, once you can feel your fingers and toes again.

Here are some Facebook groups dedicated to cold water swimming where you can find more information.

Vancouver Cold Water Swimmers:

Cold Water Swimmers:

Cold Water Club - Wild About Swimming:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live and work on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nation.



Monday Februatry 20, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Surrey - The Future Pays Here

When a government sends out a media release on a Friday afternoon, you can expect it to be bad news that they want to reduce exposure to with journalists being off work and the public busy with weekend plans.  It happens so often this practice is now referred to as a "Friday news dump" or "Take out the trash day."   When these releases are done on the Friday before a long weekend, it is usually even worse news that they are hoping to shield from media scrutiny.  Now imagine how terrible the subject matter must be for the City of Surrey to issue a media release at 2 p.m. on the Saturday of a long weekend.  It is bad enough that inflation is running at nearly 7% over last year and the prime mortgage rate sits at 6.85% putting the squeeze on consumers who are also holding record personal debt.  On top of all of this, the City of Surrey dropped a bomb on the heads of homeowners this weekend, revealing they can expect a whopping 17.5% increase to their property tax bill, that will likely rise even higher than that.

The details of this shocking increase were contained in the City of Surrey Draft 2023-2027 General Operating and Capital Budgets.  It should come as no surprise to Surrey residents that more than half of this property tax increase, a total of 9.5%, is to pay for the costs associated with the contentious police transition from the RCMP to the Surrey Police Service and back again.  Add to this a 7% General Property Tax increase and a further 1% raise in the Roads & Traffic Levy, and you reach the magical 17.5% property tax increase.  Here are the numbers and cost explanations taken directly from the City of Surrey website that equal $403 for the average single-family home.  

  • 9.5% General Property Tax increase to fund Policing Shortfall (approximately $219 for the average single-family home).

  • 7.0% General Property Tax increase (approximately $161 for the average single-family home) to fund:

    • General inflationary pressures

    • Hiring of additional 25 police officers, 20 firefighters and 10 bylaw officers for 2023

    • City Wide Operations (non-public safety)

  • 1.0% Roads and Traffic Levy. (approximately $23 for the average surrey single-family home)

Keep in mind this is only a start since it is unknown what increases the Surrey School Board and Metro-Vancouver will be tacking onto the tax bill for Surrey residents.  There is also a 3% increase to user fees that will add to the overall tax burden paid for by Surreyites.  The 9.5% increase is not just a one-time tax bill either, Surrey residents will be saddled with it for three years ending after 2025.  It could have been worse with Mayor Locke warning in early January that the SPS transition would cost Surrey $235 million, resulting in a 55% property tax increase, adding $1,200 to the average home bill and $7.700 onto business tax bills.  Meanwhile, across Scott Road, the Corporation of Delta who have had their own municipal police force since 1888 plan on a 4.9% increase in property taxes for 2023.  Adding a little salt to the wound, their Crime Severity Index of 57.6 is almost a third lower than either Surrey or White Rock that average 83.7 with the RCMP as their Police of Jurisdiction. 

There is one major assumption in Surrey's financial plan, which is the Surrey Police Service will be disbanded and the RCMP will once again control policing in what is soon be the largest city in BC by population.  According to figures from City Hall, keeping the RCMP will cost $235 million less than the Surrey Police Service over five years but the transition process would result in a shortfall of $116 million that would be paid for by the 9.5% increase in property taxes.  Mike Farnworth, the B.C. Solicitor General and Minister of Public Safety has yet to make a decision on the fate of the policing model in Surrey.   In a media release three weeks ago, the Minister requested additional information and more time to consider this complex policing issue and to complete a full in-depth analysis.  If Mr. Farnworth decides that the transition to the Surrey Police Service will continue, then Surrey's 5-year draft budget will have to be redone with these costs instead of the RCMP.  There has been no time frame given as to when this important decision on future policing in Surrey will be made.

You can read the complete details in the F004 Corporate Report on Surrey's 2023 Five Year (2023-2027) Financial Plan for general operating expenses at this link: .  A public meeting and live streaming of the Finance Committee will be held on Monday, March 6 at 2 p.m. in Surrey City Hall chambers to consider the 2023 draft budget.  The public can provide comment in person at the Finance Committee meeting or through written submissions.  The deadline for written comments is 12 noon on Friday, March 3rd, 2023 by email to or by fax to 604-501-7578.  If you wish to appear as a speaker, registration opens on March 3 with the details at this link:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live and work on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nation.



February 13, 2023

The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Follow The Money


The results of the 2022 Civic Elections across BC are now in.  No, I don't mean the votes, those were counted and the victors taking the Mayor's chair and Councillors seats were declared back on October 15th.  You can now read the financial disclosures of candidates for your region on the Elections BC website (  Simply go there, click on the "2022 General Local Elections Disclosure Statements Available" tab under the "Whats New" section.  

That will take you to the page with the following links for available disclosure statements.

Scanned disclosure statements

Campaign contribution data:

Hitting on the Candidates link that will take you to Local Search Options.  Select "Scanned Reports" and in the Election Area select either Surrey or White Rock.  That will take you to the list of candidates for the past two elections and by clicking on the 2022  results you can see how much money each candidate spent and who helped to pay for their candidacy.  To make this journey simple, here is the direct link, starting with the White Rock candidates:

Megan Knight who unseated Darryl Walker for the Mayor's Chair received $25,289 from a variety of sources with 15 people contributing $1,000 to $1,250 (the maximum individual contribution), many with real estate and develoment backgrounds.  By comparison, Darryl Walker raised $10,671 with only four people contributing $1,000 or more, one of who was Darryl Walker himself.  Keep in mind the Mayor's salary is $107,760 while Council receives a base salary of $43,100.  By comparison, here is the reported contributions for the Councillors who won a seat:  Chesney, $1,850, Cheung, $5,834, Klassen $20,780, Lawrence $10,215, Partridge $5,289, Trevelyan $4,925.  This does not include the dozen other candidates who ran and did not get elected whose campaign donations are also posted for public viewing.

The big city of Surrey was a different election story considering the size of B.C's largest municipality by land area.  There were five parties running candidates including three, United Surrey, Surrey First and Safe surrey with full slates.  Eight candidates ran for Mayor, over 50 for the the eight Council seats and 20 for the six School Trustee seats.  Needless to say reviewing all of the data would be a monumental task so I will only focus on the five people who received the most votes for Mayor of Surrey.  You can find all of the financial disclosure results for the 2022 Surrey civic election at this direct link:

Under the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, endorsed candidates can share their expense limit with their elector organization by entering into a campaign financing agreement before the campaign period begins.  A candidate's expense limit in based on the election area and the office they run for.  With this in mind, Brenda Locke of Surrey Connect who won the Mayor's chair reported an expense limit of $219,193.36.  Doug McCallum of Safe Surrey, Gordie Hogg of Surrey First,  Sukh Dhaliwal of United Surrey and Jinny Simms of Surrey Forward all reported the exact same number for their expense limit to the exact penny.  This is the maximum amount allowable, just as $1,250 was the most an individual person could contribute to a political campaign.  If you want to be Mayor of Surrey, which comes with a $156,697 salary, you'd better have $220,000 in your bank account if you are serious about actually winning.

The new mayor Brenda Locke's grass roots Surrey Connect party spent $278,076 after raising a total of $289,449.  Former mayor Doug McCallum's Safe Surrey party spent a whopping $691,956 while raising $566,729 for a deficit of over $125,000.  Mr. White Rock Gordie Hogg ran under the Surrey First banner with $322,972 in spending versus $377,453 in donations.  Surrey-Newton MP Sukh Dhawliwal's United Surrey spent $635,548 while raising $637,643.  Lastly, Surrey-Panorama MLA Jinny Simms and her Surrey Forward party spent $322,972 on their campaign, raising $377,453 in income.  In total these five campaigns, listed in voting order from 1st to 5th,  reported $2.375 million in income and $2.47 million in expenses.  You can review all of this information in detail at the BC Elections electoral organizations disclosure statements at

To see the millions of dollars flowing into these civic political campaigns is rather eye-opening and shows why some people are so intent on trying to control the agenda at City Hall.  Of course, decisions by mayor and council directly affect billions of dollars in real estate deals including rezoning of properties resulting in landfall profits for developers and landowners.  For myself, I want nothing more from my local mayor and council than open and honest governance, a respectful workplace and decision making transparency.  Having a sister who worked in the Planning Department in Surrey for over 30 years, Mayor and Council there would be better off following the direction of their Planners on how to build a city than the demands of their develop friends and campaign financiers.  Now if you excuse me, I have to go clean off my rose-coloured glasses knowing this is not reality with so much money involved.  

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

TNT EXTRA:  Across British Columbia, individual candidates and political parties seeking local office spent a combined $22.1 million during the 2022 election campaign, an increase from the $16.2 million in 2018 that equates to a 36 percent rise in spending.  This record amount was largely due to a large increase in money spent by local political parties, up from $5.8 million in 2018 to $11.4 million in 2022, with this figure nearly doubling in only four years,

I wish to acknowledge we live and work on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nation.



Monday February 07, 2023

Don Pitcairn

The Dirt on Mud Bay

Boundary Bay and Mud Bay are becoming a busy place these days with anticipated sea level rise expected to be one metre high by 2100.  There are many dikes that line both communities and farmland throughout the south Surrey region, including the promenade built beside the railway corridor, the public walkway surrounding Crescent Beach (which has already been raised) and the Delta Dyke Trail connecting Surrey to Delta.  With king tides, rising sea levels and stronger storms, these coastal defense strategies will need to be strengthened to avoid them from being over-topped and major flooding to happen on the leeward side of the dykes.  In case you are not aware, there has already been coastal flooding in the Mud Bay region twice in my lifetime including at Nico Wynd Golf Course and the Art Knapps Mud Bay Village.  Part of the overall flood mitigation strategy is also to extend the tidal marsh zone, modifying the ecosystem to prevent coastal erosion while helping to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Work on many of these projects is already well underway with the City of Surrey starting the Colebrook Dyke Upgrades last year, raising and expanding the dykes along the Serpentine River east of the Mud Bay Park that were originally installed in 1968.  These dyke upgrades are the first phase of Surrey's Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy (CFAS) to control coastal flooding and protect against sea level rise in the not so distant future.  The Colebrook 100 dyke project at Mud Bay Park and the Colebrook 200 dyke projects stretching to Highway 99 are nearing completion and are visible from Hwy. 99.  From there the Colebrook 300 dyke upgrade will continue east on the north side of the Serpentine River all the way to King George Blvd. next to the Serpentine Fen.  There are calls for this dyke to become a public walkway that will link the Fen to Mud Bay Park leading all the way to Tsawwassen, an idea that I fully support as a long term plan for this region. 

Last week saw the start of a tidal project being performed by Ducks Unlimited along the shores of Mud Bay towards Delta.  Dense rafts of human-modified logs (read cut down trees, delimbed and lost during transport) have washed ashore in the Delta marshes where storm waves move them like large rolling pins that crush the shoreline vegetation.  Over the next few weeks excavators will be working to remove much of this shoreline debris from an internationally significant habitat for migrating birds and ducks plus over-wintering waterfowl on the Pacific Flyway.  While this project is being overseen by Ducks Unlimited senior biologists, the bulk of the funding for this work is from the Canadian government's Smart Climate Solutions Fund and the US North American Wetland's Conservation Act.  I should note here that the Boundary Bay Conservation Committee has expressed concern about this log removal and has called for a comprehensive wildlife plan for the entire bay with potential effects arising from the nearby Roberts Bank Terminal 2 expansion project. 

By far the most ambitious flood mitigation strategy planned for the shore along the north shore of Boundary Bay is the Mud Bay Nature-Based Foreshore Enhancement project.  This is part of Canada's Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) Program that includes 13 green and grey infrastructure improvements around the Boundary Bay watershed alone.  The City of Surrey wants to build a "living dyke" by bringing in large amounts of infill to help increase the elevation of the salt marsh that will allow it to adapt to future sea level increase.  Once the base soil is leveled, native salt marsh plant species will be installed which will help to hold the ground in place.  They are hoping this will reduce wave energy, enhance biodiversity, decrease shoreline erosion while helping to protect Highway 99 and the farms around it from the dyke being over-topped.  The concept is to build a pilot salt marsh  on a smaller section of Mud Bay of 210 metres in length by 1.38 ha in size followed by a second study area of 320 metres in length and 1.44 ha of shore area.  Learning from these two pilot areas, the plan is to then build a further 790 metres of living dyke that will connect the pilot areas consisting of a an 8.19 ha of marshy shoreline with construction completed by 2028.

The City of Surrey has requested that the Mud Bay Nature-Based Foreshore Enhancement project be exempted from an environmental assessment since it is intended to benefit the environment and the community with the City not expecting it to cause negative environmental effects.  The B.C. Environmental Assessment Office is seeking input and comments from the public on Surrey's project description and whether it should be except from an environmental assessment review.  Considering the amount of fill and erosion structures that are planned to be deposited over existing marshland that is ecologically significant as a major stopover and over-wintering ground for millions of shorebirds, many believe that an EAO review is essential.  This project is massive in scale and the details are extensive and time consuming to read, understand and absorb.  Besides including website links to the other projects I have touched on in this TNT (listed in order below) the last two include the details on the Mud Bay living dyke and the EAO Public Comment section.  The public comment period closes on February 27, 2023 at midnight PST if you want your say on this plan that will redesign and forever alter 1.32 kilometres of shoreline and 11 hectares of wetlands along Mud Bay.  Enjoy your further reading.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Monday January 30, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Cops Fishing in White Rock

And I'm not feelin' up to par, it increases my paranoia 

Like lookin' at my mirror and seein' a police car 

Lyrics to "Almost Cut My Hair", Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Deja Vu album, 1970 

I had an interesting event happen to me on Friday evening just after I'd finished work.  I was in White Rock to retrieve a tool we had misplaced and decided to drop by an establishment that specializes in craft beer where I happen to also have a maintenance contract.  I was only inside a short time, got in my truck and drove away in a safe and controlled manner obeying all driving laws as I headed home.  Several blocks into Surrey, I noticed an RCMP Explorer behind me, which was of no concern until the officer activated the squad car's red and blue flashing lights.  Figuring they had somewhere important to go, I pulled into the right hand lane and was surprised when they followed behind me.  Thinking that maybe there was a problem with the load on my truck, I pulled onto a side street and stopped with the police car lighting up the world around me. 

Now imagine my surprise when the officer approached my truck window, asking to see my license, insurance papers and demanding a breath sample.  He asked me several questions about where I had been, what I had been doing and if I had been drinking, all of which I did not answer as is my right, especially with already being demanded to supply a breath sample for the first time in my life.  When I took the test standing at the side of the road with cars driving by, I think the officer was pissed that I was sober.  I should note here that I have never been charged with drinking and driving, never been pulled over and been suspected of such, and never blown into any type of police breath alcohol testing device.  When going out for dinner, visiting a bar, or stopping at a brewery, I generally have one drink upon arrival, avoiding drinks with high levels of alcohol or beers with an elevated ABV.   If I am a designated driver with passengers as often happens, I stick to non-alcoholic beverages.   

The problem here is that the White Rock RCMP are targeting businesses that produce or serve alcohol, following people when they drive away from the parking lot and pulling them over to provide a breath sample.  It does not matter if you were there visiting friends, drinking coffee or kombucha, or were purchasing product for consumption at home.  Simply leaving the establishment gives them apparent justification to pull you over for a random sobriety check.  The targeting of certain businesses looking for drunk drivers becomes an issue when the customers realize the businesses is under surveillance by police on what is known as a "fishing expedition."  If police pull over every vehicle leaving a business, it will not take long before customers decide it is not worth the hassle and indignation of a road side sobriety test and vow to never return.  You will notice, I did not name the place I was visiting, which the White Rock RCMP had under observation. 

You may think that if you drop by a bar, pub, craft brewery, or nightclub that getting pulled over by the police when leaving is okay to ensure public safety.  Ask yourself how you would feel if every time you went to your favourite licensed restaurant that the police pulled you over with lights flashing and asked for a breath sample?  Imagine what would happen if the South Surrey RCMP decided to target both the Tap & Barrel and Keg restaurants that share the same parking lot.  With lots of Keg-sized drinks and strong beers, it could be reasoned that people might be driving away from these establishments with a blood alcohol reading over the legal limit of 0.05 gm/100 ml.  Now imagine, what would happen to these thriving businesses bottom line if their customers were being constantly targeted to supply breath samples.  Word would get out in the community and in no time they would be a ghost town and have to close their doors. 

A good example of this has to be the Fuggles Kraft Brewery in Richmond that sits directly behind the main RCMP detachment.  Not only is it right next door, there is even a gate in the chain link fence allowing members to go directly to this brewery to have a glass of beer after work or purchase cans or growlers of beer to take home after their shift is complete.  If the Richmond RCMP wanted to, they could pull over each and every vehicle that left the Fuggles parking lot and demanding a breath sample.  Tired of the police harassment and intimidation, I'm certain their customers would simply take their business elsewhere instead of being pulled over for no reason other than stopping at a perfectly legal establishment.  In this case, I've been told the RCMP have promised the owners that they would never do such a thing, knowing it would quickly destroy their business and the officers would lose their preferred local watering hole. 

While never driving drunk or ever having to provide a breath sample before, this is not the first time that I have been targeted by police doing unannounced drunk driving enforcement.  A few years back I stopped at the Berezan Liquor store in Langley that stocked a particular beer from a distant brewery that I could not get from the government liquor stores.  I noticed several IRSU (Integrated Road Safety Unit) vehicles circling the parking lot but was not concerned since I was sober as usual and picking up a 4-pack of beer for the weekend.  Much to my surprise, I was tailed out of the parking lot and pulled over with the bogus excuse given that I had "almost hit a curb" with my trailer.  I called the officer's bluff, gave him my White Rock Sun business card and proceeded to question him whether this was IRSU protocol to follow people for simply buying beer and if I should contact his superior with my questions for an upcoming TNT column.  Needless to say, he could not give my license and insurance papers back fast enough.   

This kind of fishing expedition could also be expanded to cover other perfectly legal businesses in White Rock that could possibly impair someone's driving.  Imagine the chill it would have on sales if every person leaving from Indigenous Bloom, A Little Bud or the new Seed & Stone were pulled over and checked to see if they were high on the devil's lettuce?  I don't know of anybody that would like to be subject to a roadside sobriety check for drugs simply for picking up a little pot from a registered supplier or BC government store.  Customers targeted for this lazy type of police enforcement would simply go elsewhere, call one of the many green lines that sell marijuana products door-to-door across Surrey or go back to "a guy" they know.  With the amount of seniors living in White Rock taking a cocktail of prescription drugs, maybe London Drugs, Rexall or any food store with a pharmacy might also be a prime site for a police stake-out, checking seniors for possibly being high as a kite. 

These kinds of RCMP tactics are what is used in police states and do not belong in the true north strong and free (think O' Canada).  Gradually over time the police are taking more and more powers while eroding personal freedoms including this kind of random search that is done without any legitimate cause or reason.  Governments are also doing the same thing on a constant basis, draining people's rights and freedoms by a thousand cuts through both laws and the courts.  The new Liberal gun laws outlawing semi-automatic rifles and banning all sales of hand guns by decree without any discussion in parliament is a shining example of this.  Government overreach during the pandemic, the violent police assault on peaceful protestors in Ottawa last January and globalization decrees from both the World Economic Forum and United Nations are eroding personal freedoms faster than a flash flood.  The imposition of digital currencies and digital ID, the ability of governments to cancel your bank accounts and credit cards and social credit scores loved by the CCP in China are on the horizon.  With all that is happening in Canada, it is not surprising that the Freedom Convoy rolled through White Rock on the weekend, with those wrapping themselves in the Maple Leaf wanting freedom from tyranny and oppression. 

Naturally yours, 

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge we live and work on the traditional lands of the Semiahmoo First Nation



Monday January 23, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Plane Truth 2, Train Truth 1, Automobile Truth 0

Plane Truth 2

I have to give credit where credit is due.  Nav Canada has certainly turned the jumbo jet around when it comes to planning flight paths for YVR.  With a landing area constrained by mountains to the north, 240,000 flights a year, cargo planes running non-stop, float planes from the south terminal, plenty of executive jets, a swarm of small plane traffic from Boundary Bay Airport (BZZ) and flights from Abbotsford Airport (YXX), this is not an easy area to alter flight paths.  The last time this was attempted in 2007 and 2008, Nav Canada seemed to think they could make all the changes they wanted without any consideration to the environmental effects and the communities they were flying over.  It would appear that has changed with the recent Vancouver Airspace Modernization Project (VAMP) looking at the broad scope of the effects of these flight path changes.

Because of the complexity of this issue involving areas throughout the Lower Mainland, I will focus my attention on the Semiahmoo peninsula.  Unfortunately some of the information contained on the Nav Canada website pertaining to the flight path changes is outdated or incomplete.  If you didn't attend the meeting at the White Rock Community Centre on Thursday night, you missed out on learning about the details to this plan from actual air traffic controllers.  Unlike the last change of flight paths, this alteration will mean little or no overflights above the peninsula and no noise pollution for White Rock.  The GRIZZ STAR flight path that ran north on the western side of the Mud Bay will  be eliminated.  The new replacement, the Y-shaped double flight path heading north originating from a way-point over the waters west of Bellingham will replace it with jets flying closer to Ocean Park and especially Crescent Beach.  Newer satellite controlled jets on a 3-D path will fly on the left-hand approach to the south runway at YVR while older planes and more noisy flights will follow the right-hand more eastern route to the north runway.  Instead of much of these flights turning over North Delta and Newton, most will now fly over the eastern Burns Bog near Highway 91 away from residential areas.

Eventually all planes will abandon the eastern track, move away from Crescent Beach on the western track and fly a more direct and shorter approach heading north targeting both the north and south runways.  This will move the noise footprint well away from Crescent Beach, keep incoming flights away from the bald eagle nests on the Ocean Park bluffs while keeping commercial jets from flying above North Delta and Panorama Ridge.  In a year's time when the RNP-AR system is initiated, we will get an idea of how well this satellite guided navigation system actually works.  Please note that there will still be vectored flights, visual flight rules (VFR) diversions and departing planes, private jets, smaller planes plus military, police, and special operation flights overhead.  To say that the airspace above the Lower Mainland is complicated would be an understatement.  We were woken up at 8:07 a.m. on Sunday morning by a very loud jet that flew over our home in Crescent Heights.  Checking the YVR WebTrak website, I learned this flight was not recorded (meaning it was police, military or special ops) but it registered 66 dB over Ocean Park and likely 70-75 dB over our house, equivalent to having a vacuum cleaner outside the bedroom window.   In case you don't believe me, you can check it our for yourself at .

After reviewing all of the flight path changes with the knowledge of what transpired in 2007 and 2008, I plan on asking Nav Canada and the VAA to consider making the following changes to their VAMP affecting this region.  While the new approach paths are actually in the middle of Boundary Bay, if feasible a pathway moved westward over the middle of Mud Bay would reduce the exposure to bald eagles and migratory birds to jet engine noise.  This would move the noise footprint away from Crescent Beach that is the main marine recreational site (read beach) to almost a million residents of Surrey and the Fraser Valley.  The noise monitoring terminal (NMT) currently housed at Ocean Cliff Elementary in Ocean Park should be relocated to Crescent Beach, possible at the Beecher Community Centre.  After six months of operations, Nav Canada and the Vancouver Airport Authority should re-engage the communities affected by this change to see if any modifications can be done that would benefit the environment, the communities under the flight paths, and the airlines who fly them.  If you want to submit a Nav Canada feedback survey with these suggestions, please visit the following website before Feb 3, 2023:

Train Truth 1

I really needed this" twofer" TNT like a double-barreled shotgun to the head this weekend.  Already facing dealing with the rather complex Nav Canada VAMP issue, a BNSF coal train ground to a halt on Saturday morning near the trestle approaching the swing bridge by the Crescent Beach Marina.  With a length of a mile and a half (2.4 km long) this train blocked both road entrances to Crescent Beach.  This is now happening about once a year, seriously inconveniencing anyone wanting to leave or enter this seaside hamlet, but most importantly stopping emergency services from attending if needed.  If your house is one fire, you need an ambulance, or require police for any reason, you were out of luck.  The Railway Safety Act regulates rail carriers to clear the tracks at roadways in five minutes for a broken down train but this has not been the case at Crescent Beach, where Surrey now has a camera in place to monitor the lengthy delays due to previous blockages.

The cause of these breakdowns is related to the increasing length of the trains and the 115 year old swing bridge over the Nicomekyl River next to the Crescent Beach marina.  With a 10 mile-per hour speed limit, approaching trains have to slow down, putting pressure on the car couplers and the steel knuckles that hold them together.  With the many curves that wind along this waterfront route, it puts serious pressure on the knuckles, sometimes causing one of them to shatter in two.  This dislocates the trains, pulls the air hoses off and causes the brakes to be applied.  When this happens, BNSF contacts Surrey emergency services and the police, fire service and ambulance are all dispatched to the scene.  I should note here that the antiquated swing bridge is the only component of the rail corridor that has yet to be replaced by the BNSF who have already installed new bridges and continuous rail throughout this region in the past 15 years.

It took approximately three hours for this BNSF train to be repaired and clear both of the road crossings allowing traffic to once again leave and enter Crescent Beach.  During this blockage, near the marina I saw a dozen people walking on the pathway that leads under the BNSF Railway trestle bridge in and out of Crescent Beach.  This is the area that was previously recommended by City of Surrey staff for building a one lane emergency access road, an idea that was shelved due to cost and lack of two-way traffic.  Next up was the concept of putting a tunnel under the BNSF tracks at Beecher St., a plan that was also kiboshed by City Hall.  The latest plan put forth by Doug McCallum and his Safe Surrey Coalition was for a two lane bridge over the tracks, eliminating issues with breakdowns along with 9 minute waits for 1.5 mile long coal trains slowly approaching the swing bridge.  I expect that due to increasing construction costs and only 400 homes in Crescent Beach, this current plan will also hit the dumpster.

Years ago the BNSF forced the City of Surrey to build a pedestrian overpass at the bottom of Christopherson Park (the former 101 Steps) because of people trespassing across the train tracks.  Since the BNSF are blocking the two roadways into Crescent Beach, I say turnabout is fair play and that this US Railway company should pay for a separated crossing into Crescent Beach, whether it be a tunnel or bridge.  Since the federal government is responsible for rail traffic in this country and have done nothing about enforcing the five minute road clearance rule for trains, I think it is also their responsibility to fix this ongoing problem.  The City of Surrey should not be on the hook for paying to remedy this issue that is being caused by the BNSF Railway and the lack of accountability by the Liberal Government.  Make sure you email the Honourable Omar Alghabra to insist that he fix this transportation issue that the City of Surrey has nothing to do with, at his Parliament Hill address of

 .   While you are at it, dump this hot potato on the lap of our MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay at:

 .  Mayor Locke and Surrey Council would be wise in doing the same thing to finally put an end this growing problem at Crescent Beach, similar to how overpasses were built in Langley City to deal with the issue of CN and CP trains blocking traffic there.

Automobile Truth 0

Sorry, but you'll just have to wait for it.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

TNT Extra:  On Saturday afternoon a fully loaded coal train traveling north to the Jimmy Pattison owned Westshore Terminals at Roberts Bank derailed in Tsawwassen.  This crash took down hydro poles and causing a local power outage that did not affect operations at the nearby Deltaport Terminal.  At this time, it is unclear whether this was the same BNSF coal train that had broken down at Crescent Beach or a different train belonging to CN or CP Railways.

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People

Monday January 16, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

The Plane Truth

Back in 2007, Nav Canada (the Crown created monopoly corporation in charge of air traffic control) decided to change the flights paths for commercial jet airliners heading to Vancouver International Airport (YVR).  People noticed the difference one day when they woke up to the Semiahmoo Peninsula being strafed by passenger planes flying over once quiet neighbourhoods that made it sound like Richmond.  Amazingly, even though the local Nav Canada offices are located in nearby Newton, nobody bothered to contact Surrey City Hall, which at the time was a five-minute drive away.  Instead, these faceless bureaucrats made these draconian changes for the airline's benefit with zero thought and consideration to the people this change might affect.  I should note here that my dad was an air force and commercial jet pilot, I grew up on RCAF bases, plus have lived in both Richmond and North Delta under YVR flight paths so I'm very familiar with the effects of airplane noise pollution.

As you can imagine, the proverbial crap hit the propeller blade on this issue with communities around the Lower Mainland complaining not only about noise from these flight path changes but the complete lack of consultation.  Various community groups were formed to combat Nav Canada, politicians at all three levels of government got involved with the fight, and the City of Surrey formed the Nav Canada Working Group, of which I was a member.  Without getting into the serious technical issues on this topic that went far beyond this region, the end result was the GRIZZ STAR approach flight path was moved into the middle of Boundary Bay with planes piloted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) being directed to avoid overflying the Semiahmoo peninsula.   YVR also installed WebTrak where flights could be followed and checked with new noise monitoring stations on the ground, including one located in Ocean Park (  If a noisy plane flies over your house, you can wait five minutes and then watch it on Webtrak that will give you detailed information about the flight.

By far the biggest change from the year-long battle to quiet the skies over residential neighbourhoods across the Lower Mainland was that Nav Canada was forced to ensure that in the future, changes to flight paths could not be done without proper public consultation.  Well, here we are 15 years later and Nav Canada is once again making changes to approach flight paths for YVR that will help facilitate the satellite guided Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required (RNP AR) that allows aircraft to fly a 3D defined flight path with precise lateral and vertical navigation.  On the Nav Canada website they explain these changes known as "Vancouver Airspace Modernization" at the following link: .  For residents of the Semi-Pen, the most important section is the "Changes in communities to the east, southeast and south of the airport" that includes a map of the proposed approach flights for this region: .

The community specific map on page 4 with the south-east communities (read Surrey and White Rock) shows a week of historical flight approaches to YVR as thin blue lines with many above Boundary Bay.  The thick line of flights heading north and then turning east is the current GRIZZ STAR flight path that follows a set of navigational beacons.  The rest of the flights are VFR where in good weather pilots fly their own less structured route to the glideslopes for the north or south runways at YVR.  You should note that while Nav Canada originally promised these VFR flights would be instructed to "stay in the middle of Boundary Bay", this is not the case with many flying near the western shore of the peninsula and some crossing over Ocean Park and Crescent Beach.  I happen to live in this area and have heard commercial jets flying overhead after 11:30 p.m., waking up this usually quiet neighbourhood.  The map at the bottom of page 5 shows the noise footprint from the proposed RNP AR flight path covering most of Crescent Beach.

The same map shows the new RNP AP flight paths in two thick white lines coming up from the south near Blaine in an elongated V shape.  Both of these new satellite guided flight paths are much closer to the Semi-Pen coast than the previous GRIZZ STAR approach.  In fact, the one to the east will take a large number of jets up the coast just offshore from Crescent Beach.  At only 3,000 ft., these planes will create a constant wash of noise pollution across the public marine recreational areas of Crescent Beach and Crescent Rock where people go to relax in peace and quiet.  The Ocean Park bluff is also a favoured nesting area for Bald eagles plus is their spring hunting ground where they feed on Plainfin Midshipman fish breeding in the shallow waters of Mud Bay.  I highly doubt that Nav Canada gave any of this a thought as they laid out the approach paths that benefited the new navigational system and their airline customers.  What is missing from their report is where all of the older planes that do not yet have satellite navigation will now be flying.  As history has shown with the GRIZZ STAR, VFR flights basically travel where the pilots want to fly.

It will take a concerted community effort to move these proposed flight paths away from Ocean Park and Crescent Beach towards the middle of Boundary Bay where it was previously.  The YVR Airspace Consultation South Surrey/White Rock meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 19th from 5-8 P.M. at the White Rock Community Centre, 15154 Russel Ave. in White Rock.  This is a "drop-in" open house style event with no pre-registration required to attend but you can expect a crowd.  There will not be a large group presentation at a set time, instead representatives from NAV CANADA and YVR will be available throughout the entire event period to provide information and answer questions.  This public consultation concludes on February 3rd and you can let your feelings be known by attending this and other scheduled meetings, by sending in your comments by email to or by completing their feedback survey at the following link:  \

Take the time to learn the details and implications of this change to the long-term peace and quiet of Crescent Beach and the rugged shores of Ocean Park.  Make sure you let your feelings be known on this subject and make recommendations to the YVR Airport Authority and Nav Canada on how these changes can be made with less noise and environmental impact to this area.  Above all, contact Surrey's Mayor and Councillors, our MLA Trevor Halford and the MP for the south Surrey-White Rock riding Kerry-Lynne Findlay since control of air transportation in Canada is a federal responsibility.   I hope to see you all at this very important meeting on Thursday night where I have some questions and recommendations on how to once again move these jets away from the beach and stop them from flying over formerly quiet residential neighbourhoods in south Surrey.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Monday January 09, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Skybridge Skyfall

When I headed down to Crescent Rock beach on New Year's Day for the second leg of the Mad Hatters Swim Club trifecta of polar bear swims, I did not expect to come across a TNT story.  A few days later I returned to the Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24 Ave. in south Surrey to do a more detailed examination of what I had discovered there.  What I found and what I learned makes me realize that there are plenty of natural hazards around us that you might not notice, or if you do, you'd think it would take years, decades or even centuries for them to possibly cause harm.

On Dec. 20th, the Semiahmoo peninsula received up to 35 cm of snow and with my trusty Fat Max tape measure in hand, I measured 14 inches of the white stuff on our deck.  Later that week the arctic outflow weakened and an approaching Pacific frontal system glazed much of the Lower Mainland with freezing rain that coated everything with ice as it fell just before Christmas.  The weight of the snow and subsequent ice proved too much for many trees that suffered broken branches and, in some cases, even caused trees to bend over and fall.  If you went to the White Rock polar bear swim, you likely noticed the many broken locust tree branches along the promenade, many still with lights strung on them.   

I don't know the exact date or if it was the weight of the snow or ice (my guess the later) but during this time a 100 ft. tall Douglas fir tree pulled out of the Ocean Park bluff next to the Christopherson Steps staircase and crashed onto the BNSF tracks below.  The bluff is composed of glacial moraine with stratified layers of sand, gravel, mud and silt making this steep slope prone to slope movement and landslides.  I had noticed this fir tree leaning towards the tracks and shoreline and had thought many times that eventually it would lose the battle with gravity and eventually fall onto the tracks.  I really didn't understand the risks involved and not being Chicken Little, I never reported it to Surrey or the BNSF.

This 100-foot-tall tree, likely loaded with a thick layer of ice, pulled out of the ground halfway up the slope and fell on an angle towards the tracks, smashing into a post carrying the landslide detector fence (LDF) that stopped all train traffic.  The top part of the tree impacted the western end of the metal skybridge that allows pedestrians to cross above the tracks from the wooden staircase on the hillside to the metal steps leading to the beach.  Fortunately, the trunk of this tree fell only on the rail corridor but it left a thick layer of branches on the skybridge's roof and all around its base with one branch measuring over 6 inches or 15 cm. in diameter.  BNSF track maintenance crews attended the site and removed the heavy chunks of tree trunk and cleared the broken branches off the train tracks.

I reported this incident to the City of Surrey who will be examining the metal skybridge for damage and to check the hillside above for more natural hazards.  The scary thing about this incident is that this tree could have easily fallen a little further south with the heavy trunk smashing into the middle of the skybridge.  While it is a strongly built steel cage, it is unknown if it would have survived such an impact.  Whether the skybridge would have bent of collapsed is conjecture but being a pedestrian bridge suspended high above the train tracks, it is cause for concern.  Had this tree not smashed into the LDF system, it is possible a BNSF freight train could have also run into the trunk of this tree.  A train derailing next to the vertical supports that holds the skybridge aloft could be disastrous.

As if this wasn't bad enough, here is the scary part.  Just up the hillside on either side of the Christopherson Steps, there are two other large fir trees, both over 30 metres tall and close to a metre wide at the base, that are already leaning towards the tracks and directly at the Skybridge.  When these trees eventually succumb to gravity like the other one did, their thick heavy trunks will not miss the span.  This could take years, decades, or even centuries, but eventually this will likely happen.  The trees of course play an important role in slope stabilization, reducing the slide risk from the bluff above so cutting them down creates other hazards that threaten passing trains.  One thing is for sure, the City of Surrey Parks Department needs to document this hazard and regularly inspect these leaning fir trees before they reach the point of collapse.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People



Tuesday January 03, 2023

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

To help celebrate the end of 2022, here is the TNT Year in Review that is a quick reference guide to stories you may have missed, wish to share, or simply want to read again. 

Once you have found a TNT column of interest, note the date and simply scroll down into the archives below to find it.

Jan. 9, Barking About White Rock's Tree Bylaw:  I branch out, get to the root of the problem and leave nothing out about changes to White Rock's new tree bylaw, noting it does nothing to stop the city from another Johnston Road or Hump clear-cutting.

Jan. 17, Hummer Bummer:  Extreme cold with artic outflow winds decimates winter hardy Anna's hummingbirds across the region despite various attempts to keep them warm with heaters and to stop syrup feeders from freezing.

Jan. 24, Historic Week For Surrey:  It was a historic time for citizens of Surrey as Mayor Doug McCallum had his first day in court on charges of Public Mischief while Metro Vancouver votes on changes to South Campbell Heights.

Jan. 31, Silencing the Surrey Ethics Commissioner: Mayor Doug McCallum and his Safe Surrey Coalition look to silence the Surrey Ethics Commissioner by cancelling his tenure nine months before the next civic election.

Feb. 07, Convoying a Message:  A broad expose on the Freedom Convoy, the legacy media campaign against it, government smear campaigns and a prediction from me for blockades on the Ambassador Bridge and our local Truck Crossing.

Feb. 14, Love Your Freedom:  This Valentine's Day TNT covers the RCMP blockade of the Truck Crossing, the fundamental rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms and government and RCMP goose-stepping towards a police state in Canada.

Feb. 22, Boots on The Ground:  I go from columnist to terrorist, holding a protest at the NDP's Jagmeet Singh's office as he votes to support Trudeau's Liberals in enacting the Emergencies Act against political protestors wanting freedom.

Feb. 29, Busy Days in the Haze:  in this "2fer" TNT, I cover a couple of stories from the Hazelmere Valley; Met-Van voting to support the rezoning of the South Campbell Heights and illegal "No Parking" signs erected all around the Freedom Convoy corner.

March 07, Legends Never Die:  In this heartfelt TNT, I announce the passing of my father Robert A. Pitcairn at the age of 83 and look at the life and times of one of Canada's most illustrious marksman who is in three sports halls of fame for target rifle shooting.

March 14, Glossing Over The Facts:  Eight months away from the election, a large glossy flyer from the Safe Surrey Coalition is examined in details for mistruths, false claims and omissions, including nothing about Mayor Doug McCallum's upcoming criminal case. 

March 21, Views For Votes:  Once again, efforts to "trim vegetation" on the Hump hillside is back before White Rock Council so that the "creme-de-la-creme" living on Marine Drive can have an unobstructed view of the pier, regardless of the slide risks.

March 29, Locke & Load:  A disturbing look at death threats against mayoral hopeful Brenda Locke of Surrey Connect which were apparently both detailed and sexual in nature, showing how low, vile and personal that political attacks have gotten in Surrey.

April 04, Machete Kills:  Police reports and criminal charges involving machetes are on an upswing and I look at why these long-bladed weapons between a knife and a sword are allowed to be sold in urban areas where they are seldom needed.

April 11, No Morals, No Ethics, No Shame:  In a direct attack on freedom and democracy in the city of Surrey, Mayor McCallum and his Safe Surrey Coalition are once again attempting to shut down the office of the Ethics Commissioner.

April 19, Trick or Treat on Oct. 31:  It is announced that Doug McCallum's trial date has been set for Oct. 31st, two weeks after the next civic election, with Surrey's criminally charged Mayor finally stepping down from chairing the Police Board.

April 25, Crescent Park Pooch Poisoning:  A rather disturbing TNT about pet poisonings in Crescent Park that have left two dogs dead, how pet owners can keep their dogs safe, and where to report any information people may have on this case.

May 02, Brown is the New Green:  Everything you need to know about Metro Vancouver's watering restrictions and tricks you can use to help keep your healthy and green as we head towards our historically hot and dry summer months.

May 09, Oasis of Green in a Concrete Jungle:  Going green for a second week, I focus on vertical gardens that transform drab walls of grey concrete into a lush oasis of life, courtesy of the Vancouver based horticultural company Green Over Grey.

May 16, Forced Drive to Winnipeg:  "Glorious and Free" this country is not as a family member is forced to drive to Winnipeg since they are not allowed to fly due to COVID-19 vaccine mandates that disregard charter rights of freedom of movement in Canada.

May 24, Garbage in, Garbage Out:  White Rock's transition back from private to city run waste collection is detailed after a strata property is denied garbage pickup even though the new blue bins have yet to be delivered in this classic city hall SNAFU.

Monday May 30. Keep Crescent Beach Open!:  Free parking at Crescent Beach is examined after some NIMBY's want pay parking restrictions brought in.  I suggest we bus in beach people from the unused Translink Park & Ride lot at KGB and Hwy. 99.

June 5, Spray Away Surrey:  Aerial spraying for gypsy moths in Grandview Heights is detailed and spraying of weeds in all-weather sports fields are examined where the dead vegetation has a pinkish orange hue, looking more like Roundup than simple hot water. 

June 14, Chemtrails or Contrails?:  Three planes flying in formation at high altitude leave lines of clouds over Crescent Beach.  They are identified as USAF KC-135 tanker planes that did not appear on YVR's WebTrak monitoring system. 

June 20, A Bridge Too Far:  The KGB bailey bridge replacement, Hwy. 99 Nicomekyl river bridge upgrades and 32 Ave. exit lane projects all proceed at the same time and I ask why it all had to happen at once snarling traffic for a year.

June 27, Crescent Rock Rescue:  The arrival of the Coast Guard hovercraft at Crescent Rock beach leads me towards the 1001 Steps where a lady is rescued after breaking her leg falling on the rip-rap boulders that line the BNSF Railway corridor.

July 04, Order In The Rock:  Two Semiahmoo peninsula residents, Haida artist Robert Davidson (Guud Sans Glans) and lung disease specialist Dr. Donald Enarson both receive the Order of Canada. 

July 12, White Rock Nudist Beach:  Did you know there is a nude beach in White Rock?  It turns out there is, if you happen to live in Dublin Ireland.  By chance, a week later I happened to be able to look down at the coast of Ireland as I flew by.

July 18, The Bisley Bulletin:  The TNT gets renamed "The Bisley Bulletin" as I leave Surrey, B.C. for Surrey, U.K. to compete as a member of the Canadian Rifle Team at the Imperial Meeting in Bisley England.

July 26, Surviving Surrey:  I cronicle my experiences in Bisley at the NRA UK Championships that included wildfires, the first ever red alert heat level, shooting in 43 C. temperature, having a busted elbow and various match results for both individual and team.

August 02, Carving Up Semiahmoo History:  A walk on the wild side of White Rock leads us to a salmon carved deep into a boulder near Coldicutt ravine and a reported indigenous carving of a man's face on a rock near Crescent Beach.

August 08, A Crappy Time for E.coli in White Rock:  Fraser Health water quality testing reveals that both East beach and West beach in White rock have E.coli contamination far exceeding public health water quality guidelines.


August 16, Targeted Risk:  When the police announce "Investigators believe the shooting was targeted and there is no risk to the public" you should know that any shooting in an urban area puts everyone's lives in danger from flying bullets.

August 22, Keeping Track on the BNSF Railway:  With summer here, the dangers of trespassing on the BNSF Railway to reach remote and secluded portions of Crescent Rock beach are examined along with the risks from beach fires.

August 29, Surrey Place Farce:  In a whopper of an election promise, Doug McCallum calls for a 60,000 seat stadium to be built in Surrey with no parking lots around it, leaving out zany ideas of access by canals on unused roads and a giant Ferris wheel.

Sept. 6, Crescent Log Beach:  The sorry state of Crescent Beach where it is jammed with old rotting logs is looked at compared to the nearby Crescent Rock beach that is faithfully maintained by naturists and nudists in pristine condition.

Sept. 13, Locked Out Again:  On a beautiful sunny Sunday, the gates on trails leading to both Crescent Rock beach and Crescent Beach remain locked yet again after security contractors once more fail to do their job without any consequences.

Sept. 19, Locke In Your Vote:  In a funny mix-up, a report that I filed on the Surrey Connect team's kick-off at Northview Golf & Country Club with campaign promises and quotes from Brenda Locke is inadvertently posted as this week's TNT.

Sept. 27, Tarantulas and Alligators of BC:  I turns out we have both of these very unscary creatures in B.C. as I encounter both a Tarantula moth caterpillar and a Northwestern Alligator lizard in the same week.  

Oct. 03, Surrey Stealing Signs:  The attacks on democracy and election signage in Surrey continue as we get closer to the election with By-laws directed to confiscate political signs from residential boulevard lawns and private property. 

Oct. 11, Fall at Hall 12:  The Surrey Fire Service Hall 12 has their historic sign hit the ground when the tree it was carved from falls after rotting out.  I detail their plans to save the sign and hopefully reinstall it at a future date.

Oct. 17, Done With Doug:  A review of the civic election results in both Surrey and White Rock that saw the incumbent mayors of both cities replaced, with Brenda Locke taking down Doug McCallum and Megan Knight winning against Darryl Walker.

Oct. 24, Did You Miss Time Change?:  The asinine times that the gates leading to the beach are locked are examined in detail, revealing why not only do they not make sense, they ensure people get locked down at the beach.

Nov. 01, It's Salmon Spawning Season - Finally!:  After months of drought the fall rains are finally here, much to the delight of volunteers at the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club with salmon finally returning to the Little Campbell fish hatchery.

Nov. 07, "So-Called" Journalism:  I rip into the lamestream media over their smear campaign of using the "so-called" label to denigrate the Freedom Convoy.  It's funny that they can't understand why people across Canada don't trust then anymore.

Nov. 14, Better Surrey:  I reveal my concept of "Better Surrey" where people can help improve this city by making public suggestions on improvements and changes to make the City of Surrey a better place to live, work and play.

Nov. 21, The Magnificent Surrey Seven:  With a new mayor in chaarge, the seven people who were kicked out of Surrey council meetings get a public apology.  What they really need is to have their legal fees recouped by the city.

Nov. 28, You Be The Judge:  A close-up look at the Save-On-Foods parking lot and examination of the CCTV footage shows that former mayor Doug McCallum could not have had his foot run over as he claimed and the trial judge believed.

Dec. 05, Hatching A Plan:  At their AGM, the members of the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club vote unanimously to move forward with plans to build a new modern fish hatchery above the flood plain where it will be safe from the Little Campbell river.

Dec. 12, Crescent Road & Track: A recent rash of accidents on Crescent Road makes me look at issues with this historic road and ways the Surrey Engineering Dept. can slow down traffic and make this road safer.

Dec. 19, Christmas List 2022:  The list of naughty and nice gifts we hope Santa will be leaving under the tree for the movers, shakers and decision makers from the Semiahmoo peninsula.  A Yule-time classic I hope you enjoy!

Dec. 27, Grin and Bear It or Bare It or Dare It:  A look at the White Rock Polar Bear Swim, the Polar Bare Skinny-dip at Crescent Rock beach, and the Mad Hatters Swim Club that does these two local swims plus Vancouver's English Bay in only 2.5 hours.

That's the year in a nutshell folks with 52 TNT's for your reading pleasure.  Look for more of my "The Naked Truth" columns posted weekly in the White Rock Sun for 2023.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People




TNT The Naked Truth

December 27, 2022

Don Pitcairn

The Pitcairn's taking the plunge Jan. 1st 2022 in their hot tub, surrounded by frozen snow, with an ice cold beer in hand.

Grin and Bear It or Bare It or Dare It

The long wait is over, it's time to once again take the plunge.  For the last two years organized polar bear swims have been cancelled across the Lower Mainland due to BC Health Guidelines focused on eliminating public events to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  With those restrictions now eased, there is no longer the need to take the plunge at home (with bonus points for creativity) as was the case for the White Rock Rotary Club's polar bear swim the past two years.  My wife Sheryl and I actually sent in our prisoner plunge entry, jumping into our cabana covered hot tub with icy cold beers in hand and snow all around the yard.  The fact we were skinny-dipping didn't win us any bonus points with the folks in charge of this promotion when we submitted our video.  Too bad, so sad, just another day trying to brighten those rather gloomy times and maybe grab some bragging rights along with a small prize.

The annual White Rock Polar Bear Swim was cancelled for 2019 after the pier damaging wind storm left mountains of debris and holed boats across White Rock's beaches.  It was last held in 2020 before COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings came into place.  With the "take the plunge at home" virtual campaign the last two years, there has been a recent name change with the White Rock Polar Bear Swim now being called the White Rock Polar Bear Plunge.  i guess that no one at the WR Rotary or WR BIA realized that is the same sounding name used for the Polar Bare Plunge skinny-dip that has been held since 2007 at the nearby Crescent Rock beach in south Surrey.  Hopefully this homophone (different words that sound the same) miscue is changed since the words bear and bare even have the same letters.  Either way, registration for the White Rock event begins at 10:30 a.m. in front of the White Rock boulder east of the pier, with the swim starting at 12 o'clock noon on Jan. 1st, New Year's Day.

For a slightly different swim, Surrey's United Naturists ask you to "Brrr...ring in the Nude Year" as they hold their 15th annual Polar Bare Plunge skinny-dip on New Year's Day, Sunday, January 1st, 2023 at the nude friendly Crescent Rock beach in Surrey, B.C.  This clothing optional swim will be held at 1 p.m. in the icy waters of Mud Bay in front of the 120 tonne Crescent Rock boulder.  Simply walk south from the public Crescent Beach marine park 100 metres past the Christopherson Steps elevated metal walkway, or take these stairs located at the very west end of 24th Ave. in south Surrey.  Free registration for the 2023 Polar Bare Plunge begins at 12:30 p.m.   Your birthday suit is the natural attire for this annual skinny-dip but Santa hats, reindeer antlers, body paint and limited festive garments are appreciated.  Foot protection including secured sandals or aquatic shoes is highly recommended to help with footing on the small rocks before the sand flats.   FOR YOUR SAFETY, PLEASE DO NOT TRESPASS ON THE BNSF RAILWAY CORRIDOR.

Ice man Jamie Lee Kwen (5X) and Don Pitcairn (1X), two members of the elite Mad Hatters triple polar bear swim club.

If you think tat running into chilled ocean water during the winter is crazy, then there is another level of madness waiting for those who can't get enough of polar bear swims.  The timing of the White Rock Polar Bear Swim (12 noon), the Polar Bare Plunge at Crescent Rock in south Surrey (1 p.m.) and Vancouver's Polar Bear Swim at English Bay (2:30 p.m.) allow for the triple crown of polar bear swims to be completed in only 2.5 hours on New Year's Day.  This feat was first accomplished by two brave and adventurous ladies back in 2008 and in their honor, S.U.N.created the elite "Mad Hatters Swim Club" that can be joined by completing these three New Year's Day swims and sending in photographic proof to have their name added to the club's honour roll.  While the Polar Bare Plunge is clothing optional, to join the Mad Hatters Swim Club the Crescent Rock beach swim must be done in the nude.  Iron man Jamie Lee Kwen of Burnaby holds the record of completing the Mad Hatters' three New Year's swims an amazing five years in a row before COVID-19 restrictions ended this streak.

There you have it folks, three New Year's swims with increasing levels of difficulty.  I should note here that Delta also holds a polar bear swim at Centennial beach in Tsawwassen at 1 p.m., directly across Mud Bay and at the same time that the Crescent Rock skinny-dip is taking place.  Make a New Year's resolution to actually partake in one, two or three of these annual ocean baptisms.  At least it looks like the weather will be back to normal with temperatures well above zero and no snow in the forcast.  When I was last at Crescent Rock beach just after the big snow storm, the temperature was -10 C and -15 C with the wind chill.  Several metres out from shore, the seawater looked like a Slurpee with a thick layer of ice crystals floating in it.  Sorry to say but the thought of running into salt water that is cold enough to actually freeze does not sound like a good way to start the year, although I'm sure it would cure a hang-over instantly.



Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Deceber 19, 2022 

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Christmas List 2022

If there's one thing I love about Christmas, it's the annual traditions and in the White Rock Sun this holiday TNT is always special.  Here's the list of naughty and nice gifts we hope Santa will be leaving under the tree for the movers, shakers and decision makers from the Semiahmoo peninsula, listed alphabetically so as to not offend anyone.

Diana Barkley, Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club President�- A brand-new state of the art fish hatchery placed high above the Little Campbell river flood plain above the Little Campbell River.� As a stocking stuffer, a jar of organic honey from the club's bee hives.

Dave Chesney, WR Councillor�- For the editor of the WR Sun and veteran WR Councillor, a pound of his favourite Holy Smoke Coffee Holiday Blend coffee beans (so damn good).� As a stocking stuffer for Mr. Music, a 45 speed vinyl record of the Jackson Five's hit song "ABC." 

Kevin Falcon, Official Opposition Leader�- Kevin got his present a month early when the BC Liberals voted overwhelmingly to change their name to the United Party.� As a stocking stuffer, a new party slogan courtesy of yours truly, "Nowhere to go but UP."

Kerry-Lynne Findlay, S. Surrey-White Rock MP�- A dominatrix outfit along with a fine assortment of torture devices to inflict pain and suffering on Justin Trudeau's Liberals.� As a stocking stuffer, a copy of "50 Shades of Grey" for the lady who is now the Conservative Opposition whip.

Trevor Halford, S. Surrey-White Rock MLA�- For the new Shadow Minister for Affordability, Transportation & Infrastructure and ICBC, a tiger torch that he can use to hold the NDP's feet to the fire over impacts from the affordability crisis that we are now in.

Gordie Hogg, Mr. White Rock�- After getting almost 25,000 votes for Surrey mayor, good ol' Gordie gets a splitting axe under the tree since Surrey First once again split the vote.� For White Rock's perennial politician, a fine bottle of Carri-bean rum that he can share with me.

Debi Johnstone, KTRIS member - For the lady accused of running over the foot of the former Surrey Mayor in the Save-On-Foods parking lot, a Tesla car that would have recorded both audio and video of their confrontation and provided crucial evidence in this criminal case.

Megan Knight, Mayor of White Rock - For the new mayor who looks forward to “getting her feet wet” post-election win, an invitation to the upcoming Polar Bear swim on New Year's day.  As a stocking stuffer, a pair of brass knuckles after knocking on lots of doors in White Rock.

Norm Lipinski, Chief Constable, Surrey Police Service�- Kevin Bacon's twin also gets some Holy Smoke beans as he needs to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop wasting millions of taxpayer dollars until our policing debacle is decided on by Public Safety Minister Mike Farnsworth.

Brenda Locke, Mayor of Surrey - For the new mayor, a Gillet Venus shaver and a manicure set after she won a won a razor-thin nail-biting victory over arch foe Doug McCallum.� As a stocking stuffer for the leader of Surrey Connect, a "Surrey Girl" t-shirt courtesy of Surrey Shirts

Doug McCallum, Surrey resident�- For the former Mayor of Surrey who was recently found not guilty of Public Mischief, a boat where this Crescent Beach resident can now sail off into the sunset with the $56,000 separation allowance he received after getting voted out of power.

Ivan Scott, Keep the RCMP in Surrey - For the KTRIS leader, a cheque to cover their $50,000 legal bill to go along with the apology they have already received from the city of Surrey for trampling on their democratic rights and banning seven of their members from City Hall.

Sean Whyte, BC Lions placekicker - The real gift here is watching Sean play another year since returning to the BC Lions and recently signing a new contract extension.� For White Rock's returning prodigal son, a robe, a ring, new shoes and a fatted calf (Luke 15:22) left under the tree.

Harley Xwopoton, Chief of Semiahmoo First Nation�- The gift of good health after Harley recently announced he has a serious dose of the flu after burning the candle at both ends finally caught up with him. As a stocking unstuffer, a box of Neo-Citran Ultra Strength Total Flu.

Merry Christmas everyone an have a happy New Year!

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People




December 12, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Crescent Road & Track

The subject of continuing high-speed car accidents on the many twisting corners of Crescent Road has been covered in this column before, but recent crashes make it time to look at this problem again.  Crescent Road is a bit of an anomaly for roadways in Surrey as it does not follow the regular assortment of north-South and East-West mile apart grid lines.  Instead, this historic road follows the lay of the land along the Nicomekyl river in south Surrey going from sea level to bluff top and back down again.  Along the way there are eighteen curves you have to navigate along with several changes in elevation for a length of approximately 5 miles.   With no traffic lights and only one stop sign (at 128 Street) to slow you down from the King George Blvd to Crescent Beach, it is a magnet for high-speed driving and serious crashes that include injuries and deaths.

Unfortunately, the engineering and construction of this road is rather dated as it goes back over 100 years.  A quick visit to the website historical section has the following description for this heritage roadway.

"Crescent Road was constructed beginning in 1883 and later between 1910 and 1923, following the natural contours of the landscape, on the south side of the Nicomekl River, connecting the Elgin area to Crescent Beach. The name, Crescent Road, was in use by 1909, possibly earlier."

The picture posted with this online listing shows a dangerous corner at the north entrance to Crescent Beach where an out-of-control driver crossed fully into my lane while I was driving home in my Jeep YJ.  I took evasive action, swerving off the roadway onto the grass and sliding to a stop where the engine stalled since I had no time to hit the clutch.  That's just my own personal experience with speeding drivers on Crescent Road but I have plenty of other stories about crashes that I've witnessed, driven by or seen the results of.

In the past two months there have been three serious crashes on Crescent Road.  Two of these occurred on the south side of the road a couple of blocks on either side of 140 St where out of control vehicles smashed into the front gates of several homes, demolishing the heavy brick and concrete posts that once stood there.  The last wipe-out was where a vehicle failed to negotiate the corner at 144 St., slid across into the oncoming lane and took out about 40 feet of split-rail cedar fencing meant to protect pedestrians on the sidewalk.  This happened in an area that is posted at 30 kmh because of the pedestrian crossing and location of the Elgin Road Esso gas station.  I should note that this is now the second time that this fence has been driven into since it was erected a few years ago.  I'm thinking that some large concrete curbing might be more appropriate since drivers routinely ignore the low speed signage for this dangerous stretch of road.

Since I got on my little TNT soapbox about this issue, the Surrey Engineering Department has made some changes along Crescent Road.  They put up several of the yellow "Curve Ahead, 40 kmh" warning signs at many of the corners where crashes were routinely happening.  Up the hill west of Elgin Park, they posted three large yellow and black chevron signs indicating a sharp corner that has had the desired effect to slow traffic in an area where four people have previously died in car crashes.  The cats-eyes reflectors that used to line the middle of the road and the shoulders were taken off by snowplows a few years ago and unfortunately were never replaced.  This long stretch of road is rather poorly lit, especially in the curves where crashes happen repeatedly.  Except for the pedestrian crossing near Elgin Road that is part of the Semiahmoo Trail and the removal of all passing areas, Crescent Road remains basically unchanged since I started driving on it over 40 years ago.

The City of Surrey needs to look at the ongoing high-speed crashes on Crescent Road and take some concrete action to reduce speed for the Autobahn of south Surrey.  In the 30 kmh zone near the Elgin Esso station, speed humps should be installed, just as they are at all 30 kmh elementary school zones.  As I proposed to them before, some concrete curbing along the Semiahmoo Trail sidewalk and to protect the Esso gas pumps should be installed.  Centre islands with concrete curbing need to be placed at many of the sharp curves to help separate traffic and slow people down.  Traffic circles at 140 St., 136 St., 132 St. and 128 St. would help to reduce traffic speed plus help move people in and out of Crescent Beach in the summer.  Some "SLOW DOWN" and "SPEED KILLS" signs might give drivers something to think about, plus having brightly lit radar signs showing vehicle speed would be an asset.  Whether its RCMP or SPS, some actual speed enforcement on this long windy stretch of road both during the day and at night will show how pervasive dangerous speeding is on Crescent Road.

To get an idea of how serious a problem bad driving is in Surrey and the deaths and injuries that result, take the time to visit the Vision Zero Surrey on the City of Surrey website (  The focus of this program is to lower both deaths and injuries for drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians in Surrey.  They are attempting to get to zero by "focusing efforts on Surrey's Victims of Harm, Location of Harm, and Perpetrators of Harm as identified through data analysis and community partnership."  The data this site contains is rather sobering with the numbers for the various KSI collisions (killed, serious injured) that happen every year in this city.  You might be surprised to learn that:

  • Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists account for half of Surrey’s KSI collisions

  • 65% of Surrey’s serious crashes occur on just 5% of our streets

  • 80% of Surrey’s KSI collisions occur at intersections

  • High risk driving behaviours are a contributing factor in two-thirds of Surrey’s KSI crashes

I was almost in a head-on crash on Crescent Road that I narrowly avoided.  My wife was passed by a speeding car that failed to negotiate the next curve on Crescent Road and crashed into the trees.  I was on scene for a collision where a new driver speeding in Daddy's Jaguar sedan crossed the centre line and plowed into a Mazda 3, shattering the young lady's legs and trapping her in the car.  I visited the fatal crash site where a young man named Tony Blackburn died on Valentine's Day after his friend lost control on Crescent Road and spun sideways into a telephone pole.  When you experience these things and many more, it makes you want to help improve this historic roadway and that starts by getting upgrades to ensure it less of a race track and more of a safe arterial road.  With assistance from the new mayor and council, hopefully the Engineering Department can make this happen instead of leaving Crescent Road in its current state for another century.

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People




December 05, 2022

The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Hatching a Plan

Last Saturday was the Annual General Meeting of the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club located in the historic Hazelmere Valley of south Surrey where it has resided the past 65 years, while operating a salmon and trout hatchery for the last 45 years.  Besides the regular run-of-the-mill organizational information relayed to the membership and reports from the various directors, there was a very important topic on the agenda.  It is my pleasure to report to you that a vote to allow the SFGC executive to continue with plans for Phase 1 for the construction of a new fish hatchery to replace the rather antiquated and flood prone Little Campbell Hatchery (LCH) passed with a unanimous vote by all of those in attendance.

Last year was an extremely trying time for the SFGC volunteers who help run its Little Campbell Hatchery.  The atmospheric river that targeted the south portion of B.C. in November caused extensive flooding in and around the hatchery building.  The fish fence that is used to count spawning salmon was inundated with gravel and logs, sustaining serious damage.  The hatchery itself had two feet of water flowing through it, making for the second time in one year that the building had been flooded.  A power outage associated with the flooding knocked out pumps and aerators resulting in 30,000 coho eggs in the nursery being destroyed.  On top of that, floodwaters inundated the coho rearing ponds with adult spawning salmon replacing many of the young fish being raised there.  In short, it was an unmitigated disaster for the club and its hatchery.

With a new President and Board in position, the executive opened talks with Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) advisers and started touring other fish hatchery facilities in January.  They were looking at the possibility of rebuilding the antiquated hatchery with a more modern design in an area out of the Little Campbell river flood plain.  Using construction templates for modern fish hatcheries and with guidance from the Pacific Salmon Foundation, several local construction companies were approached for preliminary quotes for a complete rebuild.  It has been estimated that a Phase 1 design stage will cost $70,000-$75,000 and that an entirely new building and its salmon support systems will likely cost in the neighbourhood of $1,800,000.

The B.C. Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund (BCSRIF) has announced federal and provincial co-funding of $200 million for supporting protection and restoration activities for Pacific Salmon and other wild fish stocks.  Their focus is on innovation, infrastructure and science partnerships, their priorities are for salmon ecosystems, habitats and sustainable fisheries and their fundamental projects include improving salmon stocks, mitigating climate change impacts, plus incorporating Indigenous participation and knowledge.  Fortunately, the SFGC and its LCH tick many of these boxes with letters of support from Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke, South Surrey MLA Elenore Sturko, South Surrey-White Rock MP Kerri-Lynne Findlay, The Semiahmoo First Nation plus LaFarge Canada Inc.  Having an existing fish hatchery, available land and a knowledgeable volunteer base is definitely a bonus.

The DFO gave the SFGC $35,000 from its Salmon Initiative Strategy on top of the $8,000 it pays annually to the hatchery to help support its normal operations.  A further $35,000-$45,000 will be needed from various funding sources and approved grant applications to complete the Phase 1 plan by the end of January 2023 time frame for this project.  It is hoped by that time that working drawings of the proposed facility will be submitted to the City of Surrey with the likelihood of receiving a building permit within one calendar year.  Current projections for this massive undertaking are for $300,000 to be needed by March of 2023, $1,000,000 by March of 2024 and a further $500,000 for completion of the buildings and infrastructure by the spring of 2026 when the new hatchery should be up and running.

Just like when the original fish hatchery was built on the banks of the Little Campbell river 45 years ago, services in kind, volunteering and donations to the building fund will be gracious accepted once government grants are received, building permits issued and the construction contracted.  At the end of this ambitious and much needed upgrade of the hatchery complex, the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club will have a brand-new state of the art salmon hatchery.  Getting volunteers to help capture, count and raise salmon in the hatchery should not be a problem as membership in the SFGC has blossomed this year with over 750 members now in attendance.  With COVID rates declining, everyone is looking forward to classrooms of children returning to the SFGC property to view the hatchery operations and explore the riverside nature trails. 

If you would like to help fund the club activities and contribute to the funding for Phase 1 of the new hatchery plan, the SFGC is once again holding its Christmas tree chipping event on January 7 & 8 at 1284- 184 St. by donation.  Please mark this date and address on your 2023 calendar if you are planning on having a real tree this holiday season.  The club will also be taking applications for new memberships, hoping to eclipse 1,000 members in 2023 as excitement for a new modern salmon hatchery on the Little Campbell river builds.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People



November 28, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

You Be The Judge

Former Surrey mayor Doug McCallum's trial on Public Mischief ended last week and he was found not guilty in the Surrey Provincial Courthouse.  As I noted in my TNT Extra, you can read the Reasons for Judgment by Judge Reginald Harris on the Provincial Court of BC website at the following link:  Before delving into the following TNT, it is advisable that you read the evidence and judgment in detail in order to better understand what I am going to reveal to you today on this historic Surrey criminal case.

I was in courtroom 101 for the start of McCallum's trial and also attended on the final day when the judge explained his reasoning and gave his verdict.  I was rather surprised that the judge ignored McCallum's statements about being pinned to his car, having his leg run over or that the Mustang in question tore away at a high rate of speed, all which were proven false.  In video footage outside of Save-On-Foods and the Peace Arch Hospital, Mr. McCallum appears to be walking fine without any presence of a limp, this after allegedly having his foot run over by a tire carrying over 900 lbs of weight.  On the question of whether Mrs. Debi Johnstone ran over Doug McCallum's foot, the Judge believed this to be true and gave his many thought-felt reasons to find Mr. McCallum not guilty of Public Mischief.

Leaving the Surrey Courthouse, I decided to visit the Southpoint Save-On-Foods (SOF) to see the area for myself where this alleged hit and run had happened.  Of interest was the landscaped traffic island bed and its relation to the CCTV footage that was taken from a camera mounted at the top of the right front door as you enter this grocery store.  I had viewed the CCTV footage once it had been released in court but bushes blocked the view of Mr. McCallum's feet in relation to Debi Johnstone's Mustang car.  This traffic island also contains several boulders that make standing in it basically impossible, meaning her belief that Doug McCallum had stood there during their heated discussions was erroneous.  I took detailed measurements of all of the obstacles and roadway widths from the area plus plenty of photographs concerning lines of sight from the position of the nearby CCTV.

There are four disabled parking stalls adjacent to this area, with the ones closest to the store being 12 feet wide and the next two being 9 feet wide.  They are all 19.5" long, or 39 feet in total, with the 12-foot-wide ones having a disabled parking sign located in the middle 6' from the curb.   The north/south driving lane where Debi Johnstone stopped her car to harass Doug McCallum is 12' wide, while the east-west driveway in front of SOF lanes are 14' and 13.5' or 27.5' in total.  The landscaped bed in question is just over 12' wide with curbing that is 4.5 inches tall.   There are several rocks at the end of the traffic island with one 21" tall leaving only 11" of space between the rock and the edge of the curb.   The painted yellow stop line is 5' from the corner of the traffic island next to the disabled parking and the pinch point of the large boulder is 3' from this same curb corner. 

By plain crazy luck, my wife drives a silver Ford Mustang convertible, similar to the one owned by Debi Johnstone.  This car is 188.5" long, 74" wide and 56" tall with a 107" wheelbase, a turning circle of 33.4' and weighs 3,500 lbs.  I'm not going to bother you with horsepower, torque, 0-60 speed or any other performance details but it is fun to drive, especially with the top down where you have increased visibility and can easily yell obscenities at local political figures, which comes in handy.  By far the most important measurements with relation to this case are the distance from the front bumper to the middle of the front seat which measures 5' when my wife is driving.  The distance from the driver's seat to the middle of the rear wheel is only 3' and the closest you would ever stand next to the side of this vehicle when it is running would be 2" away, and likely further if you were concerned for your safety after being publicly ridiculed.  

Now it is time to dissect the CCTV video of the alleged hit and run incident with a 2:08 minute clip posted on CBC at .   It starts with Debi Johnston's silver Mustang driving left to right through the two disabled parking spots that are 12' away from the traffic island (0:07-0:19 sec.).  At centre screen Doug McCallum can be seen walking away from his car putting on a surgical mask (0:18-0:22 sec.).   As the Mustang turns right and pulls up at the yellow stop line, he turns and walks back alongside the car stepping up into the traffic island and then down into the vacant disabled parking spot (0:23-0:32 sec).  Mrs. Johnstone's car is slightly angled away from the traffic island and there is a yellow sign and tree just above Mr. Mccallum's head and a reflector at his left shoulder.  Just over a minute into this video, Mr. McCallum steps back and to the left away from the Mustang with the reflector disappearing from sight (1:05-1:08 sec.).  They continue to converse until at 1:28 seconds the Mustang begins to pull away driving straight ahead then turning wide halfway into the oncoming lane at regular parking lot speed.  As the car pulls away Mr. McCallum begins to turn his body and as the car passes he proceeds to walk back towards the grocery store, this time not stepping up onto the traffic island.

X marks the spot!

Now, here is where all of the measurements and the picture of the area where this interaction happened all come together.  When Debi Johnstone turned and parked her car in the laneway the Mustang was slightly angled away from the traffic island with her car stopped near the front of the yellow stop line a couple feet from the curb.  Mr. McCallum walks over to her car, stepping up onto the corner of the traffic island as visible from his head motion and down into the disabled parking spot before turning to face the car.  The distance from the stop line to the corner of the curb is 5' and the Mustang is 8" from bumper to driver, meaning he would be standing 2.5'-3' feet from the north side of the traffic island.  Stepping up, onto and then off this island reveals that his forward progress would place him at least 1' behind the corner of the curbing that the car was stopped well away from.  Comparing lines of sight from the position of the CCTV and vegetation in front of Mr. McCallum plus the trees and yellow sign behind him reveals exactly where he is standing, which is where I placed a yellow X in the photo you see.  Unlike the judge in this case, I don't believe Mr. McCallum had his foot run over in this incident unless he is Surreyman.., I mean Superman.  When the Mustang drives away, Mr. McCallum walks out into the laneway area and turns right to return to the front of the SOF store without stopping, looking down at his feet, or limping.

Had the RCMP and prosecutor taken all of these measurements, shown the details of the traffic island and explained Mr. McCallum's motions in relation to the CCTV and his positioning besides the Mustang, this trial could have had a different verdict.  There were also two CCTV cameras on the nearby Rogers store that may have offered a different view and vantage point but it is not known if this footage was ever secured or revealed the interaction in question.  With the judge finding Mr. McCallum not guilty and believing that his foot was run over by Mrs. Johnstone, does that not mean that the shoe is now on the other foot?  Could charges of vehicular assault, dangerous driving and leaving the scene of an accident now be filed against Debi Johnstone for using her car as a weapon?  The photos, measurements and explanation in this TNT might then be used to clear her name, proving that not only did she never pin the former Mayor against his car, she didn't ran over his foot either.  Somehow, I don't think the RCMP will be pursuing this as aggressively as they did charges against the man trying to replace them with the Surrey Police Service.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

TNT Extra:
  Former Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum was found NOT GUILTY on his charge of Public Mischief.  Judge Reginald Harris delivered his verdict on Monday morning in the Surrey Provincial Courthouse, saying he was satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that McCallum had his food run over by a Mustang in the Save-On-Foods parking lot during a verbal confrontation with a KITRS supporter.  Judge Harris acknowledged that several statements made by McCallum were inaccurate but did not believe he was lying to police investigators, blaming the fear and stress McCallum was experiencing for these discrepancies.  You can read the reasons for judgement on the Provincial Court of British Columbia website at the following link:

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People



November 21, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

The Magnificent Surrey Seven

It took the removal of Doug McCallum from Surrey City Hall, the end of the Safe Surrey majority on council and a big change of heart from City Hall for "The Magnificent Surrey Seven" to receive an apology for the treatment they have endured.  Late last year, Surrey Council voted to ban seven Surrey residents, Annie Kaps, Debi Johnstone, Colin Pronger, Ivan Scott, Merle Scott, Marilyn Smith and Linda Ypenburg from attending council chambers.  They were members of the Keep The RCMP In Surrey (KTRIS) group that were a serious burr under the saddle of then Mayor Doug McCallum and his efforts to bring in the Surrey Police Service.   The new Mayor Brenda Locke had this to say about this assault on civic democracy, “As mayor of the city of Surrey I want to extend our sincerest apologies to the seven individuals who were prohibited from attending council meetings in person by a council resolution adopted on Sept. 13, 2021.  As mayor of the city of Surrey I want to extend our sincerest apologies to the seven individuals who were prohibited from attending council meetings in person."

The City of Surrey hired Lidstone & Company Law Corp. to file a petition to the BC Supreme Court on Oct. 18, 2021 asking that the seven be prohibited from "physically attending City of Surrey Council and Committee meetings in person, until Council determines otherwise.”  These seven residents hired their own legal team and filed a petition in BC Supreme Court on Dec. 14, 2021 to have the ban on them attending council chambers overturned.  Feeling the public heat and likely realizing they did not have a legal leg to stand on, council then rescinded the ban six days later without offering an apology for the pain and suffering the Mag 7 had endured.  Now that the new Surrey council has rectified this past mistake by issuing a formal apology, maybe it is time to put their money where their mouth is.  In order to fight City Hall, "The Magnificent Surrey Seven" had to hire lawyers to represent them, which racked up a $50,000 legal bill.  If Surrey taxpayers can pay for Doug McCallum' legal dream team with Richard Peck to fight his Public Mischief charge that involved several members of KTRIS, then City Hall should buck up and reimburse them for their legal costs.

On the subject of Doug McCallum, three of his 4'x8' Safe Surrey election signs are still posted up on 16th Ave. in south Surrey (the photo is from 172 St.).  These signs should have been removed no later than two weeks after the election as per Surrey sign bylaws and here we are over a month past the election date.  Knowing of Doug's penchant for eliminating election signs from boulevards and city property plus directing the Bylaw Dept. to confiscate Surrey Connect election signs before the civic election, I decided that turnabout was fair play.  I reported these signs to Surrey Bylaws and received word a file had been generated for an officer to investigate and hopefully issue fines.  McCalllum's election slogans were "Doug gets it done" and "Doug delivers."  Well, it's time to get your sign clean up DONE and DELIVER them to the dump.  Just because you lost and were kicked out of office doesn't mean that the bylaws don't apply to you.  I have run for public office twice and been the sign manager for both a Surrey mayoralty candidate and a South Surrey-White Rock MP.  In all of these cases, the election signs were collected within three days after the ballots had been counted.  

Maybe Doug McCallum has not bothered with this cleanup because his foot was still sore from where one of "The Magnificent Surrey Seven" Debi Johnstone allegedly ran it over with her Mustang at a KTRIS event.  I don't believe a word about what Doug McCallum had to say to the police about this incident and CCTV footage in the Save-On-Foods parking lot shows the former Mayor never looking down at his feet and walking briskly without a limp after their encounter.  By chance, Monday, Nov. 21st, the day this column was posted, is verdict day at the Surrey Provincial Courthouse.   Judge Reginald Harris will be announcing his decision based on the evidence that was presented at trial, an explanation of which should last about two hours.  Special Prosecutor Richard Fowler had this to say to the judge about Doug McCallum, “This is not a trial about whether or not Mr. McCallum's foot was run over.  This is a trial about whether or not Mr. McCallum, with the intent to mislead, made false statements to the police, with the intention of causing Ms. Debi Johnstone to be suspected of having committed offences she had not committed.”  It will be interesting to see if the high-priced legal team that Surrey taxpayers are footing the bill for manages to get Doug McCallum off the hook.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn


November 14, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


There are approximately 550,000 residents now living in the City of Surrey.  That is a lot of eyes and ears, many boots on the ground and plenty of people from various backgrounds, with different ideas and individual personalities.  I am but one small cog in the big machine that is Surrey, but we are all responsible for how our city grows and develops into the future.  Now imagine if every person living in this town were given the opportunity to help make Surrey a better place to live, to recommend improvements and help promote livability in this region.  That is the basis for an idea I call "BETTER SURREY" that could be used as a sounding board for residents to make individual recommendations that would make Surrey a better place to live.  

The concept is to have an email address available on the website or possibly even a BETTER SURREY Facebook page where folks can pass along their suggestions to City Hall.  With over half a million people and a very large municipality, I believe it makes sense to reach out and allow residents of Surrey their say on civic improvements based on their experiences and concepts they may have.  These recommendations do not have to be on the monumental scale such as a 60,000 seat stadium, building a system of canals, or even a Ferris wheel in Bridgeview.  They could be just small-scale suggestions based on each person's individual experiences and their knowledge of their neighbourhood.  There are places in Surrey I know little about but I am very familiar with my little corner of the world that those in City Hall should be aware of.  Using people's personal knowledge and insight, together we can make Surrey a better place to live.

I'm kind of cheating here since I already have this long-standing soapbox to rant from but here is a list of community improvements that I could submit to BETTER SURREY if this concept is put into motion.   Some of these have been covered as previous TNT topics but I think that collectively they show the level of insight that residents have of their communities.  In no certain order, here are ten of my suggestions that I believe would make for a BETTER SURREY.  Trust me when I say I probably could have written fifty of these ideas but I didn't want to be up all night or possibly bore my readers to death.  Not to mention, I don't think my editor Dave Chesney would be very happy having to proof-read a TNT of biblical proportions.

  1. Sandy Trail connects the neighbourhood of Crescent Heights to Crescent Beach and yet there are no signs at either of its three entrance points giving its historical name.  It also does not appear on the City website, meaning that many people do not even know of its existence.  This dark gravelled trail could use some pathway lighting as it is extremely dark in the woods at night

  1. The shoreline of Crescent Beach needs to be cleaned every spring of extra logs that float into Mud Bay and get deposited on the shoreline.  The pathways should be cleared and the logs arranged for maximum public benefit and relaxation area.  This log sorting operation is done on other beaches throughout the Lower Mainland and it is time that it was done here in Surrey.

  1. The Christopherson Steps (formerly 101 Steps) at 24 Ave. and 1001 Steps at 15A Ave. need to have street signage pointing to these Crescent Rock beach access staircases, along with names at both the top and bottom of these stairs so that people know what they are called and where to direct emergency personal in case of an accident at the shoreline or on the train tracks.

  1. The muddy shoreline between Blackie Spit and the BNSF train trestle at the Crescent Beach Marina should have "Danger Quicksand - Keep Out!" signs posted on the areas that saturate with incoming tides where people have become trapped in the mud and needed rescuing by the Surrey Fire Service. 

  1. The Ocean Park staircase at 13 Ave. and 131 St. needs to be properly named and signed at both top and bottom, on nearby streets and also placed on the Surrey website.   Its real name is the "Olympic Trail" as it looks south at the Olympic Peninsula from what used to be Olympic Road.  It is not called "Pot Point", "Stoner's Point" or the lame "13 Ave. Lookout" name that has recently surfaced at City Hall.

  1. Christopherson Road north of 24 Ave. needs to finally be paved.  It is still a graveled street in an area with an ocean view and homes valued at $5-10 million.  The west end of 24 Ave. is no better with a surface of asphalt oiled gravel dating back at least 80 years.  Somehow these streets have become the roadways that the Engineering Department has forgotten about.

  1. Crescent Road is a windy roadway that stretches from KGB to Crescent Beach with only one stop signs and no traffic lights.  It is used as a high-speed racetrack resulting in constant wipe outs into the gates of the many high-end homes along this street.  Traffic calming islands, chicanes, roundabouts, or speed humps are needed to lower the crash rate and deaths on this dangerous road.

  1. Colebrook Road along the bottom of Panorama Ridge was repaved earlier this year but it is extremely dark and needs overhead lighting installed at the t-intersection at 160 St. where two cars have already plowed through the guardrail, and on either side of the BC Railway overpass for the KGB.  More lighting for the notorious dump spots might also decrease illegal dumping.

  1. The unused Surrey Park & Ride lot on the west side of KGB could be turned into a neighbourhood garage sale on the weekend during the summer months.  People simply rent the stalls they need from Translink and sell merchandise out of their trunks or put up tables and shelters.  This would be a fun community event and also help generate revenue for Translink.

  1. There is no mention of Crescent Rock beach on the City of Surrey website and no sign-age informing people to its 75-year history of clothing-optional use.  If Surrey wants to champion diversity and inclusion, this shoreline that is to Surrey what Wreck Beach is to Vancouver should be listed on the Parks and Recreation section of the City website.  Sign-age leading to and from the beach would help to educate and inform.

There you have it and I didn't even mention building Skytrain to Newton, keeping the RCMP in Surrey or Elon Musk launching Space-X rockets here here to help celebrate Diwali.  I certainly don't have all of the answers as to how to make this a BETTER SURREY but if we all put our heads together and help direct those at City Hall whose job it is to make civic improvements, just imagine how collectively we could change this city over time.  If every person in Surrey had ten suggestions as to have to create a BETTER SURREY, we would have 5.5 million ideas worth considering.  I do realize that the City has a budget and not all improvements could be made but at least we would have a community forum where these ideas and concepts could be discussed, considered and possibly implemented.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


NOVEMBER 07, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

\Don PItcairn

"So-Called" Journalism

I watch, listen to and read a large variety of media news and am constantly surprised by the misinformation, bias, and outright fabrication that I have seen when it comes to fair reporting these days.  I believe that much of this is likely due to media of all forms becoming more centrally controlled and corporation dominated.  Throw in the political and religious leanings of those involved not to mention big money advertisers plus government funding and the news of the day can often become slanted or even tainted.   When you get your news from a variety of sources it is amazing how the story can change depending on what channel you are watching, what station you are listening to or what newspaper you are reading.  Simply check out Fox News and CNN in the United States to see the difference in reporting.

That being said, there is a dedicated media smear campaign in Canada that has been on-going for most of 2022 that is unfortunately continuing to this very day.  It is the use of the "so-called" tag that is used when journalists and editors are reporting on the "Freedom Convoy" protest.  Ask yourself how often you have read or heard the term "so-called Freedom Convoy" in the last year?  What is interesting is the people in the trucking industry who originally decided to bring a rolling protest to Ottawa gave their movement a name and it was the "Freedom Convoy."  Whether you agree with their motives, their protest, their actions in Ottawa or the use of the Emergencies Act against them, the Freedom Convoy (note the lack of quotation marks) is the name of this movement.

A simple Google search of "so-called meaning" quickly shows how this is an insulting and degrading term.  The Oxford dictionary defines so-called as "used to express one's view that a name or term is inappropriate."  The Cambridge dictionary lists so-called as "used to show that you think a word that is used to describe someone or something is not suitable or not correct."  If you search "Is so-called a negative word?" you will find that "'so-called' has negative connotations, with the implication that the item you are referring to is not actually the thing that it is called."  Search "Is so-called an insult?" and you will find the following from Wordpress:  "In many cases, so-called is intended, in no uncertain terms, as an insult.   If that's your intent - to deride or insult - feel free to use this phrase.  But if your goal is to remain neutral or objective, or simply to present information, then you should avoid this phrase."

Another internet search of the term "so-called Freedom Convoy" will show you countless media stories from around the globe using the "so-called" insult to describe the Freedom Convoy protest.  These include the CBC, CTV, Global, City News, Toronto Star, BBC, Reuters, Forbes and even Al Jazeera that usually has high levels of journalistic reporting.  It was interesting to note that the Washington Post and Euronews, instead of utilizing the negative so-called term, listed them as the "self-styled Freedom Convoy", the only time I have seen this factual term used.  It is noteworthy to realize that the Wikipedia post for this protest is not listed under "Freedom Convoy", but instead is named as the "Canada Convoy Protest" a name I'd never heard it called before.  While they do note it was called the Freedom Convoy, they don't stoop to invoking the so-called smear before the actual name.

Having media slander groups by describing them in insulting terms only opens them to further abuse, including by those in power.  One only needs to look at how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described the Freedom Convoy members to realize not only did he not accept their demands to repeal vaccine mandates, but would not bother to meet with them to discuss their concerns.   Instead, they were called "a fringe minority with unacceptable views, racists, misogynists, and accused of being violent.  All of this rhetoric of course ended up with the Canadian government invoking the Emergencies Act, using police force to violently quash the protest while ignoring Canadian Charter Rights and Freedoms.  The ongoing Emergencies Act Inquiry that is currently ongoing will hopefully show if the declaration was needed and if the measures taken under it including freezing Canadian's bank accounts were legal.

I often listen to City News (AM 1130) for their traffic reports and got rather tired of hearing supposedly professional journalists keep on using the slanderous so-called term in their broadcasts.  I found their team online a that listed email addresses and telephone numbers for their employees and called their manager editor Peter Wagner to let him know my views on the so-called smear.  Even though I explained in detail why this was not respectful or proper journalism, CityNews kept on broadcasting the same worn-out tag to slander the Freedom Convoy.  If you now realize this is a media driven smear campaign, feel free to contact their managers either by email or by phone.  I will be sending them a link to this story so they realize how inept they now look, plus I will be filing a formal notice with the CRTC about their broadcasting practices (see  In the end, journalists need to report the news, not slander those that the federal government has an obvious agenda against.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


November 01, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

It's Salmon Spawning Season - Finally!

The last year has seen remarkable weather that has seriously affected the Little Campbell River that runs through the Hazelmere valley in south Surrey, which includes the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club (SFGC) and the Little Campbell Hatchery (LCH) that operates on the same property at 1284 184 St.  First was last year's punishing atmospheric river that unleashed records amounts of water onto the southern part of BC resulting in washouts, landslides and devastating floods.  Then came the extreme winter cold with temperatures hitting -20 C in the Lower Mainland that is not equipped for regular Canadian winter weather.  After that we had one of the coldest and wettest springs we've had in years followed by a hot and dry summer that stretched well into the fall with almost no precipitation from August into October.  While the weather was great for going to the beach, we had high forest fire danger coupled with level 5 drought until last week.

Last November's extreme precipitation event sent a surge of water down the Little Campbell River that submerged the Little Campbell Hatchery in two feet of water, inundating the building where salmon eggs are hatched and smolts raised into juvenile salmon.  The power going out in the flooded building contributed to a loss of many salmon eggs that had already been harvested for the next year's brood stock.  Spawning salmon were swimming throughout the flooded property including across the submerged driveway making for some rather interesting photos at that time.  Unfortunately, the flood waters affected the coho retention pond where much of the young salmon were washed out of this enclosure into the river making for an early uncontrolled release.  When the floodwaters subsided, SFGS and LCH members worked diligently to recover salmon left high and dry in nearby fields or trapped in ponds on the property.

The wet and cold spring we endured was more of a problem for farmers than fish but the high heat and extreme drought we experienced throughout the summer and into the fall seriously strained the river systems throughout much of the province.  Most residents of BC saw the video of tens of thousands of dead salmon trapped in a dry river bed in Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii in early October.  While the larger tributaries here did not completely dry out, they were running at very low water levels stopping salmon from returning to their spawning grounds.  As of two weeks ago, not a single salmon had appeared at the fish fence crossing the Little Campbell River at the hatchery, something that had never happened before.  Concerns were growing that without rain the fish might not be able to spawn in time, or else all frantically swim upstream at once and compete for limited spawning sites.

Last week's rainfall appears to have come just in time and it is my pleasure to report that the Little Campbell Hatchery is once again receiving a variety of salmon breeds at the fish fence.  As of last Friday, volunteers had counted a total of 561 Chinook (419 wild, 142 hatchery fish), 194 Coho (159 wild, 35 hatchery fish) and 11 Chum.  Fifteen pairs of Chinook were retained for breeding purposes and members of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans removed and fertilized 60,000 eggs that will be raised in large tanks inside the hatchery.   While not yet posted on the yearly count board that is next to the fish fence, staff were excited last Friday that the first cutthroat trout of the year had been counted along with one lonely Sockeye salmon that had made a surprise appearance in a river that does not support a run of Sockeye.  In fact, the last Sockeye seen in the Little Campbell River was 15 years ago way back in 2007.

The latest atmospheric river to lash the coast will ensure plenty of water for the salmon to swim upstream and fill all of the smaller tributaries off the Little Campbell that are rich spawning and rearing grounds.  You can expect large numbers of salmon to pass through the Semiahmoo Fish & Game Club property this week and it is a perfect time to go do some salmon spotting.  The SFGC property where the Little Campbell Hatchery is located also includes 30 acres of property located on both sides of the river with walking trails following the river.  The grounds are open to the public from dawn to dusk and now is the best time of the year to see volunteers in action counting the passing fish and to marvel at this yearly natural spectacle.  While there, you might consider taking out a membership in the SFGC and joining the band of volunteers that run the club and hatchery.  With large bills for running the fish hatchery, tax deductible donations are always greatly appreciated.

For more information on the SFGC and LCH or to help with the volunteer not-for-profit club, please visit the following:

Semiahmoo Fish and Game Club:

Little Campbell Hatchery:

Hatchery donations:  Please call 604-535-8366 or send an email or E-transfer to

Have a safe and happy Halloween,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People



Monday October 24, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn 

Did You Miss Time Change?


I would have thought by now that time change away from Daylight Savings Time would have been a thing of the past.  Yet thanks to a Chinese manufactured laboratory virus and NDP Premier John Horgan not having the testicular fortitude to do so,  we are still stuck with twice a year time change similar to the western states of the USA.  It is interesting to note that during the same world-wide scamdemic, our neighbours to the north in the Yukon somehow eliminated the twice-yearly time change in March of 2020, sticking to DST after a public survey showed overwhelming support for eliminating this relic that dates back to WW1 over 100 years ago.  In case you were wondering, time change in BC this year is on Sunday Nov. 6 where we get to "fall back" at 2 a.m. and get an extra hour of partying in, with the "spring forward" date of March 12, 2023 where we lose an hour of sleep contributing to societal fatigue and car crashes.

BC isn't the only jurisdiction that sticks to arbitrary and outdated time changes, which make no sense in the modern world or in the realm of common sense.  Case in point is the closing times for the three staircases in south Surrey that lead to the shoreline of Crescent Rock Beach, namely the Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24 Ave., the 1,001 Steps at the west end of !5 A Ave., and the Olympic Trail (aka "Stoners Point" on 13 Ave. at the south end of 131 St.  In case you missed it or never bothered to read the signs heading down to the beach, here is the information that the City of Surrey has posted.


Feb 12 - Apr 15  8:00 pm

Apr 16 - Aug 26 10:00 pm

Aug 27 - Oct 15  8:00 pm

Oct 16 - Feb 11  6:00 pm

If locked in, contact security contractor

Now I do realize that the main reason for locking these steps is to keep nocturnal party-goers at bay (good one), especially during the summer season.  With the BNSF Railway corridor at the bottom of the Ocean Park bluffs, we want to keep people away from the train tracks at night as history has unfortunately shown.  What is asinine about the dates and times of these changes is how arbitrary they are and how the times listed fail to take into account the moment for both sunset and twilight.  First thing wrong with this is the dates are relatively arbitrary with odd dates selected instead of picking either the 15th middle day of the month for changing the closure times, or the end and start of months, eg. the 31st and 1st.  Is there anyone who actually remembered that Oct 16 was the dates the time changed for the stairways to the beach to be locked?  Wow..., you hear that..., crickets.

Now here is where the selected dates and times start to get ridiculous.  On Feb. 12 in White Rock, sunset was at 5:28 p.m., so the gates were then locked at 8 p.m. almost 2.5 hours after the sun had gone down and two hours after dusk.  On April 16, sunset was at 8:07 p.m., again almost two hours before the gates were locked.   On Aug. 27, sunset was at 8:07, close to sunset but long before dusk when people could be expected to be at the waterfront during summer vacation.  On Oct. 16, the gates went backwards from 8 o'clock to 6 p.m., a full 20 minutes before sunset and almost an hour before dusk.  It makes no sense for these draconian changes that lock the gates before sunset some times of the year and hours after the sun has gone down months later.  

Case in point, being a sun-lover I often go down to the beach at any time of the year to watch the sunset.  A week ago, my wife and i ventured to Crescent Rock beach, took in the light show and the Christopherson Steps were still open when we left.  A week later and we did the same thing but this time the stairs were locked shut down at the beach and at the top of the trail, almost half an hour earlier than the week before.  This was not a big obstacle for us as we can simply walk home through Crescent Beach but if you live in Ocean Park, the gates and fences at the staircases there pose a serious obstacle.  The signs say to call a security contractor but that doesn't help if you don't know the number that is not even posted!

Now, here is where it gets amazingly stupid.  While the times the gates get closed are posted on the stairs, they do not correspond to the times given on the City of Surrey Parks Department website.  The 1001 Steps is listed as being open from dawn to dusk but that certainly is not the case.  The same goes for the Christopherson steps that are listed as being open from dawn to dusk on the website but with different times on the staircase signage.  Interestingly the Olympic Trail, aka Stoner's Point that some in the Parks Department now bizarrely refer to as the "13th Avenue Lookout" is not even listed on the Parks Department information.  in neighbouring White Rock, the Coldicutt Ravine staircase leading to the waterfront where people had to cross the BNSF Tracks was never fenced off and locked before last year's atmospheric river caused landslides that closed it permanently.

What is the point of living near the ocean if the city restricts access to it before sunset let alone into twilight when the colours become their most intense?  Can you imagine not living in the area and getting locked in with no way to escape and no phone numbers posted?  These ridiculous times and how they change throughout the year need to be taken down and a simpler system enacted.  How about Surrey locks the gates at dusk throughout the year, just as they are already listed on the Parks Dept website?  This should be a no-brainer even for bureaucrats when you realize that the gates are unlocked by Securiguard contractors at dawn each morning.  The opening times for Surrey parks throughout the Semiahmoo peninsula is dawn to dusk and access to these beach staircases should be the same.

in closing, I leave you with a photo I took at Crescent Rock beach that would not have been possible if the gates were closed before the sun went down and the sunset colours blazed across the sky.  

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn 

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Monday October 17, 2022


TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Done With Doug

Once again Doug McCallum is a one term wonder with him losing the Mayor's chair to former Surrey Councillor Brenda Locke.  This election was anything but a cakewalk for Locke's Surrey Connect team that came together to defeat McCallum's Safe Surrey Coalition.  In total 118,908 residents of Surrey cast a ballot in the 2022 civic election, a little over a third of the eligible population that equates to 34.54% of the voters.  Locke won with 33,311 votes (28.14%) to McCallum's 32,338 (27.31%), with only 973 votes separating the front runners.  White Rock's Gordie Hogg came in a relatively close third with Surrey First garnering 24,916 votes (21.05%).  Former MLA Jinny Sims and former MP Suhk Dhaliwal collectively received 25,524 (20.71%) for their respective Surrey Forward and United Surrey slates.

Considering the anti-democratic behaviour shown by Mr McCallum, his treatment of anyone involved in the Keep The RCMP In Surrey (KTRIS) group, his silencing of the Surrey Ethics Commissioner, his adulterous affair with another Safe Surrey Councillor or his pending criminal trial on Public Mischief, many thought that his being voted out of power would be a forgone conclusion.  That was far from the case on election night where for reasons unknown Global News declared that Brenda Locke was the new Surrey Mayor with only 59% of the polls reporting and the total votes relatively close.  As time went on, McCallum chipped away at Brenda's lead to the point that with one poll left to report, there was only 500 votes difference between the two bitter rivals.  It took the last poll results to give the win to Mrs. Locke in what became a nail-biting finish.

When Doug McCallum and his Safe Surrey Coalition were elected in 2018, it was the infighting between members of Surrey First that led to the splintering of their slate and the splitting of the votes between mayoral hopefuls.   In that election McCallum won 45,323 votes (41.08%) defeating Surrey First’s Tom Gill who received 28,304 votes (25.74%) and Integrity Now’s Bruce Hayne (formerly with Surrey First), who received 27,798 votes (25.31%).  Some quick addition shows that if all of these 56,102 votes for second and third place had gone to one of these candidates and not two, Doug McCallum would have never been voted into power.  As it was, he won in a landslide with 7 of the 8 councillors being Safe Surrey Coalition members. 

In the 2022 election there were eight mayoral candidates in Surrey featuring five with political pedigrees and name recognition.  With a hard-core group of supporters including several of Surrey's well-known developers, the Safe Surrey Coalition played it safe knowing the numbers game with vote splitting between multiple rivals might return McCallum to power.  If you add Hogg's, Sims' and Dhaliwal's votes together, they tally 41.76% of the ballots cast, just slightly higher than what Doug McCallum received in the 2018 election.  There were even unsubstantiated rumors in the Surrey Connect Camp that developers financing the Safe Surrey Coalition campaign were also donating to one of the other mayoral candidates in an effort to siphon off votes away from Brenda Locke.  When the financial records are released by the candidates involved in this year's election, we will find out if this is actually true or not.

So we now have a new mayor in Brenda Locke and a controlling vote in Council with the four Surrey Connect Councillors (Harry Bains, Gordon Hepner, Rob Stutt and Pardeep Kooner), who were all elected.  With power comes great responsibility and this grass roots funded campaign needs to realize a very important numerical fact.  Of the 344,262 Surrey residents who were able to cast a ballot in the 2022 election, Mrs. Locke received 33,311 votes that equates to 9.67% of the total eligible voters.  It is results like this that make it extremely important to engage the citizens of Surrey and involve them in the municipal political process that has such a profound effect on their day-to-day lives here in Surrey.  For those people who decided to sit on their hands and not participate in our local democracy, you cannot blame the politicians for their decisions if you could not be bothered to make your mark and cast your ballot.

Surrey was not the only local city with the incumbent mayor being shot down in flames.  In the City By The Sea, Megan Knight knocked off Darryl Walker to take the White Rock Mayor's chair.  Knight received 2,001 votes (37.67%), ahead of Walker’s 1,811 votes (34.09%) with a total of 5,339 votes being cast for a voter turnout of just under 31%.  This result came as a bit of a shock to many as it was perceived that Walker's job was safe but in-fighting among Council members was obviously perceived as a problem by residents.  In the end it likely was Mrs. Knight's well-run campaign that saw her knock on many doors throughout the beach-side hamlet allowing her to engage with residents and win their vote.  I would be remiss to not note here that Dave Chesney, the Editor of the White Rock Sun was voted in again as Councillor for the third time since he first won in White Rock back in 2014.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.




Tuesday October 11, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Fall at Hall 12


Fire Hall 12 that is home to the Surrey Fire Service members in Crescent Beach/Ocean Park is a rather unique building constructed in 1958.  This fire hall was the last operational volunteer fire department in the City of Surrey.  It still has its original air siren horn mounted on the roof along with the break glass and push button activation box next to the front door.  The siren was used to summon fire department volunteers way before the age of beepers and cell phones.  If you had a fire and needed help, you could activate the siren yourself by breaking the glass and pushing the big red button inside the box.  The button is no longer operational but the siren is still functional and plays an integral part in retirement ceremonies before the party for the person leaving work moves across the street to the Crescent Beach Legion #240.

Sitting tucked into the west side of Crescent Park on 128 St., the Hall 12 building blends into the forest with its cedar siding and dark brown paint.  It exudes rustic charm with an antique hose reel apparatus sitting on the lawn and a carved Surrey Fire Hall 12 bench placed near the front door.  In the early 1980's the top of a western red cedar tree at the front corner of the property snapped off in a wind storm.  At that time, it was decided that instead of cutting the rest of the tree down that the trunk would become a signpost for the fire hall.  It was sawn flat on the top and the side facing the street and the words "Hall !2" carved into the wood vertically.  A couple of coats of bright red paint onto the letters finished the job and this sign instantly became part of the Crescent Beach and Ocean Park charm.

I'm sorry to report that this iconic and now old sign has finally succumbed to the ravages of time, not to mention fungus and wood bugs.  It had been leaning for a few years with woodpeckers carving deep holes at the bottom searching for grubs and insects.  Several weekends ago gravity finally won the battle and it crashed to the ground adjacent to the Fire Hall driveway.  The base of the log had completely rotted out on the ground and when it fell portions of the log splintered from its sides.  Likely because of the red paint on the lettering, they remained intact when the signpost fell to the ground.  I was driving by on the way home when I saw the sign laying on the front lawn and went to the hall to give my condolences to the crew of firefighters.

It seems that the firefighters at Hall 12 are as attached to the old log sig n as the rest of the community.  Rather than simply cut the rest of the log up and dispose of it, they have an emergency rescue plan in place.  The idea is to pick up the remains of the sign and transport it to a friend who has an Alaskan mill.  Once there, the log will be run through the mill, trying to carve off a slab of the log that has the iconic HALL 12 carving.  If it does not work as planed or if the slab breaks, a secondary option is to cut off the pieces of the log that have the letters on them.   If either of these two options works the plan is to treat the wood and repaint the sign, then attach it to the outside of the hall between the truck bay roll up doors and the front door entranceway.  If the sign never reappears, you know that it si n the history of the Crescent Beach/Ocean Park Volunteer Fire Department.  Volunteer bucket brigades by residents to fight structure fires like the W ood's Dance Hall fire in 1931 lead to the formation of the area's first volunteer fire department in 1947.  Soon after that the first Crescent Beach Fire Hall was built on what is now Heron Park on Beecher Street not far from the railway tracks.  The webpage has the history of the various chiefs, equipment upgrades, training improvements and the formation of the women's auxiliary.  The most entertaining section is the "summation of typical fire calls" which are anything but typical.  These include a fire from a mooonshine still, a home on fire filled with loose poisonous snakes, a hang glider rescue 40 feet up in a tree and a fire fighter's home being hit by lightning. 

You can read all about at this link:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.



Monday October 03, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Surrey Stealing Signs

Over the past few years Surrey Council has made changes to the sign bylaw in the city that are an affront to the democratic process and are blatantly meant to stifle opposition to the slate currently in power at City Hall.  I have run for public office twice in the Semiahmoo peninsula under the Green Party of BC banner and was also the sign manager for Gordie Hogg when he won a by-election to become the Liberal MP for South Surrey - White Rock.  The use of signs to help inform people that there is an election, what candidates are running and who supports them in our community is an essential component in civic elections that already suffer from lower voter turnout and apathy towards the electoral process.

Last Week Surrey bylaw officers were busy roaming the streets of south Surrey pulling out election signs, most that supported Brenda Locke for Mayor, her Surrey Connect Team and even the Keep The RCMP in Surrey Signs.  Surrey has changed the political sign bylaw to only allow election signs on private property and not on public boulevards (where real estate signs are apparently okay). So even if you mow your front lawn and the city boulevard, the signs must be back 28.5 feet from the middle of the roadway.  In conversations with Surrey bylaw officers it was revealed that they had been "ordered" to pick up these signs and that it was a "priority" for the department.  

This is not a new low for City of Surrey employees tasked with enforcing their master's bylaws.  In 2018 the bylaw goons grabbed over 500 election signs at the beginning of the campaign, some within 25 metres of an intersection, others encroaching on public property.   These signs are stored at the works yard for 72 hours and then destroyed, or they can be picked up by the rightful owners for a charge of $25 per sign.  What this means is that the small election signs are never picked up as they cost a fraction of that amount to produce.  Unfortunately, it appears the bylaw teams are conducting selective enforcement that really is an abuse of power and nothing short of bullying the residents of Surrey.  

The former Chairperson of the BC Green Party, Murray Weisenberger, taught me plenty about election signs and how to make them cheaply and post them where they would be most effective.  On his former property near Crescent Road and 128 St. I recently took it upon myself to post election signs with the blessing of the current owners.   These were put in line with their cedar hedge along the front of their acreage, more than 25 metres away from the nearby intersection and just inside the property line as outlined by the Surrey COSMOS mapping system.   This did nothing to stop the bylaw officer from stealing these legally posted signs that should not have been touched.  They even had the gall to take an election sign from the front of former Mayor Bob Bose's yard in Ocean Park that was far from the roadway and front graveled parking space.  

Fortunately for them they did not take election signs from the front of my property as I have zap-straps at the ready for making a citizen's arrest if they try to take them from my private property.  Not only is this an invasion of my privacy it is hampering my democratic right for political self-expression which in itself is a human rights abuse.  Surrey's signage bylaw needs to be rewritten to reflect how election signs are an important part of our democratic process and they should not be getting removed while real estate signs all across the city are blatantly ignored.  Simply drive across the borders into Langley or Delta and you will see the difference in how these municipalities tolerate political signage for their civic elections.

To avoid being the victim of arbitrary Surrey bylaw officer political sign confiscation, I suggest you do the following.  First is to visit the Surrey COSMOS mapping system, finding your property and putting on the aerial photo tab so you know exactly where the property line is.  It's posted on the website at .  One you have done this, place your sign at least a metre back onto your property so there can be no question of whether the sign placement is legal or not.  Call me distrustful but I would also take the steps to rope or chain it to the nearest tree or fence post so that It cannot be easily removed.  Lastly, if you have security cameras, make sure that one is pointed at the sign so you have a record of who has taken it as bylaw officers do not leave a letter or calling card notifying you of your loss.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.


Tuesday September 27, 2022

Tarantulas and Alligators of BC

As someone who has spent a large portion of their life outside for both work and recreation, I often come across creatures that most people in BC know little about.  Last week was no exception with yours truly coming face to face with a tarantula and then an alligator, both of which are native to BC.  Don't be worried, neither of them are as scary as you might imagine.

Tarantula moth, Antheraea polyphemus 

We were working in Richmond last week when my lead hand noticed something odd on the ground.  Blending in with thousands of green oak acorns that had fallen down was this massive green caterpillar.  He picked it up and brought it over to me for identification, not being surprised at all that I knew what it was.   The brown head and small red spots meant it was none other than the tarantula moth, Antheraea polyphemus, one of the largest moths in BC.  These caterpillars can grow to 3-4 inches in length, usually feeding on oak tree leaves.  They are a member of the family Saturniidae or giant silk moths with an average wingspan of 6 inches or 15 cm.  They get their name from the Greek myth of the cyclops as they have two large purple eyespots on its two lower hindwings.  

I found a tarantula moth caterpillar years ago and brought it home in an ice cream pail for my kids to see.  They were quite impressed with the size of it and wanted to show their friends.  In a matter of days though, the caterpillar spun a thick cocoon and started its metamorphosis into a moth.  When it finally hatched, they got to see this huge moth emerge and fan out its wings before we released it back into nature.  I had my own encounter with a tarantula moth as a young kid in Victoria when I went into a darkened bathroom cubicle late one night.  I was standing in front of the toilet when I looked up and saw something weird on the wall.  When I leaned forward to see what it was, the moth that had been clinging to the walls with its wings closed suddenly opened them up flashing its big eye spots.  Not only did I pee all over when I jumped back, I also hit the back of my head on a coat hook attached to the back wall for good measure.

Northwestern alligator lizard, Elgaria coerulea principis.

My wife and I were walking our dogs down at Crescent Rock beach one evening when one of the regular beach goers came up to me and told me about a bunch of lizards he had seen warming themselves on a rock in the sun.  Lizards down at sea level was a new one for me and I followed him to the spot where I took the attached picture of a northwestern alligator lizard, one of only five lizard species that live in Canada.  There had been several adults plus a bunch of small young that are born live, but only one was visible when I was there.  This medium sized slender lizard grows to 27 cm or 10 inches in length, half of which is tail.  They eat a diet of slugs, beetles, spiders and even baby mice but these ones are likely feeding on the variety of beach bugs that live in the washed-up eel grass present on the shoreline.

If you ever see a northwestern alligator lizard, please do not try to catch it.  They are not dangerous and don't bite but if you try and grab their tail you are in for a nasty surprise.  This lizard has the ability to self-amputate its tail as a self-defence mechanism known as autotomy.  When grabbed by a predator the tail severs and wriggles wildly, distracting the predator and alowing the lizard to hopefully escape.  The break happens at a fracture plane in the tail that separates from a reflex muscle spasm with no blood loss.  Over the next six months to a year, the lizard grows a new tail from a row of cartilage that emerges from the tail bone with new muscles that grow along with it.  I am all too familiar with this escape mechanism as several times when I was a child, I tried to capture one of these lizards and both times ended up with a wriggling tail in my hands while the lizard made good its escape. 

So when you are out in the wilds of BC, keep an eye out for these and other interesting organisms that call our province home.  Make sure you tell people that BC has tarantulas and alligators living here and check out their reaction.  Fortunately, our tarantulas and alligators and harmless and while neither are endangered, they are not regularly seen by most people because of their camouflage colouring, nocturnal lifestyle and the habitat they occupy.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Sept 19, 2022

Locke In Your Vote

Tuesday night saw the Surrey Connect team's kick-off at Northview Golf & Country Club with a packed room of supporters and donors.  Starting with a land acknowledgement to First Nations, Surrey Mayoral candidate Brenda Locke promised to bring ethics, integrity, public safety and fiscal responsibility back to Surrey City Hall.  Her vision for Surrey is a city that is modern, diverse and liveable with fairness at city hall and doing the right thing for residents.  

Brenda then went on to introduce the eight other Surrey Connect candidates that she hopes will be the future Surrey City Council.  In total the Surrey Connect candidates speak six different languages and have twelve different cultures.  They are the only party backed by residents, not developers or special interest groups, and noted that unlike Safe Surrey none have ever been arrested and charged with a criminal offence in reference to Doug MacCallum's upcoming trial on public mischief.  here are the great eight:

• Harry Bains,

• Gordon Hepner,

• Ramona Kaptyn,

• Wil Kwok,

• Pardeep Kooner,

• Rochelle Prasad,

• Sebastian Sajda

• Rob Stutt

Brenda Locke made the following promises if elected as the new Mayor of Surrey.  She will stop the change from the RCMP to the Surrey Police Service that is a money pit and which has failed to meet all fiscal and staffing objectives to date.  The $25 million transfer from the federal government that will be saved by this equates to $500 in tax savings for every family.  For the Surrey Fire Service she wants to get back to regular staffing levels that are falling far behind the population growth.  Every town centre in Surrey deserves their own arenas, sports centres, community centres and pools and she will make this a priority.  She promised to work towards a six-week time period for building permits in single family homes and for renovations.  Lastly, she voiced her support for a co-op truck park in Surrey, to bring back the Ethics Commissioner and to add whistleblower protection for both residents and staff.

In closing Mrs. Locke said "it's Surrey's time, it's our turn" asking surrey residents to "vote for integrity" in the Surrey Connect team that is "grass roots from the ground up."

For more information, to read the party platform, get to known their candidates, order lawn signs or make a donation please visit the following:

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn



TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn


Locked Out Again

Sunday morning started with blue skies and not a cloud to be seen, beckoning sun worshippers to make their way down to the beach to enjoy the final days of what seems to be a never-ending summer.  Unfortunately for myself, heading to the shoreline to soak up some rays was a non-started with having to deal with estate issues concerning the death of my father.  Instead of relaxing in the sun or taking a canoe ride down the Nicomekyl river as we had originally planned, I was stuck in the basement packing up goods being shipped as far away as PEI and England.

At 1:30 in the afternoon a friend of mine called me to report that the Christopherson Steps at the west end of 24 Ave. were locked.  This staircase plus the 1001 Steps at the west end of 15A Ave. and the Olympic Trail on 13 Ave. and 131 St. in Ocean Park are supposed to be opened by the City of Surrey's security contractor at 6 a.m.  Halfway through the day and the gates were still locked and my buddy was left standing there with ten other people wondering what the heck was going on.  In talking to the assembled throng, he learned that the 1001 Steps were also locked and I have no doubt the Olympic Trail was chained shut too.  So, who do you phone?  Who is the security contractor?  You won't read it on the signs but it is Securiguard.  Their phone number is 1-888-801-0222, something you should add to your phone contact listings.

This is not the first time that the gates to the beach have been left locked closed.  Along with reporting this problem several times I have also had to phone Securiguard and email the city of Surrey Parks Department about Blackie Spit, Dogwood Park and Elgin Park gates being locked in the middle of the day.  Securiguard is under contract to have these gates opened and then locked at set times of the day and night.  If they are not doing their job and ignoring the terms of their contract, there should be financial penalties or the risk of not having their security contract renewed with the city.  Even though I reported the gates being locked, it took until after 4 o'clock for someone to finally unlock the gates, effectively closing off access to 6.5 km. of shoreline on a beautiful Sunday.

Now you may think this is not a big deal and that people could always walk south from Crescent Beach along the shoreline.  Well, when we went down to the beach at 5:30 p.m. to relax and watch the sunset, we met a couple from White Rock with their special needs teenage son.  They told us that due to his hip issues, he can easily walk up and down the staircase but trudging along the uneven and rocky ground for long distances is very difficult for him.  He asked that I inform the Surrey Parks Department that not opening the gates put a special needs youth in an uncomfortable situation.  For the able-bodied people who turned away after finding the gates locked, they missed out on the last Sunday of the summer, with Crescent Rock beach being almost deserted today.

This unfortunate situation does not have to happen when we look at how Surrey used to deal with this situation.  Previously Surrey entrusted neighbours living near these gates to open and close them at the set times, giving people keys for the locks.  As the city grew it probably became somewhat of a nuisance for staff and it was decided to pay a security company instead.  Sorry to say but what is the point paying someone who is not doing their job when we could have volunteers doing the work for free?  I'd love to know how often parks and staircases across Surrey are not being opened or closed as per contract specifications.  I have personally witnessed this many times in the past few years at parks across the city.  One time we even had to climb over the Christopherson park gates and pass our dogs over the top when they were locked an hour early.

I will be checking to see if the staircase gates are opened Monday morning when they are supposed to be.  The Manager of the Parks Department, Laurie Cavan will also be hearing from me again on this subject.  If it continues to be a problem, people might want to considering helping the city by bringing their own locks and chaining these gates open.  Does it really have to get to this point or will Securiguard actually start doing their job and ensuring that their employees actually perform their duties as specified?  The tax-paying public needs access to the parks and recreational property that we all need for exercise, relaxation, fresh air and mental health.  If the City of Surrey can't figure out how to deal with this constant problem I have the answer for them.  Give me a damn key!

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

 I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People




TNT The Naked Truth

Don Ptcairn

Sept. 6, 2022

Crescent Log Beach

Instead of joining the highway horde taking off for the long weekend we did a vacay staycay and hung out at home for the long weekend.  This allowed us to see three very different sunsets on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights plus we had time to spend on the shores of both Crescent Beach and Crescent Rock beach.  It was an eye opener to see what a huge mess Crescent Beach was, which came as a rather big surprise.  I'm not talking about litter, bags of dog poo or any man-made debris that might be left by the crowds that frequent Crescent.  I'm wondering why nobody is cleaning up after Mother Nature, with the shoreline of Crescent Beach looking more like a log sort yard than a public marine park.

Crescent Rock beach

At nearby Crescent Rock beach the shoreline is rough and rocky withthe features of this secluded beach changing every winter with storms depositing new logs and moving out old ones.  In the spring the naturists and nudists who frequent this area start to pick up the pieces and make improvements.  Rocks are cleared from the path, logs are moved around for backrests and privacy plus "beach beds" are raked out for less rock and more sand to lay on.  In the thirty feet of cobbled beach between the shoreline and sand flats, people take the time to clear paths through the rocks in multiple locations, allowing easy access to the water instead of tripping over rounded algae covered rocks.  Halfway to Kwomais Point, some very industrious folks have created raised sandy beds placed high in the rip-rap boulders where the winter waves are not able to reach them.  This is all like-minded individuals working to transform the shoreline into a usable recreational beach. 

Crescent Beach is a marine park that Surrey controls and maintains.  The walking trail along the shoreline is a dyke that helps protect the homes of Crescent Beach from being inundated with flood waters.  In 2014 Surrey replaced the wooden groynes in the waterfront from Beecher Street to Blackie Spit with composite materials that would not rot or be damaged by floating logs.  The purpose of these structures is to help retain beach materials and prevent erosion of the dyke by dispersing wave energy.  They do work well but also act as log traps, helping to keep and hold floating debris that the wind and current move along the shoreline.  These logs need to be removed as they take up the limited beach space that is available to folks and families looking to unwind at the waterfront.  It is not very comfortable trying to lay down on a raft of big logs, especially when they are rough and rotting.

In White Rock logs are removed from the waterfront in the spring to clear the beach and remove the threat of them acting like battering rams on the rip-rap boulders and the pier piling supports.  The area in front of the White Rock boulder is a notorious log gathering point with the limited beach there being buried by large amounts of washed-up tree trunks.  This was particularly bad after the storm that destroyed part of the pier in 2018 and again this winter after the atmospheric river that flooded much of southern BC washed vast quantities of wood and debris into the ocean.  Just as at Crescent Beach, both East and West Beach are part of a marine park operated by the city, but the difference between them and Surrey is that White Rock works to clean it up and keep Mother Nature at bay.  Whether its Semiahmoo Bay or Mud Bay, floating logs piling up on the shoreline is a constant problem that needs to be addressed.

In nearby Delta, Metro Vancouver maintains Centennial Beach and they remove and control the number of logs that are left on the beach.  The same goes for Pacific Spirit Park in Vancouver, home to the world-famous Wreck Beach where log placement and removal is a bone of contention between park managers and nudists.  In Vancouver the public beaches at Kitsilano, Jerico plus 2nd and 3rd beaches in Stanley Park are cleaned of some logs and the rest organized.  Several years ago, the Port of Vancouver removed thousands of trapped logs from Mud Bay along the Delta Dyke Trail as an environmental improvement project.  The problem of logs and wooden debris on Lower Mainland shores would be far greater if not for the Fraser River Debris Trap located between Agassiz and Hope that removes between 600 and 2400 logging trucks full of woody debris during the spring freshet.

The City of Surrey needs to give the shoreline of Crescent Beach the care and attention that it deserves.  Besides being the main marine recreational beach for over half a million Surrey residents, it also is the favourite beach for many others from across the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley.  The large collection of old and rotten logs on Crescent Beach needs to be thinned and organized, leaving more space for people to sit or lay out a blanket for family gatherings.  Several of the beach entranceways are currently blocked by a number of logs, making it impossible to access for those with mobility issues.  While photographing the log jam, I talked to a couple who were having difficulty finding a way off the beach with their child in a stroller.  They were not impressed with the situation and hoped I would make it an election issue, which is exactly what I'm doing here.

With this TNT focusing on moving logs in water, I leave you with a link to this rather unique animated Canada vignette released by the National Film Board back in 1979, The Log Driver's Waltz). 

Hopefully Surrey Park Board crews will be humming along to this rather catchy tune while they work on clearing the log jam on the shores of Crescent Beach.  The jewel of Surrey's shorelines needs to be a place where people have space to relax instead of it looking like where a log boom has washed ashore.  It is hard to fathom that not far away, Crescent Rock Beach is maintained by a small band of volunteers and beach regulars, while the waterfront across Crescent Beach is strewn with a large collection of logs that have been forgotten and left to rot.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn  

 I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Tuesday August 30, 2022

Surrey Place Farce

We have a saying here at the White Rock Sun that the six months before a civic election should be called "silly season" for all of the political hijinks and outrageous  promises rolled out by those trying to get elected.  Well this week, Surrey's Mayor Doug McCallum took outlandish and foolhardy to a whole new level, announcing his ambitious plan to build a new 60,000 seat stadium in the city of Surrey.  Making this claim even more bizarre, he went on to say that he wanted this massive building to be surrounded by parkland and not be accessible by cars.  There is another saying we use quite often in the WR Sun, "You can't make this s**t up."

At first I figured that this meant building the new stadium near the Skytrain but with one of his previous ideas, maybe Mayor Mischief wants to surround it with canals and have it accessible only by gondolas.  Heck, we could even throw in former Mayor Linda Hepner's concept of a giant ferris wheel inside it to act as a tour attraction.  It seems that our Mayor has not been to BC Place lately to watch the BC Lions or Vancouver Whitecaps playing to small crowds that cannot even fill the lower portion of the stadium.  Unless the Seattle Seahawks decide to move north and become the Surrey Seahawks (I like it), this plan is nothing but a pipe dream filled with some high quality ganja.  

I wonder if the mayor has done any homework to find out what a 60,000 seat stadium would cost to build?  Well, the renovation of BC place finished in 2012 was supposed to cost $100 million, which ballooned to $365 million and ended up costing over half a billion dollars.  That is for an existing building on prime downtown real estate, that received a new retractable roof and interior upgrades.  The NFLs Buffalo Bills have announced plans for a new 60,000 seat open air stadium of their own and the price tag is estimated at $1.4 billion in American greenback dollars.  Tottenham Hotspur soccer club in Britain are currently working on a new 60,000 seat stadium in London that is expected to cost one billion pounds, which works out to over $1.5 billion in Canadian funds.  

I would love to see a business plan that this epic decision was based on but I doubt one exists unless it is written on the back of a slightly used napkin left over from the brain storming session where it was concocted.  We don't need a tax-payer funded white elephant stadium in Surrey unless it is aptly named the Toilet Bowl where we can continually flush taxpayer money down it.  Most likely this concept was hatched as a way to take attention away from Mayor Mischief's legal problems and his Public Mischief court case that his taxpayer funded lawyers delayed till just after the fall election.  Throw in the costly police transition, his attacks on democracy and the ethics commissioner plus his sordid romance with Safe Surrey councillor Allison Paton and you have someone unfit for public office.

If you haven't had enough of this sorry excuse for a Mayor, look no further than his latest expensive election promise.  Surrey residents cannot afford another four years with Doug McCallum at the helm.  With six candidates now running for mayor there is a huge threat that the vote will be split as it was in the last election and Doug McCallum and his Safe Surrey developer lapdog crew could actually get re-elected.  I believe this would be a disaster for the city of Surrey and is something that needs to be avoided at all costs.  What Surrey voters need to do is to review all of the candidates, their message and promises and decide who would be the best for the residents, not just special interest groups or crony friends.  We need to come together as one to GET DOUG GONE.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

 I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People



August 22, 2022

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Keeping Track on the BNSF Railway

On Saturday night the sun was dropping in the sky and the cloud cover looked like it might afford a wicked Crescent Beach sunset.  Since you don't know unless you go, I jumped in the car at the last minute and headed down to the southern end of the beach.  Unfortunately, a thick band of clouds at the horizon turned off the light show I was expecting but up on the train corridor I noticed a hi-railer truck parked on the tracks.  These are special railway wheel equipped trucks that BNSF employees use for track work, doing safety inspections and looking for trespassers.  I made my way back to my vehicle and proceeded to drive home, meeting the hi-railer truck at the end of Bayview Ave. as it pulled off the tracks and proceeded to turn around.

I decided to stop and chat with the people on board knowing full well from past experience that the truck likely contained both a RCMP officer and BNSF special agent.  Sure enough, the two policemen were there and I took a few minutes of their time to find out how their track patrols had been going.  With kids out of school and plenty of warm dry weather the number of people using that beach had skyrocketed since the beginning of July.  They told me that the area east of East Beach by the Semiahmoo First Nation parking lot was always a problem with people walking down the tracks.  Ditto for the area west of west beach and south of Crescent Beach in the area frequented by naturists.  On these railway patrols the officers give out warnings and trespassing tickets costing violators $115. 

Although tempting, the train tracks in the Semiahmoo peninsula should not be used like a shoreline nature path.  In North America more people are struck and killed by trains while trespassing on rail corridors than in motor vehicle collisions with trains at highway rail crossings.  There have been over 30 fatalities on the local BNSF tracks over the years, many that involve the Amtrak passenger train.  Anita Lewis, the jogger hit crossing the tracks in White Rock in 2013 did not notice the blue and silver locomotive whose colours blended into the blue and grey colours of the ocean, beach and sky.   It was her death that led to the installation of all the new pedestrian crossings along the White Rock waterfront, which seem to be working.  The officers told me they have even caught people walking naked on the tracks along Crescent Rock Beach.  I didn't bother asking what these folks used for identification.

Trespassing on the tracks was not the only problem that the officers were looking out for this weekend.  Since August 4, there has been a campfire ban in effect across the southern portion of the province including the Coastal fire region.  Amazingly, people are still lighting beach fires, especially near the Semiahmoo FN lands and around Crescent Beach.  In the past these fires have spread across the tracks onto the Ocean Park bluff where fighting them is extremely difficult and hazardous due to the steepness of the terrain.  Anyone found on the beach with an open fire can be issued a ticket for $1,150, pay an administrative penalty up to $10,000, be fined up to $100,000 and receive one year in jail.  If a campfire starts a wildfire, the person responsible can be ordered to pay all firefighting and other costs.  There is a saying that "you can't fix stupid" but you certainly can fine them and hopefully smarten them up.

The newest problem that the railway cops are having to deal with is mob parties advertised on social media.  These events bring large number of young people to the beach with open drinking, fighting and loud disorderly conduct being commonplace.  To date this summer there have been large organized gatherings at Blackie Spit and to the White Rock waterfront and pier.  These parties are proving problematic for the small contingent of police in our area to deal with due to the number of people involved.  The last thing we need are large numbers of drunken youth gathering around the train tracks, which is a recipe for disaster.  The 2018 death of 15-year-old Jack Stroud near Crescent Beach involved intoxicated youths playing an apparent game of chicken on the tracks that ended with this teen's death after he was struck by the Amtrak train. 

So enjoy the summer, enjoy the beach, and for railway enthusiasts enjoy the passing BNSF and Amtrak trains.   For everyone's safety, please stay of the train tracks and the railway corridor.  If you see people walking on the BNSF tracks, ask them if they saw the "No Trespassing" signs and let them know the police are actively patrolling the area and passing out tickets.  With beach fires during this hot dry spell, if you see fires or smell smoke, you can report this to the Surrey Fire Service non-emergency number at 604-543-6700 or the White Rock Fire Department at 604-541-2121.  Please do not call E-Com 911 as this is not an emergency and they are already understaffed and overwhelmed with calls.  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.



August 16, 2022

Targeted Risk

I know the police have a tough job to do with investigating all of the tit for rat-a-tat-tat-tat gangland shootings that are continuing to take place across the Lower Mainland.  It seems hardly a day goes by when we hear about another targeted hit, houses getting shot up, or getaway cars on fire not far from the shooting location.  While I'm unfortunately getting quite used to these reports and the headlines about another gang-banger found shot dead, there is one thing that is going on that really gets my goat.  It is when the police announce after the latest murder that 'Investigators believe the shooting to have been targeted and do not believe there is any further risk to the public'.

I'm sorry but when people with little to no firearms training are firing semi-automatic weapons including pistols with silencers on them in urban areas, the public is indeed at risk.  Even when the latest volley of shots is over and the blood is still running in the streets, people are at risk from gangsters running amok with unlicensed and often restricted firearms that in most cases are smuggled up into Canada from the United States.  These assassinations are getting more brazen, are happening in broad daylight and have even spread to vacation spots such as the Whistler/Blackcomb resort.   Gangsters are continually hunting members from other gangs and sometimes even hiring hitmen to do the dirty work, spraying bullets wherever they find their intended victims.  We are all at risk from this continued gang violence.

Having spent plenty of time gun ranges in Canada and abroad, I can tell you that safety is the number one issue when organized shooting matches are taking place.  Firearms must only be handled at approved times when commanded by a range officer who is responsible for safety.  In some jurisdictions, the ammunition is controlled and only issued at the firing point and all brass and unfired cartridges must be turned in with your score card.  With target rifle shooting, you cannot close the bolt on a live round unless the barrel of the gun is first level and pointed at the target.  When firing is complete, shooters, scorers and range officers check to see that the rifles are clear.  In many countries, the bolts are removed from the rifle for this inspection and in Australia, they are kept separate from the gun except for on the range when it is time to shoot.  All of these safety controls are designed to ensure that no accidental discharges occur on the range or anywhere else.

Rifle ranges use danger area templates to create safety areas far beyond the boundaries of where shooting takes place.  For a .308 rifle, they are used frequently to shoot to a maximum distance of 1,000 yards.  They are considered lethal for distances up to a mile away, or 1760 yards.  Depending on the loaded speed and the bullet selected, a .308 bullet could travel 3,500 to 4,000 yards in total distance.  Now you understand why rifle ranges are usually found in rural areas up against mountains and far from urban neighbourhoods.  For military ranges, heavier bullets and fully-automatic fire often with tracer ammunition calls for even greater safety templates and fire prevention controls during hot and dry summer weather that includes ranges closing when the risk of ignition is too high.

The National Rifle Association says that the 9 mm is the most popular handgun calibre in the United States.  Unfortunately, it also appears to be the favourite gun used for gangland assassinations here in Canada.  A 9 mm bullet usually leaves the barrel of a handgun at 370 metres per second.   Drag from the atmosphere will slow it down and eventually bring it to earth but trials have shown that when fired at a 45-degree angle, 9 mm bullets can travel 2,300 metres.  When used in gangland shootings, these bullets can fly into nearby vehicles, and houses or ricochet off hard surfaces and basically fly anywhere.  I actually had a new-miss from a bullet once that came from a nearby range, flying over our heads like an very angry bee at very high speeds.   Since that incident and others like it, large berms were constructed to keep shooters safe from stray bullets.

There have been plenty of innocent bystanders killed in gangland shooters here in the Lower Mainland.  An attempted hit on the Bacon brothers back in 2015 resulted in a nearby neighbour, a 74-year-old grandfather being shot and killed.  in 2018, 15-year-old Alfred Wong was a passenger in his family vehicle that was passing by a gangland murder scene when a bullet flew into their car and fatally shot the young man.  That was the same year when Paul Bennett, a Peace Arch Hospital nurse and hockey coach was shot and killed at his Cloverdale home in a case of mistaken identity.  In early 2022 four innocent bystanders were wounded by bullets meant for someone else during gun-play (there's a sick term) in the Lower Mainland.  

The police have issued multiple press releases explaining they are doing everything they can to combat gangland shootings here in BC.  They are constantly trying to reassure a frightened public that they are not in danger from these targeted murders that often leave the scenes littered with countless brass cartridges and vehicles riddled with bullet holes.   Having a crazed gunman on the loose targeting random people as recently happened in Langley puts people at risk and generated an emergency warning.  Gangsters locked in a war of attrition with their rivals and constantly shooting at their adversaries wherever and whenever they find them puts us all at risk.  With the distances that bullets can fly, you may want to think about looking out the window the next time you hear firecrackers in case it is actually live rounds being fired in your neighbourhood.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.



August 08, 2022


TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

A Crappy Time for E.coli in White Rock

Fraser health performs weekly water tests at beaches across the Fraser Valley while Vancouver Coast Health does the same thing for beaches around Vancouver and surrounding municipalities during the spring and summer months.  This is done to monitor the water quality with respect to bacteriological counts to confirm whether a beach is in compliance with the Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality.  Beaches that are considered unsatisfactory for physical, chemical or biological reasons will be closed with warning signs posted that the water is possibly hazardous.  

Escherichia coli, better known as E.coli is tested for at both marine and fresh water beaches throughout the Lower Mainland region.  They test in areas where people will have their "whole body or the face and trunk frequently immersed or the face is frequently wetted by spry and where it is likely that some water will be swallowed."  This includes swimming, surfing, waterskiing white water canoeing/rafting/kayaking, windsurfing or subsurface diving.  A satisfactory rating means an average of less than 200 E.coli bacteria per 100 ml. of water sample.  A reading of more than the average of 200 E.coli or a single sample result that exceeds a maximum of 400 E.coli bacteria/100 ml sample will result in swimming and recreational water sports not being recommended.

The results for water quality readings at Fraser Health beaches was posted online on August 5th.  In Abbotsford Mission, Chilliwack and Hope areas the geometric mean or average was around 15 with the highest being 52 at Harrison Lake Rendall Park.  For single samples, Roley Lake was the highest at 105 with many beaches only registering 5 E.coli/100 ml.  In Burnaby, Port Moody and Maple Ridge areas, the geometric mean was also an average of about 15 while the highest single sample at Belcarra Park registering at 152 E.coli/100 ml.  For Centennial beach in South Delta and Crescent Beach in South Surrey, both average and single sample rates hovered around 10 but White Rock was a completely different story.  For the geometric mean, East beach was 41, while West beach was 36.   What really stood out were the single sample ratings from East Beach at 1,043 and West Beach at a whopping 6,131 E.coli/100 ml.

In layman's terms, the fecal coliform found in a sample of water on East beach was 2.5 times the limit for recreational use standard while the one from West Beach was 15 times above the allowable limit.  These beaches were not automatically closed but have been marked with a yellow question mark warning on the beach map showing that resampling is in progress at one or more sites.  These extremely high results when compared to the rest of the region should be of serious concern to the City of White Rock that prides itself on its public beach that draws crowds of visitors to its shores.  You can check out all of the recent water quality results online at this direct link:

I am left wondering if the samples with high readings were taken from the two outflow pipes that carry storm drain water from the White Rock hillside.  I know that in the past these pipes were given a failing grade with dog excrement and bird poo washing into the drains being named as a possible culprit.  In other jurisdictions, cross contamination from leaking sanitary sewers or pipes from dwellings being incorrectly joined to collection systems have led to E.coli issues.  One thing is for sure, the source of this contamination needs to be ascertained and the problem corrected.  We do not need toilet water draining into Semiahmoo Bay that has been closed since 1977 to bivalve shellfish harvesting due to high levels of E.coli contamination.   

We will now have to wait for the results of the further testing being done at East and West beach to be posted by Fraser Health.  White Rock City Hall should find out exactly where the high levels of contamination are coming from and if anything can be done to address this crappy problem.  The last thing White Rock needs is to have its public beaches closed during the summer due to water contamination in the ocean.  For those who caught it, the sign in the photo above was posted by the Amity Police Department in the movie Jaws.  While not as scary as a giant great white shark feeding on swimmers, E.coli needs to be taken seriously because of the health threat it poses and the damage it can do to a city's image.

Vancouver Coastal Health beach conditions

E.coli symptoms and causes

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.




Tuesday August 02, 2022 

TNT The Naked Truth

Don Pitcairn

Carving up Semiahmoo History

With the worst of last week's heat wave behind us, we decided to do something different this weekend and on the holiday Monday we went for a walk on the wild side, heading west from West Beach in White Rock along the bluff shoreline of Crescent Rock. To be honest it has been a few years since I had been on this particular shoreline for simple recreation, ever since the Coldicutt Ravine staircase was seriously damaged by a series of landslides in January of 2020. The last time I set foot there was at dusk when I raced along the beach to video the BNSF Gradall excavator clearing landslide debris from the tracks. 

Parking near the boat launch and putting $12 into the meter for three hours of play time, we ventured out onto the foreshore heading in the direction of Kwomais Point. The tide was out so there was plenty of sandy areas on the first part of our journey, interspersed with rocky areas, tidal pools and random boulders. Once we were past the area where the houses on Marine Drive disappeared from view the beach started to narrow and the walking became more treacherous. Finally, on the shore near the Coldicutt Trail all sand disappeared and we were left walking along the cobbled beach shoreline between the water and the rip-rap boulders that protect the BNSF Railway corridor. 

Our goal was to reach Hermit's Haven, a small knoll of beach that that got its name from the White Rock resident Ira Warren who lived in the ravine in the 1950's and frequented that area. It is the only section of shoreline facing south towards Semiahmoo Bay that has blackberries, shrubs and a few trees, offering it some privacy from the tracks above, making it a prime retreat for naturists. We were just about there when I looked down and because of the angle of the sun saw this amazing carving on one of the boulders. At first glance I thought we had discovered an indigenous petroglyph, apparently of a salmon. With the long First Nation history of this area and several petroglyphs identified on the shoreline, this would not have been a surprise.

At Hermits Haven we met Ron who has built an interesting shoreline shack and cleared a path through the rock-strewn beach down to the water for easy access to swimming. Telling him of our find, Ron told us that a local named Jim who lived on the hillside above had informed him the carving was at least 80 years old, since it was there when his family moved into the neighbourhood while the railway still delivered mail. Returning to the salmon inscribed boulder, the carving done into granite rock seemed too intricate and the lines far too deep and wide to be of indigenous origin. Also, there was an inscription in the rock below the tail that looked like initials, either a W or two Ls. The carving is definitely old as it is showing signs of weathering from the waves but compared to known petroglyphs from around the Semiahmoo peninsula, it likely was done with modern tools by an unknown artist in this remote location.

There are actual indigenous petroglyphs on the beaches in White Rock and south Surrey. One that was on the shoreline near 136 Street was noticed on the beach in the 1920s and recovered by the Great Northern Railway before wave action and erosion erased the carving. With help from the Surrey Museum Historical Society and a grant from Surrey Municipality, the granite boulder adorned with a series of circles and pick holes was moved and relocated to Herron Park at Beecher Street next to the BNSF line. A plaque was installed and this petroglyph was officially unveiled on July 16, 1974 by Surrey Mayor Bill Vanderzalm at the former location of the Crescent Beach train station. The plaque presented by Surrey Museum Historical Society President Jack Berry reads "PETROGLYPH - Symbols were carved into the rock by prehistoric inhabitants of this area." I'm thinking the plaque could use an upgrade that is more modern and historically accurate.

There is an indigenous petroglyph that still remains on the Semiahmoo shoreline. It sits on Crescent Rock beach south of Crescent Beach in the main area favoured by naturists and nudists. The eroded carving is of a man's face shows large lips, small nose, round eyes and hair above. Unless the sun is in the proper position overhead casting shadows, it is very difficult to notice. This area of shoreline is not far from the Crescent Rock boulder that was used as a navigational aid and canoe beaching area by First Nation peoples. The Indian Fort that was located on top of the Ocean Park bluff is only a few hundred metres away also. There may be more petroglyphs laying undiscovered on the 6.5 km. of rocky shoreline between Crescent Beach and White Rock. If you are brave enough to take this long and rugged walk, keep your eyes peeled and you may find a ancient piece of indigenous history along the way.

Naturally yours,
Don Pitcairn

 I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People



Tuesday July 26, 2022

The Naked Truth

AKA the Bisley Bulletin

Surviving Surrey

The last time I was a member of the Canadian Rifle Team to Bisley, England in 2018 we suffered through a heat wave during the National Rifle Association UK Imperial Matches.  I distinctly remember the headline in the Daily Telegraph that screamed "Friday Furnace".  It hit a scorching 37 degrees, which was a new all-time high temperature record for Great Britain.  If we had been sitting in the shade of a big oak tree while sipping on an icy lemonade or TEA (Traditional English Ale), it might be bearable.  Instead we were lying on hot baked ground in the full sun while wearing thick leather jackets, shooting three people to a target.  Not surprisingly, I ended up with a bit of heat stroke from being out too long in the roasting sun.

After that extreme weather event the UK health authorities instituted a heat emergency rating like what BC did after our deadly heat dome.  It was expected that it would take to the year 2050 for the red alert heat level to be reached, but instead it topped out over 40 C last week, triggering dire warnings across Great Britain.  The NRA UK administration were so concerned with the forecast that they reduced the number of shots fired for the matches from 10 to 7 and 15 to 10.  This gave shooters, range staff and the workers manning the targets time to fine shade and rehydrate before overheating.  I fired a 1,000 yard match when it was 43 C but thankfully it was with relatively low humidity.

Rifle issues and equipment breakdowns early in the Imperial meant that I had to switch to my backup firearm.  While they should be identical, the second gun did not handle the issued GGG ammo and fired large groups making high scores impossible.  I was also dealing with an elbow injury from a nasty fall I experienced early this spring when a pruning ladder collapsed under me.  For these reasons, i was  left off the first two team matches and thankfully assigned to other duties.  Fortunately, gunsmiths were able to sort out my rifle problems and with my #1 gun back in operation I got back in the game, shooting good groups and getting much better scores.  I ended up making the coveted Queen's Prize finals yet again with five other members of Team Canada finishing in the top 100 including Jim Paton from South Surrey.

In the St, Georges Match, David Luckman outgunned over 800 shooters to win the coveted gold cross badge.  The Grand Aggregate went to Surrey Rifle Club member Parag Patel who also had previously won the Queens and many Commonwealth Games medals.  In this years Queen's Prize, 23 year-old Cambridge University student Alice Good was true to her name, beating some of the world's best marksmen to become the third woman to win the premier match at Bisley.  Nichols Rossignol was the top Canadian in the Queen's and  Jim Paton was top Canuck in the Grand Agg.  In the short range Kolapore Match, Canada finished in third place five points behind the stacked GB team.  In the twelve man MacKinnon long range team match, Canada came in second behind Great Britain by fourteen points with myself firing the high score for our team.    

Alex Good

With the matches behind us and a huge amount of antique silver trophies having being awarded, it was time to party and the Queen's Prize winner arrived at Canada House carried through the front door by her Cambridge University team members.  There she retrieved a white Stetson hat and a rose from the bison head that graces the main entranceway.  As is tradition, Alice then fired the blaçk powder cannon along with our high scorer in the Queen's Nicole Rossignol and high under 25 in the Grand Agg Daphane Bries plus shooting legend and Order of Canada Member Alain Marion.  After a circuitous route of all the Bisley Clubhouses, the chair finally arrived the Surrey Rifle Club where the crowd got into raucous sing-along that went on till the wee hours of the morning.

With the shooting competition over, Team Canada came together for our farewell dinner on Sunday evening with a five course meal and trophies adorning the tables of our dining hall.  When dessert was finished, myself and BC roomate Tristan Dahlin jumped in a golf cart and made our way to the Stickledown 1,000 yard firing point on a rather somber mission.  The clouds broke at sunset and lit up with colour as I sprinkled a bottle of my recently departed father's ashes onto the front of the firing point as per his final wishes.  We toasted his long and storied life with a glass of Aberlore scotch, leaving him with a view of the historic range where he was twice the Bisley Grand Agg champion back in the early 1960s.

For more information on fullbore target rifle shooting and the long history of this sport, here are some websites you can visit for competitions in BC, Canada, UK and the ICFRA World Championship that will be held next in South Africa in 2024.  I've also posted several videos to Youtube of the 2022 Queen's Prize chair ride and the cannon being fired in front of the Canadian Pavillion in Bisley.  If you are looking for a life-long sport where age, gender and disabilities are not an impediment to performance, target rifle shooting allows you to compete across the globe and make life-long friends from around the world.




Imperial Meeting 2022 results:


YouTube videos, Queens final chair ride and cannon shot:  search "Don Pitcairn channel" on Youtube

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.



Monday July 18, 2022

The Bisley Bulletin (aka Tnt The Naked Truth)

The Other Surrey

Imagine living in White Rock and going on vacation to White Rock Beach in Ireland, something I alluded to in last week's TNT.  Well, I'm doing something similar, going from Surrey, BC to Surrey, England.  It's not that I wanted to visit my hometown's namesake, but the County of Surrey is home to the famed Bisley Range in Brookwood, Woking.  The National Rifle Association (NRA UK) is holding the 153rd annual Imperial Meeting target rifle championships.  This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association (DCRA) sending a Canadian Team of marksmen to compete against the best shooters from Britain and around the world.

It is also the 125th anniversary of the Canadian Rifle Team's home away from home, the McDonald Stewart Canadian Pavillion.  It was constructed back in 1897 from materials shipped in from Caanada, so unlike the many brick and stucco buildings found on the Bisley Camp, it is a large wooden structure with a shingled exterior and varnished interior walls.  It was originally named "The Diamond Jubilee Memorial Canadian Pavilion" in honour of the 60 year reign of Queen Victoria.  During WW2 the building was used by the Canadian Army as an administrative centre and Canadian Armed Forces shooting teams still stay there when competing in the Service Conditions Matches.  You may have even seen Canada House as it is often called as it was recently featured in the popular Netflix series "The Crown."

The week before the matches were to begin, we wondered if there would be a rifle range to shoot on.  On July 4th, smoke was spotted in the commons behind the 600 yard Century range.  Spreading quickly through low dry brush, it rapidly spread across the range danger area and even burned onto the famed 1,000 yard Stickeldown range.  Surrey Fire & Rescue Service crews attacked the  blaze and finally stopped its advance with many number boards getting cremated but the targets were thankfully all saved from burning. The Bisley Camp was spared the flames but thick clouds of smoke hung over it for days causing sore eyes and  respiratory illness.  Match Rifle and F-class Target Rifle were unfortunately cancelled while repairs to the range were quickly done by NRA UK staff and a small army of local volunteers.

This year's team consists of 33 members from provinces across Canada including six from BC.  There are even two people from South Surrey, myself and Jim Paton who has represented Canada at Bisley for the past 34 Imperial Meetings.  Jim also holds a gold and three silver medals from the Commonwealth Games in 1998 at Kuala Lampur, Malaysia and 2014 in Glasgow, Scotland.  In case you think this is a man's sport, there are five women on the team including the Adjutant who keeps everyone on line and everything running smoothly.  As of the day before this column was written, the top Canadian in the Grand Aggregate was Nicole Rossignol from Quebec City, Quebec who shot with my father in the last Commonwealth Games in Australia followed by Daphnee Brais, also from Gatineau, Quebec and Catherine Choquette from Ottawa, Ontario.  The difference in age from our youngest shooter to oldest member is a whopping seven decades.

There are plenty of individual matches fired at 300, 500 and 600 yards on the 110 target wide Century range, plus at 900 and 1000 yards on the 50  target wide Stickledown range.  These are then grouped into a wide number of aggregate that include the Grand Agg, the St. George's Agg and the Queen's Prize, which includes a chair ride for the winner along with global recognition.  Later in the week, it is time to get down to business with the Kolapore short range team match and the MacKinnon long range team match that will have teams from as far away as Kenya and Australia competing for fame, glory and medals.  For those with a steady hand, sharp eye and keen skills, fullbore target rifle shooting is like sports alchemy; you can turn lead, copper and brass into bronze, silver and gold.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn 

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.



Tuesday July 12, 2022

White Rock Nudist Beach

Now before you get your knickers in a knot, know that there is more than one White Rock beach in the world.  In fact our car has a license plate frame that reads "Crescent Beach - Village by the Sea", which a friend brought back home from the coast of Florida.  The same goes for Green Lake and Mosquito Creek, they are everywhere.  Take it from me, don't go skinny-dipping at Mosquito Creek or Leech Lake for that matter.

Where this story started was when I received an email forwarded to me from Judy Williams, long time patriarch of the Wreck Beach Preservation Society.  It turns out there is a White Rock Beach in Dublin, Ireland that is promoted for nude use by the Irish Naturist Association (  They learned that there was a nude beach near White Rock BC and were looking for more information about it.  I replied to their queries about Crescent Rock beach giving them the website address and Facebook listing so they could learn more and possibly add it to their website. 

As with Crescent Rock beach, White Rock beach in Ireland sits at the base of an oceanfront bluff that makes access difficult.  For some strange reason, naturist beaches are often hard to reach and very secluded.  Just like Crescent Rock beach, White Rock Naturist Beach has a railway running along it with jagged rip-rap boulders lining the corridor.  The engineers on passing freight trains usually wave at all the naturists while they take in the beautiful view. 

What makes White Rock beach in Ireland so unique is the hard rock mine it has.  There is an old shaft that is visible at low tide on the north end of the beach. The mine extends under the hill to a total length of some 350 metres. The mine has a long history and was fist recorded back in 1751. It was known them as the Mount Mapas Mine.  It was closed in the late 18th century with the lead mined there transported by barge to Liverpool in England for making paint.

The mine extends under the hill to a total length of some 350 metres. The mine has a long history and was fist recorded back in 1751. It was known them as the Mount Mapas Mine.  It was closed in the late 18th century with the lead mined there transported by barge to Liverpool in England for making paint.

It turns out that Ireland has plenty of places where you can get back to nature and work on an all over tan.  The Ireland Before You Die website lists the 5 best nude beaches in Ireland and it doesn't even include White Rock beach.   (

The photo above is from Dog's Bay in Galway, not of a deserted tropical island.

As luck would have it my flight to England last weekend took me directly over Ireland and with a window seat I was able to look down at the coastline.  I'm sorry to say that exploring Ireland's remote nude beaches might have to wait for my next jump across the pond.  I have other plans that don't involve relaxing in the sun along the Atlantic Ocean.  More about that in next week's TNT...


Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.


Monday July 04, 2022

Order In The Rock

I hope everybody had a wonderful Canada Day here in the Semiahmoo peninsula.  I think the celebrations were still a little subdued with lingering COVID-19 fears and a general distrust of large crowds from the past two years.  Others might have avoided flying the Maple Leaf over the dark history of residential schools in this country or the treatment of Freedom Convoy members rallying around the Canadian flag.  It turns out that this Canada Day was very special to our little corner of the Great White North with not one but two of our local residents named an Officer to the Order of Canada for their contributions to society that have enriched the lives of others and made a difference to this country.

Started in 1967 on Canada's 100th birthday, the Order of Canada is one of this country's highest civilian honours.  There are three levels to the Order of Canada, Companions, Officers and Members who live up to the motto of the Order:  Desiderantes Meliorem Patriam - "They desire a better country".  Acknowledging outstanding achievement, dedication to their community and service to the country, the Order of Canada has been bestowed by the Governor General on over 7,600 Canadians since its inception.  You might recognize the iconic red and white snowflake medals in the photo above that recipients often wear on their lapels as a small but coveted pin.  The silver maple leaf is for Members, the gold for Officers and the red for Companions, the highest level.  It is possible for Members to also be promoted to the higher levels within the Order of Canada, which happened to a local recipient this year.

Gov. Gen. Mary Simon announced the 85 appointees to the Order of Canada last week from fields that included music, film, academics, science, sports, culture, business and politics.  In total there were 17 people from BC who were invested in the order, including some names you will likely recognize.  Former TV broadcaster Deb Hope who has been locked in a devastating battle with early-onset dementia became a Member for her contributions to journalism and volunteering before her illness took her from public view.  Notable actor and famed bluesman Jim Byrnes was nominated as a Member to the Order for his contributions to the arts as well as his charitable work.  Across Canada, film and TV actress Sandra Oh who was a star on Grey's Anatomy and Killing Eve was named an Officer to the O of C for both her stage and screen prowess.  The fastest man in Canada, Donovan Bailey, who still holds the Canadian 100 M. record from the 1996 Olympic Games was named an Officer for his track and field exploits and dedication to youth and amateur athletes.

It is nothing short of amazing that two residents from the Semiahmoo peninsula would be named as Officers to the Order of Canada during the same ceremony,  Local Haida artist Robert Charles Davidson (Guud Sans Glans) from White Rock who carves and creates masterpieces on the Semiahmoo First Nation and in Massey, Haida Gwaii, is now an Officer of Canada for “his continued excellence as an artist and as an advocate of Haida culture.” He was originally inducted as a Member in 1997 with the following passage from that time describing his accomplishments.   

"Wood, silver, gold, bronze and paint are some of the artistic mediums he has used in his works of art which hang in museums and private collections in Canada and abroad. He has developed his own technical skills and creativity in an astonishing variety of paintings, sculptures and totem poles that transcends culture and speaks to a universal humanity. Through his work, he has joined the past to the present and extended the rich traditions of Haida art into the future."

Another White Rock resident, Dr. Donald Arthur Enarson, who unfortunately passed away suddenly at the beginning of June was made an Officer for his work in science and medicine involving lung health and tuberculosis control.  A post from the prestigious Mayo Clinic reads "A scientist, professor and physician with a strong sense of social justice, Dr. Enarson revolutionized the control of tuberculosis and lung disease around the world. His 1970s work with one of Canada’s top tuberculosis researchers revealed the high rate of the disease in indigenous and Inuit populations and, for the first time, made the connection between tuberculosis and poverty."  Throughout his lifetime, Don published over 400 scientific papers, was a public health advisor in 42 countries, lectured in 72 countries and coordinated training courses in 15 countries.  His mentoring of promising young physicians in lower-income countries around the world likely contributed to the saving of millions of lives from lung disease.

Recipients of the Order of Canada will be presented with their insignia at a later date at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, depending on their availability.  For a more detailed look at what made Robert Davidson and Dr. Don Enarson Officers of the Order of Canada recipients, take the time to visit these links to get a more detailed appreciation for these men, their amazing lives and legacies plus their notable contributions to this country we call Canada.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.


Monday June 27, 2022

Crescent Rock Rescue

CCGS Hovercraft in the water off Ocean Park

On the weekend the arrival of warm sunny weather brought people to the beaches of the Semiahmoo Peninsula in droves especially after our rather dismal spring.  We waited until the afternoon to venture down to Crescent Rock beach, finding a prime location just south of the Christopherson Steps in south Surrey.  We brought along our dogs, a picnic basket, beach chairs and a large umbrella to help provide some much needed shade.  What we didn't realize when we were setting up our spot was that we would have a front row seat to a rather unique marine visitor that rarely is seen in the waters of Mud Bay.  

At approximately 7 p.m. as the temperature was beginning to cool down, things really started heating up on the water with a deep droning sound coming from far off in Mud Bay towards Point Roberts.  Having heard it many times before from working on the banks of the Fraser River in Steveston, Richmond, I immediately knew that it was the Coast Guard hovercraft from the Sea Island Base.  While it does appear at Wreck Beach in Vancouver all too frequently to deal with people who cannot manage to climb the stairs, this was only the third time that I have seen it at Crescent Rock beach.  The first time was on the first annual Crescent Rock Beach Day when the "boat" was on a training mission and the other time was to help rescue an elderly lady who had fallen onto rocks when trying to get down from the train tracks.

The hovercraft drove straight at the main beach favoured by nudists and naturists then turned and ran parallel to the shoreline to the elevated Christopherson Steps walkway at the end of Crescent Beach marine park.  Unfortunately, due to the sun's glare I could not tell if the vessel was the CCGS Moytel or CCGS Siyay, the two boats at the Sea Island base.  The craft then turned and reversed course, driving along the rocky shore much to the amazement and delight of the sunworshippers relaxing on the beach.  It continued towards Ocean Park and stopped north of Ocean Park in a very rugged area lined with jagged rip-rap boulders.  Realizing it was likely there to help with rescue attempts for someone injured, either on the tracks or along the shoreline, I decided to go for a hike to see if I could get some pictures and a TNT story.

While White Rock and Crescent Beach have long sand flats, the 6.5 km. of shoreline between them is rocky, secluded and hard to access, making it perfect for a nude beach.  Even the hike that I went on was difficult since the tide was in and waves were lapping against the rocks and boulders that line the BNSF Railway tracks.  I made sure to focus on each step as I didn't want to slip on the algae coated rocks or seaweed that had floated in with the tide.  By the time I hiked nearly a mile to where the hovercraft was, it had already pulled away from shore and was slowly making its way out to sea.  A man walking the tracks told me that a 40-year-old woman had fallen and broken her ankle, initiating the rescue mission.  As I started to walk back, a BNSF hi-railer came reversing up the tracks with several paramedics and a person's feet clearly visible in a rescue litter at the back of the truck.   When I asked if they were okay, several of the men gave me the thumbs up and they continued rolling down the tracks.

That is all I have to report on this incident since my calls to the Hovercraft base and the Surrey Fire Service for more information went unanswered on Sunday as one might expect.  This incident goes to show that a trip to Crescent Rock beach can be fraught with more dangers than an all-over sunburn.  The footing is treacherous and you really should be wearing hiking boots and not flip flops when walking along the shore.  It is also a good idea to check out the tide tables before venturing to this rather secluded area as the walking gets much tougher when the tide comes in.  With all of the twists and turns in the tracks, it is very dangerous to be walking on the rail corridor with passing trains and if the BNSF or RCMP Police catch you on railway property you can expect a $115 ticket for every person there.  

For more information about the CCGS hovercraft, check out the Wikipedia pages for both of these amazing vessels from the following links:

I have posted a YouTube video taken from Crescent Rock beach of this vessel passing by heading towards Ocean Park that you can watch online at:

Any more information I learn about this accident, the technical rescue mission and the condition of the injured party will be posted as a TNT Extra.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

The Surrey Fire Service revealed some of the details of the technical rescue that happened north of Ocean Park on Saturday evening.

A heavy set woman in her early 40's was trying to climb from the Crescent Rock shoreline up onto the railway corridor.  She slipped on the boulders, jammed her leg between the rocks and fell backwards breaking her femur bone, not ankle as previously reported.  

Rescue personnel from Hall 5, Hall 12 and others descended the 1,001 Steps in Ocean Park and walked to her location with climbing equipment, ropes and rescue gear.

After stabilizing her injury she was attached to a backboard, strapped onto a litter and raised onto the railway corridor.

The BNSF Railway had stopped their trains by this time and a hi-rail truck was used to transport the victim by rail to the end of Beecher St. In Crescent Beach where an ambulance was waiting.  Because of shoreline boulders it was decided not to use the hovercraft for the extraction.

The lady will be off her leg for a while but should fully recover from this painful experience on what was the hottest day of the year to date.




Monday June 20, 2022

A Bridge Too Far

Definition - "A bridge too far":  A step or action that is too ambitious; an act of overreaching

It was a hallelujah moment when it was finally announced that the venerable bailey bridge and other King George Blvd bridge were finally going to be replaced with a new modern concrete and steel structure.  The bailey bridge was put in as a temporary measure back in the 1970's and after doing my own inspection of the structure several years ago I refused to drive over it for good reason.  You knew it was shot when large trucks and buses were redirected to the other side that was built back in 1959.  It really was amazing that with all of the development and growth in the Semiahmoo peninsula that these dilapidated structures were allowed to remain in place for so long.  Construction is expected to reach completion by late 2022 or early 2023 with a construction zone speed limit of 30 kmh.  During this time, drivers are urged to consider alternate routes due to the anticipated traffic delays.

Meanwhile only 750 metres south of the KGB/Hwy. 99 interchange, rehabilitation work has begun on the four-lane bridge where Hwy 99 crosses the Nicomekyl River.  This project is a seismic retrofit of the existing Nicomekl River Bridge southbound on Highway No. 99 that will build new jump spans extended on both ends of the southbound bridge.  The project includes installation of new connection brackets between the timber piers and concrete deck, installation of drilled steel pipe casings with infilled concrete close to north and south abutments, excavation of existing fill behind abutments, placement of backfill and roadway construction.  This project has seen a complex traffic diversion put in place with one of the southbound lanes now driving in the northbound lane and that traffic pushed further east with a construction site speed limit of 50 kmh or half of regular highway speed.  This project should be complete by late 2022 or early 2023 as well.

A further 750 metres south on Hwy. 99, a third highway interchange improvement project is already underway at 32 Ave.  This project will add an extra entry and exit ramp to the existing ones to facilitate improved merging and traffic capacity.  Thankfully the Hwy. 99 southbound exit ramps will also be extended to provide more queuing capacity during rush hour to keep traffic from backing onto the highway as has happened since this faulty interchange was first built.  Wider travel lanes on the 32 Ave. diversion are being constructed and an additional westbound lane under the Hwy. 99 overpass is being built to improve traffic flow to and from the highway in this notorious bottleneck location.  A protected multi-use pathway on the south side of 32 Ave under Hwy. 99 will be provided to improve pedestrian and bike traffic.  You can expect this area to receive the cone zone treatment with traffic control and reduced speed limits that will be complete by the summer of 2023.

It is wonderful that that all of these highway improvement projects are finally being addressed after years of south Surrey highways being ignored by the BC Highway and Infrastructure Ministry.  The big question I have to ask is WHY DID ALL OF THESE PROJECTS WITHIN 1.5 KM OF HIGHWAY NEED TO BE BUILT AT THE SAME TIME?  Did nobody at the Ministry think that this might cause some rather extreme traffic congestion for people travelling through this rather small geographical area?  Did nobody in the Engineering Dept at Surrey City Hall believe these three projects lumped together might cause traffic chaos?  As it currently sits, if you want to consider alternate routes to avoid anticipated traffic delays, then 16 Ave. is your closest option.  If everyone went there to avoid the traffic on King George Blvd and 32 Ave., it would surely snarl this interchange as well.  Of course, no matter what, these travellers would still have to drive through the Nicomekyl bridge repair located midway between the two interchange projects.  

I started this TNT with a definition and I would like to end it with a couple more that are rather similar and certainly on topic.  The first one is the word "SNAFU" that is described as "a confused or chaotic state, a mess."  This word comes from a slang military acronym born during World War 2 that summed up the chaos and madness of war from a soldier's perspective.  Another closely related military acronym from the same era that is similar and often used in conjunction with SNAFU is "FUBAR" that is defined as "to break something or severely damage, to make a mess of something - usually used in passive constructions."  If you don't know their true meanings and have never hung out with soldiers at a rifle range, simply Google search them for yourselves.  Expect a long summer of traffic jams trying to get in and out of the Semi-pen because of all this construction, especially the summer beach crowds leaving Crescent Beach that should clog Crescent Road to 140 Street every hot sunny day.

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn


I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.


Tuesday June 14, 2022

Chemtrails or Contrails?

Fly Boys Making Noise

During the last long weekend, I spent many hours working in my yard doing landscaping, maintenance and finally planting our vegetable gardens.  I was routinely surprised and somewhat disturbed by the large number of commercial aircraft that are now flying in the airspace above Ocean Park and Crescent Beach.  What burns my butt about these planes and their accompanying noise is that they are not supposed to regularly be flying over these residential neighbourhoods and the beaches of south Surrey.  When flying on visual approach or SIDS (Standard Instrument Departures), pilots are to direct their planes through the middle of Boundary Bay as they make their approach to the Vancouver airport (YVR).  Over time it would appear that Nav Canada air traffic controllers working in Newton have forgotten about this requirement.

The whole issue of commercial airplanes flying over south Surrey and White Rock dates back to May 10, 2007 when Nav Canada changed the approach routes for YVR without any consultation with the communities that would be affected.  People immediately noticed the change from airplane noise pollution that even had commercial jets winging through the heart of White Rock.   Eventually, Nav Canada and Transport Canada responded to the complaints that included Mayors and Councils of Delta, Surrey and White Rock, making alterations to the flight paths.  We were left with the GRIZZ STAR where planes follow a GPS route across Boundary Bay during times of peak commercial air travel, flying north along the west side of Boundary Bay before banking and flying east before turning up through Surrey and getting onto the glide slope towards Richmond and the YVR airport.

To give you an idea of the negative impact of the flight path changes, noise complaints to YVR Noise Management staff rose almost 500% in 2007 from the year before and over 850% when compared to the average of the four years before.  The City of Surrey formed the Mayor's Nav Canada Working Group on Aircraft Noise that I was a member of.  A community group SCANNS was formed (Surrey Citizens Against Aircraft Noise) who put pressure on Nav Canada, Transport Canada and federal MPs including south Surrey-White Rock Conservative member Russ Hiebert to move planes away from residential neighbourhoods.  The Richmond Airport Noise Citizen's Advisory Task Force was also formed in a city that is used to commercial aircraft travel and resulting noise.  Delta also had ANOID, which I believe stood for Aircraft Noise Overhead In Delta.

In the end Surrey was added to the YVR Aeronautical Noise Management Committee in 2008.  Ground based noise monitoring stations were installed throughout the region including one at Ocean Park in south Surrey.  YVR added WebTrak allowing citizens to monitor flights and the resulting noise pollution that is online at  Two new noise monitoring stations have recently been installed in Ladner and Sunshine HIlls in North Delta to monitor increased jet noise in that community with changes to YVR flight paths being considered again.  If you see commercial jets flying over south Surrey, note the time, check out the plane on WebTrak and contact Surrey's Mayor and Council ( ), Nav Canada ( and YVR ( to report an increase in the level of disruptive aircraft noise throughout the day or night. 

While on the subject of planes over Boundary Bay, a buddy of mine was relaxing at Crescent Rock Beach last week when he saw what he described as "three wide-bodied military planes flying in formation at high altitude leaving long contrails/chemtrails behind them."   He took the pictures you see in this TNT on Wed., June 8 at 7:15 P.M. looking west towards Ladner over Mud Bay.  I have never seen anything like this with the triple cloud tracks they left reaching from horizon to horizon.  Zooming into the pictures shows these planes had four engines each, with large lingering clouds forming behind them.  When I went onto WebTrak to see what they were, oddly there were no planes to be seen matching the ones that flew over.  It was then that I found the disclaimer, "Sensitive flight operations, such as law enforcement and military flights, are not displayed." 

Make of that what you will.


Courtesy ANTHONY MANNING White Rock councillor and airport employee

They were three USAF KC-135s (ancient 707s converted into tankers) enroute from Alaska to the Lower 48.  I know because it generated considerable chatter in a YVR FB group I follow. 

Odd that they would flying in formation, considering all that's going on in the world today and considering their main mission is to refuel other aircraft in flight. 

Naturally yours,

Don PItcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the unceded traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.


June 5, 2022

Spray Away Surrey

If you live near Grandview Heights it is likely you were woken up early on Monday morning by the sounds of low-flying aircraft buzzing the neighbourhood.  The BC Government is treating 108 hectares in this area along with five other Lower Mainland locations for Lymantria moths, formerly known as Gypsy moths until this bug's name got modern PC cleansing so as not to offend gypsies.  This will be the second aerial pesticide application with the first one taking place on May 13th and the final spraying scheduled for June 14, weather permitting.  The map above shows the treatment area and the 300 metre buffer zone located around the intersection of 32 Ave and 168 St. that was identified as a a Gypsy moth encampment.

The 2021 monitoring program trapped an above average number of male Lymantria moths in areas of the Lower Mainland, showing they were beginning to become established in the areas now being sprayed.  It is feared that if left untreated this invasive pest would threaten native trees, nut and orchard trees, ornamental trees plus food crops and fruit.  The Ministry is using Foray 48B that has Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstkaki (Btk) as its active ingredient.  This naturally occurring soil bacteria only affects the stomachs of caterpillars, being specific to their digestive systems.  It does not harm humans, mammals, birds, fish, plants, bees or insects and does not affect organic farm certification.  You can find out more information from the Ministry of Forests news release at this link:

Crescent Park Elementary all-weather field.

The Btk spraying is not the only industrial spraying going on in the Semiahmoo peninsula this spring.  I was driving past Crescent Park Elementary School and noticed that the vegetation on the gravel all-weather fields was dying, apparently after being sprayed with herbicide.  After seeing this I also visited nearby Elgin Park Secondary School and their gravel field looked identical to the one at Crescent Park.  As someone who has worked in the commercial horticulture business for most of their life, the pinky orange colour of the dead grass and drift patterns looked as if the systemic pesticide Glyphosate, known better by its trade name of Roundup, had been sprayed on these gravel fields.   From what I witnessed, I would suggest these fields were treated about two weeks ago, likely on the last long weekend.

It would not be a shock to me to learn that the Surrey School Board was still using herbicides on the all-weather fields.  While the use of Roundup has been banned in Surrey for cosmetic reasons, the City can still use pesticides when they deem it to be necessary.  From my inspection of the two gravel school fields, the entire playing surface had been sprayed, not just the areas around the edges where weed growth is problematic.  Of concern was that I did not see any notice of pesticide application signs, something that is required and evident both before and after the BNSF performs weed control on their tracks through White Rock and south Surrey.  Something tells me there will be a lot of unhappy parents if they find out their kids have been playing on fields likely sprayed with herbicide. 

Elgin Park Secondary all-weather field.

There are many ways to control weeds on gravel all-weather playing fields.  When I worked on the North Vancouver School Board 40 years ago, they had a machine that would rototill the top surface of the field while also removing any vegetation that was growing in the gravel.  It worked like a charm and left the fields looking like they had been freshly gravelled all the time.  An organic weed killer can easily be made by mixing a gallon of white vinegar with a cup of salt and a generous squirt of dish detergent.  Using horticultural vinegar with stronger acetic acid levels, a higher concentration of salt and Safer's Soap works incredibly well on hard surfaces especially when it is sunny and warm.  Steam or hot water kills weeds quickly and effectively as I found out when a customer drained their hot water tank onto their lawn.

Looking into what the Surrey School Board was doing for weed control on their play fields, I discovered that they have been using Western Weed Control for many years.  in 2021, they provided $117,096 in contracted services to Surrey Schools as detailed in their Statement of Financial Information.  Interestingly, the last company I ever worked for before starting my own business was the very same Western Weed Control where I was a sales representative.  As part of their integrated weed management, they provide their Western Heat System that can be used in riparian areas near water where chemical spraying is not allowed.  This system can also be utilized on all-weather fields and should be the preferred method for school play fields.  In my experience, the steam used turns the grass a bleached white and also kills dandelions and clover effectively, something I did not see on the two Surrey school fields I visited.

Stay tuned for more on this story as there will be a TNT Extra posted once I find out from the Surrey School District and Western Weed Control exactly what the prescribed weed management system is that they are using for south Surrey schools.  I should point out that the White Rock elementary school is managed by School District 36 Surrey so it is likely that the gravel field there receives the same treatment as the ones in Surrey.   If herbicides are being used as I believe, I would suggest they find a less toxic and more environmentally sensitive option.  At the very least, weed spraying on play fields should be delayed until the kids are not in class, something that happens in just three week's time.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People.


Monday May 30. 2022

Keep Crescent Beach Open!  

Parking on the beach in Crescent Beach in the 60's

Surrey is now a thriving metropolis of over 550,000 people with plenty more on the way with constant development.  While it has plenty of park space, it has very limited access to recreational marine shoreline, aka the beach.  Crescent Beach is by far the best place to go for nice sandy beaches and a public walkway to boot along with a large free parking lot at Blackie Spit.  The Semiahmoo Bay beach east of East Beach offers a near White Rock experience but with an all-day parking pass on First Nations land setting you back $7 the last time I checked.  Peace Arch Park is still closed blocking shoreline access from anywhere near the Canada/US border.  Crescent Rock beach from White Rock to Crescent Beach is accessible via three high staircases, is very rough and rocky and situated next to an industrial rail line.  While it has spectacular scenery and privacy, the view does often include naked people skinny-dipping and sunbathing along this clothing-optional waterfront.

I don't live in Crescent Beach because of the summer traffic, crowds of people, train blockades, commercial jet noise (more on that soon) and the threat of flooding.  That being said, it still is a wonderful village consisting of 404 homes.  There is now an effort being made by members of the Crescent Beach Property Owners to bring pay parking to Blackie Spit and resident only parking for the residential streets of the village.  On warm sunny weekends a crush of traffic descends on Crescent Beach where the infrastructure remains as it has been for the past 50 years with several bottlenecks causing gridlock.  The many residents who post "No Parking" signs on City of Surrey property is certainly not helping the situation, along with Surrey Bylaw officers turning a blind eye to this problem that adds to a lack of parking spaces.  

In response to the petition being collected by the CBPOA, a petition titled "Keep Crescent Beach Open!" has already attracted over 2,150 signatures to keep the village open and reads as follows.  "Petitions are being circulated by a small group of Crescent Beach property owners asking the City of Surrey to bring in parking restrictions in the village.  They want pay parking introduced in the Blackie Spit parking lot and resident only parking for the residential areas of Crescent Beach.  These restrictions would seriously limit beach access for non-residents.  Crescent Beach residents have always welcomed visitors in the past and, despite heavy traffic at times, have resisted efforts to make visiting more difficult.  We need to let Council know that we oppose this effort by a group of frustrated and unhappy property owners to turn away Surrey families from this wonderful village.  Their short-term inconvenience should not end your long-term enjoyment." 

I would hate for Crescent Beach to go the way of White Rock and charge exorbitant fees for parking by families with children looking for an inexpensive outing and a way to beat the heat.  I believe it will take a multi-pronged effort to make the traffic flow better and to relieve the crush that Crescent Beach experiences in the summer.  Firstly, the proposed overpass above the BNSF Railway should be expedited since there are more and more trains and many exceed 100 cars in length.  Besides blocking all egress including to emergency vehicles, their frequent breakages on this curve can cause multi-hour waits.  The corner at 128 St and 24 Ave. either needs a roundabout, a controlled traffic light, or traffic personnel during high demand times, all of which have been utilized at Cultus Lake.  At King George Blvd the bridge work has restricted traffic turning left from Crescent Road to only one lane, something that needs to be immediately changed back to two lanes.

Now for a novel idea.  When parking at Crescent Beach has reached near capacity, I suggest that the City of Surrey close the village to more vehicle traffic as they often did during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They should then use the white elephant parking lot on the west side of the South Surrey Park & Ride lot as a staging point for a shuttle bus service (or the 351 bus) to the end of Beecher Street.  This would siphon off all of the vehicles from areas beyond the Semiahmoo peninsula plus encourage people to take transit to this hub location.  As a bonus, this asphalt wasteland that cost $4.5 million and is almost never used except for new driver training might actually get utilized.  Write the mayor,; write to the city manager,; and write to your Surrey councillors about keeping Crescent Beach accessible and affordable.  They say the best things in life are free and this includes visiting Crescent Beach.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn  

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish People


Tuesday May 24, 2022

Garbage in, Garbage


Imagine my surprise when early on Friday morning a City of White Rock truck pulled into a townhouse complex I was at, filled with stacks of new recycling bins.  The two workers started dropping off these blue and red bins plus plastic yellow bags at the front of every unit and then taping letters to everyone's door.  I thought this was a little strange since the strata already had large blue roll-out bins from the City of White Rock for their recycling.  Collection services in White Rock were first privatized for multi-family and commercial properties back in Jan. 2015 and are now transitioning back to city services after the current Council voted to reinstate City collection of solid waste in Oct. of 2021.  

What I learned from the staff members was that White Rock had recently purchased two new recycling trucks that would not be able to collect the large blue totes.  Instead, they were transitioning back to the old system of a blue box for plastic and metal container recycling, red box for non-deposit glass container recycling and a yellow bag for paper, cardboard and newspaper recycling.  Meanwhile in Surrey, they have been using large totes for garbage, recycling and compostables since way back in Oct. of 2012.  With green waste picked up weekly and recyclables and garbage on an alternating two-week schedule it dramatically reduces collection time, especially with robotic armed trucks emptying the bins.

It would appear that the transition in the City By The Sea is not going as smoothly as one would hope.  I went into the garbage room at this complex and there were fluorescent yellow stickers from White Rock with the following note scrawled on them, "Sorry have house blue boxes and reusable yellow bags."  Well, I guess this had gone over like a lead balloon since the strata had responded with large notes of their own reading "Complex NOT formally advised by the city to change bins.  PLEASE COLLECT.  We are waiting to hear back about any changes.  Thank you!"   This made me wonder how many of the 252 multi-family and 96 institutional, commercial and industrial accounts across White Rock had not been properly notified of this upcoming change.

It turned out that the letters they were handing out were personally addressed to each and every resident of the strata complex.  I politely asked one of these people if I could have a look at the contents and she gladly let me sneak a peek (and take a photo).  The letter confirmed the purchase of the two new recycling trucks that would not be using the big blue roll-out totes and instead go back to the red/blue/yellow collection system.  It was interesting to learn that the city was instructing residents to hold onto their blue roll-out bins as "The City is currently in the process of converting the solid waste collection service to a City managed program and these totes may be used in the future."  There was no time date given as to when this possible change might occur.

If you live in a strata or have a business and were not properly notified of this change, you can do as the letter instructed and "Contact the White Rock Engineering and Municipal Operations Department at 604-541-2181 If you require further information or clarification."  You can also visit the website at for details on the upcoming changes.  There is also a very detailed material and description list of what materials go into each new bin or bag plus what not to do.  I would suggest printing off a copy and keeping it handy since it is two pages long and contains plenty of details on how to put your waste on a diet

One last thing, you will likely need reading glasses and a magnifying glass if you hope to actually read it.  The PDF copy I printed from the City website has titles in a readable sized font but the rest is so microscopic that it is likely illegible for anyone over 50 years old.  Since this covers a large number of the population of White Rock, it basically makes the PDF useless from an information standpoint.  This entire document needs to be changed so that when it is downloaded and printed, the average resident of White Rock can actually read it.  While you can zoom in on a computer, it only prints in two pages when it really should be four pages long to make it legible.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish Peoples.


May 16, 2022

Forced Drive to Winnipeg

In the gulag formerly known as Canada, a family member of ours left home at 6 a.m. on Sunday morning to drive from Surrey to Winnipeg to visit their aged and ailing parents.  They would have taken an Air Canada flight from YVR late last month and been there in only a few short hours instead of being forced to drive to the heart of the continent.  Because they refused the experimental and now relatively ineffective COVID-19 vaccine for personal medical reasons, they are still not allowed to fly within Canada, or to leave the country for that matter.

They are now facing a gruelling 25-hour drive after waiting two weeks for it to finally stop snowing on the mountain passes and in parts of the prairies.  For safety reasons and fatigue concerns, this long trip will also require an overnight hotel stay in Calgary both going to Winnipeg and driving back home.  With luck, they will arrive in Winnipeg at 8 p.m. on Monday, 36 hours after leaving Vancouver on what is a 2,500 km trip with current road closures.  That is if everything goes well, the weather holds, they don't break down, get a flat tire, hit a deer, have roads flooded, or be involved in a collision.

A return flight to and from Winnipeg was only $435.  With record gas prices, it has been estimated the fuel cost alone for this forced journey by car will be $1,200 with plenty of CO2 greenhouse gas emissions along the way.  Including hotel and food stops, it adds up to $1,600 and that is without wear and tear on the car plus depreciation from this long drive.  My guess is the total cost for this government forced trip will be around $2,000 plus three days of highway travel in total.  Unfortunately, you cannot apply for government help with the bill even though it is their continued mandates that caused this expense.

Thank you Prime Minister Trudeau and your Liberal/NDP regime for ignoring fundamental Charter Rights allowing for freedom of movement within Canada.  They are so cruel that you can't even fly home to attend a loved one's funeral.  Of course, anyone can go to a hockey game and sit shoulder to shoulder with 28,000 drunken fans screaming at the top of their lungs "Go Leafs go!"   What a national disgrace when you realize Canada is the only country in the western world that still has this control measure that is not backed by science but meant as a continued punishment for those concerned with what they put in their own bodies.

I know several unvaccinated people that would fly out of this God forsaken country and never come back, except they can't leave because they are not allowed to board a plane.  The countries they want to escape to will welcome them with open arms but Canada is holding these people hostage for their personal health decisions.  This is even more ridiculous when you look at how the Omicron variant is spreading in people who have been triple jabbed.  I am personally aware of a dozen people who are currently sick with COVID including a couple who just came back from a cruise with this disease.  Ever wonder what happened to herd immunity?  I haven't heard about it for some time now as public health messages morph almost as fast as the new variants.

Does any of this sound like freedom to you?  More like North Korea, China or Cuba, all repressive non-democratic regimes with no concern for human rights.  That is what Canada has become in just two years' time with Trudeau using the Emergencies Act to crush dissent from folks protesting against vaccine mandates and for their fundamental freedoms guaranteed in the Canadian Charter.  Is it any wonder why various Freedom Convoy protests like the one at YVR on Saturday are still being held across this country to bring attention to this ongoing travesty of 3.57 million Canadians finding themselves on a do-not-fly list for not being fully vaccinated.   I'd like to know at what point is this travesty going to end or will it become a life-sentence against further travel?  

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish Peoples.



May 09, 2022

Oasis of Green in a Concrete Jungle

With the rate that forests are being mowed down and converted to condos in Surrey, you wonder if there will be any green left in the city of Surrey in the future.  Indeed, when the Surrey logo was changed from a beaver and the slogan "The City of Parks" to a logo of a couple of concrete towers with a little sliver of green underneath and the slogan "The Future Lives Here" the writing was on the wall.  It turns out that this was not the only thing on the wall as several buildings in Surrey are prominently showcasing how nature can indeed exist in a concrete jungle given a little help from the ingenuity of mankind.

The Semiahmoo Public Library and RCMP station located at 1815 152nd Street in south Surrey is a location where you can view the work of Vancouver landscape design company Green Over Grey ( They design and install living walls, otherwise known as green walls or vertical gardens using a soil free hydroponic matrix along with a cascading watering system with liquid fertilizer that can transform a drab concrete wall into a lush garden tapestry, both inside and out.  There are many benefits to these green walls that purify the air, shield walls from the elements, dampen noise pollution, cut electricity bills and increase property values with a living work of art. 

In 2010 the Green over Grey designers installed the vertical garden on the south side of the library that has a 3,000 square foot wall.  This green wall featured more than 10,000 plants from 120 different varieties of ground covers, perennials grasses and shrubs.   This project cost $272,000 and at the time was considered to be the largest and most biologically diverse outdoor green wall anywhere in North America.  The multitude of plants with their varying flowering times creates a balanced ecosystem that attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds while providing nesting opportunities for a wide variety of songbirds.  The initial inspiration for this vertical garden is said to be based on art of the Coast Salish First Nations that includes the Semiahmoo people.


Since that time, Green Over Grey has been busy showcasing their living creations in other parts of Surrey.  Inside the Guildford mall there are a couple of living walls titled "Celebration (of Nature) that together measure 1,380 square feet of planted area with over 8,000 plants from 59 different species.  This was good practice for their massive "Mountains & Trees, Waves and Pebbles (MTWP) installation located on the exterior of the mall walkway and bus exchange overpass above 104 Ave.  Both sides of the mall measuring a colossal 10,150 square feet were covered with more than 45,000 plants from 110 different species.  Completed in 2018, to date it is the largest green wall ever built in North America as measured by both overall size and number of plants.

You can check out a tie-lapse Youtube video of the installation of MTWP (link below), which includes an aerial trackway that carries an elevated cart needed for workers to safely install the plants and perform routine maintenance above the busy 104 Ave.  Since this project was completed for the Ivanhoe Cambridge real estate company who manages the Guildford mall the installation prize has never been revealed but when compared to other large public works that were much more accessible, a price tag approaching a million dollars would not seem unreasonable.  One thing is for certain, this Green Over Grey installation on the Guildford mall overpass is a visually stunning piece of living art that showcases the unlimited possibilities of this technology for one of Canada's greenest companies.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish Peoples.



MAY 02, 2022

Brown is the New Green

I hope you took the time to celebrate "Beltane" on Sunday May 1st.  If you have not heard about it before, Beltane is a Pagan holiday that falls halfway between the spring equinox and the upcoming summer solstice.  It is also the day when sprinkling regulations came into effect throughout the Lower Mainland.  Years ago, the GVRD, now known as Metro Vancouver, allowed peasants to water their lawns three times a week.  This was then dropped to two days a week with different days for odd and even house numbers.  After last year's deadly heat dome and record temperatures, there are big changes in store for this year that will cut allowable lawn watering dramatically and likely make your grass very thirsty this summer.  Here are the changes for 2022 as outlined by Metro Vancouver in an April news release.

Metro Vancouver is introducing enhanced seasonal lawn watering regulations for homes and businesses in order to better conserve the region's drinking water during the hot, dry summer months.  New this year, residents and businesses will be permitted to water lawns one morning per week during Stage 1 of the Drinking Water Conservation Plan, with designated days determined by property address and type.  Trees, shrubs, and flowers may be watered in the morning when using a sprinkler, or any time when hand watered or using drip irrigation.  Edible plants are exempt from the regulations.  Lawn watering regulations will be in place May 1 until October 15.  Anyone with automatic watering systems is encouraged to adjust them by May 1.  If there is a need to move to Stage 2 during the summer, lawn watering will not be permitted at all for residential and non-residential properties.

Metro Vancouver's water supply comes from rainfall and snowmelt in three mountain water supply areas that fill the Capilano, Seymour, and Coquitlam reservoirs.  Lawn watering regulations have consistently reduced outdoor water use during the summer.  Lowering demand for treated drinking water through conservation can defer the need to expand drinking water supply and infrastructure in the face of climate change impacts and continued population growth.  Listed below are the allowable lawn watering times for areas across Metro Vancouver in 2022.


  • Even-numbered addresses: Saturdays — automatic watering between 5:00 am and 7:00 am, and manual watering between 6:00 am and 9:00 am

  • Odd-numbered addresses: Sundays — automatic watering between 5:00 am and 7:00 am, and manual watering between 6:00 am and 9:00 am

  • Trees, shrubs, and flowers can be watered with a sprinkler any day between 5:00 am and 9:00 am, or any time by hand or using drip irrigation.


  • Even-numbered addresses: Mondays — automatic watering between 4:00 am and 6:00 am, and manual watering between 6:00 am and 9:00 am

  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesdays — automatic watering between 4:00 am and 6:00 am, and manual watering between 6:00 am and 9:00 am

  • Trees, shrubs and flowers can be watered with a sprinkler any day between 4:00 am and 9:00 am, or any time by hand or using drip irrigation.

These restrictions do not apply to the use of rain water, grey water, any forms of recycled water, or other sources of water outside the regional and municipal water supply system. Member jurisdictions enforce lawn watering regulations through local bylaw restrictions.  Metro Vancouver collaborates with member jurisdictions to plan for and deliver drinking water services to 2.7 million residents and businesses using a system of water supply areas, dams, treatment facilities, reservoirs, pump stations, and water mains. Upgrades are regularly made to the system to maintain the regional district's ability to reliably provide clean, safe drinking water.

What is interesting about lawn watering in the Semiahmoo peninsula is that White Rock has its own water supply system with water collected from wells that is stored and treated to remove arsenic and manganese.  As of last year, White Rock residents were allowed to water their lawns three times a week, ensuring that the grass was always greener on the south side of 16th Ave.  It may come as a shock to homeowners and gardeners in the City By The Sea that White Rock has seen fit to drop their watering days also, not to two days as one might expect but to a single day.  In fact, White Rock's watering times are now an hour less than the rest of Metro Vancouver even though they have an independent water system.  Below are the stage 1 watering restrictions in White Rock for 2022.

White Rock NEW Stage 1 Restrictions

  • Residential lawn watering is permitted one day a week. 

  • Automatic watering is allowed 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.

  • Manual watering is allowed 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.

  • Even numbered addresses: Saturdays

  • Odd numbered addresses: Sundays

These sprinkling restrictions only apply to lawns; watering of gardens, shrubs, trees and flower beds is permitted any day from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. if using a sprinkler, or anytime if hand watering or using drip irrigation. When washing a boat or motor vehicle, water hoses must be equipped with an automatic shut off device. Note: multi-family dwellings are considered even or odd according to the overall building number and not the unit number.

  • Non-residential lawn watering is permitted one day a week:

  • Automatic watering is allowed 4 a.m. to 6 a.m.

  • Manual watering is allowed 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.

  • Even numbered addresses: Mondays

  • Odd numbered addresses: Tuesdays

These sprinkling regulations apply only to lawns; watering of gardens, shrubs, trees and flower beds is allowed any day from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. if using a sprinkler, or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation.  When washing a boat or motor vehicle, water hoses must be equipped with an automatic shut off device.

Once we reach Stage 2 watering restriction whether Met-Van or White Rock, lawn watering will be prohibited.  When Metro-Vancouver started advertising several years ago that "You only need to water your lawn once a week" I could have told you that allowable sprinkling times were going to be reduced to one day.  This weekend Met-Van ads hit the airways about this change including warnings about how to avoid being fined.  Now I see on their website they are advising residents "Don't judge a healthy lawn by its colour" and "Let your lawn go gold this summer."  I'm here to tell you that a healthy lawn is green and that brown drought stressed lawns will get infested with Chafer beetle grubs and then be ripped up by racoons, skunks, possums and crows looking for these tasty morsels.

With these new lawn watering restrictions that have cut sprinkling by half in south Surrey and two thirds in White Rock, now might be the time to consider digging up your lawn, adding some organic topsoil and putting in vegetable gardens.  At least this way you can water daily and grow your own food, which considering the price of produce, supply chain problems, the soaring cost of fuel and war in the world's bread basket, might not be a bad idea.  Also, you can avoid having to get up at the crack of dawn on your weekend to water the damn grass!  Otherwise, you might want to consider having artificial turf installed or get someone to lay new turf every spring.  Either way, I'm sure my buddy Ray at Mr. Lawn ( who specializes in turf grass and fake grass will be more than willing to help you out.

Here are the website links for both White Rock and Met-Van that includes information on stages 1, 2, 3, & 4 watering restrictions for 2022.

Naturally yours,

Don Pitcairn

I wish to acknowledge that the land on which I live, work and enjoy is the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and other Coast Salish Peoples.



April 25, 2022

Crescent Park Pooch Poisoning

Driving down Crescent Road last week I noticed a home-made sign taped to the NW entrance of Crescent Park.  Ever curious about anything of interest in my community I decided to pull over and check it out.  What I found was a sign with a cute picture of a young dog and the statement "This puppy was poisoned in Crescent Park on Sunday, Feb 20th, 2022.  If you have any information, please contact the RCMP, SPCA or Surrey Bylaws (with phone numbers).  This is a threat to our dogs and to young children.  Please report anything suspicious."

Needless to say, I wish I had noticed this sign a couple of months ago.  This information was never relayed to the White Rock Sun and nor was it posted in the Peace Arch News so unless you are a regular visitor to the park you would likely not know a